.. . I....... THE MEDFORD DAILY TR1 BUNK, MEDFORD. OREOON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1909. 1 w JVM You can build cheaper today than you can tomorrow. We have the material and will help you. BIG PINES LUMBER CO. Aft , Social and Personal Charles Nickell of Sterling was trad ing iu Medford roconrly. A. C. Taylor of Central J'oiut whh ii recent Aledfnrd visitor. 'KB Kiln Ciminynw, fit r; nnrn pli v imd typewrit.. . Hon in 4 Vr.lm block. E. O. Truubridgti t xpi-cts to leave noon for HnnenWt, Midi., for n visit with relatives. Flaming Tokay grjj o vines for sal" :n nny quantity. L. K. Hoover. Jack Dent has bm-n awarded the eon tract lor excavating 11k reservoir for tho water gravity system. Tin prico in about 10,000. ,1. A. Kiser nf Med lord luis left In spend the winter in Lop Angeles, where the thermometer yent.-'n.iiy whh HO de grees above. Frank Rnnipln exp-vls to leave hood for Salem to join his family, who arc residing in that city. O. E. II fiit uf the .l.'.PotiHOD -Hade com puny has returned to Portland, a ft or looking after buatnr-cs affairs in Huh r.ttv. Join the Nut iona Protective, I 1 1 n uii t. (.t,,ti..- tii1.t.,K..f W...L- .. ...I Alt,,,. bility benefit. Particular at M. & K Candy Kitchen. See J. C. Hrown about those great fl'g Jots, I(iOil0. bv'.ry lot n gar . C. K. Boyd returned to his home iu I (lot tit go Glove Fridiy rfter spending oevenil days in Medford. Mayor Hopkins of C.-ntral Puiat was I H viil,r in M.Tf..r'1 Prl.ttu- lln rn. I ports th bcKt mud i1 Central Point that nicr muddy mud. - The Be Hivo, 15 strod is the place to got a good l.rt cent meal and excellent service. 2:72 E. 1. N ill's find family have arrived in this city from K'nmath Falls and intends to make his home here. George V. Boast cf Baker City is in Med ford looking ovrr the country for a few days. Heo J. B. Brown nbmit Kiverside ad dition lota. 2r2 Ed Purdy and Frank Tsancs expect to loavo in a few days for the Klamath country, wheru Ed siys lie has an ap pointment to keep. Pu is going along to BL-o that he comes back safely. ? Ijehinoister, tho ni l a round photog apher, specialist on children, guaran tees satisfaction on all work. Corner ' uf Seventh and C streets, over Allen & Hragan 'b. Miss Anna O'Brien of Applegate am! Mian Hattie Williams of Ashland are copying records at 'ao courthouse for the Jackson County Ah'tie' company. Miss Agnes Broad, iu company with Mrs. IV Liu and Mi.'s l.eoria Glcasen of Medford, will leave for Portland Boon. Mr. and Mrs. V. Campbell mid Miss a Onrrifou returned (o llilecn, Cal,, after spending a few days in Medford and Jacksonville. Needbcraft Sh.p, formerly :s Washington htreet, -,. 117 Sixth st.,i between Morrison ai.d Ahb r "Is.. Port 1 land. January NVed'ow.irl; Snh-s now on. '.) W. E. Phipps and O. c. Bog-i. two Medford attorneys. :i:t-iid. .l cmtrt in i Jacksonville this w . k ' Mrs. Anna Bland f Crantn Pa-is ! made her mother, Mrs ugu-ta llidin, j a visit one day last w. , Mr-. Blnml j wits formerly Mrs. A nun Mart in ami in m recent bride. Tuesday evening tl Pniied itisans of Jacksonville h-ld a social meeting, when they inslalled fk. ir .tt fie rM f,,r the coming year. hVfn-hm.-iJq w. re aeived in the b:mquet h; II and dancing and singing were Mi- amusement of tho evening. Mrs. N-!!ic NVuhurv was precenled with a gold brunch m a t.;, en of appreciation, hav.n-; ,-Id thf .f fice of master Arti,ui for sv r:il terms. Following :ir llie officers for litiiit: Xoftie Thumps..:., mrisiir Arti aan; .Veil to Xewburv, pa masfr A r tisan; Birdio Hrrvev. superintendent ; Lottie Finney. inspiWoi; Amv ltow, socreta-ry; Pauline 11 i res, ti. n-mrer; Sarah Wilcox, senior eendm-tor; iis.ar Iunford, junior conductor; KviIot Berry, master of ceieinonit h; Anna Broad, warden; Rose Kermey, inctruct nr; Ina Lny and Bert ;uiey, field commanded. Mrs. Walter Kentner of Medford wi-.a visiting Jacksonville ndutivm on Fri dav. irtsmstafWwsAS you . ' Scone from "Why Oir'.i Loavo Home," at The Modford Tonight 4- AMUSEMENTS. j Modford Theater Tonight. . , ii-,,, , m A novel and dccubdlv original offer " trig iH promised in i j,,un. nth' ' nn tl.o Pat h of Folly, " whirh wi" presented at the Medford to- ''Kt- ,l ' t.vpo nf melodrama con- tinning many new ami tidmirnhle feat- men, and tho author, Fred Summer field, has given to !i public iu this plity something which is remarkahlv true to life. It deals with the cxperi enci s of ii young girl who becomes en amnroii oi a iiigmy pMinict city man, who is at heart u villain, without even n conscience. She follows her hero, and is introduced to the gay life led by those who frequent liehly decorated cafes, Dincovered by her brother, who in another part of the nstaurant recog tiizes her voice, she is concealed by hi companions under the table during an exciting scene. 'I ho lule might con vev an impiVNsinn of suggest iveness, but the skill and cleccTiiess of the an Ihor have aided him nafely over all threatening points, ami have given to the public a plnv with n wholesome moral, a moral peculiarly appealing to Ihose acquainted with the temptation of a great city. An erecptionally ca pable cnnipniiy Iiiih been engaged to in terpret the several ciiaiaclers, and the scenery and effects me described as novl and original. Good Attraction at Bijou. The new bill at thy Bijou has beea taking exceptionally mil with the ami 1 v ccs. The entertainment its a whole is a most novel and irterestiug one. Professor J. B. King is capable of doing more novelty balancing than any o'Iht living eqiialib,aist The feats thnt Pro tensor King per forms are entirely different from the Id style balancing and juggling acts. The audiences at th Bi jou have never I':: ib d to give him henity applause nf ' r each and ewry fear performed. The motion picture included in tonight's entertainment is also a feature sub iect . ' ' 1 Convict No. ;no ' ' is one of the lae subjects, end is extremely inlnvstirg. An euti.-" change in the fro-iram at the Bijou Mondav night. A ond coni.'dv pin no t am is the new fi-Hnro. i NEW LAND COMPANY 18 FORMED IN ASHLAND 'I'lif I'm t.'i st.ii Lull.) t'onii'iinv in tin1 i'.li's! ....r...r:ili..n In I... nri;:iniri, in l.!:m. f,.r tin. ,l. vi l,..in,.iit of th.' I i.rn.-iiltiii:il ituliiurr n i,iH vn'inilv. ::Vs tln Ti.liiis. TV- iin'orpoijll .irt Svh.t.r lm t.-i .... I,.t,.r l'at '. r.ni, Lillian M I ' il t. r 11. t'.itt....ii. nn.l .1. Svl. M,.uir. T)l imkimv li:n ...l...ut four liun.l ilri'il :i,t..i i.f lit ti, in its lti..litiL", I., "tii-l n,.r:li ,,f Ashl.iinl nn.l .i.ljniiiiiiK 111., fnmuiis I':um nv,.i!ir.l trin-t (fnr "I'Mlv II,,. ,. '..t,.M,,, mvliat.n nil ,,f th- I" .,-.-- t ill tin, Ungu,. liivnr vallov. Tli- tr.,,l !i., a as tli, In' ,1, v..n.,l , . Siimiv i.!i Or,'h...rilit nn.l .. rt ,,f it i. :ilr.. ti.lv ,-t ,,r,l,:ir,l find nlmiit tn ,.,,iii,' int., h.-nri,,. ..l 111 ionril niTi'tiR,. will 1... ,,lant,.,l tn nroliai,! an.! tlm i,m.tn,y pmp,,,,,, t cut the s.-itti,. intn stn.ill triu'tn ,r five mill ti-ll ii, r.'K f.,r ill,., i niin,; f,,r tl. (iro)mril for puri-li:tn-i for n tt-rm nf vnar, wlipre Jmiri'il. Married. FICK RK.'IIAKDSO.V In Jackson villi?, January a, 11U!, by Kev. Hubert F.nnis, Luura J. If i.-li.irdci.n ami Fred Kick. Now Cases. L. L. Angle vh. Johu . Smith; suit for injunction. Huh Newbury, attorney for plaintiff. Andrew Caatrall vi. Sterling .Mining Co.; unit for injunction. (Ins Newbury attorney for plaintiff. J W. llolaiHii. tho popular traveling again visiting points in the man, valley NOTICE OF ELECTION. Be It resolved, by the city council "f the city of Medford, Oregon, the mayor approving, that thero bo and is hereby ordered n general eloction in said city to bo hold on Tuosduv, Junu ary 12, I'lOii, fr tho election of A mayor for tho tor.n of two years. A councilman from lie First ward for ' tI,e ,urm of tWo ! A councilman from the Second ward ..r te trm of twu tnr 'Why Girls Leave) A councilman f rota 'tho Third ward r words, "A Dan ff1)r the terms of two years. I And such other muasurea as shall be lawfully submitted nt said election. The following polling places, judges and clerks uro hereby designated for the several reflpectivo wards: First want Polling place, Commor oial club, room .1; judg W. II. Freuch; judge and clerk, Clms. W. Onvis; judgo and clerk, A. C. Hubbard. Second ward Polling place, Hotel Nash sample room; judge, Johu H. Orth; judgo and clerk, John Summerville; judge and clerk, Win. Ulricb. j Third ward Polling place, City Hall; I judge, (1. L. Sehermarhoru; judge and clerk, Hcott Unvin; judge and dork, H. A. Thieroff. i no foregoing n-soJution was .passed by the city council December Utith, l!08, by tho following vote, to wit: Wortmau aye, Merrick nye, Eifert uve, Trow- bridge aye, Olwell uhsenl, Hafer nb s ut. Approved: J. F. REDDY, Mavor. Attest: BKNJ. M. COLLINS, Roeorder. NOTIl'K OF FIHHT MKKTINO OP CHKDITOIia. j In tlm diHtricc court nf tbo Unilnl f Smtf. fur tli8 District of llrcKnti. I In tlio iimltcr of J. A. Htuviins, A. A. ' Ntuvuna nml D. A. UniiRr, na the .li.ak ! nun County Lumber Coinpuny, bunk niit. ' in bankruptcy: Tn tutj crcilitura of: , "J. A. .StoviMiH, A. A ti'v.u8 an, I 1). V. llounr, as tlie .lackarc Cunntv Lum b,-r t'ompauy, of Oregi.i, in the oouaCv : of Jnvktioti, and district nfnroHritd, a liiiiikrnpt. Notice is lieroby rriven that on tho! til day of Docuintmr, A. U. HHI8, Ihv i H"i J J. A. Htuv.ui, A A. Htov.ua ami II. A. Untiar. as tin) Jackson Cnnntr ! bcr t'ompany, was duly ndjutti- j ntvd bankrupt: un.1 Hint tho llrst met iiii; of its creditors will ho held at Mftl ford, iu .Incksnu county. Oregon, on the I nth day of January. A. I). 1!KH. at 'J o'clock in the afttrnoon, at wbirh titutf the said creditors limy nttrnd. prove their claims, npT'oiul a truste. exatnine the bankrupt, and transact, such other business ltd uiilf properlv nine before said meeting. JOHN H. OHTII, -7 Keferee in ltimkriiptcy. TAKE NOTtCE. A FEW UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS IN THE MEDFORD IOAN OFFICE FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAINS. ALSO OVER 200 UNREDEEMED WATCHES FOR SALE VEB Y CHEAP. WE NEEI MONEY. Gregory's Bahy Show. Conditions and pn '. Titue, Suii- I ...... nuur., rs'iiruary .. .moes. , thr.v well known Medford ladies tn . tn be iiiinniinced antil day of jndi.if. I'rires $n jinld .ml cunt nf pactnres refunded for best looking baby 1 to l-'o tnontlis. Ml children in Modford and Jaeksnli county eligible, t'hildrei. to bo iu.lifed I by ulmtns must bo cabinet sire. Spe I cial retluctiou in pries during con. I test. SSI ' Marriage Licenses. Robert Chrisne Montgomery and Lil lian Maud Davidson. Voruon B. MurshHI and Ruth Brown. SACRAMENTO, Jan. !. The Cnit ed Wireless company completed its plant on the ro.f of the Capitol hotel yesterday and mess.ies were sent to the station at lfuss;:::i hill, in San Francisco, Point Lonui, Mare Island. San Diego and Portland. The first, message was tninsmitlfd by operator O. C. Brill to Genenii Manager Jos sup iu San EraacUco The voltage was found to be a tilt!:' heavy for the transformer at the loca) station and n meter was installed roday which rem edied tho defect and eouiiuuuicnl ion can now be hud without any trouble. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Lift When a Modford Citizen Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary disorders, lamvness, head aches, languor, why allow themselves to b ime chronic inv.tl ds, when a cer tain cure is offered theiuf Don ii 'a Kidney Pilh the remedy to use, becauHO it gives to the kidneys the help (hey need to perform their work. I f you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney disease, cure your self now. before dinhttcs, dropsy or llright's disease sets ii. read this Med ford testimony: John Davis, Bordman street, Med ford, Or., says: "I w; s afflicted with1 kidney trouble for twnlve years, and, although I doctored mid used many ! remedies, 1 was not helped. 1 suffered severely from pains my back and generally re It tired and worn out. Learning of Dean's Kidney Pills, I decided to try them, and procured a box at 1 1 n h k i iik ' drug store. I hnd only taken t hem a short time when 1 no ticed a great, improvement. I contin ued and was soon benefited in every way. 1 can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills very highly." For sale fiy all dealers. Price ;"0 cents. Foster Milbura Co., Bi.ftalo, N. Y., side agents for the 1'nited States. Remember the name Point's and take no other. U i Bitapi iK3' HARMONY IN YOUR NF.W HOME Color blcmlino; of Furniture, nrapcrics, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our expert decorative specialist will viit your city sonn. Without obli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for you- new home. WiLtc (of pifUoullrt ' J. G. Muck & Co. Furniture and Carpets roRTl.ANO. OREGON Sittglt Ra;mi humiihej Tastefully pftnntica. dcfiOsCcsSr Ikssfmt. Mnkm the tUn emukiWT safti ha&khes enckJed apMansos nwid br OTcrdiiu i redacas the sbe tf tnkrrvd pom, cleanses tbnaw r- , duoes imrUramaUoa and gpnads as mi, ndhunt rlow due to wholesome noon ment of ittla (rUnds and ttimutatksi of' ute capillaries which ai teed tae kin and mpply Its healthful oJor. I A ik pur Drmxzut Jrm Jrrt $mmk f OBERTINH Methodist Episcopal Church "Holy Ghost Religion" will be the subject next Sunday at 11 a. in. In view of tho union temperance meeting at the tabernacle thee will be no ser vices at night. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. All are invited. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Something which is of considerable intoreat to the public generally and I which is perhaps not generally known t8 the system of prepaid orders now in kiiXocp between stations of the Soutturn Pacific company and all points in the United States, fiy moans of ihja syatoni tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tbo party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets jay also be forwarded at the samt time." tf IlTfil Coavl MERCHANTS LUNCH STARTING DUOEMBBR 28, WE WILIj I'U T ','iV MERCHANTS' V.UNlH PROM 11:30 A. :.. UNTIL 2 P. M. PRICE 36c THE LOUVRE Classified Advertisements WANTED. U A.NTKD A chambermaid wanted at tho Kranco-American Ilotnl, with ex n'i'iriirc; i':no Kiid. '-'t'ka, Cal. 203 WW N'TFll) lijtom, wit'u or without hoard, iu private l:nnily, hv single man. II., v:ro Tribune. L'."l V A N T K D tl i rl for gcuurul house work; $1 u day wagou. Address Box 3. 254 FOB SALE. FOR SAL.F. An pleRant lot of new furuitiiro, direct from the east, at bar i;:iiii i.rici. For (tarticulars apply M., I ho 1 rilmne. FOR RFNT Mix room house, corner of Quince and Soventli streets. Rum wy. 251 FOR SA1.K (Jooil hors-f for sale cheap, half mile south of citr limits. Q. I,. Linxwiller. 261 FOtt RKNT Fnrnisiied rooms for light houfokeeping, corner Fifth and II, two IdiH'ks north Preshvtrmn church. 2."1 Von SALK llousw, lots and land in Phoenix, or iu tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. i'tlH SALE Extra dry cordwood, fir :.n,l pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. (htenbrucire. Studebaker Bros. Co. w:'.reronms. Teleph,e 3tH. 262 FOUND. rol'N"1 A smuil purse coiit:iimng trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may lutve sanio by calling at this office and describing contents; ad free. Ladies' Shoes NARROW WIDTHS $3.00 TO $4.00 VALUES $1.85 - KIDD'S Big Shoe Sale TONIGHT At The Grand WRESTLING C'ONTKST BETWBEX JACK WELCH OP UBDPORD AND LOUIS WALTERS OF GOLD HILL. A lively bout is assured, as they fLt both good men, and Mr, Welsh agrees to throw Mr. Walters two falls in 20 minutes or for feit $U5. Not an exhibition, but a genuine contest thnt has never before been seen for less than 50 oents. The Grand s price, 10 cents. "3iutruclor of "Piano. tut 5Ktbod Stu4lo at Mulfeac ilortb Ort Strttt i-JS PORTLAND BIS a Sp! PRTLAND 1 I TTI? 'wTj r 'T 'lrllLllJ'1 1111 1 ROOMS EARLT . V" I (H I TMM1 FOR THE ALASKA- ; I YUKON EXPOSITION , n A. - XORTOX llu. ROMK, Jan. 9 Th- eartlujuake sit uatiou is improving rapidly. There will prol.atdv be nothing for the Amer ican battleships to do when they arrive at Mesa in a. AT - PAR 1 9, .Inn. 9. Wilbur Wright, of Oayton, Ohio, the champion aviator of the world is named as the corespondent oy ijiemenani uovernu. j&nle of Cur rnsier. siaiioneti at bnmpignr divorce petition-filed tiday. 4 I. 1 i 'i it