- i SEA BATHING. ""Tht Eff.ct. of Salt Air and Wator en h Human Body. There Is ri'iiBon why pim-uts hiivo lu nil tlnifs ami l ull wulwvoml to give their vbililrt'ii Iliu bvui'llt of m-ii . nil- mill mm Imtlitnt;. An llnliim phjsl-'i-lau, (lurumi, tells ulioiit It: It U ugiwil, lie says, llmt all IIvIiib uriciiulKUM lii'K'i" "K'lr Hint existence in suit water anil tlmt us a result t lie hu man liixly (uml Inileoil every niiiiiul body) Is larcely made up of salt. If vou taste your lilooil uv y-.-ur tears, ivlilrli are ttie extraet of hioml. you v.lll find tliat both are ipilte salt In I'.avor. .More man tins, lunvever, every HluK Ix'lntf possesses within Ills hotly, lu the eelluhir staKe. all tliuw sir.in;e marine organisms whlrli ive slu.ly r urlomly In museuiiis. Ai'il. sivii:.r. rays (lerusa. that the anamat nf sra water euiitained In every hinly N e ;ual to iine tlilril nf that bmly's welsht, n . ilear that lu the lnlliiluwliimll.v i".i:li tnentary form all known nmrine lil'e must he present lu the l! 1. Ttie re mit In that when we halhe In the : u.l ur hreathe the sea air we ivpla.-e tin1 utiiouut of essential salt v, hh !i Is eon rtuutly ileereasInK la the's.'.sleni anil nil uiii'ousrloLisly to our.-elvi s. weak euluy it. Salt water, says Cero..i. really the main prlnelple of life. It is the tlrst eoMilltloli of iv:i '.leo . v.'hleb the llvhij; oitfanl.'-'nis l.new. I Is therefore always n;io-,l f;ir ihe loly whether It lie enjoyed at the seaside .' brought In but ties from the sen. In particular Is It very va'uuMe l l the eut:e of wea';!lnj? ehildre". anil t;n-:e i no bodily stimulant so hiriiMniiih;; t" the very young as sea water. , THE VOODOO IN HAITI. Human Sacrifices to the God cf th? Serpent. There la ample proof that Innirin I lugs hnvo been otlVre l in s:n rill, vs. tilt; god of tlie Herpcnt' In Haiti. A , French ntvhblshop of the Island de scribes ii visit made by one nf tn priests to vuculuu assembly. Tin man had disguised himself ha m iw.'vo. nridhc wnjr tlnis nhle-'to Mninple undo tec ted with the crowd In the ol purity outside the Hue red circle. Alter tin white cock n ml white goat had been si a in iiud offered up tuul their IiIim.' hud been sprinkled on Hie company i burly young negro came forward nix' prostrated himself before the priestess Then, still kneeling, lie imtde lii prayer: "O man mn, 1 have a favor to a;.;k ol. thee." "What Is It, my sou?j Raid -the Degress encouragingly. i :-: "Wilt thou not give us, to couiplotY the snerluYe. the (font without Jit.rns'r.' The prlesteiis gave n sign of jissi'iit. The crowd rounduhout separated, and there was revealed n child Milling with Its feet hound. The Freii' Ii priest rushed away In search of nsd -dance hi preventing the nnlndy 1ho, but the nuthorltlcM on whom he called were strangely slothful. When dually, on the day following, they arrived nt the place of assembly. they found the grewsome remains of a sncrillco and n feast, among them the boiled skull of the child. .Marvin Dana In Metropoli tan Magazine. When Men Hurry. "Singular,' said a man walling for a train on an elevated ruilruad platform ftud looking down n street to where a hundred men mid boys had ga there I around two wogonH that had come to get her hi collision, "there arc a bun dred men standing around those tv. wagons, Ju.it standing tnere. rawping apparently witli nothing else to el and not Id a bit of a hurry, but let an. one of those men come up the t:ii. to this platform when there is a trai . coming In and he'd rush and hurry -an tear himself apart to cat Hi that tri! and get glum If he missed It. then-' he knew very well that thrrcU be :; other train here In ft minute. f,pt h miss a train by a second and Ir. thinks the world Is coming to an en' let him see somebody hoist Inir a .-if ap the yutslde of a building and !: will stop nnd waste half an hour. "now do you necount'for thai?" New York Sun. Mme. tia Struvc's Wit. Secretary Hlaine had said of Mme de Struve that she was the bfirfitwt woman he had ever met. and every body who knew her agreed with thin verdict. Her knowledge of Knglish won remarkable, even for a Russian, and her sallies were famous For In stance, the day when Secretary Bay ard wos made head of the American diplomatic service his daughter, Miss Kate Itayard. said laughingly to a young secretary of legation. "Itemem ber. I am now daughter of your chief!" to which came, quick as a flash, the retort from Mine, de Struve's lips, 'Oh, we all know that you are miss chlef.'" Army nnd Navy Mfe. His Terms Varied. "I Hvn fl Hri'i rowmti.oi iw.vt Ttiur. day evening, and I should like some muFle. piano soios particularly. What would be your terms?" Thus a lady to a professional Instrumentalist. I "Kef I go zero simply ns a mtislcian," I was the reply. 'uud blny my selections nnd leave I gharge fife guineas, but eef 1 must " as a guest und spend zo whole evenings talking to von pack of fools I gharge don guineas!" London Graphic. A Sure Thing. She 01,1 father say anything about you being too young'' Ile-YVell, yes: but he sold Pd nee pretty rapidly after we were married and I found I had to pay your bills. Illustrated Bits. A happiness that Is quite undis turlicd becomes tiresome; we rontt have ups and downs. Mo 11 ere. Human Nature. Take the cast; of the fellow In the next block. You have always consid ered him uppish. He has considered yon upptsb. One dny you are intro duced, and then each of you discovers the other to 1 n pretty good sort.-St Paul Pioneer-Press. There are enough serious things In life without cncfMerlPfr yoir"lf one of them.- i-nlc's Caleiidar SELF EVIDENT. Whit the Man Wanted When H. Got In the Barber's Chair. Tho baldlieaded man with four days growth of heard ou his chlu entered the barber's simp nnd sat down Ju one of the operating chairs. "Shave, .sir'" "No!" growled the mau lu the chair. "I want U be measured for a suit of Clothes." "This Isn't a tailor shop, sir." "What is h?" "It's a bar! km shop." "W'Uut work do you do In this shop?" "Shave men and cut tKelr hair, Blr," ! "lo you think a man with uo hair on his head would come here to have bis hair cut?" "No, sir." "Then, presuming mo to bo a saue man, but baldhcuded, what would you uaturally suppose 1 came for?" "For u shave." "Then why did you ak me If I wanted a shave when I took a seat lu your chair? Why didn't you go to work at once? If Borne of you barbers would cultivate a habit of Inferring from easily ascertained data. Instead of developing such wonderful conver sational powers, it would be of mate rial aid In advancing yon In your chosen vocation aid of expanding your profits. Do you comprehend?" "Yes, sir." replied the man as he be gan to lather the customer's face Id n dazed sort of way. And he never even asked him If he wanted brilliaiitlue on wheu the opera tiou was performed. EPICURES STUDY HOTELS. Then They Go One Place or Another, as Fancy Dictates. Epicures accustomed to dining lu ho tels and restaurants study the policy of each fashionable place aud readily I Just why they go to one place or avoid another. They have their likes and dislikes, aside from actual eating. regarding the waiters, the music, the ventilatlou nnd a hundred aud oue other things n casual visitor would fall to appreciate. For Instance, at oue restaurant only single portions are served for one per son. At nuother, where the cooking is equally good, half portions, nearly or quite as large as the slnglo portions of other places, are served for oue per son. There was a little dispute at a ' well known hotel over a mistake In an order of I rout and chicken, that made n difference of several dollars on check for a rather simple dinner for two. It was settled "out of court," ns It were, and iuite agreeably, but hotel managers regret and try to avoid these i mistake, especially wheu the customer Is n regular visitor, Tor they kuow he i never forgets the details of bis eating and Is slow to forgive au error. , Another peculiarity of diners is as to the location of tables. Souie persons cling to oue table and feel aggrieved when they find another in their fuvor lto seat. Uestaui'uut proprietors have tried to understand this peculiarity of their patrons, but have to admit they fail to explain It. St Louis Republic. Why Naval Uniforms Are Blue. Naval uniforms all the world over pretty well are uavy blue. The Brit ish' fashion lu this matter has been the rule with maritime people in general. That blue was ever selected for the king's naval service was a fortuitous happening. When In 1747 the ques tion of uniform was being considered the color selected had very like to flave been French gray laced with sil ver. While the king was still not quite decided he saw the Duchess of Bedford In a riding habit of blue faced with white and enlivened with gold lace. It was a revelation. Here, the king declared, was the uniform for his sen service officers, nnd uo more was heard of French gray. The navy took to blue, and every other navy has taken to it since. Pal! Mall Gazette. A Reasonable Translation. The teacher was telling the class In fourth grade geography about the great seals of the different states, using the pictures in the dictionary ns the basis of the lesson. Pointing to tho seal of Virelnln. she asked: 'Nov.-. wit" (;ri tell tne from thi' ,-lture wh.it should be the meaning af these I.itln words: 'Sic sempei tyrannls? " P..-1 ley's h.-e went up. '.'.!! i;;;!:!. P. l.by; yo.t may tell ns." '"'!'-! e y rr foot off my no. k.'" was IV re;h.Ttif!;re. Tit Fcr Tat. The '. ;: : .! not llkv to be cad i A ; ! :';n'.i -iit v:is traveling 'v ; '. . t i YoUrY-ir a when an "! u c ir b-.iiii-1 ncru :s find !. ' :;1 ''':;e' ::iv you. riiinesi- ( i ; '" : !i ;.::! In ecelleni " ' '' I hi'M'ire , h:it 'key" are ti mo:i;ey'.'" - Philadel- I'.trn Qutclion. i c.:. i i'l-ea ( a tr ; a year i i New York co:e Idi ralily .lounger I- i he "ealerti ques- --. I ee:- heaid Wflfl. :t .o ;!i'' ""('hii-agij I Ir:. V:i.. OR DIN A NCR NO. . An ordinance amending section 3 'of ordinance Nn. .10, npprc.cd February 10, 1!M2, by fixing the liquor license in Medford. Oregon, at the sum of $800 per annum. The citv of Medford Hotb ordain as follows: Section 1. That section .1 of ordi- I nance No. .10 of the tity of Medford, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance to regu late the licensing and sale of spiritoua, vinous nnd malt liquor in the city of Mm ford, and the maneer of enforcing said regulations, and to repeal all or dinance nnd parts of ordinances in con flict with thin ordinance, " approved February 10. lm2, be tnd tho same is hereby amended so a to rad as fol lows: "Section 3. Before any person , shall obtain a license to sell spiritons. i vinous or malt liquors, he shall pay i to the city treasurer i nd take his re leipt therefor, at follows: For a license MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUXE.ORK (iOX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 0, " w iilinto8. vinous r man ii4aorn, the sum of eit bun. , for a license for six months 3r any uuen injuora, tue hiiiii 0f four mimuni uullara; and ue lieiiNu slii.ll he graaieu tor a obnrter period tlinn six niumus; ami no liceus.- sli;i be trans rerreu to any other portion hv t he per son to whom it is issu-d. except hv the I'otisHiit of the rity pouticil duly ea'tored upon tlit records of saiil ciu'iih ,.,..1 tli couueil may refuse to consent any stieh traiiBfer. and mnv wfmn license wheoever, in its jmlgmont, the ippiirant is not h proper person to have such license, or the building or pert of the city in which said applicant pro poses to carry on mica husinens in not satisfactory to the council, and for the same reasons it niay-c.incol and revoke any license issued, upon refunding a proportionate part of the money re- eived therefor. Section 2. This ordinance shall be a full force and effuct ou aud after February 1, 1009, and all persons now conducting the business aforosaid un- iler liceuso from tho city, shall, on or before said date, pay to the city treas urer a sum equal to tho difference between the license paid by such per son nnd the liceuso exacted hereby pro portionate to the length of time re maining of the time for which their respective licenses wore issued, and up on the failure of nny such person so to do within said time, his license shall by such failure bo docnud canceled and revoked without further proceeding by the council, and he shall be punished as by ordinance elsewhere provide!. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith arc j hereby repealed, in so far ns they so . couflict. The foregoing ordinance was passed , by the city council January 5, 100!), ! Trowbridge voting aye, Morrick no, ! Eifert aye, Wortinau n. ITafer aye, Ol well absent. Approved .Tanunrv 5, 1000. J. P. RKHDY, Mayor Attest: BEN.T. M. COLLTNS, Recorder. KLAMATH FALLS POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW BIO GAIN KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. R. Klam ath Falls will undoubtedly become a second class postoffice at tho begin ning of tho fiscal year in July. The business of t he of f co has been in creasing nt a wonderful rate anil un less tho receipts of the next quarter gn below that of the poorest in the Inst nine months, KInmnth Falls will be entitled to a second elnss office. At present tho Klamath Falls office is in the third class, but with the ceive nn increase in salary of $100 and j also several hundred dollars additional 1 It doesn't pay. Keep your eyes fixed will be allowed for clerk hire. The of-' on our exceptional offerings. Pino Lai fice will receive more equipment and loring enn only be secured from the better accomodations. i hands of high-class tailors. Our expe- The receipts for tho past threepence and methods aro certainly worth quarters ore: First quarter, PUM.74; investigation. We employ tin; beta second quarter, 1 920.2!: third quarter. ' workmen uml our ctohtes are without $24:t5.0, making a total of tdlfiO.ftl doubt the most carefully selected in the for the three quarters. The receipts of city. nn offico must reach irSflOO n year lie fore it is admitted into (he second class. This leaves $lS:t0.07 wrth of biminess to he done in the next three month1, or ; a triflo more than the poorest quarter in the year, Compare the Quality Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed If You Owned the Earth creaxe in v.-lu 1 i" hi 'orn preduciug capacity inrrcuHes, but with'tim r g'nt t nni of an on-har d, such an some we have, to show, the jmrelia-er ';' a clunif " of g ' ting his purchase price back out f a inglc mp, w.th proper inan agement. How can wealth b" accumu lated fatT tl.r.n ly bnytiig o ne of the good young orchards we hnvr 'for sal ? Always at vmir service for th best Imyi in thi vnlby, ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY EXHIBIT B1.1LWNO, HARRIMAN PLANS TO BUILD LINE TO SOUTH l!l, I'ASD, ,l:ni. i. A. -ding to private iiilui inal inn it-ci-ivrd here I'mm New York, K. II. ll:,iT!iuaii has dend ed to build a railway (rent the main line of the Sunt hero l'aeific smith into Mexico. Heginiiiiiir ai j- point east of Kl Paso, the propo.. ll( w line will ex tend through t he u- oil fields ill northeastern ('hili:iu:ni.. and thence throng the timber le-i-.n of North Tin ; tral Mexico to a cmno . tion with llie, (iuayimiK and tituulahi i.ua line now be- i iug built. Medford Theater SATURDAY, JAN. 9 13. ,T. CAl.M'KXTHR of tVi-h "Why Girls Leave Home" Strictly iMt;tl and iVcc from sonsat'f 1 alisni. Prices 2")( fnV, 7"s $1.00 NEVER LOOK BACK EIFERT The City Tailor It in. ami always been our ami tu s.i our t'lislomt-rs gnoils of the hi: qnriliu and to ilia! wo mi- always '(tutliiy to nor line. 'id('iti'u of " p-eli Willi ;h",.l ding The 'rre-l ti-nhes our i.r -rade .1 Goods most complete. Our n-rviee always 1 he b et and every nerom- e, . II OUT t-nstoiiier! Yon couldn't f;nd a better plan to live than in t Im; gl'.rioiH Rogue Hi'T alley, with i i s i r. comparable winr and 'aiiMincr Climate. ,hlt HOW We have uMie part ieitlarly good developed or chard propositions to Kiilnait 1o the hoinrsrol.ci, v.'liiHi ar- nure winneis. I'. ' give this inat'w iirimedKilo alt tition. It does not take n very wje man to foresee that the ad'vnnee in v::lne whi. n we have been pn d if t ni in in coming pn.dii' ai-,' f ! t'l !H about to iiiiit. -rialie. A good young orchard wifi not -My in MKDFOIlU, OKKd'iN rrr - --- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaBmmmmmmmmmammmammmmam 1 lily Business- Pi I r i.ot tim- - i i i r B MISSION FURNITURE WORKS inalie that piece ) 'irniture. Any design, any color, any fiuisli dull, waxed or polished. Hhop on cor. of St li and II streets. W. M. Colvig. 0. L. Roamos. COLVIQ ft REAMES Lawyers. Offico:Mcdford Hank Rldg. Ground floor. Cook Stows and rnnges. Phone 91 MORDORFF & WOLF New njid Second-Hand Furnituro Kadi' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built nnd newly furnished All modern conTeniences. D. G. Karnes, Prop. S. Q St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMLNT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will '-e prepared Feb ruary la to fumi-di cement brick. 1 teller than pressed brick and just as ch"a). In estigate before cout raet iug. P. (. Uox 1 IS. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Tons, Cof fees, Kxtracts, Bilking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 210 W. Seventh St. Medford. Or DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland nnd Sacramento. Offico on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eyo Specialist Office in Kagle Pharmacy Main ".'l.'t. Seventh nnd Main THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from fid cents to $l,fi0 pe day. All modern conveniences, We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their ih w garage and repair shop hark of the Moore hotel. Motor ears stored ami taken euro of. All work guaranteed. Phono No. UlO.'l Tliis mosl licimliriil ;ilili1ioi U Mcdl'unl is to bo put on the market and t-lie first sal.' will occot- h'KMDAV. .IAN IT A I? Y 15, 1!)()!). LARGE SIZED LOTS (lond v,a i-dcii soil, natural cok trees, wide streets, four liloeks to JsYrtli school, si irrrtiic (ilrfiuhf in. LOW TIMCKS AND UF, SOTA BLR TKRMS. J. C. BROWN Exclusive Agent Palm Block "Al'TATN REPORTS THAT OIL BURNERS ARE SUCCESS SANTA liAIMiAIfA .Ian. '.(.--The I "i-it i I Mat'M llioliitftl ( 'hey etl It i t r , .m'Iv f'ttt.d for t.il Itiirnin. am-liore I tl' -ah'a l'.:nbar;i thi-' ntorii. n. Tie' i l:. -. one b.-iiii- h - pe. d trial t... n 1 1 . t apt a tu K rmpp fays of oi I su. 1 f..r rth.p. "Wo hac tried it I'iii- -(..on lime an-1 tii-l it (jive- "... i;..n. ! ''.'lli:o.t U'iv eut llie re-nt .1' o.,r 1 1 .lis until at'l. ; my r--p..rt is Mllmiitted to the nava: i).-:ild. I e:i'i oiilv sav that oil has i'iv n r. at :at iI :i' I I. III. 1000, THE R. R. V. LUNCH ROOM Finest cup of coffee on tho Pacific ('oast. IJ. II. Lorimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or, ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune,. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane & Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASCHAU & BROWN wish to announce to their patrom that they aro located in their ucw quarters iu tho Young & Hull building. Billiards, Cigars nnd Tobneeos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Soventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up to dato. Popular prices, IU So. C St. Lambert & Brown For good bargains in Watches aud Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsical In struments, go tu THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Dny Phone 53 Night PhoneB C. W. Conklin 38 J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. T. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Offico in the Stewart Building. RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION j f NOTICE The Hotel formerly known as tlie Taylor House in Jacksonville, Or., 'has changed management and will lieneelVtrtli he known as the ABBOTT HOUSE under the management of C. D. & M K. ABBOTT. 'I'ln- !:on-e has heen remodeled and made modem n.;d iij)-to-dat(! in every respect and rates are ns reasonable as eonsistnt with first-class service. m j J 1 rectory SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures aud illus trated songs. Kutire change of program Monday. Wednesday aad Friday. Admission 10 centi. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7HH ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustruted ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water llonting. Phoae S2. 210 W. Sevenfb St.. Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow auad fruit true to label VERNE T. OANON Hillposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jacksou Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. . F. COOK Sells treos that grow. , Offico: R. li. V. Depot., O. Box 4l. Phone CM. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Vole Culture aud Art of Singing Studio at Residence. Fast Medford. phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms 2-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURG Scavenger. Garbage, hauled. Medford. J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. Dentist Specialist in oporutive dentistry Painless xtrnction of teeth.