rp H V. II V. U VI iV? t 1 A T f . VP I H W P. Un WVDr (r. MEDJTORI) DAfLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, IMP. M :xrd Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Publishod every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Qeohok Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted aa Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Uis mooth, b mail ar carrier. . , .$0.50 0 year, by mail. . , TOO MUCH ROOSEVELT ISM. President Roosevelt's recent actions are placing him before the country in an unenviable light and tbere is little doubt but that his popularity has suffered severely. The present expose of his use of the secret service to spy upon the senators and representatives, to maintain much the same system of espionage that is maintained upon political associates by the Czar of Russia, has shocked the country, The only tangible result of Roosevelt's use nf spies has been the Oregon land fraud scandal and the recent charges against Senator Tillman of favoring the government suit against the Oregon & California railroad grant in order to secure a quarter section or so of land for himself and fam ily, which the senator's honesty of character refutes. In Oregon, Senator Mitchell was convicted of minor charges, of petty grafting, and hounded to his death. Nu merous others were convicted, many of them f'r following customs almost legitimatized by use, and not complying literally with laws rendered almost; obsolete by non-use. No big timber-grabber was convicted, made to disgorge or even attacked. The Weycrliae.iisers and others still hold theirvast forest domain. Some of their agents have suf fered but not the principals. The secret service, has spent the government's money lavishly in limiting evidence against those tlin president disliked. Jt has wasted its time in running down petty grafts when big ones wore allowed to proceed unchecked. Forty millionw is spent tor the I'anania canal how is a state secret. National scandals come and go, but the secret service is wasting its energies on litt le things that really do not count. , . ImlASl The secret service inquiry has made many additions to the president's Ananias club, now grown to large dimens ions. In this connection the president has accused the fol lowing men of falsehood: Congressman .las. A. Towney of Minnesota, Walter I. Smith of Iowa, S. Shirley of Ken tucky, J. .). Fitzgerald, L. W. Husboy, Spcal.cr Cannon's secretary, the house committee of appropriations, seven teen members, and the whole house of representatives. A few days ago the president flow into a rage over the Panama canal ileal, and sent a special message to congress censuring the New York World and threatening suit be cause "tlie government had boon libeled." He also censured the Indianapolis News and the New York Sun, and placed their editors along with Editor Pulitzer in Hie Ananias club. What a remarkable exhibit for a president of the United States to make of himself! Jt recalls the recent remark made concerning his father made by Kermit Roosevelt, the president's son: ' "Pa's all right, but there's. one trouble with him; when: he's at a weddihig, he isn't content to bo merely the best mau he wants to be the bride. And when pa s at a tuneral ho isn't satisfied with being the chief mourner he wants to 1)0 the corpse, too." f. a4Jr IS iftl HA ! - . ml awl1 V i- , J-. 'V-fi: -SM ai ? B a ' HI : ,t II . tt 3 Jl i , W i J Mat J. j wHSrisi i AFTER TWO HOURS' SAIL IN COMPANY WITH AN AUTOMOBILE. The novel spectacle of a k I a tit balloon to which attached mi mi to mo bile lriHtffld of the usual basket wus furnished the citizens of Imlttumimlls recently by an ndrenturoim aeronaut. This curloim combination was hus pondefl over the city for about two hours and then made the descent In lafety. " ES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial ' Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. No', in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Propi u tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Eusiv.es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Ri.'eis and Machinery. I Agents in Sorthem Oregon for ' FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. -f AMUSEMENT -f 4-f44--f With Florcni'o Hobi-itu in the h-a-l iug rolo of I.inly o:m MiTcilyth, Hey mour Oliormnr 'n unit' it iimniHHod Huciitl drama, "Tho Uoiiho of HoihIiium," will rnooivo iln iniliiil ).rniinMinn in tliiw pity at the Medford HichUt on WimI nosilay, .Irnnmry 1H. Ir, t inf tin play nn Mini KotmrLi' vrhirlo for tin currt'tit BrnHnti, Mr. fort appears to hnvo clionon with wisilum, report crcd itinpr tho ilay with ln'iii ahsnrhitiKty iiitcroHtiri' and of f.r;M( M inn Itnherl1 a role whifh in in rv" way congenial to her. IVlcnnneil up n jiivinjj the play even ailvantne t h:i rust ran nffonl. Mr. fort linn enin'-d f.r Mitn Keh erts ' HipP'irt mii-h ti.i;. ith n Arthur rnrrest, Thnrlow Here. n. Kent Hos Worth, II any (Jihhn. Ann Warrington ami Mary Uortraml, "The Hmiso of llonl.ie 'appears to be a strikingly orinim'. work. The au thor plnyn upon the inecnisteney ami partiality of the K'ij;'i:li divorce laws in an interesting m.inr.er, showing 1 1:" hanlwhip! Ttritifli w i "v mnt wnffer without relief, while tln-ir hiihaiuls on joy n lrcpil disi-rimiti.tt'i n that the ivst of the world regard with indignant wonder. The piece is writ ti n in a hril liant vein, contains ro larl; t.f till 111); situstions and ;tt le.ct tuo cliniao. thnt are worth v of V.olrence K.ietis higher nrtitie k ft. Note: On thin ivimmcm tho eiirt will vine nt S oVIocV harp. turn on thn tnnrket todny. Tho picture in ruu with mimical and realistic ef fects, and was tho cause of a pood deal of applause. Tho entire performance is not to be surpassed. THREE MEN VAN DYKE'S 1 A OFF On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES SCARFS-S1.25 to $4.00 values at 1-3 of regular price VEILS--44 Merry Widow" and 44Auio" Veils, all colors, $1.00 to $3.50 values, at 1-3 regular price LONG GL0VES--P. Centemeri & C's cape and glace Gloves, regular $3.50 and $4.00 value, now 1-3 regular price SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Van Dyke's A UEDrOBD, OROOH m AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSTITORS AND CLIENTS Stat Depositary. CAPITAL AND STJRPLU3 $126,000 The Jackson County Bank places ut the service f its depositors uud clients the best fac:.itiea in bankiug, The of fices are pleased to render counsel and advice on finauuiul matters. Accounts, subjo't to check, aer in vited. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and np. W. I. VAWTER, Prsideiit O. E. LINDLFY, Cashier EVERY ONE HAR THEIR TROUBLES OWN Kspeciftlly the man who buys u suit of clothing or overcoat nuidt; to fit tiny one that wants to buy. The mau who has his garments mad. to order by un up-to-date tailor nover has any trouble with tho fit, finish or general "get up" of his clothing. It n t only fits per fectly, but gives you a style mid indi viduality ucipiired in no other way when made at J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers an dTailors PA1M BUILDING, MEDFORD, OE. 0m 1F IF YOU HAVE SET YOUR HEART on haviirg n Ijiiuilsome UiamouJ, ruby or other rinB. or a pair of liracclets or ii brooch for mlorniug your beaut v nud making yournclf attractive at 'social fiinctlouB. or when you want to look as charming as nature will permit when embellishml by tho b.-it art ut tho jew i'ler, coma in and see tho beautiful stook of fino jewelry at MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and Watches HErRWKIUED Two Have Legs Broken While Third is Knocked Unconscious by Chain : Extraordinary rerfonrnnco at Bijou. The now pt-rf orjtrtr.ff nt the Hi hut rortainlv took wrli ,i st niclit. (larr'tt and Lnftii!, tho nius'inl oi'itiifliann. kept the nudtrm't'S in a rutif tnuout howl, H wa proinutPfi'd by all tn b" one of the bcft porfo.-'nan.'OH tho liiiou has ever put on. Mr rJarrott i ox celled by none in tri'k piano pinyini ifc boars tho retnita,;i'n of boink tho only pianist who enn piny a piano in seven different positirno. Mr. I.ftuf as n comedian keeps the audiences in a continuous uproar with hi startling antics. Another bijr foaturo of this performanco is a i.nl ion picture en titled. "The Army of lio." Without doubt. It is the most sensational pic j Ooorgo Kolligan ntul C. S. Pingwad woro neriour-Iy injure! Monday aftor noi.u whilo they wero at work jmlling Niuinps "ii th property of Mrs. Hoilly in tit.' hill stuno ton miles southwest of t.hm city. K.dligan had both logs broken nud liugwnd escaping with the breaking of his left b g. Ir. (Vnrov failed and set th' .'gn. Threr tin h . re at work i-l.-anug the htrd and had in operation a huge stump puller, when a chain broke and struck the three tn.-it. Tho third man was kn.vkod sens.dess nrd the trio laid fer a half hour in lh snow befnre he regained coiiscioitMnetw jind was aide to go for aid. Mrs. Keillv s plaoe is situ ated near that of I .on Hughes. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. b'ev. Sam (i. Itett-n, the cowbov preachor, begins rovivTl meetings on Wednesday, 7:30 p. in. Hts first sub ject will be, "A K.rst I'lass Fruit Tree.' A prayer servi.o will be held this oveniug at 7:3' All are invited. Itnng your friends. INCUBATOR. For Salo. Chan. A. t'yphcm No. 2, 240 ggs size, in perfect order. William Baiu, Northwest MM ford. -29 MEDFORD THEATER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. John Cort PRESENTS THE MOST VERSATILE OF ARTISTS FLORENCE ROBERTS AND AN EXCEPTIONAL CAST IN THE MOST PAR I NO AND ORIGINAL PLAY OF THE YEAR .1. E. BNYART. President. J. A. PERhVV, Vice Predont. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Gashier. JHE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OR, CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank . in Bus ness Transacted. We &oiicu x ourPatronage. THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE THE WORK OF Seymour Obernier Owing to long jump from hrre. Curtain will PROMPTLY AT S O'CLOCK. rise E. J. SWwi. G. E. Hil.ln.ter A. C. FUnJ.II L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Owner, Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or shard Lands. i Yiii'o fruit lauds, bearing aod young orchards in small and largo hart?, for sale. We punt and care for orchards and guarantee pronertv to lit- 'ip it presented. Experience Xot Xeeeaaary for those who purchase through us. They secure tho advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, nn expert ou fruit oui .Liro in all its branches, who for several y.ua 1ms eicsled in Hie gf.wiiig and shipping of fruit in the Rogue River vallcv, record ciop. record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North 1) Street, Medford, Oregon THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BES1 SEWS SERVICE LV SOUTHERN OREGON. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR "COM PANY PHONE 2291. nVfnd0WFr"n""' !k vw Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Off1(e future, and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, incln.Iing Turned Work and fancy Grills. F STREET. BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVEN'TH STREETS. Take the Tribune for News Medford, Ore., Juu. C, 1909. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Diuter Nollis Tear Trees. 1200 Do Anjou. 2500 Pouch Trees. I also have on hand: 3000 Bartlott Puar Trees. 2000 Cornice. Tho aliovo is good, clecu stock ut popular prices. L. B. WARNER Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart - 35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & M ny YOU CAN'T SAVE On yuur railroad fare. Tin law of tl e I'ommou earrior compels equal rates on ul railroad liues YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Troveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fasto.t trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. Sr N. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and r cc o m mod a - tioii of th. passenger is provided. N. change of cars is necrssary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Pireet connec tions are mrA'i for all oth er point! vast and south A. S. HOSEN'BAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McWXTEKAY, General Passenger Agent, POBTLAND, OB.