MEPEQgD DAILY" TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGQK, MONDAY,' JANUARY 11, 1909.? Miferd Daily Tribune Published every evening except uflday." MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY liEORGH Putnam; Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at. Medford, Oregon. r ! ! SUBSCRIPTION itRATER.- 0 mtftatil r a trier. .10.50 tOn year, by maiL . ...i.$S. BUSINESS; MEMAND TAXPAYERS '(TICKET ; i ; . v For -MtiyorJ' W. H? CANON. r -For.Councilroan First Ward, E. A.WELCIL ! For Councilman4-Second Ward, V. JIEMjURICK. For Coiuicilraan4-Tlnrd Wjird, JOILN?DEMER. WILL YOU VOTE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS I :,To-,votdita amend,Meafoid1's;fchartej aneai.8 atvotd to take avay the. .control of,muicipal affairs from people of Medford 'and 'give it to thej county. ' : ' " ' " It meailH fl nut hnmn, upon those who pay no city taies the right to manage local P-n" SSSSST i '"'' ' " j i$ .!, r!.x . ;j ,,,'; :;i I"!" ' of kwi way to I. The present charter irives Medford ,.iVv right to regulate the liquor traffic. It does uot give it the right to regulate criminal lato of ,the ijtato,ias lias (been alleged. ' In its present charter, Medford has an -advantaKe.over nomln nil -W. i it. . - i . i-r.. . , . viV lu .uuia ui uiO'Siaie.-)it can be wet or dry. as the .wauu". ai ainenaea, it must be lryif the people 'of uuujji-.y voitj n ury, regardless ot the. wishea of the pea pie of Medford. ; We Jiavo self-government ion the liquor -question.. II it is once given up it can never be regained.' vo tne people of the town, want other towns and wutside precincts to 'determine the liquor question" 'foi'-them?" ' We pay the taxes ; why should we not govern ourselves- Under the present charter,! no liquor can be sold except under; an ordinance . granting! the licenses. The amount of these licenses is fixed ; by! the eomicil.J'The licenso is $80Q a year. It can be increased at will. ' These licenses can be refused keep what charter power she 1ms, especially shire she could hy, lu uacn. il sue gives at up! WHERE ' IS MR. j PERRY!"' AT.'' " The Tribune has confined itself t. i ti,; paign and let personalities alone, yet here conies the Mail auu oujb uie. inoune jias, shamefully treated Mr Perry because it asked him where he stands on the questions of the campaign. ' ' If it is abuse to ask a candidate seeking office his ophi-i ions on public questions, then ithe Tribune. has abusedtr 1 Perry, not otherwise. If a nmn' luisn'f in,.i.-, u . . . ., . . .. -. 'villi CI1UUKU to take aBtaud onn issue before taking of fiee..what tt uaiv- antee is there that he will JiaVo'the sand to' express him-U , sell atter taking office? - ! - . The personality of a candidate is always au issue iu a efty campaign. The -management of the-city .is-in -his nanas, and every, one must ask,-,'.'Whab.inanilt-r of a man is this? 'And what can bo expected of him? "And what will ho dam an emergency?" Aid if he is too insincere, too wisuy-wasny to dare to express his real senti ments before election, he Ju) of a man to be given , STAND, EOR,,A, SQUARE .'DEAL, The success of the. business men's tickot at tho poUs a UUBU...JSS aaministmuon for Mud-fox d rule by neither .saloon nor preacher, but in Uio interest, of the pocketbooks of tho ta xpayera. . , The best qualified man that offers himself as a candi date for mayor of Medford is Judge, W. II. Canon, who lor.a quarter of a century was prominent in pubbc life iu his former home. ITe is pledged to high licenso and econ omy in pubbc affairs. As coimcibneu, no fault can bo found will, ..Messrs.' m "lld IMWV- Th0-V nro "ell-known and successful business men. Moreover, all are willing to let1 " " 7 , ' l,u'.v Ktai,rt public questions and are not straddling for votes, afraid to take a stand -for fear of losing supporters. Both saloons and preachers will f;- i-.. and a square deal at the hand of those me... but not be i-uuiutieu ti) cont rol a Hairs. - TRIBUXEIS0T AX ISSUK. The Tribune and its editor are not issues in this ram paign, despite efforts of the prohibitionists to make them Abuse and vituperation has been hurled dailv t both the paper and its editor, colujnns of falsehood' have been printed and the real issue lost sight of in the attack It has boon a remarkably personal and vindictive fi.d.t on the part of those advocating .barter revision, the liM ous story circulated bv Mi rlrthciPri ?g a Sa"lpIe f J,riJ,i,,iti,,n laign Bui the real issue should not bo lost. sight of--the riirht of Medford to rule itself AN OPEN LETTER. An open letter appeared is Sunday ' Mail written, by f0, advertiser of the-IrJbuae'a, of which the perti nent, part; is. as follows: .. '"An manaser of hu ul.ur..,,..i... on company,. I wlb t.1 state that an omer ue nas been printed in the Trib une's editorinl nlni....L I - , , ....Hb. unl B pr0. hibitiomst to tho oorn-but the fart t my having quit rdvurtisiuit in the ...uuuu uecauie or tlit fact is a lie. "This firm will have more advertis ing tO do.- but tw avitl. b l-. - - o pnjn- TUB! chooses to criticise tLe i.,.ii,.u . i.. boat advertisers. ; J, I?.. Hueh. The fuels of ..... ... .. , - 1,1 US, .101" lows: Mr. Hutchasua, t,o signed a con tract, dntod llureh 2:i. luna ... ...i. Use dully-for one ye:,r in the Tribnne, ..unuurv o notiiiod the nmuugpr that he would do ao.more-ailvertisiug In th Tfibuno, gifuifir.uin0ngother reasons, that ho diiM like tlii,Tribunc's atti eude in the pji-scnt f-itr-enmnni,, .1... way tlmtiJtj.was Imndling the ight against prohlbitionistwni tho articles that appeared in it. t Vbai accused of borcottiair. the Trihita h., u ..uou Jb Ulu not favoKj' lr....i. . -i .1 uiuilUBUU. m defonse,aid that his firm had boon: ooycoited ,iyitho other Bide. This occiirred Wi,h,nn,)u was said in ther.Tribune. Saturday the Mail containeel A column letter written by Mr. ilutchuaan.iirnA.I a if..... lor," heuded, "Doeeit stand to rea ont" which nttuoite.4ho Tribuno, un brovoked. unneceanntf)i nn.i J Reusing it falsely ofiUing out to sn- the ffOIUflr out nf tiiMl a.. Jt: oodit the paper iu n..tences lika the fallowing: "Saloons don't advortitso, yet tho Tribuno is thru most nMint supporter. Does a mwppr work tor qvuniig, - - Till-Tribune is eon tinually throwing nliip,. -n '..iiig luiau and deceitful stututmr.nt ..r .,-.! V' iniiu anout overvbody connectei! with a church in Mmtfnri Did anybody over Imnr nt 11.0 t.:i backing the things w':iich tend to make ror tne bost intorost of a town or com omnityf." Tho Tribune ore fers to .nrint-artiiilim .riMnni .1. i who ongage In a business of sending ...ou iu uen oy soiling tliem liquor than kBvo anvthinn-' to Hd--win..-ii. wont right-ilnil justice to-provail.' -1 -iin ropiy me Tribuno printed an edi torlal Snturilny ovoning, In. which no iittmes wore given, but the' statement uluiln that the Tribune 'a -advertising ipncc. was for mile, but not its editor ial policy. In Mr.. Hutoliaimti'i ni 10CUS19 the TrilmiK.Sif Mn,uu.. ing thutsrlith bhout bin boyeotti.f dhis pa per, anil ll.n r..,.l ... ion Is lieonuso.the .paper-" witioisi.d tho ili'ti.itil of -lt -li,.l ,jt No; erhiolsid Inn befen-. madst in the inonnmof ithn actios 'of-' nny -advertiser, becnuso ho did or did not adver tise, but when any one whether adver tiser orjiot, wniitonlv-iittacks a pniier us Mhlilluiehnsoa-has s- 1, esi-npo it. And another thing nn one Heeiiros iiumanitvl from- eritioisni in tlio Trllurtie bwnnse ho Is nn nrtvorMsoi1, if ho is desorviiii nf it. . 'GKOHOlt PDTNAM.'i LABOR EADERS 1 INCOMVENTIOH Important Sesslonln Wash ; ington to Discuss Recent i Decision of Judge Wright I s 5 i: ! -: 1 . ' ' j . .-' - v ' 'ASHINOTO, Jan'. 11. What is likely to lie the m. ist important ses sion ever held by ih exi-eutivo com mute of the American i-Vdi-rntinn ..f alx.r iwn convened here tolnv.i xr,u. juil? sontences tliaugin,!1 u'vil the HBree lenders of the federation, Compere, Mitchell and Morrison, vital issues uffcctlngj.tljo orgauuse.l laborers of the uutryirorup fo 0lusshju! Hesolutions eustniiiing the uttitude of the leaders of the iig .organisation with its 30,000 odd coitUUsaii!,u0O 000 of members will lit. n,,).,;ita.i 1 the policy of the federation, in view 01 mo court b acttoaiuaoV.iitatJiiad ir raignment carried sin MaiiialdA....iii: be outlined. Secretary Morrison, 0110 of the con victed. neawxHsAiiMurt .).. ..... in.i. following- laiatnor.i "We propose to exkuust every mouns to sustain our riiht 1.. 11 Pr.'. end roe.spel!ch,,i ansx-onftdent'ithiifi the iposiHoti-l taken' by-tho federation is right, and that the people of this country will ' rntlfv nnr nitit..,. t beliuvo they will givs tho trudo unionist 1110 sumo ngnts unit pr vilcges that are being accorded to the trado unionists in Oreat' Jtritiau as -iirovided Mr by tho trado disputes act adopted ih,.r. two years , ago. I . Mr. Oompers reforn-d to .that act' in, hie speech, to, the court. ruder the act u nnioti ,-iinnnt tw, ,ifl. ted hi damages on nccniint of a strike'. ' " no Bebtence. 1 ' It seems,',', said Mr Morrison,' that me iJisirict or I'n nmMn iu really tio'limit to the Wenten'on- tlmt ..,. Do imposed for contempt of court. In u great many stutes there is a limit In ISnw York, for instance, six in.,ntl, is tho mnxiinmn. we propose." he 'td.lerl ' "tf. ,. ImilHt every offort to (uutuin our right to a free press artd free'speecli. I he lieVe nnrt t Am' jonflier,t thnt the p.. si tion Inken by tho tederntion is riul.t and thnt-tlie citiens: of this country will ratify thii' attitude of tlie federa tion in this matter:' ;;; j. - S AND PEARS AND ALL KIN1X. t, ' YAKIMA' IVMEYJnIIRSERV Largest Comnieiclal !Xurserv lii m 'Patnfi Northwest. Not, m fbe combine. Co'.'ipetes with ;. , . , . all first-class nurseries " , L. E. HOOVER, Agent MED F ORD r- OREOO Nil I n' "1 I sibauiiiael.aeiLi . . 1C Medford, Ore.,. Jan. 6, 1909. I have just Tecoivcd Jhe-jfolwwlg j y, 1 1 Nursery r ill I Jit Medford i Iron) iWorks n E. G. TROWBRIDGEiPronitor.I i 1 11 FOUNDERS, AND MAtHWlSTS''' ilfifsPiniipsi ? ... AU kiud of Eiiiltes, Snravine Bir.'eis and tMachin Agents in Sorthorn Oregon f nj FAIRBANKS, MORSE V fl ein I lii' 411 II! The ladies of the Or.ntr club are to give another of their social 'lilrtees- on the' evening of .Tanunry 29, for. -the- benefit, of the .illhn.rv usual good -timo is promised and -nr-rnugeinents aru way. I.OXDOX. Jau. 11. J,cin.l,.n i."t. have a national Uivatro as a nieiu.iri..l to Ubiikespeare, in which will be enact d the .poet's works ns well un y oilier hnglish dramatista, living ami . ('llll. A lllllll I.T o .iron i.r i-ntn ..!.. seriptii.ns have already been promised. :ind (he Lord Mayor of London nn.l l... Mayors in tho proi-inced Mill be asked . opon public subscriptions. A Bile will bo selected, iu the In art of Loudou. and the theatre will b- controlled by 11 board of trustees'U from uion prominent the l.ii-ruture, .Irunin, music HU.l H'dui'utiou ol' the iluy. rane '3famfton Isaacs Ituhructor of "plaoo. "XtaiielS 5ttitl)s6f ( j Stuoto .1 5ulo.M. Jlorlh Ores,. Slr . '' , I 'f ) '" H R A N I OAT SPECIAL Ladies's Cape.Mackintoshes. Values , up to $3,50 at.$U5 each. Childrens' Auto Rain Coats were $2.50 to $3.00 Now at 98 cts. 1-3 off on all Goats and Skirts VAN DYKE'S FULL LINE OF SLICKERS AND WET WEATHER GOODS FOR MEN J Stat Depouitarj. OAPITAi AND BTJEPLU8 2fi,000 at iHE'faiEVibE'r'''1'''-1 ' !;i "tt' DEPOSTHSOBg AND 01IHNTS . i. n i l) i liU.i .,! .i Tlieijaeksou County Bank places at the c. rvico of its d'posiloryiut'hiierr(e' the beet facilities in banking. The office- are pleased to render conusol and advice on financial matters. Aceeunt,i;inbje't to -check, aor -iu-'- vitoa! i . Safe deposit' boxes to' rent,' ti per year .and p.-.-' -W. iJ iVAWTER'PreeideBt ' O. Rl LINDLBVj.iCaehlW ' 2000 Diuter Nellis Tear Trees. 1200 Do Anjou, ... , , ; -, ; 2500 Peach Trees. . . . ". I also have on hand: , 3000' Bnrtletf fear I'iees. 1 - 2000 Oomiee,' j ( I clenu stoek toikiaij The iabuv ji'(ral4. i' j popular prlcAi. A t hi rpiuiii mWm EVERY ONE HAfl THE IB ' OWN v - - TROUBLES " ' j Eftpei'inlly thtf man' WhA' bi,v a unit fof clnthiitg or'overcmit iund to ffit nny 6n that wmita to buy. Thi man who mu hig iiriut'iiU intilti to order , by an iip-to-diito tailor never lmti any trouble ivith'thi fit', Tiutsh 6r grtttfnU Ret up" of hi c'lothiiiii. ; It h tt onlv fits i)pr fecUy, hut givus yuu u. atylt anl indi liiitiality - aequirod in . uo other way When nmtle nt ' li.;AKreuzer &Co. Importers andT, ailors PA1M BDTLDINO, MEDFORD, OR. w V-...IU II. tili'iaoirRilSMT-... I IT YOU HAVE SET 70UR, HEART on having of lianilsonie diamond, ruby jir other ring, or a pair of bracelets or 'a brooch for: nilnriiing yelir beauty and making yoisriielf1 attractive at "social .functions. r when you Wnnt to look ins eharmiug its natnro will pormit when j embellished by the bsst art of the jew . elor; come iu -mid See " the beautiful stook' of fine jewelry at WARTW J. REDDY ; Jewelry arid-Watches . .1. B. SNTART. President. 7. A. P.BBMT, ice-Pretident. nOHN 8. 'ORTH; Cashier:" W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, CAPITAL ,, r - O Bi UKJ1jUS - 10,000 " Safety BoxeB For fceiat-A QeneralBank in Bua.ness Transacted "We ' owiiuib iuurtratroixage.. a bottle : .'.'..' Jivlt t l.i -P of Mc Donald Never 4 ... . . Leak i- Shoe Oil Keeps Dry Pint Bottles - 20c -35c C, W; Mc DONALD Successor to SmfJh & M1 ny E. I. Skswls G. E. Hllstnwr A. C. Randsll ,; L. d. Harris Rogue River, iDvestmgnt Co. FRUIT ILANDS 0-n.. .nb-DivWer. and Developer, Rogtie Rlv VaUey Or- bel L1";:.""'" r'"'arj8 ad P-P"'-V to Experience Not Necessary for those who purahass through us. -Th.r eeeor.. n,. j . ' in NortliD Street, Medford, Oregon YOU CAN SAVE I i .-On your railroad fare.' The law itf tl e common carrier compels . equal rates on all rnilrbad lines - THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THTt'rFT NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN ORON M E D FORD SASH & DOORCOMR;VNY PHONE 2291. F STREET, BETWBEN a,CTH Avn s rveath RTRBET3. YOU: CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex- " . and' Fatigue; By ' l Insisting on the shortest . -t '. . route, fastoV trains' and best aeririce.' Simply tee ' -. that your ttoleet reads via , .:, SOUTHERN'. PACIFIC O. R. & N. Orefon Short One ': Union r Pacific: Kv-ery .facility ' for the safety and aecommoda- tioa of ,lhi passenger is provided. Ni. cltnnge ef cars is leeV'Ssary to Don-T yer, Oanha), Kansas City Chieagw. Direct coirnof- , tions arirjr)or albuth-! er point east) a nil sonVh Take the Tribune for News A. S HOSHNBAHM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMTOBAT, neral Paaengr 'Aent, 1 POSTtATrarOB. V.V