MEDFOBD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, MYX Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. M iKt FORD PUBLISHING COMPANY QgonaE Putnam, Editor and Manager. - Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at .- - , ,, . . , ... Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. - 0 Monti, Wtnail er carrier. . . .lO.fld Out car, by mail ts.6b would have been nothing to it. was an outrage. The arrest of Mr. Bauni NOW VOIt A ORE A TER MEDFORD. Tuesday's election was a Waterloo for the prohibition ists. It decisively settled t lie liquor question for Medford ; and shows that the cjlixcn.s want oininon-sense rule by business men rather than rule and ruin by fVnatical agi "tators and sentimentalisls. ; i' Tlio election ni(;ans fchiil'there will be no lalt in Med ium's march of progress. It means' that Medford will continue to grow and expand into a city, it means that Medford 'k people kuow a good thing when they set; it and i want to keep a'gijod thing when they have it. . . In its charter- 'Medford lias an asset that is worth bun Vdreds of .thousands of dollars to it. The city is in pos session f rights Hiat cities like t'hieago are spending for- tunes to secure. Tlio charter is .Medtord's greatest adver tisement, and it; would be the height of assininity to voto away the niestiniable jnivilege ol home rule. In the new mayor and the new council, Medford prob ably lias the. best qualified set of public of Ci. iala in her history. They are all business men, familiar with public work, qualified by ripened experience to manage and ad minister municipal affairs. The animosities and enmities engendered by the long-'drawH-out campaign for prohibition should be forgotten, ana all pull together tor the gol of Medford. The people have settled the question in no uncertain manner. The tur moil of agitation and constant st iri-ing-up of strife by itinerant and home agitators should cease.' Those who insist upon continuing it should frowned upo.i. There is plenty of field for the act ii.l.ies of those who would benefit mankind in other lines than the creation of a political Medford s future is brighter today than ever in her ' history. There is scarcely a cloud on the horizon of her prosperity. She has brushed aside, the bogey man of pro hibition and under a liberal government of business men mistress of her own destinies, she offers the most inviting field in the northwest to the liovueseoker and the business man. .. .. ... fi M;t. . THE TRIBUNE VINDICATED. Prohibition leaders and agitators and the Mail made the Tribune the issue in the city campaign. No end of vit u peration and abuse was heaped upon the paper and its editor. The result, speaks for itself and cannot be viewed other than as a popular vindication of the Tribune's posi tion. It was a sweeping victory for the Tribune. Its entire ticket from top to bottom was elected. Those measures it advocated carried and those it fought were defeated. But this result was obtained only because the paper stood for the best interests of the city, I lie increased growth and con tinued prosperity of Medford. In the June election, the Tribune's ticket, was equally successful. UHOKH Another Bliton victory. The people don't want, a straddler. Again 13 has proved a fateful number. Mr. Perry was 33 on the ballot. The saloons will not control Medford, but 'Medford will control the saloons. It's a poor loser who cries fraud with a. majority of 127 to prove fraudulent. Circulating scandalous stories of reputable men is a poor way to make votes, as the Rev. Shields has probably discovered. Little effort was made to get voters out Tuesday, yet 92(5 votes were polled. Medford is growing so fast the drys can't kcp tab. The prohibition movement has passed its zenith and is on the decline. People are coming to their senses, tired of the constant agitation. This paper stands IV r the best interests of Medford, for its commercial prosperity. It tells the truth about prohi bition and its workings, despite boycotts by advertisers, as no paper in Oregon dares to. If other newspapers would show what prohibition has meant to other cities as the Tribune has, there would be no prohibition question. Talk of colonization of voters by wets is The only organized campaign was that of the prohibitionists. The! otily practical polities indulged in was by foeni. I hey alone made a poll of the city. They alone had challengers at the polls. Thev alone had public meetings anil speakers The only effort made against prohibition was the Trib-I line's fearless fight. Had the wets been organized then "The Morning Mail would dislike very ni.tch to see a mistake made in the election of a municipal ticket. No mis take will be made if the men whose names are at the head of the editorial column of this paper are elected. The Morn ing Mail knows these gentlemen personally and we know them to be square, honest men. The Morning Mail has never advised its readers wrongfully with regard to city affairs. Will you not trust to our judgment once again?" Morning Mail. It was too bad. after a touching heart appeal like this, that the people should show their trust in the Mail so em phatically, but "whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth." JACKSONVILLE ITEMS Mrs. W. li. Mtnnsoll mill children l'-ft for Portland SMuH-iv evening to join Mr. StllliHoll who hen ;'cc('pted a posi tion with n lurjfo him ln-r concern. Judge II. K. Hniinr. nml li. F. Mul koy, district attorney, li t'r for Grunts Pans Sumli'.y evening In open the Jan uary ti-rni of circuit court, Hay Sexton. I 'lit fv.ncgun, fus New- tmrv, George Lewis and CIn-iH Kenuey went up to A si. In ml Saturday ovciiing to hii present at the Ml; lodge when a number of "victims'' were initialed. Mrs. O. Ankenv, Mre Gludvs Aakcnv Mm. A. K. .Miller ami Mrs. John Orth -mil daughter spent Sntunlny with friends living here. Wrn. Orob. fornierlv a resident of Jacksonville but now a rancher ut I.nke- viow, wiih shaking h.'Mids with old friemlH one day lust week, Last Thursday evening the Oregon Eastern Stars held a public initiation the Masonic hall. The following program was given, followed liy a light supper in the banju"t room: Piano duet. Misses Kenney and New bury; vocal solo, Miss I.eoh Ulrich; ouartctto, Messrs Edgington, Burnett, Wells and Applegate; violin solo, Miss lone Caughthran; male 'piartotte. Tlio officers for tlie ensuing your are: Nellie, Newbury, W. M.j Emil Brit W. 1'.; Dora linrbnugh, associate mat rnn; I.ulu Kliaw, conductress; Kate Gronurnillor, - associate conductress; Coi-inne Linn, sccroary; Elizabeth Croneniillor, treasurer, Robert EuniB, i-haplin; Effie Priin; marshal!; Miss McCully, Ada; Miss Uritt, Esther; C'on- sti'.ucn Mulkcy, Kuth; Muble Miller, Mnrthn; Emma Dunford, Electa. :-'T iES AND PEAKS AND ALL KINDo FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. No, in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. T UOWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of TCn.v.os, Spraying Out Fits, Pumps, R;jAms and Machinery, Agents in SortV.-rn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE CO. KLAMATH FALLS. Jan. 13. C. L. ItiM-d anil 0. F. Goodrich, two of ti-c nicii inflicted hy the rutnl jury on a charo of gambling, wore arraigned be fore Circuit court Ju'lgc George Nolr.i mid plonded guilty la tlio charge. The julg iiupoai'd a fine f-f utid costs on each of them and ttJd them that this was no indication of what he might do in case or a neeond offensn. lioth of the jiarties paid the fine. VAN DYKE'S 11 II MI H H 3 On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES SCARFS-$1.25 to $4.00 values at 1-3 of regular price VEILS-"Merry Widow" and "Auto" Veils, all colors, $1.00 to $3.50 values, at 1-3 regular price LONG GL0VES-P. Centemeri & Co.'s cape and glace Gloves, regular $3.50 and $4.00 value, now 1-3 regular price SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Van Dyke's MEDFORD THEATER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. John Cort PRESENTS '11 IK MOST VERSATILE OF ARTISTS FLORENCE ROBERTS IN" THE MOST DARING AND ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE YEAR THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE AND AN THE WORK OF EXCEPT ION AT- CAST Seymour Oberrucr Owing to long jump from hm Curtain will rise PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK. TUE MEDFOIW DAILY T1HBUXE HAS THE BES1 NEWS SEltriCE IS SOUTHERN OREGON. AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSTITORS AND CLIENTS Stat Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS JI25.000 The Jackson County Bank plact'S at the service of its dpoHitors ami clicntB tlio best facilities in banking. Tlio of fices are pleased to rentier' counsel anil jitlince on financial matters. Accounts, subjo-t to check, aer in vited. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. W. I. VAWTER, President 0. R. LINDLFY, Cajhisr Cm fa I J EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Especially the man who buys a suit of clothing or overrun t made to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who has his garments mad.! to order by .on up-to-date tuilor never hns any trouble with the fit, finish or general "get up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you a stylo nad indi viduality acquired 'in no other way when made at , J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors P4T.M TJTT1T TT"NT"1 vtiniiADrv r-n "V", vrv. Medford, Ore., Jan. C, 1909. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Dinter Nellis Tear Trees. 1200 Do Anjou. 2500 Poaeh Trees. I also have on hand: 3000 Bartlott Pear Trees. 2000 Cornice. . The abovo is good, clean stock at popular prices. L. B. WARNER IP YOU HAVE SET YOUR HEART on having a handsome diamond, ruby or other ring, or a pair of bracelets or a brooch for adorning your beauty and making yourself attractive nt social functions, or when you want 'to look as charming as nature will permit when embellished by the b?sc art of tho jew eler, come in and see the beautiful stock of fine jewelry nt MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and WatGhes .1. E. ENYART, President. J. A. P-ER1WT, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cnshier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK O B . MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS Salety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralCank in Bus.ness Transacted. We Solicit Your4Patronage. $50,000 10,000 K. J. Skevvli G. E. Ililsmgcr A. C. Randall h. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. i rnuu LAIN Uo Sj Owners, Sub-Dividers end Developers Roffue River Valley Or chard Lands. I'h.ii.-e fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and large tiacts, for sale. We plant and enre for orchards and gnaranfee property to be as i (presented. Experience JVot Xecessary for those who purchase through .... They secure the advise and sorv.ces or a consulting horticulturist, au export on fruit cul uro .n all its branches, who for several has exc.led in the growing and shipping ,,f frilit in (hc R iv(r vaUev rocord ciops, record Hacks, record prices. " in North D Street, Medford, Oregon MEUFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames. O.k Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plat. ..rril .. i, u Office Fixture, and , kind, of P,an ing Z w"? 'S, VJrlt '' and Fancy Grills. ' STREET. BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVENT!! STREETS. Take the Tribune for News Try a bottle of fslc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps " Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles 20c Quart -35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CAN'T SAVE On your rniJroad faro. Tho law of ti g common . furrier compels equal rates on all railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on tho shortest route, faste.t trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and accommoda tion of th. passenger is provided. N., change of cars is ueoissnry to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City t'hieago. Direct connec tions are for all oth er points east and south A. S. ROSE.NEAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMUEBAY, General Pasnger Agent, PORTLAND, OE.