MEDPORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY; .IANUAR.V r.i. HM Humor avis Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITB ONLY. Only a banker. Working away, r Laying up scads Kop a rainy day, Sliovullng dollars Into the vault. Hardly for dinner Calling a halt. Carelessly leaving Millions around With a contempt that It Almost profound, Handling checks liy the bushel or bale, Having the world. As we say, by the tall. Coming to work "Vtum the morning Is spent. Counting up profits. So much ier cent, , Closing up shop With the proilts produced Long e'er the hour When the hens go to roost. Being the person A fellow must see When ho Is needing An X or a V, Sending for debtors. Culling their bluff, Only a banker, but It's enough. Who, Indeed! i WISH I WO NCI Plenty of money Is to be but wlio ever had plenty of money? At the Critical Moment. "You have n bnd cough." Au one." "Don't you know bow to cure u cold?" "Yes, except wben I buve one." Retiring. "I tante to tell tbe truth." "Why?" "Modest" "Don't" "Makes me so conspicuous.' Locating the Cause. '! don't know where that boy gets his mean ness!" oxclalnirt the despairing mother ns she went over In de tail the latest an tic of her young hopeful. "Perhaps you nre not very well acquainted with his parents," ob served her sym pathetic friend. BEATEN TO A FRAZZLE The Iceman when the wild winds of winter whistle n wistful welcome lo Santa Clans' reindeer as their hoofs beat ft Joyful tinkle over the housetops nnd fnraway, and so forth. Tbe gentle June, zephyr when the young year stands in the glowing Yule tide with yesteryear fading In the background, yielding, bending n lis teniug ear to the yodeling of the days to be. The motor car as It stands deserted and lone nnd listens while the four footed steed gives It the horse langh und the aviator gracefully nvlates above iu the cerulean blue or any pre ferred tint of the same. Kaiser Wllhelm as he stands nnd lis tens to the populace daily committing leze majesty nnd wistfully wonders what has become of the offensive and defensive alliance betwixt nnd between "me und Gott." The Duke Abruzzi as the tentative American millions grow vague nnd shadowy and the clamoring nrmy of creditors gently and firmly forge to the center of the stage. Your pocketbook, your bank account, your credit, when the merry, merry days of Yule have tied and the New Year festivities have flown nnd you meet up with the stern accounting of an unfeeling bookkeeper nnd an equal ly unfeeling bill collector. Your personal pride when you iX'U orer the Christmas remembrances that your doting friends have sent you and realize what their estimate of you mint be. Cold storage eggs when the hens begin to lay. Tentative. "Are you engaged. .Miss Nancy?" "Well. nt so that you could notice it ir- "If what?" "A more desirable man should pro pose." Reason For His Faith. "Do you believe hi f;'L'ns?" "Of course I do. I a at a sign paint- fflUi WISH I HVUHjr ties I rod 4 NOBODY KNOWS WHY A limn Invariably looks self conscious when the good t)uallti(ft of his off spring art' bi'lui; iIIkcushi'A and belli up for admiration nnd approval mid looks ri'proiicufully lit tlw mother of the sa uio when the witne Kelt" vicious. ETELL MB, AW DBAS;, H AO 3 MB A A dimple lu her chin is worth more to a girl than a whole term of do mestic science. A mnrried man always says to his wife 4'Yhat is that?" no matter what the kind, quality, origin or nature of the thing causing the inquiry, no mat ter how obvious or how mysterious Its reason or purpose. Many thoughtless married women give flippant uuswers see South Dakota. Broken Spell. The finding of u horseshoe Along u dusty way Brings good luck to the tinder, I've heard the wise ones say. A case of l ure good fortune As mortal ever Btruck. I'd rather find a dollar And buy my own good luck. These ancient signs and tokens That In the long ago Worked magic Just us eusy As holiues shovel snow Are not at present writing' So certain to produce As bales of ready money Assorted and turned loose. The finding- of a horseshoe In n.oderii limes will bring A trlllo from the Junk man Perhaps a bull of string Hut put It on n horse race Or any scheme at hand Without the aid of money And see where It will land. They used to think It fnxy To nail one to the door A fortune that had vanished To carefully restore. But now we do not bother With Junk and such old trash. We huy our luck serenely With good and ready cash. Only Resemblance, "Let us be thankful the holdup men do not call their work n religious cere mony. " "How could they?" "Don't they take up a collection V" Many "Easy Marks." Sometimes It is shameful to deceive -it is so easy. . South American Improvement. A revolution Ik iitt the lalcKt lii'd The .merest child van ride It. And persons who have tried It Will ti.-e no other kind. Her Little Present. The vessel touched at Halifax, and several of the sailors went ashore. 'This looks like a Hue town." said Jack. "I feel fight at home." "Maybe yu were raisi-d here." said his companion. "No; I never saw the place before, hut I own the town." "How Ws that happen." "My wife gave It to me before I left home." Already S'.raintd. "Lot. Us like a strong case agalnsl hi in." "StiJl we must presume biin Innocent tnitll he proved guilry." "I know that Is Hie right thing U do. and I would like to, but 1 can't." "Why noiV" i br'l;e my pie-tiin.'r on some bur shirs that sneaked Inlo my hoine." Genuine Article. "How ilt i ynii I lire y Mir board Inf houu'V" "Oh. we live tin (he of I he land. "I cm't understand It at the price." "Well, von see the bulk of the fat re get c,jnr,i?i:t of (ileohiMTtrnrhie.", GOVERNOR HANLEY WARNS LEGISLATURE FOR LAST TIME INIHAN'APiiI.IS, .Inn. 1 ' I am invrir,1 IIhti- hit Rnnii r.-l.o nldondv have ! (.t ill, but I lit i; tu ri'mili'l all t'.wse ' u li.i cniiti ni.l:iiinn i t i.'.rnlin th:it it ! ir, lli.' Ilvi-Ht wif !n tlio .r,'s-nt m.'irliin !rrv of thin eomniiniwe.iKh, and is charg icl with i'ii', mil trii'ity In ek-ctro-ji-nte t lie carty tli:i r.'t-aU it.'' lo ! these wor,l Ci,v'rnr Frank Hanloy in his final m'""t;'i.',' to th" Uisiaturn 'i iliuliana. ili'lniTi-il tiia;-, olwl his ap peal in behalf nf t en. p ranee, efferinff fi;.ires teniliiii; to tlinw that a majurit) nt erinie. .auperiini. i j'ilepy nli'l pev if v. nre ilue to ali'iitcl 1 1 bo v -at 1 , . M-l- RAISfJ Her Economy. "Wish I wi re a mermaid." "Why do you wish that" "Mailer of ei-onomy." "Kxplaln." "Well, wouldn't have to buy any shoes nor hats" "I see." "And then 1 look awfully well In greeu." Good Advice. "What is the matter with that fel low?" "Oh, he's out of bis bead." "l 'a n't the doctor do anything for blm?" "No." . "Try the plumber." One Added. "I suppose a cat really has nine lives." "Yes; It has nil of that, nut lucludlug the one that it lives later on as an ex pensive sealskin muff." PERT PARAGRAPHS. About nil the good Home people do couslsts tu get tint; In tbe way of pestifer ous people uud taking their at tention and so suviug some of the rest of us. Anything that unities ii disturb ance like a meal ticket won't Uud that it will be able to escape uotlce these balmy holidays. The man who will luveut a furuace that wilt keep the house warm iu the morulng without anybody execrating it will be a benefactor to his race. Whether It Is better to bear the Ills we have tbau to fly to others depends upon whether they consist of $.VHHJ jobs or a eholco assortment of tooth aches. After passiug a pleusaut half hour chatting with some people you some times suddenly feel as If you would be the better fur some sort of mental disinfectant. A tieh daddy is more to he desired than a I ft ltd husband and often out lusts the hitter. Don't expect too tnueb of your friends. It may be that mueh of their active energy Is taken up with won dering just what you are going to do for them. WASHINGTON, .bin. lit President Roosevelt, today signed n pardon for Wi Din in Davis, a bookmaker of New York. Davis agreed to lest the book milking laws in the District of Colum bia, was arrested at the Denning rare track ami was sentenced to one hour in jail. Davis applied lo the president, fnr a pardon, in nnbT that ho should not be compelled to torfiet his right to vole and hold office. X Jt tm k At Papa .-1ST he) OUT 1 tain Cpoh my word-) in glass If You Owned the Earth jt'i yKVjfff W!'t ,i JUF tif II coauaMS nui 1 1 aswaMv cri'ase in vnhis as its income producing rapacity increases, but with'thn r:ght kind of an nrchar d, Hiich as some we have to show, the purchaser ha a chance of g-t ting his purchase price back out of a single crop, w'.tb proper man agf-ment. How can wealth be aecuoiu la ted faster than by buying o ne of th good young orchards we have for salef Always at vonr sriee for the best buys in thia vnlloy. ROGUE RIVER EXHIBIT Bl'lLDINO, MAY PROVE FATAL. When Will Med ford People Learn the Importance of It? Ihickacho is only a Mm pie thing at first; But when you know 'tis from the kidneys; That serious kidney troubles follow; , That diubotes. Bright 's disease may i be the fntal end, J You will gladly profit by the follow- ing experience. j 'Tib the statement of a Med ford citi zen. Mrs. C. II. Uoxie, corner F and Sec ond streets, Med ford, Or., Bays: "I had kidney trouhlo fnr several years, the. disease gradually becoming more serious until my general health wan much run down. My beck ached a great deal and if I attempted to stoop or lift I suffered severely, ( had headaches and would be lame and stiff, upon aris ing in tho morning. I began using Bean's Kidney Pills, which I procured nt Haskin's drddug store, and in a short time the trouble vanished. I am now entirely, well an! owe the great change to Bonn's Kidnfy Pills." For sale by all dealers. Prico 50 eents. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho United States. Bemember the name Doan 's and take no other. Prep lid BaUrotB Ord.n. "Something wkieh is of consldsrabls interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not genorally known .:. th. u.t.m nl nrnimld orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in Uie United States. By means of thia system tickets may be purchaaod at Medford from any place in th Wilted Btates and mailed or tolegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in collection with these tickets nay also be forwarded at the aamt time." ' City Trcasuret 's Notice Office of Citv Treasurer. Medford. Oregon. .Tan. 13., MilMl: Notice is hereby given that there are funds in tlio city treasury for the red ptiou of all outstanding warrants insui'il ngninst the Street and Road fund. Interest on the nhoe will cease after the aliove date. . L. I,. J A COHS, City Treasurer. 2.17 Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. IGjOregon Eipress.... No. 14Portland Eipress... Southbound No. 15California Express.. No. 13San FranciBco Exp.. No. 225Prom Grants PasB... No. 22fiPor Ashland 6:24 p. m. 0:49 a. m 10:35 a. in 3:20 p, m. 9:15 p. m, 10:15 p. m PACIFIC ft EASTERN RAILWAY So. lLeaves MeSford .". . 8:10 a. m. No. 3I,oaves Medford S:SUp. iu. No. 2Arrives Medford 10:28 n. m. No. 4Arrives Medford 5:08 p. m. ROOUeIuVEr" VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leaves Medford No. 4Leaves Medford Motorl,euves Medford MotorjLeaves Medford No. 1 Leaves Jacksonville.. No. 3Leaves Jacksonville. . MotorLeavos Jacksonville.. MotorLeaves Jacksonville. 10:45 a. m. 5:35 p. in. 2:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 9:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 1:30 p. m. 7:30 p. iu. MAIL OLOBEB A.M.P.M. , 0:10 4:54 .10:05 2:50 . 7:20 2:00 .1U:20 6:20 Northbound Southbound . Eagle Point . Jacksonville MOTEL PORTLAND OREGON Modern Comport Modkhatk Prices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND The Tourist HcadiiUHxtcra ' of Cohmibia Vulley EN'GAOE ROOMS EARl.T FOR THR AI.ASKA TUKON EXPOSITION A. S. NORTON, Vugir You rnuMn't fin, a bettor ptneo to Ii va ttiBit in Hi o (loriniif Rogue Rivor vnlloy, with it in comparnblfl winter and Huiniiir rlimutf. Jut now wo have notue parttctilariy gol tlevpom or- hird urntinMitiiina tit Hiitimit to I thft h",nnol(or which aro (Hire I winncis. IMnt give this matter imtnediate attention. H iIors not take a very wise man to fores that the advance in values wht-h wo have been pr dieting in in coming producing fruit lands is about to materialize. A good young orchard wifl not only in- LAND COMPANY MEDFORD, ORF.dOX This most beautiful addition to Medford is to lie put first sale will occur KWllVvV, .TAX LIA UY 15. lflO!). LARGE SIZED Good garden soil, natural oak trees, wide streets, four sewerage already in. LOW PRICES AND K A SON A HLE J. c. Exclusive Agent NEVER LOOK BACK It doosn 't pay. Keep your eyes f i xed on our exceptional offerings, Pine tai loring can only bo securod from the Lnuds of high-class tailors. Our expe rience and metlioda are certainly worth investigation. We employ the best workman and our elohtes are without doubt the moHt carefully selected in tlic city. EIFERT The City Tailor MERCHANTS LUNCH STARTING DECEMBER 28, WE WILf., CUT 'N' A MERC 11 A NTS' I.UNi Ii FROM 11:30 A. Jl. UNTII, 2 P. W. PRICE 36c THE LOUVRfi SltTfll NOTIflK OF FIRST MKKTINO OF . CREDITORS. j In the ilistrtct court nf Ilio Unid'd Stfitf-R for the District rf Ongon. In the unit tor of S. A. Slovens, A. A. J StnvMus and D. A. Hom.r, as the .lack son County Lumber Company, bankrupt. In bankruptcy: To the creditors of: J. A. Htovcus, A. A Stevens ami I). A. itonar, as the Ja;ktH r County Lum ber Company, of Oregjii, in the county of .larkson, and district afori'said, a bankrupt. Notit-e is hereby given that on th 81 Ji day of Ducombcr, A. D. 190S, the said J. A. Stevens, A A. Stevens and D, A . Bonar, as t ho .lack-ton ,'ounty Lumber Company, was duly adjudi rated bankrupt; and that the first meet ing of its creditors will be held ut Md ford, in Jackson counly, Oregon, on the 1.1th day of January, A. ). llmfl. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, apt-oint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact Hiieu other business s may properly come before said inoetiiig. JOHN 8. ORTII, 2"i7 Referee in Hankruptry. RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION ROWN More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo livs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perliour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo wait 4 Net Saving' in iooo hours iii favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. (Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. MTice, 20(5 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the 'Electric Sign. Compare the Quality Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed NOTICE Tim Hold foniifrly kimwn as tlie Taylor House in .lat-ksimvillo, Or., lias cliauged nian.igcinent and will lieiift'fortli bt' known as the ABBOTT HOUSE under tin; liu.iiitc uiojit. of ('. D. & M. K. ABBOTT. Tliti liousc has lici'ii rt'inodclod and made modern and np-lo-dalc in cvi-ry rcsppct and rates are .is rcasonalili' as consist nt with first-class service. 3ttrs. Urm Ufampton Isaacs "3iistructor of "piano. Tlsit 5ttetlv0 i Studio at M.l,Vn. Totlh Oidna Strut on the market and the LOTS blocks to iVrth school, TERMS. Palm Block It is, and always has beon our aim to supply our cuatomors with goods of tho highest quality uud to that ond jvo nrv ahvuys adding "JTirrtl Ity to our lino. The TVIt'.itiou of ' preferred ntock" makos our lino nf Im;;Ii grndo Canned Goods most com pie to. Our service always the b-at and eTory aecom givuu our customers.