MEDFORT) DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, mOf). I The Sheriff and tht , I Chauffeur, f t By CLARISSA MACKK. .: CopyrlKlileci. lure, by Aasoclated J Lllc-iaiy I'l-emc. :::: Tin- film null' i renUccl luuilly, and Annie June hopped mil nf bed ami in 11 1" tin' window. Two 1 1 hi iik'ulul .:iU'lit of HkIH on 11"' ili'lu-wuy. fol lowed by u clui'l; bulk, ueinijuU the arrival of an iilltiililobllo. The voiced of nu n inl-vd lu uui'i-y uliei-i-mlon floaio.l tliroiiKli ilie open window. "(ih. ilonr: lie's i-iiiilu uiiotlici ihu." v.nllccl Anlik" Jihh' j-'l.'t'pijy tu alio II-. llll'cj II c-llllciio anil pl'ort'Ccted to brush lid- pretty brown linlr. -ho CiiiT" r ivdcc-icd a lovely fiice, full of sweenies anil inoiloMty, wltli roll . :uvca anil ciu-luilitini: uiiuplcs. "ii lie-llier ivim only at homo to tuUe liirn.i Willi loo" "Ani-le June!" bellowed a voice up the KUlnvay. -You pit divssed aud pome tlown. 1 i;ot another one of tllc'lll illliwfel's il i ; v.-1 1 here!" "CoiniiiK, f.'.lhi'i-." yawunl Anlik June, ullllonllii! li.i s,ll' Into n llltli plnli froi'l; h!ii' Incl wornllnil nl'ternoon Wlllll Hie entered Die kCclic.'!! liel father wits sitting on a corner of the tnlilo fus-chi;; whh an ol-.l fashium'o lc ulwr. LesSd-. lit in was n idiol.-'llil. Hvery yepnr:!!e snowy w!''l.:c-r of the NhiTi.T liliMliil Willi lioslilily wliei lie c.l:iii-ec toward the lawbt-.'akei whom he hail ruptured. The untiaiiy pi-launci was lomigiitiK Ills chair tilu (I liael; iiniinsi wall ,'IIe was smoking a eluarei r, uti1 eying liln warlike captor Willi uooii natured tolerinli'e. He Jumped to III feet when lie nnw Annie Jane, ami Ihe i-lirnretto perfeinneil n parabola I.;: i the eonl seuttle. "Sit down!" roared Peter l.iinison. "1 reckon you don't realize yiai're a pi-la oner, ynunir niali! Now. Annie .lane,' he added, turning tn the ylrl. "l'ln no Inir over to pet tile Jubilee aod hnvi llllll"- "You better let inn take you over In my ear." Interrupted the prlsonei eagerly. The sheriff Klnred fit hliu wrathful ly. "Yes, and when you Kc't nit out In the road you'll run away with im .last as a (hawfer did with n nheiK down Seuojrue way! Am 1 mild, Annie Jane." he continued, tiirnlni: his broad .back on the prisoner and ndilrctiiit.' his dau'hter. "I'm indue In ride over to Justice Wnlnwrluht's and got blln tn come over. If he ain't to home. I'll get Smith. Hut I wanted YValn wrlght to know I'm looking after IIiIiihx on the Willow road." "Oh. I say. sheriff," said the pris oner, withdrawing Ills jrlnnre from Annie Jane's downcast face. "I" "Yon keep still, yoitmr feller!" thun dered Peter l.nmsnn. uuhcndlm; hh figure to its full lleluht. "Now. yen understand that whatever you any will be used ajtln you! Do yon march Into that puiilry. double o.ult-l:! Tlie eliiiufi'our meai'lircd the sheriff - with n PiilcuiatliiK eye. at urn eiui oi . a minute his craze eiicoiiul'Tcd Ann!" .Tnno'n appealing trlaiu-e. Thi'ii he ' bowed his head and dlsapi cared Willi In the dark pantry. The Rlierlff Hlammed thedoor. Io Ited I It and Iiuiik the i.ey n a o!;vonlri:i nail. Then he opened a slIdlnK iIoit In the wall of Hie pantry. "Now, Annie Jane, yon set Here In front of the little- door, and If Hint chawfer tries to pet out do you U'" i this weepon on him! IMtrr aim fi r : his feet. That'll stop hlni c.ubker'n iinytliiriB else." He thrust the re- j rolvcr Into his iliiutthler's retiKtani Bl'lisp. "You know I'm afraid of nivnnns . father!" cried Annie Jane lliiioroit: ly ' "1 couldn't shoot It oflf." ' Peter Lamson bent his head null' ! his white whiskers InuMi.'.! .' u:i; -Jane's pink ear. "It ain't loaded." lie , whispered hoarsely. Thi-n, villi an elabonite wink at the ulrl. he left the 1 room. j Five minutes later Annie lane ! crouched In the Huston rocker, f i ini: j the pantry, heard the raiMe of wheels as her father r ile i ill 'T i!h' pile. JiiHt then li tall clock In I lie comer ; chimed 12. ! I'l'nt fhn revolver on the table ll' you 1 are afraid of II; I won't try to escape." j said a rcassurlni; voice from the pan Framed In the opening wna the' try. good looking face of the prisoner. j "If you'll promise." wild Annie June j rellevedly. She pl;.ee I the weapon on the table and resumed Iter seat. "Father Is very-very eoinvleutlous." she murmured ai'-'b-u'erleally. 1 There wn n dUiin- t elne kle from i the pantry. "I Inure n.itlee.l that." re-j marked the rhuunVur dryly. "Father b:is only been n sln.rlff since ' the lirst f liie mninli." she further ox . plained. Yi u knw there In a -board down the mad which says that, motorists mu. t slow down ( i ten miles ' nnd" "I'm nwmv T it. That's what hap pened to uie"' "It happens to so many of them," sighed Annie Jane. "And then father ;Mies them anil they are to rude. Some of them offer money to let them Ki again. They offer bribe." The prisoner blushed hotly under tho scorn In Annie June's voice. "What did father say when you tried to bribe him?" fhe asked de murely, i "Ho said he said he was the only PhertfT In the county thnt couldn't be fooupht," said the prisoner olrly. Annie Jnne nodded. "Father Is like that." she said simply. "He sought the nppolntment heennse he believed that lie had the moral courage to re-T-ife a bribe. Our new Justice. Mr. i say the lives of the peo ple In till community shall not be en dangered by the reckless driving of autolsts He fit; they shall observe the law! H'e h ue in T s-eri Mr WalnwrlglH. bm fatle-r Kay h '.- :he right man in the rlu'ht l l i e." The prisoner Mulled wmn wti:it rrimly. -Of roiirsc- y u l.x-k If fr .n an- ; oth'T fK.lnt of lew." bu:1 A-::ii ' J v.;- courieously. "I li--: y will-will i :iy ti;: !..; " "Thank yru." '.H ;: ' gently. There was a lot:' i c iif.;r " broken Dow me! tlun by the uv!:dn of h coal tuto the grate of the cookiUK ' niile Jane was obsurvini; the cap and goggle and huge fur - iing across a chair. Somehow the prisoner In the pantry did not seem to be like the majority of motorists whom the conscientious sheriff cai lured In the night watches. As a rule, tho prisoners were dusty and grimy, w ith oily hands blackened and discolored. They were of every nationality and temjierauieut, but one and all concurred In that they were unjustly detained. Tills young inau, however, had a clean cut, clever face, with a deter mined Jaw and keen blue eyes. He was an American; his hands werel Drown and strong nnd well kept. An nie Jane liked good bauds. Suddenly she uttered a little shriek and tucked her feet under her milled skirts. The prisoner shifted bis gaze from her charming face to the bright rag carpet. "What la the matter?" he queried. "Such a horrid rat!" quavered Annie Jane, pointing to where a small, gray body slid along the floor. "Give me tho revolver and I'll pot him," he suggested eagerly. "No, oh, no; 1 eau't let you out," sob bed Annie Jaue hysterically. "Nonsense! I'm not going to have you frightened to death," retorted the prisoner authoritatively. "I am afraid of It but I promised to keep you locked up. 1 cannot break my word," murmured Anule Jane, with an attempt at valor. Once when she was a little child a rat had bltteu her hand, nnd since then tho mere sight of one would send her Into hysterics. The chauffeur looked at her face, from which every trace of color had fled, and, with a muttered excluiation, he turned away from the little open ing. A minute iuter enmc the sound of a window being raised, and presently the prisoner walked into the room through the hack door. Without a word he seized a poker. Thuro was a rush of steps, a sharp sijucak aud theu silence. The door opeued and closed. The chauffeur washed his hands at the sink. "I shall return to the pantry now," he began, when the outer door opened again aud the harsh voice of the sheriff boomed through the house, Annie Jnne sprang to her feet, whiter. If possible, than before. "Ho's locked lu the pantry, Justice, and Annie Jane's beeu a-watchlng him!" said Peter I.amson-trlumphantly. Mr. Justice Smith, Btout, rosy and Jovial, withal he had beeu aroused from his bed, entered tho room In ad vaucc of the sheriff, aud his genial glance alighted on the prisoner, who was calmly drying bis bands on the roller towel. "Hello, Wninwrlght!" he cried. "So you got here after all. Lamson says be went over to your place, but your serv ants said you were out lu the machine chnslng scorchers, I suppose! Now, Miss Annie Jane, have out the prison er, and we'll each land lilm a heavy fine, eh, WaluwrtghtV" Justice Wninwriglit swept the room In a keen glance Unit noted Peter Lain son's chagrined face and the pitiful entreaty In Annie Jane's eyes. "Sorry, sheriff. Il's all iny fault, hut your prisoner has escaped," he said carelessly. "Shucks!" exploded Peter I.aiusnn. Willi sincere relief. ' Your treat, sheriff." Inu.nlud Suillh coltil'orliibly. "Let It lie sieoe r.f that old russet cider. I'll godoun with yon and hold the I. imp When I 111' lli-ceuelled "herlff hail pre ceiled Smith down (he ccbar sia'irs. the hue prisoner aj;ironi li I Ani-ie .I:!iie. Who Slonll lli-ciill-li.btlclv U'l' the stove. "You were very i: i!.-eil. Ml Walnwrlghl." !:lie : i:ini!ii"i. i bairassment. "1 Lnow fmli hurt and mfi;il:fd to te.iii n de U' h a 1-iiihiK r- tli.:i you so unkindly." "Vou were very kind to il: Miss Annie Jaue," r;aid i! with a tender lu.te l:i In. voice, "t'tuler lh :.:e Hrom: was very striMj-e thai lie sh escape, wasn't ilV" Annie Jane'a e; ft dvoiip:.! wnr:nth In b.' pr.'-'p .!'r reply. "I don't l.t'.ieve- I:.' all," iiitiHi'd WnlM'.vi I . !il I And Rtibe(iiemly it v :n i he did not. ORDINANCE NO. i Hilil IT V. ii :e lie Ijii - a led lie: lice. i? In i-i-I--c jo .le. '!:lll (' Hid tr. An ordinance amending section It of ordinance Xo. 30, appn.xrd February 10, 1!HiJ, bv fixing the liquor license in Medford, Oregon, at the sum of HO0 per annum. The citv of Medfohi doth ordain as follows: Section 1. That section 3 of ordi nance No. 30 of the ity of Medford, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance to regu late tho licensing nnd sale of spiritous, viiooiH and malt licpiors in the city of Medford. and the manner of enforcing said regulations, and to repeal all or dinances and parts of ordinances in con flict with this ordinmcc, ' ' approved February lo, VM'2t be tad the same is hereby amended so an to read as fol lows: 1 ' Section 3. Rr tore any person shrill obtain a license to sell spiritous. vinous or malt liquor:, he shall pay to the city trtinurT : nd take his re eipt therefor, as follows: Frr a license for one year to sell spiritous. vinnuo or malt liquors, the sui of eijilit hun 'drcd dollars; for n licence for six months to sell any such liquors, the sum of four hundred dollars; and nn license shall be 'granted for a shorter period than sii months; and no licen shall be trans ferred to any other p--ron by the per son to whom it is issu-d, except by the consent of the city council duly entered it ii the records of aid council; and the couiu-il may refuse to consent to any such transfer, and may refuse a license whenever, in its ,i"trmnt, the applicant is not a proper person to have sorh license, or the building or p:-rt ft the city in which said applicant pro poses to carry on sacn business is not : satisfactory to the rmmeil, and for the j same reasons it may c.incel and revoke any license issued, nj'on refunding R ! proportionate part of ti e money re jeeived therefor. Section 2. Thi ordinance ihall be jin full force nd eff-ct on and after February 1, and all persons now conducting tho loininc-w aforesaid na iler license from the city, shall, on or before said date, pay to tho city treas nrere a sum equal to the difference between the license jiaid by such per sob and the license eitn tcil hereby pro portionate to the length of tiaie re maining of tho time for which their respective liceuses weic issued, and up on the failure of any mica person so to do within said time, his license ahull by saeh failure bo deemed canceled anil revoked without further proceeding by the council, and he shall he punished us by ordinance elsewhere provided. Section H. All ordinances aud parts of onlinances iu conflict herewith are' hereby repealed, in so far as they so conflict. The foregoing ordinance was pasBdl by the citv council January 5. !I0!. ITrowhridge voting aye, Merrick no r.ifcrt aye, Wortiunn n . llnfer aye, 01 well absent. Approved .Tanuarv ,1, 1900. J. P. RKDDY, Mayor Attest: BEN.T. M. COMJNS, Recorder. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR AT LAST FOR NEBRASKA LINCOLN, Noli., .ran. 8. For the' first time hi a so tiro of years Nebraska mm u uemocrutu' governor, Ashton !. Shallenberger was yesteidiiy imiguriited as etiief exoeuf i t' iiu-l the event was uinile the occasion of a widespread jubilation on the part ul tho democrats of Bryan's state. Tho legislature winch convened this week is also democratic in complexion for the first time in many years. Many radical measures will he taken up, among them a law to guarantee bank deposits, such as was tuivocatcd in the national platform of tho party. The bill will be similar to that which is now in successful operation in Oklahoma. Another important plank in tho dem ocratic platform is tho pledge to enact a law providing for the physical valua tion of public serving eoi po rat ion 3. This pledge will have considerable opposi tion. County option was na ibsuo in many of tho counties at tho elect inu and it is claimed that tho legislature is op posed to any change in tho present liijuor laws, although tho comity option advocates will mako a fight just the same. Thev claim to have a petition nsking for the enactment of a county option law or the submission of a priv hibition amendment, signed by more than InO.ouo persons. This petition will be presented to tU.0 legislature. Compare the Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon, i t is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. If You Owned the Earth copvsuomv iWkswnv j.ri-iliit-in(; caac-ity incrrasl, Init witli'lho r:iit Mini nf an or.-har 0. su.'h nn acinic wee l ave to show, the inm-lia'cr hai a,c-h:inc-e of (( t tinu lies purchase priee liac-k uut of a 'cringle ercip. with proper man ngemc-nt. How c an wealth he ac-c umu 'lalecl faster than Icy liuyiiiK n lie of the Kooci vniiuf; orchards we have for sal"! ' Alwavs at vour servic-e for tlie heal I.iivh in lhis valley. ROGUE RIVER KXitmrr nmuiiNO, Medford Theater : SATURDAY, JAN. 9 E. J. CARVENTER offers "Why Girls Leave Home" Strictly ihial and freo from sonant I 1 alism. Prices 25c, iliic, 75c, $1.00 NEVER LOOK BACK It dooan't pay. Keep your eyes fined ou our oxceptioual offerings. Fiuo tai loring can only bo secured from the hands of hlgh-claBS tailors. Our expe rience and methods arc cortainly worth investigation. We employ tho best workmen and our clolitps are without doubt the most carefully selected in the city. EIFERT The City Tailor Quality H is, and always has boon our aim to supply our customers with goods tif the highest ipinlity nnd to that end we nro always adding ipiality to our lino. The addition of "preferred atock" makes our lino of I.." a jjrnde Conned Goods most completo. Our oervice always the bit and erery givon our customers. You roiiMn't 'in.l a hitlir pluci' Id live than m Hun glurimis l(i;iii' HiviT vallc)', with ilt in ruinparalpl'- winiiT nntl hiiiiiiiiit (limal1. .IiiHt now we linvfl hoiiii parlirulurlv K''"1 l"'viluii'il or i-hrird jirri.ii!iitioiiB to snbinit to tho''ioolcr. vliifli arc Hiiro ivinncix. Hcst givr t !j i H mlittor iinmcilinlo ntl"nlion. It ilnr-s not tllke a very wisi man to fori-wi' that tiio advaio'e in valin-s whirli wp havi' I n .ii.liilinK in in coming iroilm-iii fruit lands is about to maliirialiip. A j(ool vonnir orchard win not only in- .n asi' in vain ' nr. us inrom" LAND COMPANY MKIir'OHl), OHKdON City B Lot tho MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece '4' furniture. Any design, auy color, auy finish dull, wuxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets. W. M. Colvlg. 0. L. Beanies. COLVIO ft REAME8 liawyera. Office-Mmlford Bank Hhlg. Qround floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phono 01 MORDOBFP & WOLF New and Second Hand Furniture Kads' old stand, 18 80 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built ami newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. G. Karuos, Prop. 20 8. 0 St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK it BLOCK Co. will '.e prepared I'Vli ruary l.ri to runneth eement brick. Heller than preaaed brick aud juat as eh"up. In eat.ii;ate bet'ore cnutraeting, P. O. ltox 1 IH. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. Wo enrry all kinds of dinner waro and fancy dishes. W. Soveuth St. Medford, Or DR. COBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Offico on Seventh Street. When others fail, cnll on DR. E. J. BONNER Eyo Specialist Office iu Engle Pharmacy Main 2:i:i. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from 60 cents to $l.fiO pc clay. All modern conrouieeiueit. We solicit your patrouago. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage it 11 d repair shop baek of tho Moore hotel. Motor cars stored nnd taken euro of. All work guaranteed. Phono No. .Uli:i This most beautiful .ulililiou to 'Medford is to lie put on the market and titfe first sale will occur FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 190!). LARGE SIZED Mood garden soil, natural oak Irees, wide si reels, four blocks to'N.rth school Hcirnvifi' ul 'rcal ij in. ..- ; LOW IM.'H.'F-W AN!) RR SOAHWF. TRRMS. v : ' V. J. C. BROWN Exclusive Agent Palm Block' MAN OET8 $000 FOR THE LOHU OF AN EYE HKH ItLI'I'T, Ciil., Jan. 8. A judg- nt hna 1 n filed ;n the superior .-unit in te euae'of .lacoli V. lielville I vi. John Coffey. I'l lintiff ia given tdrtil dauiagea and ec,ti of the suit, hi the complaint lielville nlleccea that Coffey put loiiiethiii !n one of hia eyea for tlc-atiuc-nl of ic cataract and Mo' "trenlment" injured the eye. c'ausiiic Windiieaa. instead of helping it. Coffey is a negro who professes to lit able to cure many of (he ilia lo which mankind ia heir. usmess THE R. R. V. LUNCH BOOM Finost cup of coffee on the Pucific Coast. H. II. Icoriinor Prop. ' ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Eugineor, 210 W. Snvnnth St., M-edford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to ordor LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune, THE ELEOTRIO AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. K. Lane ft Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHAU S BROWN witch to annoiinco to their patrons that they are locatod in their new quarters in the Young ft Ball building, llilliurcls, Cigars aud TobnccoB. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 13, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregou. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-dato. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert ft Brown For good burgains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsicnl In st ruiueiitH, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE 0 Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phono DM Night Phones ('. W. Conklin 36 J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. I. CONROY Kuc'ceaHor lo lr, Jones. Office in til j Stewart Building. RIVERSIDE I SUBDIVISION I NOTICE Tlie Hotel foriuerlv known as the Taylor House in J.ii'ksiiiiville, Or., 'has changed management Mid will hcncefi.rlh lie known as the ABBOTT HOUSE under the inauaaenient of C. D. & M. E. ABBOTT. The has been remodeled .and made modern a,;,; tii) fo-date i:i every respect and rates are as reasonable as consistnt with first-class servica. Directorvi 8AVOY THEATER . ' ., " North d 'An jou. Street Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs. Entire change - 'of program Monday, .Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TS 8T. Continuous performance every evening of mofrion pictures and'U lustrated ballads. Kntire ehangsi of program Monday, Wedn'crtday and Friday. Admission 10 centis.- WM. H. AIT KEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone S3. " l 210 W. Sevenrh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Uonuott, Medford, Or. ,. Grow trees that sell, sell 'trees that grow uuad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON . Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. -Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank 'Blclg. Mod ford, ,0r. , , F. OOOK Sells trees that grow.- . Of floe: R. R. V. Depot.. Pi O. Bot 841. " Phone Sa. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS J Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence,.,, t East Medford. Phone &6 8. R. 8EELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Rny. Office hours: 10-12, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURO Scavenger. Onrbnge hauled. Medford, J. M. KEENE, D. T). 8. Dentist ; Specialist in operative 'dentistry Painluas --xtrnction or teeth. . L 0 TS