TH K M KTiM tun 1 1 a ri r mi. i i. .... MEMORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1909. M ;ford Daily Tribune i A Livh Papeb in a Live Town. "Published evgry eveniiig except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ico at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oie nontl, by mail or carrier. .. .tO.SO On rear, by mail. .$5.00 BUSINESS MEN AND TAXPAYERS' TICKET For Mayor, W. II. CANON. ?'For Councilman First Ward, E. A. WELCH, j For Councilman Second Ward, V. L. EMERICK. i tor Councilman Third Ward, JOHN DEMER. DON'T BE DECEIVED. '" The saloon license is now $800 in Medford. The $800 license; feature fixed in the proposed amendment to the charter is simply a hait to get votes. As the charter now stands, the council can fix the license at $800 or $1000 or any. other sum. If the charter amendment passes, it will destroy home rule in Medford. Don't he fooled. The pro posed amendment will put Medford where it was in 1004. The county voted wet, but half of Medford was voted dry by the country vote. Think of the absurdity of voting part of a. town the size of Medford "dry," while across the street it would still be "wet." Do you want to return to that condition. '" What is the use of all this agitation? Under the char ter as it stands, Medford has home rule and th' city coun cil can pass a prohibition ordinance whenever they see fit. LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. DRIVING OUT SALOONS. j The situation of the city of Medford in-reference to the question of prohibition is one that ought to be considerd by every voter before casting his ballot. Connected with the moral side of the question is a business question, but waVihg that entirely, the morals of the city will not be improved by voting prohibition at this time or by amend ing the charter as is proposed. ' The decision of the Supreme court, contrary to the predictions of the prohibitionists, affirmed the decision of the circuit court of this county. The people of Medford doubtless remember the attacks made upon the integrity of Judge Hanua, and the covert sneers with which his decision was received, at the hands of the prohibitionists, and, threats to remove him from the bench, because he de cided the local option case in accordance with I he law. "The public was assured by the learned gentlemen who pose as the leaders of all moral reforms, that the supreme court would certainly reverse the decision. Jiut, strange to say, the supreme court affirmed Judge Hunna without a dissenting voice. The effect of that decision is to nullify the local option election held last June throughout the country. This1 leaves Jacksonville, Gold Hill and Woodville ith licensed saloons, and every precinct in the county except those in which prohibition was declared in force in lfidG, open to th liquor business. Any one can apply to the county court iot a licenso to sell liquor, aud if the proper petition is presented and a bond filed, the county court has no power to refuse to grant a license. If tho SALOONS ARE (JUT OUT JN MEDFORD ihey will still run at Jacksonville and Gold Hill, aud there would undoubtedly be several started outside the city lim its under county license, and beyond the control of the city authorities. To vote prohibition in Medford would be simply vot ing saloons out of the town and into those precincts sur rounding the city. Will any man be able to find advantage in this! Tho experience of any one who has observed such conditions is that the, the out-of-the way saloon is by far the worst phase of the liquor question. These are tljG places that are sought out by the boys and young men, wliero there is little likelihood of parental or police dis cbvery. These are the places where young mon and boys will get bottles and jugs. It is true there are laws that pro Vide punishment for selling to minors, but Jetection is difficult. Such places are generally run by men with little property, and when one is put out of business another soon takes his plaee. TO FORCE MEDFORD DACKWAKD. ists in the state, are trying to manage Medford. The truth is that Medford 's prosperity ad advance ment is a thorn in the flesh of prohibitionists. The con trast with prohibition cities is so much to the disadvantage of the latter that every possible effort is being put forth to force Medford into the class of these other lowns. MR. MILLS' ARGUMENT. Walter Thomas Mills, the socialist preachrr, who has been repudiated even by the Socialists, spoke to a crowded house, including several men, at the Medfcrd theater Thursday evening. H followed the usual lines of argu ment by agitators, namely, abuse of the Tribune and advo cacy of surrender of the city government to farmers. There certainly never was a more absurd plea made to citizens of any community than the proposition to surren der home rule. What should those outside the city say what the city should do? Do farmers pay city taxes? Do the people of Ashland help pay interest on the water bonds? Do ranchers help pay for sewers and paved streets? Of course not, so why should they lia-ve a voice in Medford affairs? Yet they will have unless the proposed charter amend ment is defeated. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN ON! FAMILY 2162 Prohibitionists of Salem, who have suffered over whelming defeat at home, are now Irving to tell the people of Modford how to run this city. They are printing -, paper in the capital city, misrepresenting Mcltord condi tions and slurring her fame. This tissue of defamatory j remarks is being distributed as a supplement o the local prohibition paper. What do the prohibit ionisis of Salem know about Med ford .and business of theirs is it how affairs here are conducted? Salem itself will have nothing to do with them, having settled the saloon problem by a plan of her own entailing high license and stringent regulations. Do tho prohibitionists of Salem nnv taxes in Medford f No. Do they know anything about the city, except throughjj ieresay? No. Yet they, in common with all prohibition MONTC'LAIK, N. J.. Jan. 8. Four teen children mill 20 grandchildren were, the guests f Ir and Mrs. Isaac Oodd on Christina tiny. No single family in New Jersey had such a Christmas dinner und such an exchange r.f gifts. More, than 2000 packages were handed out in tho efforts of ench person to give, a present to each of tliu othor members of the family. Mr. und Mrs. Dodd v.'ero married 37 years ago. They celebrated their wed ding nnniveitttiry luut July, and all the members of the family attended it. Then it merely was a question of each child und each grandchild giving to t!ie old couple. This time, however, it is entirely different, because- under the liberal rule which provails in the fnm ilv each perm.a must give n present to e.-ich oilier person ut Christmas. All except three of tho Dodd children are murrit-d. Theru uro therefore 14 suns or daughters,. 11 daugutanr-lndaw or sons-in-law, und 20 youngsters, or 47 in nil, counting the old folks, and each person guvo 40 presents; thnt 18, there r.-ere given 21011 gifts in nil. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. The New York Tribune gives what it claims is Taft's final cabinet state, excepting attornoy goivnl. H. A. Ballinger is listed us secretary of the interior, tho only man, from Iowa, where Wilsou, who remains secreury of ngriculturo, resides. Knox, seeretur of state; John J. Mitchell of Illinois, president of the Illinois Trust und Suvings bunk, Chi cago, secretary of tho treasury; Wright, secretury of wur; Hitchcock, post master geuerul; Vou Meyer, secretary of tliu navy; Loob, secretary of cora- rce und labor. RAIN COAT SPECIAL Ladies's Cape Mackintoshes Values up to $3,50 at $1.35 each. Childrens' Auto Rain Coats were $2.50 to $3.00 Now at 98 cts. 1-3 off on all Coats and Skirts VAN DYKE'S FULL LINE OF SLICKERS AND WET WEATHER Q00DS FOR MEN K. J.Sk.wia C. K. lllltintfer A. C. Randall L. D. HarrU Rogue River Investment Co. ? FRUIT LANDS sSj Owuort, Sub-Dividers and Derelopers Rojpie Rtvr Valley Or chard I finds, l'tiiii;u fruit I u ml a, bearing nnd young orrhaiMt) iu tmull aud turgu tiacta, for sal. We nlnut and car fur orcbtinU aud guarantee property to lot us represented. Experience Xot Xece&aary for those who purchase through u. Ttior seen re the advise and jM-rvicoa of a consulting liortirnlhiriRt, an extort oo fruit cul ture in all iti branches, who for several yens has excel oil in the glowing md shipping of fruit in the Rogue Klver valley, reoerd cmpa, record pck, record prices. in North L) Street, Medford, Oregon MBDFORD 8AS1I & DOOR COMPANY PnONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plata, eartled In stock cheap. Office Flxtnres and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, Including Turned Work .' t and Fancy Grills. K STRKKT, BET WHEN SIXTH AND 8 EVKNTH STREETS. ."" EH AND PEAKS AND ALL KIND.: FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. No',, in tlie combine. LVvipetes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. (i. TUOWBRIDOE, Propi it tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Entires, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Rir.'eis and Machinery. AgentR in Sovtl'.nm Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Medford, Ore., Juu. 6, 1909. I have jiiBt received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Diuter Nellis Tar Trees. 1200 Do Anjou. 25U0 Poach Trees. I also have on hand: 3000 Bartlett Pear Trees. 2000 Cornice. 1 The ubove is good, clean stock at popular prices. L. B. WARNER 4 VEOrOSD, OBEOOH M. AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSTITORS AND CLIENTS StaU Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $125,000 The Jiieksou f'ouuty Bnuk places at tho florvk'O of ittt depositors nud clients the beat fueUitiea iu banking. Tho of fien's are i leaned lo render counsel and ad v ico oa finaucml matters. Account, aubje -t to chock, aor in vited. Sae deposit bnxes to rent, $4 per year and op. W. I. VAWTER, President G. B. LINDLEY. Caahier GOOD NEWS it will be for the man who is looking for au artistic tailor vlitm Home man wo h dressed in exqii'site style tells him that he bus his cloting made at KKKrKR & CO.'S. v-'ts can make you a suit, of clothing or an overcoat thnt will give you the distingue air sought by the man of the voild who knows a good thing when be sees it. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. CdPvniCHT. lA.P.SrB.Cf IF YOU HAVE SET YOUR HEART on having n haiulriouic diamond, rubv or other ring, or a pair of bracelets or a brooch tor adorning your beauty nod making yours-!.' attractive at uncial functiouH, or when you want to look a-i charmiug as nature will permit when enihi'lliHhed by tho bysfc art of tha jew- t-ter, conic in and nee tho beautiful stock of fine jewelry at MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and Watches Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart - 35c C. W. He DONALD Successor to Smith X M ny More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved bv using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in ,1000 his. 110 Kilowatts which at 16 cts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungst&n Lamp uses 40 Watts pcrhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt ; , Net Saving in 1000 hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Coudor Water & Power Co. ( )f ficp, 20b" West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. .:. B. BXYAHT. Prmdent. .1. A. fcLHKRW Vica-fmi.teut. .mux H. (1RT1I. Cashier. W. B. .lACKSO.V. Ass't (ishior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OS. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEauk in Bus. ness Transacted. We Solicit Yourt Patronage. T1IE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BF NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON YOU CAN SAVE On your railroad fare. The Itiw of tie common enrrtur compels equal rates on all road Itnei YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Tatigue by Insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. ,Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety auii ncootninoja- tiuu of tb.1 passt'ugor is roviile1. N. chauge ef oars is necessary to Den ver, Omaha. Kansas City Chicago, ftircct connec tions are for all oth r points .-ist anil south A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Mod ford. WM. McMUERAT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. OR. r