TH Fj MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNEI MEDFORD, OREO()NT. TUESDAY. JANUARY 121000. fecial and Personal !in B. Wilson of Kiigcno is in Med ! on a business trip, mty Assessor Grieve vvnt st Med visitor Monday. Ilium J. Stono i.l Klamath Kalis Medford visitor. C. Hall of Cent ni I Point w n h il 'onl visitor on M'.ndny. Andrews is in IfoHehurg on husi- J. Vis of Lou Angeles in snowing icqiuiintnnccs in 1 )i i tioction. ' C, Kiniipy of OnniUi Pass wan in ord on business Monday evening, M. Kilter has pr.rehnsfd a ' Rambler touriitg car, :ir-linrsi' r, from tho Medfxnl Auto Co. U, Mornc, tlio well-known orchard ist, purchased from lb- name firm n ') Unmbler toil r tig car, Ito-hormr- T, , "H. J. F. "Roddy pud fion, T'aul, ro M from Sacramento and San 'Cisco, whero they fd f riends past fortnight. . Kyan of Jacksonville visited Mi-d-Monday, orgo K. Neubor cad (Ins Newbury ed Mi d ford Monday. '. cask of wine from Knits nt Jack "ilio, consigned to hev. Mender at itH Pass caused no little comment day and was viewed by the Now Ids and other prolu lenders. . D. Collar, wit- i.-rd daughter, i.f ;a, are visiting in Med ford. $'MH) clean-up in repnrted al the m Wright" min", in (ho valley, h is being ngain this . IC. HondriehsoTi of Smith Medford 4 Monday in this city. . I). Yimcijit of th T'isli Lake, com- loft Sunday for Han Fnincimo will return within n work. donej J. I Mundy has roturaed Portland,, where he was ill a ';. He brought sev-ral coal experts h'm. . E. Cod go of K!-,niai li Kalis was : vent Medford vim'or. illlani Houston, (1. K. MaMwin, (i. -.j and R Ii. MeHridu of Klamath spent Sunday and Monday in , Tord, ! '. If. Taggart of Omuls Vhh ami ' ; Crooks of the same city spi'iit . lay in Medford. !. C. Erickson of Ho, Westeru Ore Orchards epent in Med- '. L. Champlin of Foots Creek spout ny in Medford. Hp recently re "d from the east, accompanied by 'neither, Mrh. Abbi.1 Chapman. It. It. Hamilton of Klamath Kails, ' formerly practiced medicine in i 'tr, crime up to rtUiid the Elks' 'at ion at Adiland Saint day and I Sunday and Monday renewing "t'nt.moes in Modford. t !. O, Hall has returned from San "t'ist'O. . E. Ma Inn v of Kmernndo, X. !.. Tiojig rcrent Mr. I ford arrivals. '. S. Hillington of Cold Hill was a .it virilr.r in Medford. P. Martin, L. Albhoff and T. A. mok, writ It n owe e mmereinl trav me nt (he Nash. '. P. Lindb'y is im.king a business 1 lo Klamath Kails. ; 0 gold for best looking baby at " ',ory 's Studio. tf i : is Newbury is making it business : in Portland. i ''rs. J. A. Whiteside lias returned to t home in Kiehtnoud, Cal., after vis- in thin city for s me weeks. : . D. Vineent Ins letuni': 1 to hi e in Oakland, Cab . 'Vedlecruft Shop, formerly ,'ts2 hlngtnn street, now 117 Sixth st.. ween Morrison .ti.d Alder sts., Port !. January Needluwork Sales now H.'iS 1. E. Nicliols of Kag'e Point is back i a trip to Portland. ehinoister, tho nil iround pholeg iier, spocialiat on children, guarau i snlisf action on all work. Comer Seventh and C slnels, over Alleu 4 Knu'a. tinner aO '.'(('.'f.onh." l); i. it'-, I ABSENT Ti",r.ATMNT. l-nr in.-. I'v'l' I I .1-, 11. IIIU L ' ' I 1 .- il. . -in I r.i i .- i i i i., J v.. Tl, I'-.'. O "Ml:. J i nil ii iv. t SSHI-, uli'i-Ilt .il li '-ii v -il- i 'ioi. : .f mi -u ' i .iMior il"' l-.i'i'i ' "''" " - ' - i::m.lkor. UM. Wluileu-l' M .-. la do lie e:.n i'o, mul u.-iiin.-: 1 JIWRl't llllll." "I hml nolli'OiI Hint," said tin- i Ii In 'n.'ofl Inillvlilual with eli'si'ly r.'i't" 'do wbisUi'i'K. "I mire liinile a pnn -icnl rleiuiiiisiiaili.'ii of It ami K"i ii.i vitll II Jub Hill "1 HIM U Wlllll'Hl ii t'.'"' 1 lntelleet bad tileil and .m!r mi. teid i In solil'if ' I'lntk eyes fur Ills .alns." And what was tlint" askeil 'e rufi-ssor, fiiiowliij,' ilwji liitcivm, now Mul Ills llll'iiiy '.-l llleuit In be '"11- irini (I. "I licked n bully lu my mind." nld tie thiu faced oue. OXE LOT SI I 'RTS, 7h: AND $1.00 VALUES, at 49 OVE LO'I" .SHIRTS. $1.2") AND $1.50 VALUER "90 OXK T)T (iOfiF SHIRTS, $1.25 VALUES , . . .790 OX H LOT OOli K SHIRTS, $1.50 VALUES :t-05 OXK LOT HLAi.'K SATEENS, 75c AND 85n VALUES 650 ONK LOT ULACK SATEENS, $1.00 VALUES 790 About ONE-THIRD OFF on all pants-nothing reserved. Housecoatsand bath robes ON ETH1RD OFF We are also giving Large Cuts in fine French Flannel Shirts. You know our reputationWe do as we advertise. Honest, Straightforward Business Methods are all we employ - Always Is the doorstep to wealth. Cnsh buying from us is economieal for two reasons:' First You can buy Uk same ai lieles at a saving of from $4 to $8 on your monthly bill. Second When bnvii'jj; for cash one always buys more earefully. Oiminc I'lwnlon-.l .lupiin Tea (Sniii( tips), rnilil K"i. r I'.ir !". .'ah. t lie Hi 6c " Mmvi'Imiii " W Ji i t Onln, thu iniiHli-niakcr, Hi'llini; f .i r cTcclil lit -Hie, fur I'lmll S6e "Vnliiimi Ili'Hl," Ihi' lii'dt lmi'il wlii'al flour wp buy i'ii Ilic rcnisl, iit Hi.' I'l Hi. Hiii'k $1.4fi L'.'c ami ."Hi Si riilliiii H ni.illi'H, onl I" soli for rush nt, .vii li 20 MILLER &.EWBANK (Ai'i.r I'llriuiiv I , t he It ox Grocery Co., in tho Mission rilnck.) ' SW;- , r -. '' t ;r' . . 'Yv'VJ y-ny?f x$ - x. , f?" y;y : '' ' ;'.-.-i.''-J - -'-i'Si ' ; -.'r - ".t -- t-1 J-:vfi : I' . Wl l-i' ik .- . - - r-V f -,s rwff On All Sweaters, Coats and Fancy Vests in Earnest GONOMY' "Diamond A" Canned Tomatoes, sold for credit for 18c, or 2 cans for Mi', now, strni;lit 10c 1. J. D. Coffee in 3 Hi. enns, reduced by cnsh from $1.0 to 90 Itenieinlicr, while wo ask caih of you that we also pay cash for ull we buy. STRANGLER SMITH TO MEET WEST JANUARY 29 Strniilor Smith, tlio re 'mnvticil wrftlor of the ' northwest, will meet W. II. West of this city in a wrest' 'ling mutch mi this city on "iiniiHry 20, tMiless there is b ' i h fin (jo iu the (iHte within the next few tin vs. StrnnRler "Smith occupies n place of 'eoiisiilerahle jTotuinence as n ;;iV. w rest lor t li ronuhout the 'iiirthwi"t, nn.l V. H. West 'Htntulu well i- Meilfonl, hv. 'inij defeat-! ti number of 'jjinnl men l:ln . There should "he somrthir;; stirring when "tho tw.i t!'t together. The ma teh will he tho best three out if five falls. yn h.-lds .wily to count. The t rankle hold will bo barred. 'I'Ih' Miise w-ll be for $-."i0 n s ilo. mil this will probably "In- n yrem imontivp for the vn ini-ti f. do their best in 'the inat.h. ! THE TOGGERY OF COURSE One of the Erfjeniiats of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information iw to the best methods of promoting health and ImppinoHS ami right living and knowledge of the world s best products. ProducU of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented ,md which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-informed of the World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain .u (he beat the world afford. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com nonded by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of I'igs .md r.lixir of .Senna. To get its beneficial elTects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTKD A chambermaid wanted at tho Franco-American Hotel, with ex perience; fare paid. Vrekn, Cal. 2tt3 WANTKD Girl for general house work: $1 a day wages. Address Box 3. 254 FOR SALE. F"Ol( SALE An elogaat lot of new furniture, direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars 'ply M., Tho Tribune. FOR SALE Good horsa for sale cheap, half mile south of city limits. G. L. Unxiller. " 261 I FOH SALE blouses, lota and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 aeres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe ; nix. Or. .FOR SALE Extra dry eordwood, fir i and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. I F. Ose-nbnigge. Studebaker Bros. Co. warerooms. Telephone JW1. 2iV FOUND. FOl'n A small piirsi containing trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may have sarau by railing at this office and describing contents; ad free. ONE LOT BLACK SATEENS, $1.50 VALUES BLUE FLANNELS, $1.50 VALUES )LU H FJiANNELS, $2.00 VALUES BLUE FLANNELS, $2.25 AND $2.50 VALUES BLUH FLANNELS, $3.00 VALUES HLUE FLANNELS, $4 FINE LUlIBEUXtAN'S SHIRT 'I A ic UIV Lot tlio MISSION FURNITURE WOBKS make that piece 'j 'Mrniture. Any design, any color, any 'inish dull, waxed or polighed. Shop on cor. of 8th and II streots. W. M. Colvlg. 0. L. Beanies. 0OLVIO & EEAME8 Lawyers. Office:Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Eadi' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. G. Karnes, Prop. 20 S. G St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will 'e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish coment brick. Better than pressed brick and just as chnap. In estiguto before contracting. P. O. Box IIS. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinnor ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DR. OOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, calt on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Kugle Pharmricv Main 233. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop lock of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored aud taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3103 The soothing spray of Fly's Liquid ('ream Palm, used in an atomizer, is an uiispeakablo relief to suiterers from Catarrh. Smn.v of th.-m .brbe if r a Godsend, and no wonder. The thick, foul discharge is dislodged and the pa tient brrathes freely, perhaps for the first time in works. Liquid Cream Balm contains all the healing, purifv itii; eb-m-'nt of the solid form, and it never fails to satisfy. Sold by all druggists fr To cents, including spray ing tube, or mailed by Kly Bros., 50 Warren street. w York, Pr. F. G. ail..w i 1 ;. k fr..m a trip 1o Portland. Best Clothing Store in Medford usmess uireciory THE E. E. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. ABTHTJB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LBTTEBHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane A Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHAU St BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young k Hall building. Billiards. Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert & Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE GO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones C. W. Conklin 36 J. H. Butler 14S DR. B J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. Stomach TronV.e Cured. If you haTC any trouble with ynnr stomach yon should take ChamberUifn 's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P. Kioto of Fdina, Ma., sny: "1 havo used a great many different medicines for stomach trouble, but find Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets "more bene ficial tfian any other remedy T ever used. ' For tale tay Haskins' drug stor. .m IF YOV KNEW The merits of tae I'exae Warier, wonM neve tnffer frm ITfc is awf. de ( tfieama dtiMe. battle two monlfti Ireaetawit, m1& V:f r by t tan Uit thtftfe. At-. S w. am ow m. 4a. .- 9S0 $1.15 $1-33 $1.85 $2.20 $2.85 SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7XH ST. Continuous perfnrnmneo erery evi'ning of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday anil Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Stoara and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NUEaZRY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow an ml fruit true to label ; VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. . F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: li. It. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford. Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Valoe Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D. 9 Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FBEDENBURG Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTEM R. STOKES, I eut ist. Successor to l"r. .T. M. Keene, T0WERS.FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED GARMENTS are cut on large patterns, designed to give the wearer the utmost comfort UGHT-DURULE-CLEAfi SUITS 323 SLICKER3 32S U H Tit nvwr ituim tK OflMl fun. t' I my