TflE MEDFORDUAlLV TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 11, 1909. i Social and Personal ' B. P. Iiiddlo is visiting relatives in ' the city from Tacomn, Wash. Miss Helen Yockey spent Sunday, in ': Eoseburg with her brother. 8ho' re turned on No. 15 Mori'Iny morning. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Jlrinlburn of ' Klamath Falls nro in Bedford pliinniiiK to spend tho remainder of the winter hero. Flaming Tokay grnr0 vine taT Bal'' .:n any quantity. L. E. Hoover. . " Bonbon Ellis, who wisf arrested on n chargo of imporoonatmg a police offi cer. waB bound over 1o the Circuit " court on Saturday by .Inntico Cunon. I ,'i Miss Bess Kentner -returned to the '. University of C'alifuni'.il Sunday, where .., she will continue her studies. TUm Alico Strocts accoiuimnied her. '-" Hoe J. B. Brown about Itivorside ad ( (ition lots. Colonel J. P. Mundy has returned iir j tor a visit of Bovcrnl d; ys in Portland. '.' J. D. Pinlay has returned from sev era) weeks' visit in Silver) nn and ' . Portland,, ... . , . Sn J. O. Brown about those great hist lots, 100x180. Every lot a Kr- V ' - , , W. T. Henry, Qcorj,") MeCutcheon anil :.' 3. T. Young suffered a bad fall from a scaffold Saturday en a house they wore working for Mr. Hevornge, in West Mcdford. While the. men were bruised, nothing of a serious nature ; resulted. Lohmolstor, tho all-around photog- anhor. specialist oa children, guaran tees satisfaction on all work. Corner " of Sovonth and C streets, over Allen & - fteagan's. ' ' Tho Boo Hive, 15 " street is the ? nlurn to net n euod cent meal and ' excollont service. ir' Tho ammonia compressor of the ice .1 plant blew up ou Salurduy, owing to "' a. valve sticking and cinsing the ires sure tn. become so gr-nt as to brenli n lm.ini-li cnHtlnff. T'.e MISB Will He noarly 2000. Harry Brown came very . near being injured, II,- easting missiun him only a few inches when it blew up. ; Ncedl'ecrnft 8h.,p, formerly 3S2 1. , Washington, streot, now M7 Sixth st f . Jjotwoen M.orrison ,ind AJder sts., Port- . land. January Needlework Pales iinw on. ' J' 2M ..' A mnrrlnge lieen'T was recently granted to Dick Rwncker and Miss I,il S lian Cooper, two pomilnr young people ,' of tho Foots ereek (l'striet. f n. W. Dikemnn of (iold Hill left for '..' Southern California recently upon a businoss trip. ' Oct your pipes repaired by Frnli-v X Bros., plumbers. I.enve or.leis nl V Ooodo's l'rodune. Slotre, SeVenlh and A j, stroeta... .... - ... -2j.I ' II . A. Thierolf and Woa Own. of the ) Big Pines I.utnbur company, were in "r. Oold Hill arranging fo' the opening of ' a retnil lumber yard, ncc title. They . rented tho old Carter Duffield ware- houso In thta. city ml will soon have ; a most complete line of builders1 mil f terlals Jn stock. "" i: ! Tho heavy rains of the fw port of S 'tills week linvo started a lot of pin or mincBto pipiuK, nnyn. tho (-old Hill. No wn. Fi vo mxnon r -c run m n u' ' i' " blnrt on"flnrdlnn crolr; urd many nth "MrB AW foirR that, hnvo not been re A ; ported. It in to bo, hoped thai Buffi i clont rain will fall to allow the. placer i minoM. ft good mjn sou'" run. . , ; ' Iidctmc. On next Friday evo-.iiig I her viU be things Bnid and de-ie in a way that may highly interest the thoughtful men and women who may giitlnT at the Commercial club hull. Mr. Crow occupies a uniipte place in the locturo field, lis he proposes a rem edy for the defects ie our civilization. Hp.Voints out and proceeds to apply it without delay. All invited: 7::w p m.( , . I CHRI8TIAN SCIENCK FOUNDERS AUTOBIOORAPHY RECEIVED Copies hr'.vo been re(eived in Bed ford of "Tho Life of Mnry Halter Kddy, by Sibyl Wilbur," published by the Concord Publishiiif; Co. of New Vor,lt. Tho biography, which wan fir! printed in "llninnii Life," ;is r ? 1 1 1 ally written, with Kddy 'n sane tioo, to controvert tlo purported ant" biography published iv M'bire'f mn nffiue. which rifliculod rj.rintinn Hcienef nnd its founder. Th. nuthor.. in vm tttthv with her subject, en(rnd;ets mnrtv of tho nllcg. 1 leiFftntemeMts in tho MeCluro narrnti-.c, nid ie n sympathetic story of mn whom all con code the most roiuarhalde woman of tho times. Despite ebm-e and ridicule. Christian Science has hud a mont won derful growth, nnd tin i-fofv ( f tninnr will prove nmM intr noting tn her thousands of ft Mowers. f COMMUNICATION PROHIBITION DOES NOT rUOHIIUT Tho writer lias lixd for seven in Knnsns under t he pr -h -biti-oi ;wv nnd Is in a position it Kn-w the it! effects of the evil. Tliere is h.puM enough Phipped ill the ?f;ile each year to pay the nmrtg'fgo inL -bti -di'ei and its tales. Th-'ll tlie people llillt want it lie and sw mv ti li to UTt it and oven "steal it. L;' three the prosecution of the "Ubud tigers" drained tho state troanray nnd left M.. state dead bndco an I in debt . The liquor traffic run at loose ends for n few years then there tere n check for a few years, until !h "i rigie il p-icksge law won out hi the -fait. It started in anew nnd has never h t up. Prohibition does not prohibit. There is now 15 open Hatoni in Keit S.-o: and "blind pig" all , vir the -ttate. A raari wh is "noxt" cm. cct whi-'kev in any tuwn in tjie ntnte of Kanai There iro twontate pri'n in Kansas nnd they are both chuck n block so it sure ly doos not lessen crime. If the people want whiskey they will bavo H just as long ns it is made nnd when you cut out the saloons you make bad mntters worse. The only wav to atop the liquor traffic is to stop it manufacture in the Cn'ted States and , the importation of it. i ONR WHO KNOWS I f . AMUSEMENTS. ' New Attractions at Bijou. , - . t ,,,. Bi- ,jou tonight. A good comesdy vau it- ville team is billed for tho next Hire ights. The net is a musical one and full of tho best of comedy. A lull feature film is ulso included in to iu!;!jt 's performance, besides a lute II lint rated song hit. An extremely good contortionist act is billed for the last of tho week. The act has been a fea ture in all tho big vaudeville houses. Coming Musical Event. Mm. Irene Hampton Isaacs, pianist, and Miss draco Josephine Brown, eon trait", will give a musicals at the Med f.,rd Opera house, Trrsdny evening, nnuury lfl, at 8.15 o'clock. This is the first opportunity Mcdford has had of hearing these you"g artists, since th,ir recent study in San francisco willi the famous teachel, llerr Herman Oen:is. Ilerr (Jenss, who is a pupil of l.iszt, is a marvelous musician and In his compositions has been likened to Mci'lhoven. The mieiic-lovers will have an opportunity to judge of this, as se luctions from his woiks, both vocal and instrumental, will be rendered. The program will be announced later. The sale of seats for Florence Rob erts' coming engagement opened this morning and the demand was enormous, ihero being n larger first day salo than fur "Tho Alaskan." As the company makes a long jump out of here on a special train, it will be necessary to start early so tho curtain will rise promptly .it B o'clock Wed ncsday night. Florenco Roberts. Mins Flirrcnri! Ttult'Tth, still undr th( fiflvfinfiiprooufl mnnatfrnicnt "hi John Onrt, coiiioo to the AIiifon tlii'iiter on Wi'iliM's-liiy, Jaiiunry 13, in her now i);iy, "Tlir- IIoubp -T HoiidngH. ' The JlplH-lirnlM'C of ,M IHB KolHTlH, illWHVrl fln ov'ciit, ih hki'Ii mrt conHiiiiiKiuH on i)iin tminn, nwin lo tlit kcon intor i'Ht fittficln d to h'T lid est pniiluclion. rtii'l t ho erivirnumt'iit I'ffqri'o! by an tin iiffn:illy rxrolh'nt : fitnl well Imlimcec tiupi'rtiiiK I'dinpany. Arthur ForrcHt, 'I'liiirluw'Jifri'n, KqwI llfinworth, Hurry f!U)ltn. Ann Vnrrin(l'jn mill Mary Htr train I, alt Hterlin plnyi'rtt, Ih oarh vn trustcil with a roiiHicurniHly important roli. Tlu1 tfH'at popularity of Florcnci Itolii'ils has been won by a f.irien of impcrmoial iftm that havo won hr a (oiirnli'd pri'rnjjo anions AinorUan art ithhch. From I i flit ronicily to tran'dy hIic lut 4 at tiniptcd, rt'til always with KiicoiHH, a rann of parti that wouM up pal a pluyor of lesri vrrnabi lily which tnciiiirt any other conlt'inporary artist t hat ran readily bo brought to mind. NT ii-n KnhnrtH iimlnubrf'dly oxrcltt, how- rvrr, in cniotional rolm, and in 'Tbf IIoiino of Itondatro" has) a part it. vhi'h sho nniH tho in nl of emotions In fact, her admirers who have Hcen her in thin play declare that her inipcr mi Mint ion is the trimupn of her career. MANY WANT PARTICULARS AS TO STRAIGHT WAY l.KVlXAM), .fun. 11. That tho at tempt nl' 11,001) ytniii( piTHnnH of Clove In ml, clerkH, fitciiiiii'tiphcrtt, lniHlnem men iiml uthortt who arc daily cxpoacd te t'-inptiition to deviate from the pall called straight and nnTow. to live an Jckih would , is to lie 1 ried in other cities wjih the anuoiinceiueiit today. V. 1. Price, law s. udent and cjri( inatnr of !ln movnici't, t swnmpeil with intniiries ns o the steps neeoHHnry in orirniii'ing the movement. These ctime from ministers, Imsiness men and other-,, in tho main living in the smaller - Mies of the central .vesl. Mr. Price hns received requests to vitdt several flliio rilo-s, to start simi lar mnveriK nts to those in Cleveland. WANTS EXAMINER TO LOOK OVER THE BOOKS PlTTSUCnu. Jan. II. In connection with the trouble between the New York stale iiiMirniico ut h" it ' i and the of ficialu f the Pitbur-r Life and Trunt ! ceiiipanv, tin a result nf the recent ab jvp'tiuu of the Wa-ih'iigton Life la j "-nniitee ceoipunv of .e York. W. C. j H:ihlwin, president ef the Pittsburg i Life and Trnnt com)'uiv today sent a , u le.jrnm to (iovenmr I!in;he of New - Yorh. rrapiestin the appointnient of n ; upecinl exiiminer to ctono to Pittsburg mid learn the facts in connection with the transaction and ! the company s ' f'liatH'inl condition. ! PROHIBITION (Continued from page 1.) j detin; 1 rouht help d.i away with the ! Homo rltnl'fic. In ih'oiv. it looks all riL'ht. but iu pracfic it is a complet failure every place where it has been tried. In spite of all the statements hich have hcen ma!. tending to show th opptfite. 1 will J'lmit thta in case on want no bumei to come to vour city to speak of ; wlier ou ar willing to pay ib MiMc in tns, where you want to st"p nil public improvements, go in 1 for it nnd your wants v.-Pl be satisfied. I Tn Other Cities. 1 It hii already been tdiotvn how the i'ou.ilion of .affairs :'ie at Ashland, ,C.iant; Pass, llosrbnrg. St. Johns and L'loetie. and not a single fact or fig ' nro has hem disputed. The nly reply niatle bv the oran oi the speakers has been, "The Tribune 'i.-s. " j Vow-, in conclusion. 1 say. let us be ip en. Let us ln At icnc.-tns and turn out tomorrow and bv our votes show that we d em and tin this quarreling '" :'.t lh;it we In- left (n use our efforts for the upbuilding of Med f'tr-1 and not spend -Mr valuable time in e-)t iti petty spite, bevcotting and f!L-Mv,g HCSIVKSS MAN. TAKE NOTICE. A FEW UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS JN THE MEDFORD I OAN OFFICE FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAINS. ALSO OVER 200 UNREDEEMED WATCHES FOR HALE VERT CHEAP. WE NEED MONET. dullness 5tten' and Olty Election to Be Held January 12, 1809. Mark X between the number and name of each cundidnte or answer voted for. For Mayor. Vote for One. IS X W. H. CANON Business Meu'e aud Taxpayer!' Candidate l;-t J. A. Perry Independent Candidate il Ernest Wulters Socialist Candidate For Couacilmau First Ward. Vole for One 15 C. .H.- Corey Independent Candidate 10 X K. A. WEI'II Independent Candidate; 17. Joseph h. Wondorly Socialist Cuudidutu For Councilman Second Ward. Vote for One l' V. N. Campbell Independent Candidate Jii X V. .1. KM hlltICK Independent (.'nndidatu i: (I. W. Shirley Socialist Candidate i-'or Councilman Third Ward. Vote for One. K X J. L. DKM.MKIi Independent Candidate Id F. W. Hollis Independent Candidate 17 1. B. Reamo. Socialist Candidate SUBMITTED BY ORDER OF CITY COUNCIL. 400 For Prohibition. 401 X Agninut Prohibition. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment making the locnl option law of the State of Oregon apply to the City of Mcd ford and fixing tho minimum license ut $H00 por annum. 402 Yes. 403 X No. SUBMITTED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. Charter Amendment providing (or tho levying Library Building in tho event of the construction ot a tax for '.ho maintonaaco of a Froo Public of ouch building by private donation. Vote Yes or No. 404 X Yob. 405 No, PEN11LET0N AND E Commercial Traveler Says ( In Both Cities Business1 Is Dead by Voting Dry "Prohibition haa c a used business st liquation and comiuureial depression in both Pfudk-tun aud La Griiudo," states n well-known cominorcial trav eler who represents n Portland house, nnd who is now tit tho Nash. For rea sons that are obvious, his name is not tfivon, hut can bo secured from tho edi tor. "Pendbton was for years the best town in Hasten. Oregon. Now thorn are many empty buildings and business is dead. Tin ro nro six mov 'ng picture shows ou the main street. All the business that formerly went to Pendleton is now ffoinp, to Wala Wall. I,a Ornnde's business Is going tn Baker City, Commercial paralysis has follow ed prohibition iu botn towns and in many years business has not been su dull, not even during tho panic. "Ooorgo Ooodo, who used to manage the Josephine at Grants Pass, and who is now proprietor of tho Foley house at La Orando, told me last week that ho bud never seen business so quiet. Thorn hnvo been mr.ny failures. All lines have suffered. Many Vacant Stores. "There nro about 30 vacant store rooms iu Pendleton now, and probably 7.1 residences, when never before in the city's history was It possiblo to secure either storeroom or houso on short no tice. Kent s have been reduced throughout tho city. Tho town is on h scrip basis when cash used to he paid. The tax levy has trebled. Tho docket in police court is crowd"! with cases, but convictions are senreo. Kvery one says thrv got Ihe boozo in Walla Walla. " W. P. Matlock, whose brother was mayor of Kugene, told me that the loss to him through reduction in rents totalled over $noo a month. Kverybody complains, and my own trade has been cut hcavilv. "Hnt you can get all the liquor you want without much trouble." EVERETT PEOPLE ARE WATCHING OUR ELECTION "Mcdford has an advantage over nearlv everv other eitv iu tho country in its charter," states N. J. Oregg of Kverett. Wash., who is looking over the valley with n view to locating. "Your oily is peculiarly fortunate nnd I cannot understand why tho people should surrender the'r home rule privi lege, privileges which hundreds of eit ien would pay dearly to cecure. Majiy people in onr section hnvo their eves turned toward Med ford and if condi tions remain as they r.rt the next year or two will witness! quite nn emigration from onr seVtion of Washington to this region. ' rRINCEBS GOES BROKE OWES MUCH TO THE TRADE NKW YORK, Jan. 1L The Princess tie Montgliou is a bankrupt. The fact that she has filed n voluntary petition be.-aiue known today Her liabilites will tench $10,000, lie- sssets nro noth Mig. Most of her creditors are serveuts and tradespeople. There is one judg ment of $s:oo against 1 1 r. The Princess was ' formerly a promi nent figure in Parisian society. She was the owner of diamonds said to be the In r ires t ever imported to America. These were soiled by he customs house and later returned af'er suspicion fou ceming their entry I ad been lulled. The diamonds are sail dto have been worn by Marie Antoinette. At Appan, N. Y., tn Princess ran an extensive dog kennel business. The Princess, who was divorced from her first husband, is now the wife of John trainers. ( L. R Hrown has left for his mines on Pleasant creek. Cax Pa;er' 'Glchet SILENT MUTE Candidate Perry Refuses to State Views on Pro posed Amendment Hi lent o I Not one word regarding the proposed amendment to the city charter, has candidate Perry for piiblieat ion. And not one word regarding his stand us a prohibit ion nt or in favor of high license His ultimatum delivered Mon day morning was simply, 1 ' There is nothing further that ! desire to say for publication." Siloncot A number of tho electors in the city are wondering if Mr. Perry is in favor of amending the city charter so that the farmers of Jackson county eu n have fi say in tho regulation of its af fairs. Wit h t his in view, Mr. Perry was asked for n statement as to his views iu the matter, only to have him refuse to make n statement. Silence 1 Mr. Perry was also ebdiiiiint when it came to tho matter of determining whether ho was in favor of prohibition or of high license. A II at tempts to obtain a statement ended in a refusal to make n statement. Si lone ol And so tho voter must on tomorrow cast his ballot not knowing whether he is with the eity or the county. Silence! GOLD HILL IRON OHE PROVES TO BE GOOD Though uo positive announcement has been made tn that effect. ; .-t is gen orfally understood Mm the testing of tho iron ore by Dr. Schumann has proven satisfactory, srrys th" News, and that tho steel plant for Mold Hill is now nn assured thing Silas Fleming, who has charge of ihe company's af fairs in this city, has iteeived instruct to put men ut work opening up the main tunnel of tho mine, preparatory to putting a force of men at work. This work will require some time, ns it will have to be ' ' mucked nut and timbered und inuded safe for the work men to enter it. Ir. Schumanu is now in New York but is expected to return to the eoast soou, whe more definite information will be secured. WONDERING WHO ARE TO PAY THEIR SALARIES YKKKA, Cal., Jan. 11. Pending the rehearing in the supr-mo court of the salary case. County Auditor Howling, under advice of District Attorney Lot troll, has stopped drawing warrants for tho ar.laries of constables and justices of the peace. A few of the township officers had drawn their December salaries before Cm supremo court hid granted a re hearing. There have bctu :i good many crooks and turno in the case and all the officers are anxine-Iy awaitiug the time when it will be c.ttled and stay settled. KISSED PRETTY GIRL AND 19 8USFENDED STOCKTON. Jan. II When one of his fellow students held n piece of mis : letoe over t ho head of t he pret t iest girl in the Stockton high neho.l rnd dared Fred Hmwn to ki her. w(.:t was he to dof did it. Then L was suspeiobd by P:i:ic:p-1 F. 1. Wooten. Now tho matter has grown serious. Th 1 father of the boy h:s taken the inattM up with the bor.rd of education 1 ad declares that if the suspension is cainr-d out hi.i son will be unable to keep up in his work 'and will not be abL1 t graduate. j The father claims any boy would have done the name ss Hrown. He says the girt was per feet I willing to be kissed and reported the matter to the principal only when tormented by h r girl associates. HURT NOTHING TO SAY utv Business Directorvi Let the MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece J 'nrniture. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets. W. M, Coirig. O. L. Beamea. COLVIG ft REAMES Lawyers. Office:Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91 MORDORFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Kadi' old stand, 18-20 P St. South Med ford, Or. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furniahed All modern conveniences. D. G. KarneB, Prop. 20 S. G St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK Co. will be prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish cement brick. Better t han preased brick and just as ehuap. In estigato before contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Tons, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. Wo carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Kagle Pharmacy Main :t:t. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 pei day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opeued their new garage and repair shop buck of tho Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phono No. 3103 WANTED. V ANT'KD A ehamhennaid wanted at the Franco American Hotel, with ex pertoiu-e; fan? paid. " rekn, Cal. -l3 VA NTKD Itoom, with or without board, in privato family, by single man. C. H., care Tiiliune. 'J.'l VA NTKD Girl for general house work; $1 a day wngea. Address Box 3. ' 254 FOR SALE. FOR SALE An tdegaut lot of new furniture, direct from the cast, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M The Tribune. FOR RKNT Six-room house, corner of Quince and Seventh streets. Rum scy. 251 FOR SALE Good horses for sale cheap, half mile south of eitv limits. 0. L. Linxwlller. 201 FOR RKNT FurnisiK'd rooms for light housekeeping, corner Fifth nnd H, two blocks no-th Presbyterian church. 251 FOR SALE House-, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to tUO nercs. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOU SALE Extra dry cord wood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Osenbruggo, Studebaker Bros. Co. warerooms. Telepho-ne 3ttl. 262 FOUND. Ft V N) A small purse containing trinkets of aluo to a child; the little owner may have same by calling at this office nnd describing contents; nd free. CROWN PRINCE GIVES A WORTHLESS CHECK VIKNNA. Jan. 11. The crown prince o( Servia is becoming e royal jest at the courts of Kurop.. The prince re cent Iv obtained widespread notoriety posing as a Servian patriot. His fath er 's subjects declined t accept him as a patriot unless his prcs agent showed them proof. He visited the eotir f the czar, and now the news comes troni St. Peters luirg to the effect thrt the prince has made himself persona non grata by a bad check. He reach, d St. Petersburg :. trifle short and n:etiated with the czar's chamberlain : loan of $(.000, for which he gave a note. When it fell due and the Belgrade bank, which guar :: ii toed it. couldn't eol'--et the bank ap plied to the prince va;nly and then ap proached king Peter, Moth repudiated tho debt. Classified Advertisements THE B. R. V. LUNCH BOOM rtnest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer - - Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Mcdford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of ail styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane ft Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Jdedford Oregon WASCHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are locutod in their new quarters in the Young ft Hall building. Billiards, Cigars nnd Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat nnd clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert ft Brown For good bargains iu Watches nnd Jewelry, Pistols, MnBical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Stroot. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones C. W. Conklin 33 J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. T. OONROY Sneeessnr to Dr.l Jones. Office in Stewart Building. MEDFORD WEDNESDAY, John Cort 1 'RESENTS THE MOST YKKSATILK OP ARTISTS FLORENCE ROBERTS AND AX KXrKTTloXAL OAST Seymour Ofcermer Owing to long jump from hero, Curtain will vise. PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK, STOLE MONEY OR?)ER AFTER IT WAS MAILED POKRIS, J;ui. 1 1. Constable Hughes arrested an Italian, whose name cannot be learn -d, for attempt in g tn rob a Spaniard of "' Wednesday. The Spaniard, whore nam ;- Antonio Sal tnones, wanted to scar. $-"o to his nephew in San IV-iac :;'cn. nnd asked the Italian to interpret for him at the postoffice mid nsis h'-m in obtaining a money order. This the Italian did, and the order was r-eured and mailed. Aft t th.- two nu n h f t the postoffice the Italian ratne back nnd demanded the letter from the postmistress. The letter was given him, bn'. later the post office people becani 1 suspicious, and the Spniprrd ivr.i hunted up and ques tioned t once mi tig the matter. He clr-imed lie hail iot made r. request for a ietum of the letter, aud supposed ihe money was well on its rray to his mphow in S:-.c Constable Hugh, s found the Italian in one of the railroad camps, whore both men had SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated aengs. Entire change ot program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ' Admission 10 cente. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7XH ST. Continuous performance erry evening of motion pictures and Il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 28. 210 W. Seventh St., Med ford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. C. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 693. Medford, Or. ia ED. ANDREWS . Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 25 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 1012, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk, bldg JACK FREDENBURG Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. Dentist Specialist in oporative dentistry Painless -xtraction of teeth. THEATER JANUARY 13. IN THE MOST DARING AND ORIGINAL PLAY OF THE the house YEAR OF BONDAGE THE WORK OF been working. The letter containing the money order was found tuckvd away in his Inside pocket. It In likely thai he vill bo heid rn a federal c harge. LA GRANDE TO BUILD PIPE LIVE POR 1148,000 LA ORAXOE. .Tnn. 0. At the conn cil meeting last night the proposition nf the American Light and Power company of Kansas f'ity to build the ( Heaver creek water sv.stem complete for : $ was accept ed and council is ( now awaiting the action of the Chicago I firm whose bids for the bonds was pre j viously accepted. j Since the election i nd adoption of the new charter, the Chicago people have not been heard from. They htv been given until January SO to take up the bonds. The American Light and Power ( Vs. bid s 111,000 lower j than their previous bid and $14,00 low er than the amount of the bonds.