Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 11, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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$6.50 Berry Set. .
$5.00 Berry Set. .
. We
Medford Tea, Coffee ancl CHiiia Motisfe
- Two mtv'lAW by
Oxicv, Tliur-lay o.-i.ta-nrnK
the roups o ern1 nwn)jipx
:eoiuitv. Tito Will's !ro HP to-'bitf nil-'
'show 'the owner of pitch tract of laud
t Jii.h township covers Iwu
.nbuav -""' b.v .fiv"1 tort iniil nre mud'
iso ltet when tlio if re njienwl nil
Jt-ntiro Jown!u W formed, which makes
it vorv tlwrnlv. One M.le of the it
Munki covered with I'ioth. The liookt
inre well bound nnd. with faro will hist
'for yeni-H. They w made by the
.Jackson bounty AbatfliU company Ud
it will repuire about two yearn to
i plfltfl the entire job, iihliouRh the rom-
pnny ban 11 large force at work on the
, limps. The company in composed of
'ilarvev, Ililon & Mn I key, with orficcs
ill Jacksonville, Merffoicl mirl Ashhind.
The bookn am n f;rcnt convenience
to the assessor as well as every liuli
, vuliinl in the county, who pays taxes.
;lliANr TtAPIDH, Alich.: Jan. 11.
'jlow Miss Cornelia Vantrieii, ilenmre.
jietite, ' and -seveulei'ii, foiled n theif
; Inst Wednesday, became public titdny.
! despite tho. efforts of n leadinR junk
' to keep the facts secret. j
; . Miss Vanstrien wni starting in the
linn before tho paying teller's window
nts the bank. Just ahead of her wns a
large, flashily dressed man. who pre
sented n elieck to be cashed. As tlio
teller turned his bond tho girl. paw (lie
i-ninn rencli under the bars of the wiu
; jinto nml obstruct, a Inruo roll of green-
, tiacks. The innn shove.l the roll in his
' picket. The girl reneled into bis pocli
i ef, withdrew the bills and -hid them in
her muff.
The innn left the bank before the
money was . missed. Miss Vanstrien
fVen 'made her way into the president
l.ot'rVo and handed over the roll to him.
i ll was counted and fi.uiid to contain
'yiearly $1700.
"Miss"Tf euefr'cks of" t he unsurveycil.
n( to lm onldone In the men, walked
if..o i I...,. ,.,...,1.- n il istn nee of
lino iUeuii.iu "i
forty mile.H. She talks of walking back
if she floes not find ". conveyance, nor
fathei-Vis'oiie' of the he'iiesteaders nml
t doing "'good nnd faithful work.
Jinks Mcftowan and a man from
California are iu; fho hills. looking at
timber. , ' ! i . ' '
Frank Xetherlnnd and Kdmond
,8011 of Derby nre expecting to mnke n
irip to Medforil on business the coming
.. Parties -w)io hnve cm several thous
find stakes on railroad lands lost, them
nil, they being seized iy n ranger and
dold. Is the ranger in (lie employ of
the railroad or the government f
' B. V; Fredenburg has his family In
dited in one of the most com fori able
fionies' in the l-'rjlls.
' Tbn Tinker brothers are "batching"
ami living a good time in their cn.y
Wnna Parker has been hauling from
the "Fries" ranch rome fine grain
Imy rjia1l Vni raised on that ranch.
' ace 'adjoins -the "Pent?." lioine
sinai anil both hnv fine quality or
.soil and will make fine grain, fruit nnd
grazing fniM, ft
'i B.'i H.; Harris11 js" yisiting among us.
Jiain(! returned from ,'in San Francis
,co trip.
ifiss Nutting is closely attending t
tiontesfeod matters an 1 neighbors are
.ever reaiiy to help her. She is making
needed iu'ir..venient8 and raising hogs.
H. Pennington of Oberchain is in
tUc valley on business. Mr. Pennington
lias a fine homestead in which he and
Ids family reside and have done much
In the wnv of improving it.
B F Edmnndson who has been vis
King friends near Derby has returned
to Butte Falls.
There was quite a number bidding
on the new road to be built from Butte
ir.u .ml it is hoped thai
I lion i" ' ' r
will soon heeiii of It ns many ol
the men at the Falls ixpcct to work
on it and earn a little during the long
winter months. It is i xpeeted that B.
11. Harris will secure the contract ami
employ workmen from the Walls and
...llnitnut ciinntrv.
Messrs. Bougliton .irrt J. If. Miller
grating, tho "nu'.l at tne ra. s
ti,... is fine dock shooting in tlo
.i,. and lakes llan.-herin a
-:a Lave been herivv, while snow
bus fallen further back to the depth ,.f
several inches.
' .ci-i-CTI .Tnn. II. William 11
Taft will be' the gne' of honor at a
banquet to be held th- evenirn o,
. . 1 !..!.. ..I Am,tta. It IS like
oar nssocui i n",
Lntor in thr work Mr. Taft will to
Ai0tn Whore he will n K' "
r i
" '
. $3.75
$:V2V I'.citv
$6.50 Bread
are (!roekery Heaiuarters
Humor wZ Philosophy
There mo some people la the world
who nre so perverse that tiiey will not
let us show them bow nhely the world
coiild eel iihuij; without lliein.
An obstinate
innn would fath
er have bis own
way than be pop
iiliii' and genial,
and It Is lucky
fur lihu that lie
In the ense of the town gossip a little
knowledge Is apt to be a slanderous
Some men ree-ard the iiian who has
no troubles to be drowned as a truly
plllnblo Individual.
Lots of men who (ire always running
for ollice never seem In get anywhere.
Probably the greatest service a doc
tor does la keeping us frulil being
seared to death.
The unprepareilnesi: that sometimes
overcomes us In an emereney Is at
tained In some eases only by inu,-h
The mean tilings we didn't say don't
keep us awake ulglils, even If they
won't let us go to sleep.
lllessed. nb. liiessed Indeed. Is it l
give, more so than to receive, but how
nlioiit Hie poor mortal who can do
Tilde Is a very foolish thing, but It
Is the foolish things of the world that
have made the most noise In It.
Perpotual Youth.
What's the une uf kiowIhk ol'l?
Not tho slightest bit.
At thrrescore a man need not
Fold hi iirms mul quit.
That's whiit tlio proffsaor ways.
Ctilm yoni' doubts ami fears,
You can Jpst ho starting In
At one liumtrrt yoars.
It is easy, fo they nay
Who have rtnver tried.
Only n'fl to liave.the rules
Thoiouyhly uppllpfl.
Just like I'i:lliriK d(T a lojj
Backwaid, they iillow,
But they ulwnyH tile hedH'o
Thoy havu ishown us liow.
Once In every little while
Some one conies along
Who can beat the riyintr t;atno
Or his jjur-HS is -ivroiirf.
He can tell you what to lo
So you'll last ami thrfyo
For n century or two
And mill bo alive.
What's tho use uf dylnyr younc.
Dropping oft for keeps,
At tliQ n .o of ninety-two?
Hear them hisii. "Mf Hi'e:m."
You can p-'iicj eome til'ty mora
Years of plensaiit pAa.
As tho nil Mlssuucinn my,
Show us. If you plfliiKH.
Up to the Audience.
Is your piny a tragidy or a farce?"
1 don't know yet. 1 want t wait
and see whether it niahe the iiudienee
laugh or ery."
Doesn't Work That Way.
How nU-o Hi.d pl-'ahiiiit It would tie
If no-.v and th' n there v..i:H
Aimkmi' upon our f:nnliy li'-e
An omle fi'ii uinl K'iu-1
Who'd lenve this world if pain and wo
Willi much .-i.-rity
And i' t a i:'Hy foriunu
To im In verily!
Hut, oh,
ill us,
I prlt-ve
(o pay.
It very
th.Tt way.
"I am looking for work."
"Koii.I of itr
"What kind of work?"
"Any kind, just so it is woi!;."
"Mighty pr-u.-l of yiinr go .d eil fam
ily, aren't .vu;i:"
"'What faiiiilyV"
Set .,. .S2.50
and UuttiM- $1.50
for Medford. Our line is complete, including the cream of
i'KKSNO, .Inn. 11. While boring
for water on his ranch nbout two miles
i nst of clovis, John Potter run into un
oil gusher today. Tho e-:citoineut nbout
Clovis and in this city when the news
reached here was intense. Potter was
besiigcd Willi inquiries regarding; th,?
affair and many offered to invest with
him to devehip'the property. The ranch
it deehireil that he would develop it
himself. Potter was seeking water on
his land and i:pl reached the depth of
O1.' feel, when suddenly the gusher
hurst, fori h,
An onlinanoo nmomlhig portion 3 of
ordinnnro No. 30, nppr; nl Felirnnry 10,
10(12, by fixing the liquor ItoenHo iu
Moilt'ord, Orcg.m, nt the sum of $800
per mi mi in,
Tho eitv of M ml font doth nrduin us
Section 1. That Bcclinn .'t of ordi
uaiieo No. HO of tho (ity of fedford,
Oregon, entitled "An ordinance to regit
lato the lit'eiising nni r?alo of fspiritous,
vinous nnd mult liquors In the oily of
Medford, and tho. ninnner of on forcing
said regulations, and to repeal nil or
dinances mul parts of ordinances in con
flict with tins ordiinncej " approved
I'Vbniary o, lOuti, he nnd tho unine Is
hereby iinioiul i2 5 rcn'l lis f(j-.
lows: "Section ii. Bp lore any pe,fotl
alip.ll obtain n license tn sell sphitous,
vinous or malt liquors, ho shall pay
to the city treasurer i.nd tnko his re
ceipt therefor, us follows: For a license
for ono year to soil sspiritnus, vinous
or malt liquors, tho sum of eight hun
dred dollars; for a license for six months
to sell any such liquors, tho sum of four
hundred dollars; and no iiconso ahull bo
granted for n nhorfer period than six
months; nnd no license tdinll be trans
ferred (o any oilier person by tho per
son to whom il is issued, except by the
consent of the city council duly entered
j upon the records of said council; and
( he council may refuse to consent to
j any such transfer, aiH may refuse a
license whenever, in its judgment, (he
applicant is not n proper person to (iavo
J such license, or the hiiding or part nf
jthe- city iu which said applicant pro
; poses to curry on sue a business is not
satisfactory lo the council, and for the
sumo reasons it may camel nml revoke
any license issued, upon refunding a
proportionate part nt tl o money re
ceived therefor.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in full foreo ami effect on and after
1-Vbriiary 1, 1000, nnd nil portions now
conduct ing the business aforesaid un
der license Prom tho city, shall, on or
before said dnte, pay to the city treas
nrere a sum equal to the difference
between tho license paid by such per
son and the license exacted hereby pro
portionate to the length of time re
maining of the time for which their
respective licenses wo.i issued, and up
on the failure, of any such person so to
do within said lime, his licetiso shall
by such failure be decmid canceled nnd
revolted without further proceeding by
the council, am he shall be punished
as by ordinance elsewhere provided.
Section 3. All ordinances and purls
of ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed, In so far as they ho
The foregoing ord'nance was passed
bv the city council January 5, 1000,
Trowbridge voting :iye, Merrick no,
Ktfert ayo. Wort man a i Tlafer aye, 01
wi'll absent.
Approved January 1000.
,T, V, RKllPY, Mayor
Attest :
Il You Owned the Earth
crease in vain? as, us luc.ome
prcducing capacity mcn ases, but with "the rght kind of an orchar
d. ? nch a flnine we l-'ve to ,(how, the purchacer hai a chance of g?t
ting his purchase price back out of a single crop, w'.th proper man
ag'-tiu iit. How ran wealth be necumu 'lated faster than by buying o
ne '-,f thf- good young orchards we have "for salof
Alwavs at our service for the best buys .in this valley.-
$2.25 Sa'ftd Bowls.. .. ....$1.65
$1.(50 Hand-Dec 'led PVit.'s!. .$1.00
Prepaid Bull road OrUr& V '
"Something which il of coutidtnblf
in to rent to the public generally, and
which is perhaps not generally known
til thp system o prepaid orders now in
V fleet between stations of the Southern
Pacific company and all points in The
United States. By means of thjs system
tickets may be puroh&sej at Medford,
from any place in the URued Stktef nd
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here, Sleeper
accommodations and small amounts of
cubIi in connection with theae tickets
nay also he fo.Twa.Tded at the aam
as, we wiLr, pur '.v
FlfOM 11:30 A. U. ilNTlt
. 2 P. M.
pRifjB v.. r;'.';:".3 "
It doesn't pav. Keen your eyes fixed
on our exceptional offerings. Finetal-'
hiring can only bo secured from the
hands of li''h-Hass (ftiiprs. Our expe- j
rionce aud methodi are certainly worth i
investigation. We employ the beBt I
workmen and our elohtes are without 1
doubt the most carefully selected in the
city. i
The City Tailor
You couldn't 'ind a better plc,
tn live than in thio glorious
Hogue Itivor valley, with its in
eomparuldo winder and stimmrtr
cliniHte. Just now we have some
particularly good developed or
chard propositions to submit to
the homesooker, whioh are sure
winneis. llest givo this matter
Immediate attention. It does not
take a very wise man to foresee
that the advance in values which
we have been predicting in in
coming producing fruit lands is
about to materialize. A good
young orchard wifi not only in
MKDr'fmi), OR KG ON
!-TCups nu'a Sail.
$o.00 Lamps,. , . ,
all up-to-date sh.pes and
.'i f 't (i t
t r". - -;- - -- - v .... ' 2 ,?t "'" iLL-- '
' ThiR most beautiful addition to Medford is to he put
j f iistf pale Ut occur FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 1909.
, 'Good gardeu soil, natural
eivei'g6 already , t'
Bo it' resolved by the city council
of the city of Medford,. Oregon, the
mayor upproring, that thero bo and Is
hereby ' ordered a' general election5 in
sn id city to be hold on Tuesday, Janu-''
ary 121000, for the election of
A mayor for the ter of two ynarsr
A councilman frftna'the First ward for
the tci'fn' of 'two yeJiri. 1
'. A councilman from1 tho Second ward'
for the term of two jears.
A councilman from Hie Third ward
for the" terms of two years.
And such other measures as' Rhall be
lawfully', submitted at said election.
Tho following polling placos, judges
and clerks are ho re by designated for
the seVaral respective wards:
First ward Polling place, Commer
cial club, room Hj judg W. II. Frencli;
judge aud clork, Chas. W. Davis; judge
and clerk, A. 0. Hubbard.
Second ward Palling ' place, Hotel
Nash sample room; judge, John S. Orthp
judge and clerk; John Snmmcrvillc;
judge and clerk, Wm. Ulrich.
Third ward--Polllng place, City Hullp
judge, O. I. Bchermerliorn j judge nud
clerk, Hcott Davis; juilgp and clerk, H.
A. Thieroff.
The ' foregoing resolution waa passed
by the city council Dsemuber 26th, 100H,
by the following vote; to wltt Wortmnn
nyrt, Merrick aye, Kifert aye, Trow
bridge' aye; Olwell absent, Hftfer nb
J. F. RRDDt, Mayor.
Iu tli ilintruit tourt nf Ike United
Statin for'thwDhtrtct ef Ori-gon.
l"tka niHttor ot i. A. Mlevim, A. A,
Miuvenn anil 0. A. Bunsr, ho tho .hick
Hon Onintw I.iinibfr t uiuiiin-, Imnkrupt.
: Iu buukruptcy:
To th orililiir of:
.J. A. 8tvenft, A. A rltevens funl 0.
A. liouiir, u the Jacket Cuuul
l)r Company, uf Orug.u, i tlio count)'
t .laokiioo.' and diHtrii't uforefluiri, it
. Notic ii turebjr g.veu tuat on the
Itli day at Ueceatuer, A. I). HmS, tin
said J. A. Stevasa, A A. Steveua and
I)i Aj boaar, aa tho Jackaon C'ountv
'Lumbar Company, waa duly adjudi
cated baBkrupt; aad that tlia Ornt uinrt
luir of ita creditors will be beld at Med
ford, ia .lacknon coualr, Oregon, on
tlia ITith day of January, A. I). 10011,
at 2 o'olock la tba afUtnonn, at nbit'lt
tima tba- Mid creditor! may attend.
irv tbeir claimi, apcoiat a trustee.,
aiamiae the bankrupt, and tiuniart
aueh olber buainen aa may properly
coat before said moating:
! 257 Referee Iu Bankruptcy.'
1 1 MA I I .111 I I
' i m . "ii ii i i - - . i i . . i. u
.75 l
$3.00 Lamps
$5.00 Vases
decorations, as well as all staple goods. , :
AMI I ASH AN &.1 DNKEN,' EftOjft6tp$&:
oak trees, wide streets, four
More Light for Less Money
Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved 6y lisuijj
32 Caudle Power Edisort Lamp uies HQ'1 '
-. ' Watts -per hour aud 'would use in 1000 hrsi ".
110 Kilowatts wh'ich at' ioctsi' A' Kilowatt r $ii
32 Candle Power ' TungStfttt" LUlri uses-'? ' ,
40 - Watts perhour and'would'Wse in'ioob'''
hours' 40 lKilbSattS which at ioc f Kilo---watt....
, ''..'.. A
Net Saving in iooo hours in favor of t tiie- ' .
Tungsten Lamp.:... :..... ... ;; Ji 7
Rogue RiVer
Successors-'.-to Condor
Office, 206 West Seventh
Opposite the Big. Electric Bigti.
aaaaaaaaB- mwi
Qroceries, Chlnaware;? Fruit
and Fed
; . . . , ?2i00"
on the xBarket W' the
' ' !
blockB t NiirtU-,sctool,t
. ;
TERMS. ' ." ' :
Water & Power Go,
Street. Phone No.' 855,
It is, and always' has
been our ain,1tor supply
our , customers with
goads -of' the- highest
-quality aud t that, cad
w' are always '-adding
quality: to our lino. The
addition of "preferred
teck.' makes-pur line
t . Uitfli-gradh Canned
diosI complete.
Oar service always th
kat aad every accom
i gitaa our ciiitoinors.
& Reagan
hearty reception.