OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. 1f0f. Social and Personal JOSHES HANDED (Continued from page .) THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ; I 41 B. F. Clark was In llrnnts Pass on a business trip. Mrs. J. B. Pest ha returned home from a 'visit with friends In Ban Fran elico. Airs. J. II. Stewart has left tor San Fraueisco where she is to stay lome mouths with her daughter!. The Bee llivo, 15 " Btreet it the place to get a good lo cent meal and excellent service. 252 Tho Central Polut Herald speaks tbusly of a new purchaser of Central Point land: Colonel F. L. TouVelle was in town Monday. The Colonel is a living, breathing embodiment of the principals of the Independent Order of Goat Riders, as wit tern his Initials; r. l. t. Claude Roach, convicted of forgery, was sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary. R. B. Dow took him to Salem, Thursday, See J. C. Brown about those groat big lota, lOOxl&O. Evory lot a gar den. 252 j Col. Geo. P. Mime was in town a short time Monday, says the Herald. The colonel is getting to be a most on thus lastic farmer and cup hardly let go of business at the farm long enough to come to town for his mail L. K. Itcddieliffe of Central Point returned last Thursday from a business trip to Ht. Helens, a lumber town on the . Columbia river. He thinks that country does not compare with this in lively business conditions. '? M rs. Van H a rd e n b; rg u f Med f.ird has been visiting for some duvs in Jacksonville at the home of her daught er, Mrs. A. L. Qal). Flaming Tokay grape vines for sale in any quantity. L. E. Hoover. The Rogue River Electrical company are beginning to show signs of con necting the new street lights which were ordered by In. Central Point council more than a month ago, says the Herald. The residents of the portions of town affected will un doubt enjoy the lights if they are installed before next summer. They are not needed so much then than they un at this suason. Bee J. B. Brown about Riverside ad dition lots. 202 A The Jacksonville chapter of the Kny oi Arch Masons voted i.n Tuesday eve- iy .C-! Pi3 facommend to tho grand lodge the establishment of a chapter in Med r ford. This is necessnry before a chap : ter can bo estuhlishcl here, and no j doubt in the near future a charter will . be granted to Medford. W. C. Louver and W. H. Norcross who reside near Centml Point shipped , a car of apples last Baturduy. fc. Miss Esther Morritt of Central Point , has returned to her studies iu the Port- land academy after spending tho holi- fdays with her purcnU. 'l h, Hatfield left recentlv for Newport where he expects to bag o few brace - of canvasback ducks while looking over the resources of that section of i. the country. ; Geo. H. Perkins of Central Point has returned from a pleasant trip lo Port land, whore ho spent the holidays with relatives. Returning ho stopped fur short visits at Kugeup and Wolf creek. Ih moist or, tho ail-around photog .apher, specialist on children, guaran tees satisfaction on all work. Corner of Seventh and C strrets, ovor Allen & t Reagan's. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlrs Duffield of Gold Hill worn recently visiting the for- , mer's uncle, John Wrght and family and other friends. Mr. Duffield lias ' been deputy road su crintomlent for several years and wo looking after ' matters connected with that office while in tbia part of the valley. WTL1, TAKE UP COLLECTION ' TOR THB SUFFERERS IN ITALY Christian science services are held every (Sunday morning at tho Com mercial club rooms at eleven o'clock. Subject of tho Icsson-si-rimm for Janu ary 10, "Hacrament." All are welcome Sunday school at ton o'clock. The collection for next Sunday will be for the benefit of the earthquake sufferers in Italy. 2.1b Funeral Notice The funeral of Mrs. Susanna Deemer will be held at tho teto residence in northwest Medford on Saturday, Janu ary 9 at 1:15 p. m. Interment iu the I. O. O. F. cemetery. SB NT SPECIAL DELIVERY NOTICE, THEN TOOK ACID PITTSBURG, Jan. S.-Thon.as A. Warren, editor and manager of the In surance World and an authority on in suranre, sent his wife i special delivery letter today, saying he intended to take his life at high noon. Owing to grip be was in very poor hialth. Mrs. Warren telephoned Chief of Police McQuoide to call up her bus band's office, while jhr would try to catch him in La wren, oville at the Hotel Raymond, where he often went. At word from her tour Lawrence ville policemen piled into the patrol wagon and made a fast run to tho Ray mond. They hurled thmnselres through the door of a room to which Warren hsd been assigned. On lhe bed was the dead body of the Insurance expert, su empty carbolic acid bottle near by. ROBBERS BUILD W.TtE FENCE AROUND BANK - WELLSTON, Okla. Jan. The Bank of Wellston w.is dynamited and its vault relieved of 45000 last night. Soon after midnight five men rode in. They built a barbed wire fence around the bank. A charge of dynamite wnt exploded In an attempt to blow open the vault. The noise aroused the whole town, and in a few minutes the hank wss surrounded. The townspeople opened fire and hundreds of shots were exchanged, the robbers continuing work. After two hours they opened tho vault and took all the money there. They then rode away under cover of a constant and heavy fire. complied with on account of interstute commorce low. Wire f uwer paid. EDWARD 11. 1IAKRIMAN Obstruction Company Wires. Portland, Or., Jan. 7. Medford Commercial club, Med ford, Or. Sorry we could not bo with you this evening, but weather condition), will j positively attend voui ne.r. unuunl t meeting, by which time we hope to uavo Seventh street nLrtiallv i.n.l. weather permitting. WARREN OBSTRUCTION CO. Respite for One Week. Chicago, HI., Jau. 7. Commercial Club, Medford, Or. Trust you enter tain no feelings of unmeasuntue over recent difficulty with city; will make no further demands for concessions for at lea at one week. Hnvc not yet fully recovered from irritation caused by R Oilmen' uuladvjiko telegram. NUVEKN & CO. Might Have to Work. Klamath Falls, Or., ,T;mi. 7. Medford Commercial Club, Medford, Or. lTse all your efforts to prevent nppropria lions for Crater Lake reads, f'onstrue- tion of these roads would result in so much travel through this country that ninny of us would have to go to work to take care of it all. KLAMATH COUNTY COURT. A Trifle Muddy, (em nil Point, Or., Jan. 7. Medford Commercial Club, Medford, Or. Our board of trade would like to he with you tonight, but tho mud is not thin enough for successful navigation by boat and not thick enough to bear the weight of u lund conveyance. F. H. HOPKINS, Mayor. Ruef Wants Job. San Francisco, 'al., Jan. 7. Medford Commercial Club, Medford, Or. If po sition city attorney i.nt yet filled, I will submit bid for plice. I will waive the snlary in consideration that I may name majority of council. What fig urn will you agree to obtain for me sup port of both local papers during com ing administration. References, Honey & Bums. Is your present district ut torney linblo to interfere with busi ness? Wiru answer. . ABRAHAM RUEF. Our Resources the Answer. Eugene, Or., Jan. 7. Medford Com mercial Club, Medford, Or. Regret very much the use of your advertising matter by unscrupulous real estate firm here, but vou must ml mil that the su j periority of yuur resources over ours, while not excusing this use, gives rea sonable explanation thereof. EUGENE COMMERCIAL CLUB. Aunt Carrie Will Hoi p. Wichita, Kuii., Jan. 7. Hhortv Gar nett, Medford, Or. Would bo pleased to ftSHiBt you in you campaign, pro vided vou will furnish necessary hatch ets. CAItRIE NATION. Here's One fur Ashland. Tolo, Or., Jan. 7. Medford Commer cial Club, Mnlford, Or.--aentlemen: I have noticed with chagrin that in the recent shows iu Medford the actor peo pie have all mentioned Tolo when do siring to lako a fling 'it some town less fortunate than Mrdford. Can you not use your influence whh these people to have them give Tolo a test and take un national crnck at Ar-hlnml or Grants Pass or some other neighboring town iu Tolo 'a class! Such action would be greatly appre ciated both by myself and the other two reidnts of Tolo. Sincerely. GEORGE P. MIMS, Mayor of Tolo. Ed's In the Race. Medford, Or., Jan. 7. Commercial Club. Don't be deceived. I vo not I withdrawn from tho ince for mayor, J hut will bo running lik.- n racehorse oh sonu as I get from Hilton that $1000 that Putnam got from I ho saloons. Put your money on a sure thing. ED HOOT. Hurry! Hurry! Doctor! Salem, Or., Jan. 7. Hon. J. M. Kenno, enre CommerciM Club, Medford. Or. Arrived ut nee no of conflict; house bill 104 introduced. Statement 1 men deserted Chamberlain, lined up for Harvey Scott. Von are needed in third house at once. M. PUKIMN. Important Qu options Solvod. Portland, Or., Jan. 7. M ml ford Commercial Club, Medford, Or. Have Holution of water and paving question. Import Portland cluinte and water pipes will be frozen and streets eov erod with snow, so neither will matter. JOHN I). Ol.WELL. Plenty of Street Lights. Gold Ray, Or., Jan. 7. Medford Commercial Club, Medford, Or. Re garding city 's demand for more free street lights acvomit increased popula tion, beg to call your attention to -17 I'ghts iu Condor company's sign which 1 1 y gets benefit of, and pays nothing for. COL. FRANK RAY. A Second from Eddie. Commercial Club. Oon't get ex cited. There's only one real candidate for mayor, and he's neither an Arctic 'xplorer nor speaker of tho house. You an't make the town dry as long as it rains, ami you won't keep wet under :in umbrella. Combine the wet and dry by using umbrellas a.it vote for your uncle. ED ROOT. Independent -Populist Candidate for Mayor. The Doctors Tell Why. Medford, Or., Jan. 7. Program Coin mittee, Medford Commetcinl Club, Med ford, Or. Gentlemen: We have just a rued that this evening vou content plate putting on an exhibition of the recent unpleasant lawsuit between the undersigned. The mattir was most un fortunate and we each ik to be spared any further allusion to the matter. The whole thing is now -ett'ed an. I we are the best of friends; confidentially, the matter was simply all a joke, anyway. If you will defer nicking fun of us in public until such tune ns we again overstep the bounds we will promise in the future to be go.nl. and we will each donate the sum of ."0 for the club's list during the coming vear; this to be in addition to on. usual contrihu tions. Thanking you in advance for the itn niunity bath, we remain, i Both medically yours, DR. J. M. KKENF J. F. RKDDY. M. 1. SCENE FROM THE PLAY. ' Why Girls Leave Home," at the Medford Theater Saturday Evening, Jan. 9. Medford, Or., Jan. 7. Program Com mittee, Medford Commercial club, Med ford, Or. (Icntlcmcn: We each join io unking thut at this evering's entertain mint that you refrain from putting ua in tlie limelight and thut you conduct the affair with due dignity. The Trib une, speaking for itHelf , will nay that it linn no personal objection to your putting on your proponed Htunt, but a recent unpleasant lawsuit between two of our stockholders has showu us the advisability of maintaining neutrality wherovor possible. Tho Mail; spcukiiig for itself, desires to most empliuticnlly object to any ca ricature whatever of either its editor or policies. Agreement Reached. An agreement was renclied between us lute this afternoon to tho effect that we would join in this communica tion. As of course yon know, for the past year w have ruo both papers un der joint management, anil it seemed to us that it would nay better to keep public interest nroiiHed by an appar ent warfare. If you will refrain from mentioning us this owning we promise to do all of your printing for you dur ing tho next year free of charge. If you hear of uuy member not irettiinr his paper regularly, it is the fault of I the boy, as they aro nil paid for. have both had a very prosperous year; mc water trouble was splendid picking for us both, and the present campaign now on is verv gratifying, as eucn sine seems to bo willing to put up liberally. Thuiikini; vou for past assistance, we remain, yours truly. T.1R TRmilNK. Till: MAIL. President Colvig wus presented with box of cigars with a well worded speech by V, Osienbrugge, who men tinned the steady intrust and loyalty of the presiding officer. Secretary Miller submitted the fol lowing nnnuiil report: Amount received from former secretary, February !i IMS.. h:i.(7 lieceived from 1H07 subscrin tin list fluo.sn lieceived from KIDS subscrip- list auoi.nu lees ami dues lil.1ll.nn Christian Science chinch for i"om rent iiii.tio District I'uir n ipts 7:14.70 Twenty per cent of fair pre Illinois H.'t5.L'3 Lilly Hay, donation of fair premiums 4.0G .40 Telephone charge refunded Sale of 1110 . Ilolticull u ro Tribune numbers s.on .55 Sale of booklet envelopes. . . . 'rneecils of carnival queen contest 'roeeeds of dunce and ball game for band uniforms .13.35 31S.20 Sale of 1IIIMI booklets SS.IHl Kenl estate licenses 13110.00 I'ostnltice order rec.Mvid for postage on booklets .25 lotul receipts $7ti:t7.Pl Disbursements. For advertising inohdingudda in iiiUKur.inoH and papers, booklets, wrapper, pontage Htationery, oto $fi4Ki.34 .'or general expenses, includ ing secretary's salary, room rent, lights, telephone, apples cle.itiiiig rooms, etc lSf.0.17 Amount iu deposit in bank ,. 'J2r..rtfi Amount of cash on hand 07.. S4 'F'dnl $7(;t7.il "I take pleasure in presenting this report to the club and dtblsdddddgk report to the club and to mate that tho year emU with tlie club out of debt. We will have payment to make in n fey, vvot'kH on the new booklets and it will be seen with a ha'aiu'e of J!3,40 that funds will have to be raised iu ex t'esH of the present "uovine. 1 believe that Medford l:a attracted and held more than her sare of the people that have come to the cuiist to locate during the past year, and from many indica tronstimis there will tu a greater ntiiu her of people, by thousands romo to the coast during the early spring and summer of this year than ever before during a like period. With Medford and the valley so well known and the influence of the new booklets which the committee will imtko the finest that has ever been issmd by any community or eity, Mrdford eeitainly ought to gi t her share and more too, of those to come. " During the timo between Febru a iv f und loeomher M wc received 0M7 direct iiiquirk's from the ads plr.eed in magiinca uud newspaper, about .1(1 per cent mon than for the lame period of W7. "As a general thing the members of the club have p.iid dtdhdeir dues promptly and those who have sub scribed to the advertising fund and wlio are not menihori of the club have done equally well. From knowledge of the working of the Commercial clubs in the neighboring rides. 1 believe the Medford people hnvc pnid more liber ally nihl have rveeivod returns in pro pottoMi, tliHti n u v otVT citv in Oregon, i 1 believe that we c.io keep this Up. " liespectfullv submitted, "A H. MIM.ER, SWrfltary." And then it was all over. The Urge number who hail gathered remembered it was near midnight and a pleasant evening was left behind by the ban queters. who departed with tho Hatel- rigg orchestra playing. "I m Afraid I to (to Home iu the Dark." ! STEPHENSON ASKS COUNCIL TO PAY QUARANTINE BILL Council met iu regular session Mou day evening, uud in the absence of Mayor, Hopkins, preii.Ji.nt of the coun cilKylc presided, says the Herald. Tho usual grist of bills were audited and allowed, except in the matter of sus tenance accounts presented by C. E. Stephenson incurred while liiuilelf and family wore quarantined on account of alleged small pox. These hills were not allowed but were returned to tho claimant to bo presented to the county court upon tne ground that the county health officer establisled the quaran tine without any consultation with the town authorities and after nine days, also on his own nnthoriiy ho raised the quarantine in violation of the state law which provides for an isolation of days. It was also reported to the board unofficially, that another case had been quarantined by tho same county officer as small pox and that after a few days it was decided that the patient wus sintering from nieaslec. KILLS MAN WHO ENTICED WIFE FROM HER HOMfi DENVER, Oil., Jau. 8. An ndv r tisement for na actress to accompany '. t'uvier Diiry on a vaudeville tojr wiib tho first step in a tragedy win resulted yesterday in the kiiii'i;' or Dury by C Burdette Bill.. Tho adver tisement, inserted iu n Denver paper attracted tho attention of Mm Hell whose husband was working in Lara mie, Wyo., and she called on Dury. Dury told tho voting wife stories ! I stage lite which onchui led her unit week ugo alio left her mother's home, taking with her her baby und 1.1: t i live with In.r-y, who previously Vil left his wife at an outduor tesort in Knob--wood. Roll, hearing of his wifoV li ft ion, liurrod bnck from Laramii und for days walked tho st'eets of D iver lookiing ''or his wife and Durv. I'" -ally ho b nited them at a rooming h'uis. Thongi: Mrs. Dell pbuded for D.i-v's life H. II shot and killed him. Hell t ihl the police lt.ter that Doty hud nltait el him first, bill milled: "I did what thought v-'ss my duty." MONEY 7 OSS IN FL1FS ANO MOSQUITO Lft BALTIMOHE, Mil., Jan. S.-r-Dr. L. (). Howard, secretary of the American association for the Advancement of yeieuee n ml an entomology expert in the Agricultural department, told the association today that fliea and mos quitoes cost this country hundreds of millions of dollars overy year. Deaths come from typhoid fever they spread. he aaid, and the reduc-M value of real estate due to mosquitoes Ib enormous. The development of New Jersey iB held back by the buzting pest, he said. Philadelphia could not carry on dairy industries because the mosquitoes an noyed the cows so thf v could not give alt the milk they should. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 8, Lewis wns today reelected us tho head of the United Mine Workers of America,, lie defeated John II. Walkrr, of Illinois. TRUTH ABOUT MAKING SPRAY The Portland Journal of January .1 contains the following regarding the spraying of apples: "Moutttvilla, Or., Jan. 3. To the Kditor of the Journal: In the Journal of January U there appeared an edi torial under the caption, 'Winter Spraying.' The closing sentence of the editorial, 'No one can uft'ord to refuse to spruy.'-is all right, but many errors were apparent iu this editorial. I have s preyed thousands of different trees under various conditions and in differ ent localities and what 1 am about to state is the result of experience, obser vatiou and study. ''Lime and sulphur solutiou caunot he made at home aa cheaply as at the factory, if the farmer's time aud fuel i4 worth auything. Advocating home made spray solutions Is like ad vac at iug home spnu jeans, breeches and home knit sox. The fruit farmer has too much else to do to stop hit work and boil time aud sulphur. "Lime and sulphur solution will kill Sau Jose scale if Kpplied strong nough. but it is not a cure all; will not coutrol apple aud pear scab; has no off ct ou codlin moth: does not kill aterpillars, and taken all together is of but little or no value as a summar spray. Furthermore, in proportion as lime and sulphur solution has been used. Bordeaux mixture has become ineffect ive. At the meeting of the State Hor ticultural society, and the Northwest Fruitgrowers association this fact was clearly brought out. In Hood river they had a terrible loss from apple seab last year, although they have sprayed to excesa with broe aud sulphur for the past 15 years. "My conclusions are, spray by ail means, but do so intelligently. "W. H. ADDIS. ' , There is no activity in which there in wider difference of opinion that among horticulturists. The condition in natural, for the industry on enlight ened lines is yet dpt. in Oregon. As its authority for the statement that lime and sulphur aprny is an effective agent ill controlling San .lose scale, the Journal quoted the Agricultural college. I'rnfegNor Cordley is also authority for the Journal's statement that lime and sulphur is an effective summer spray for apple scab, and wth an ingredient of Paris green or animate of lead Ib likewise efficacious for codlin moth, preferable, in fact, to Bordonux mix ture. Tho Agricultural college authorities huve been working for some time on the problem and with satisfactory re sults. The spray was employed this season in the college i.rchnrd and the very best results obtained. The effectiveness of sprays of all kinds is largely measured by the com pleteness nf the application. Many failures come from failure to make the contact perfect. It is this fact that fteu leads to the difference of view with respect t o spray a. Ed i tor Jour nal. Local experience Iihb conclusively leinoust rated the truth of the statement thftt lime and sulphur solution cannot he made at home as cheap nor na care fully an that made by the Grunt Pass Cuunery Hampson 's Spray. 250 MERCHANTS LUNCH STARTING DKCEMBBR 28, WE WILl. I'Ur N MERCHANTS' T.UNl.ti FROM 11:30 A. "i. UNTIL S P. M. PRICK 3B THE LOUVRE Classified Advertisements WAMTBB. WANTED Hora.8 to board by (he aiootb. Pl.iJty of good, clean bay, good warm barn; term. $6 per mouth. No horaM tak.u for less than one month Walter Moore, Phoenix. 250 TaKTX!D T desire family washing to do. I go to the house and wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satlsfactiou guaranteed. Mrs. M F. Schaenfele, Medford, Or. Box 2A, boute No. 1 2M WANTED tlirl for general house work; $1 a dey wage.. Address Box rOB'szix. FOR SALE An elegast lot of new furnituro. direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M., The Tribune. ' FOR KKNT Two furnished rooms with" electrie light and batb. Mrs. V. V h'ifart, Norrh D St., Medford. 250 FOB RKNT Mix room house, corner of Vuioe. ard Heventli streets. Ram sey. 251 FOR BALE OooU horsj for sale .heap, half mile south of citv limits. G. L. LlnxwUler. 261 FOR RENT Furnisned rooms for light housekeeping, corner Fifth and H. two blocks north Presbrtenan charrh. 231 FOR SALE House-, lots and land in Phoenix, or ii traett to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOB SALE Extra dry cordwood. fir and pine, ti.r wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Oseabrugge, 8tudebaker Bros. Co. wareroome. Telephone 361. 262 FOUND, small purse containing trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may have samo by calling at this offic and describing contents; ad fre. aprflllil WHEN ice wove into our ucv location in tlie Mission block, ice iciil combine with the Medford Meat Co. and con dart a conijilctc Family Market, to be known as the "Itex Grocery Co." Our policy will still be "Cash," as we have found it pleases much better in the iomj run than credit. It pleases because it permits us to sell to you much cheaper. The meat sold will be cure fully selected stock, uyed in cold storage. Our lard will be as ever, pure hog fat only, white and clean. When served our breakfast bacon will be found lo be the, crisp, snappy kind that means "come ayain" custom ers. Country style sausage made as clean as the "Dutch." As ever, our grocery department will be the largest and most complete, the prices the smallest and most insignificant to be found in Medford, Remember, "The Mission Block after Febru ary 1." MILLER & EWBANK. Ladies'Shoes NARROW WIDTHS $3.00 TO $4.00 VALUES $1.85 KIDD'S Bi&Sboe Sale TONIGHT At The Grand WRE8TMNU CONTKST BKTWEEX JACK WELCH 01' MRPKOIt!) AND " LOUIS WALTERS OF (IOM) HIM.. r A lively bout is .'insured, as (hoy aro both good men, anil Mr. WelBh ugrg to throw Mr. Walters two Halls in M minutes or for feit jto. Not an exhibition, but a genuine contest, that has never before been :;eeu for less than r.H rents. The (Iran i p prieo, 10 cents. 3Hrs. 3rme instructor of "Piano. Tlsct ittetrjoo Stuolo at 3U,l4nc. 5!crlb Or,. Strl NOTICE OF FIRST MEKTINO OF CREDITORS. Iu the district court of the United States for the District ef Oregon. Iu the matter of J. A. Stevens, A. A. Stevens and D. A. Hnsr. as the .lack sou County Lumber Company, bankrupt. In bankruptcy; To the creditors of: J. A. Stevens A. A Stevens ami D. A. Houar, as the Jurksrr Couutv Lum ber Company, of Oregm, in the' county of Jackson, ami district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is herel-r g.vvn that ou the Sth day of December. A. D. Ijios. the eaid .1. A. Mtovens, A A. Steveus' and l. A. Honar, as the Jackson County Lumber Company, :is dulv n.lin,li". eated bankrupt; and Oiat the nrst meet ing of its creditors will be hel.l at M...1. :fon. in Jackson couetv. Orrtmti. on the loth day of January. A. D. l!0o. at 2 o "clock in the afttrnoon. at. which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, npvoint a trustee examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business es may properly come before said meet teg. JOHN S. OIITH. 25T Referee in Bankruptcy. TAKE NOTICE. A FEW UNREDEEMED TlTAMOwna IN THE MEDFORD IOAN OFFICE FOE SA1E AT GREAT BARGAINS. ALSO OVER 200 UNREDEEMED WATCHES FOR KALE VERT CHEAP. WF. NEED MONrv AT- H'fampton 3$aacs Prepaid BailroaS Orders. "Something whicb is of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is tkp system of prepaid orders now in offect between stations of the Southern Paetfto company and all points inlno United States. By means of tbjs system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the uHled States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tbj party wishing to come here. Sleeper arcommodations and small amounts .,t cash in confection with these tickels nay also oe forwarded at the sanu time. 1 tf Gregory's Baby Show. Conditions and privs Time, Sun. 'lav, January 3. February 1. Judges three well known Medford ladies not to be announced until dy f judging. Prizes r. gold and coot of pactures refunded for best looking baby 1 to -0 months. All children in Medford and Jackson county eligible. Children to he judged by photos must be ee.binet siie. 8pe eial reduction in prices during eon test. 251 SENATE COMMITTE IS IN FAVOR SALARY INCREASE WASHINGTON". Jin. S. The senate committee on finance today , reported providing an increase in the salary of the president from fifty to a hundred thousand dollars.