1 Mhmu THE MEDFORD DAILY TBI BUNK, MEDFORD. ORKdOy, THURSDAY, .TANITABY 7, VMl icial and Personal m Sampson, manager of tbo Pnia mintinrv annnt Thiiraflnv in ipwn'i Spray. J.yj!et J. 0. Brows about those great low, ivuxivv. n,vory joi a gar 25B i. P. Jeffries, tho pipe man, repro ving Crane & Co.t spent Thursday in lford. ,wy quantity. L. E. Hoover. WILL ADDRESS NON-CATHOLICS Father Cantwell Speaks Chnt.i.ter, the' all-around ' photog- tlllS EVAlinG Oil CatllO advertising department spent D. Vincent of tbo Finn Lake com y arrived in MivUom weanesuay J. '"ffjiriday in Med ford, tnkiug liar It with v tne suojeci mairer 01 meuioru i;rr pampniei. laming Tokay grape vines for sal I ber, specialist on couoron, guuruu ' : jj aatlafaotion on all work. Corner X ' I i5 Seventh and C streets, ovor Allen ft , Tr .''.a : K -ft : I,. Atnti-anta nn nnnit rn 1 1 i tllfi ..-H W n :X 0- Van Kieron of Roulette, V -.4r'f '-X tha minfnrtunn in ttt loft behind on JZnl rinnoWov na trnm 1.1 wns nulling (Hit, 4,- . .... .. i -ii f J ri - V-as nil rAtnoitiorl nvcr until lfi Til lira j i morning. In the meantime he look j-59 over the valley. . C. Hall left Thuruduy on a bus. vt trip to San Francisco. ' hrle Young of Gold II ill flpi-nt iradav on business in Med ford . fumes S. Wood of G:nnta Para spent irtdar in Mod ford. . B. Wood is hui'k fruin a business 't in Ban Francisco. V. C. Hartley of North Mud ford in Portland on n uhnrt business trip. . Valtor Bunkers of tbo Appli'gnt ntry wac iu Med ford Thursday u ( Iness. idney Bradley of Orounaide, Cal, recent visitor in Med ford. He i1 . Wedneiwiny evening for Portland , may return and foeain in this city. fioseph Farrell of West M ml ford left yiiraday for a short luminous trip to B rameuio, i m, r. A. Brandon of AHhlaud wan lford on business Wednesday. 1. E. Kvnus of Weed. Cul., rnturiied .his home Wednesday ufler a visit ,0tra. 8. Taylor, win hHS been visit with relatives in Medfurd for some ,9, hat returned to her home in Ohio. ,1 irs, 11 rv. nunuu n vimiing " alU,.n t..Ul. ,.. l.n.it . M. Under of Kagle Point wns a rn It Mod ford visitor. j. T. Grieve has 'Jiiti-red upon his of i. dutiea of the comity as assessor. H. Byrum was a recent visitor in ()tlford from Table Rock. yome uays in Meuiom. B. Jackson of Klk c reek was in Ifurd Thursdav on husineHS. r .erry Corlinin, after viniting with parents for Nome time in Mt'lfonl, j reliimea to inn noine 111 nteveim ' Mont- iQae J. B. Brown about ltiveri)idi nd lots. 252 1 Please Take Notice. few unredeemed dtnmondH in the jlford Loun Office at a great bar er1, - DMEN INSTALL OFFICERS j FOR THE ENBUINO YEAR Ta-e Redinon installed tbo followiriK ;cers on Wednesday oveninii: Snelt ?o 8. I. Brown; Sr. Sng., P. II. Mnr Jr. Bag., J. K. Hi nt ; uniiihet, .1. SaPllurlltt (?. of H. t. t. .ISiKnlu. K W., W. Af. Kenneilv: first Sun., ('. U3arrIaon; serond Han., II. It. Luri H i first warrior, F. N. Wllmm; Hfe- J wnrrlon, J. P. Lnwrenee; third rienpr, Bnlpb Wilsm:; fourth warrior. Ooulimn; first brnvif, A. I). Hiuuler: Di'nd brave, P. Tnmpkiiis; third brave. '4;0. Lawrence; fourth bravo, A. L. ght; fl. of W,, t'liarlou Itoardiniiii ; a or 1;, J. V. Jonei.; first scout, V. panon; second scout, It. M. Allen. foi ' . ; Married. aiAi k kuhk At 1'hoenu, January tn(909, Bev. Robert Funis of f icial ing. f Claudu V. t'nto of Orvnllin mid JS8 Orace Hose of l'lioenix. Mr. nnd 1. Rose will rosido in Hniwimviile. Ii whoro Mr. flnto is connected with 1 Oregon Agricultural college. Main lands wore present ?t the wedding. oi AMUSEMENTS. 4 lie Confession. Father Cat n well of Portland is cou diieting a mission at the new Catholic fhiireh in West Med ford. He speaks every night this week. Special music nun been arranged for each service. Father Cantwell is recognized as one of the most fluent priests in the Work in Portland and his addresses are well wutth hearing. On Thursday eveuing In will address uun Catholics in a spe cial sermon, taking for his subject, "Why Catholics Go to Confession." Services begin at 7:30 p. in. IN A TOTAL OF RAINFALL TO DATS IS 3 08 FOB STORM The storm which began Sunday night i II continues with prospect for con tinued moisture. Wednesday night .35 of an inch fell, making a total for the present storm of Il.OS inches, the heav it t downpour of the season. Much real gond and but little damage has been dono by thj ruin. The Kogue has been steadily falling since Tuesday morning, as have other streams. The rain linn hcen a warm tn ,ir.d wmier rain is looking fine. Die storm has been general all along the coast. Heavy snows have fallen in the mountains. Tho Willamette val ley and Portland nro wearing a blaa- t of white. In l'orthnd the weather has been extremely cold and school has lied to be closed because of the cold. Tho slreetear lines were tied up and business generally suspended. EMERGENCY HOSFITAL HOTEL Tliy tta'fjorf.AstiTln hotel, In New York, Is the first hotel In-America to lnt:ili 1111 eniei-LM iiey loisplinl under Its roof. This picture shows the neat 11 lid well ..i.p,i-il room which has heen set apart for the eare of perann w!im inn;' m ' I" be Injured in the big hostelry. It has a surgleal ubulr. . t. 'iMlliii; fnl.Ie aid nil tl. itiiillaiu cs uceessury tu giving first aid to Injured Died. DKMKR At her homo in Medfurd, Susanna Denier, tit fi a. in., .lanuarv 7, lliim. She was born in Austria Hun K" and was 1 1 yeat'H 1 in until and 21 v.vh of age. QUERIES PUT ! TO MR. SHIELDS Reply to Fletcher Linn's Letter-Individual Should Strengthen Himself . !Why (Jirls Lenvn Home," a play has created a great deal of in j0)'tli " wuh-ii m nil 10 10 ne ft sirong uarnum wimi a pure, nniurai ami aistent ntorv, will tie presented tit , Medford 011 Saturday, January t. I n II... fll.. . r .. roipcctnhle ritmilv conneet ions, )ie heart hns been won bv an 1111 ..jci'plod seonndrel; the anger of n tr Jher who endeavors to show his sis ,1 tho WnvwjirdnnnH nf tutr hiliivi,ir 1 Bin, 111 uT rrne nuieceiire oi neari believing the nfi'eet ion of her . m v. r 111 mi mi Mini n yninig gin eouiii ir, scorns hi r brether's advice. rn tne nrntner in n lit of aner kes her to inneniiliilit v mIih i ' : iroiormcHt iiv the villain, and sinuv ,li , 1 to a road Iiouhc in the muntrv 1'' f iiiHiririoiied there. he effects a sensiitiiMinl escape, nnd tr a run of eight miles nrroKs the ntrv, breathless, with her clothes bleeding, cxhautied. staers in the corridor of he prison in lino aave her brother's life, who in a of remnrffe, believing he has killed , is about to commit suicide by stab g himself with a dapger the femsl ain has smuggled t.i Inn cell. to,, : b cil te . New Attraction at Btjou. entirely new biil at the ltiinu to ,ht. A strong feature is includiHl in entertainment. . R Kin make first appearance 'n the city in n it and. heavy hnlnpcitifz net. Mr. ff cornea direct from Seattle, where enbas been playing on the rontauen thult. Tho act is entirely new ami .Ioel, possessing lion" of the old time ; iojures! The attraction hns never re nred anything hut the most favorable w.ment. A new list of films and I is a're also include! in tonight's per a nance. TRUTH ABOUT MAKING SPRAY The Portland Journal of January contains tho following regarding the praying of apples: " Aloutavilln, Or,, .li.u. 3. To the Editor of the Journal: In the Journal 1' January li there npeared an edi ciint under the e,iitioii, 'Winter Spraying.' The chisiug sentenee uf the litonal, 'No one can nfford to rel'nse 1 Hpray,' is all right, but many errors en apparent in this editorial. 1 have preyed thousands tit different trees under various condition:! and in differ localities and what I am aboul to slate is the result of eviierieuce. idiser tiou and study. "Lime and sulphur solution cannot made ut home as cheaply as at the fnetory, if the farmer's time and fuel worih anything. Advocating home made spray solutions is like advoeat ing heme Hiuti jeans, breeches nnd hoiuu It tu I H.ix. The fruit farmer has too much else to do to atop his work and Miil lime and sulphur. "Lime and sulnhni- solution will kill San Josh scale if upplied slioni nough, but it is not n cure all; will not control applo and pear scab; has no eff ct on codlin moth; does not kill 'aterpillars, and taken nil together, is of but little or no villus as a summer ipray. "Furthermore, iu proportion as lime :liil sulphur solution has been used, Bordeaux mixture has liecouio ineffect ive. At Hie meeting of the HI ate Hor ticultural society, an. I )u Northwest Fruitgrowers' association, this fact was -dearly brought out. In Hood river they had a terrible loss from apple scab hint year, although Uiev have' sprayed to excess with l'.me nnd sulphur' for the past If. yearn. ' 1 My conclusions are, spray by all meaiH, but do so intrtUgentlv. "W. H. A1)I!S." There is no activity in which there " wider difference of opinion that imong horl iculturislH. The condition 's natural, for the indium on enlight 'nd lines is yet new in Oregon. As 'ts authority for tic statement th.it lime and sulphur spray is an effective :igent iu controlling San Jose scale, die lournal ipioted the Agr'cnltural college. I'rofesHor Cordley is ahn authority for 'lie Jiuirnal's stateiuent that lime nnd -.nlphur is an effect iw summer iprav i'.r apple ftctib, ami w'th an ingredient if Pans preen or arsi Late of lend likewise ef fic-icious fi-r cod I in moth, referable, in fact, !e Ptirdeanx mix t ure. The Apt ten It ural eollcpe nut hunt ies l;:t ve been work inp tr soini- t hue on he problem and with satisfactory re siiMh. Tin1 spray was employed this non in the cidlcpe 1 rchard -nid the ery beni results oblan i d. The ef fee tivctii'HH of tpiays uf all kinds i larpely meaoircd by the com pleteness of the apt "Heat ion. Many failures come from failure to make the contact perfect. It is this fact that -fteu lends to the d iff emu f view with ictpect to Hpr.i-i- Kditor Jour tml. I ;il evperieiit'e li!t coiu'lunivelv demount rated the ti utli of the statement that lime and snlph'ir solution cannot lie made at home s cheap nor as care fully an that made bv the (.rants Pass ('antiery- Sampson s Spray. --.in (). W. Fry of Lake creek was trans icting business iu Medford recently Mrs. t Stednian uf Pl oenix was a re cnt Medford visitor. To the Md i lor: I see a communica tion iu I lie Morning Mail, entitled, ' ' l'Vtehcr l-iim 's Le ter to Rev. Shields." It starts nut with saying, "The Tribune is ripht v.hon it says that prosperity is lie nnl on the I'Jth of January. Tlh-u goes on to ask if $irl),0M0 of the people's money is to bo Hipiaiidered ill tl.ilnoiiH, the bet I' - part to be t uuL of the (own and county to brewery ami distilleries. I would like u ask Hie Ifev. Shields if such was the ena. Isn't it a fact (hat every business house in the town s nils 11 gieiit part uf its profit even out of the Htnte He 0,0 en on to stale that it is wrong to f.Jiuw 17:in of our f' llow rnei! (o In'enui. it:loicnteil every etir and to allow our young pirls to go staggering along the r ts from back deors of saloons. I uanl the levercnd utleniau to (ell me, Is it the sulooii mon's fault If the puhlic apilator would get on the rostrum and tell thes" 11 and women that each individual is alone res - silde for wrongdoing, then you might be utile to overcome some of the evil that today exists. Hut as long as you make Willie believe ilu:l Johnnie is to blame for his ( Willie 'vj badness, then, Willie will go on In ing bad. Tench vour boys and girls that befue high j In l' veil they ahoie will be held uc counliilde for their mtudecdN. This world has c lo a pretty pans when men are coiupeiir( in make laws to protect theinsolv's I'mm themselves. The Rev. Shields and 'i;s eulleagues are even trying to make this world better than Clod intended. Tio Hilde tells me that (lod made the world; He also made titan in Iiih own iniag . (lol also pla 1 the (roe of knoledp in the li.inlrn ol Mdoti and warned Alam not to eat thereof. When Ad 1111 disuheyed him iiol snol Ihat the Woto.-ti ha. I templed him and he fell. Hod did not excuse him from his share of the sin, but punished him the same as the Woman. - Sin has existed as loup as th. w 01 I.I has, and will coutiuu.' a: long as the world lasts. Hod gave every rtnl a certain amount of will power, and if every one is taught to exert that will ' "Wit to overcome tlo- evil that is in (hem, then the World will be better, but us long as a man can sav to himself, "I can go and get diutik; people wilt pity me for my W'lkness, mid blame the saloonkeeper." he will keep on get ting drunk and pat hum-elf on the t'.iclt and think wh:t a good lime lit is having ut other p-1 pie 's expense. Now, one more question, Ifev. Shields: P these '"yit.itors you bring here pay their own ixpeiises, or aie '(v all.iiv.-d lo 1 m U 1 i'p contributions of money to take out of our city mid 1 ountv f As for this Fletcher I. inn. I suppose he would like to help Medford lo be come a law abiding place. 1 'crimps Here is a little lecline; . f plaving even w'lh oiue of our ne-i'i li! nts, for it was not many months ap 1 that some of our people had to po t., Portland to tes 1 1 1 la 1 n-1 his 1 01111 it: V, beeaiie t i wen- law breakers. If mi. h is the ca then he had better to his home town. He will fill.) elloilph tl do without exerti'.p himself to con..' here, We li:;ve enonpli . f his kind here nl read v --more t ha 11 enough. A WOM SiiiiTi MERCHANTS LUNCH STAHT1NQ DECEMUUR 28, WE WUAj I'DT 'i.V MKUCUANTS' l.'JNi li FKOM 11:30 A. UNTIL 8 P. M. PKKJH Hoc THE LOUVRE Classified Advertisemeols WANTED. ntlt MALE r'li.Hh cow, grndn" ,l,w.v; fine milker; perfectly gentle. At Dak lawn oiehard, on Oakdnle avenue. Tel ephone 7S. 24!) UV'TEljCilorsea to board" by The month. Ploilty of good, clean hay, good warm barn; terms, $0 per month. No hornes taken fur less than one month. Walter Moore, Phoenix. ' iifiO vw.TEti T dosiro aihily wasniugTo do. 1 go to tho house and wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guainnteed. Mrs. M P. tfchneufcle. Medford, (Ir. Hoi 2A. holite No. 1 2o0 WAXTKH work; $1 (Inl I day for general house Wage:,. Address ltox FOR SALE. roli SALE An elegaMt. lot "of new furniture, direct from the cast, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply SI., The Tribune. fT"R TVF.NT Twir?iiriTiVheT rooms with electric light and bath. Mrs. W. W. Kifert, No-rrti 1 St., Medford. 2o0 FOlt UKNT Six room house, corner of Quince and HovcnUi streets. Rum sty. 2.1 T'OU SAr.l1; - tiood horsj for sulo ebcap, half mile south of city limits. O. L. louxwillcr. 161 FOlt HKNT Furnisiit'd rooms for light housekeeping, corner Piftli and H, two blocks north Presbyterian church. 251 FOlt SALK A good wood sawing ma ! chine and horsy client. For particulars Hopiire ut the Irou Foundry oii-H street i or address if. M. ' Maine, Medford, ; Or. 49 l FOlt S.W.K Houmh. lota and land inl I'hoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to n40 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. ! FOlt SALE Extra dry cord wood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. ( sei.bruggi Studebaker Pros. Co. warerooms. Telephone Ml. I Prspald Bailroad Ordan. "Something which is of considerable Interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known ' if tifi stem ot prepaid orders now in VlTe.jt between citations of the Souurn his attention j 1 -'J1' couipaay aua an points in tne 1 t tntrd Stntes. ttv means of this Brstem Orosjory's Baby Show. Conditions nnd pri 't s Time. day. .lanuarv :t, February 1. Judges, three well know U Medford ladies not to be announced until Jay of .uidginp. Prircs .I gold ami cotd of pacturet refunded for best loo'- ing baby 1 to IN) months. All children in Medford and Jackson souuty eligible. Children to bit judged by photos must be cabinet size. Spc val rediii tieti in pro i a durinp con tet. 2' I tickets may be piirchaajjii at Medford from any place In the lITrted Srtes and j urn i ltil or teUgraphed direct tu the j party wishing to come here. Sleeper i arcommodirfon and small amount! nf j cash in collection with these tickets rmy also he forwarded at the umt ttime." tf ! TAKE NOTICE. A FEW UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS IN THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE j FOR SALE AT OREAT BARGAINS. 1 ALSO OVER 200 UNREDEEMED , WATCHES FOR KALE VERY j CHEAP. WE NEED MONEY. GREAT ANNUAL SHOE SALE YOUR GREATEST OP PORTUNITY IN- SHOES COMES WITH MY ANNU AL MI OR SA1 E. THE SALE STARTS JANUARY 2, 191)9, AND THE REDUC ED PRICES APPLY TO EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS LARGE STOCK. ALL OP THESE SHOES WERE BOUGHT CARE FULLY BY ME FOR MY REGULAR TRADE NO .TOR LOTS JUST TO MAKE A SPECIAL SALE. I AM CLEARING UP MY STOCK AND CLEARING O U T BROKEN LINES WHERE THE SIZES ARE LIMITED. MY GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY PATR J UST THE SAME AS IF YOU PAID FULL PRICE. THE BIGGEST BARGAIN OF THE YEAR IN SHOES. MEN'S DRESS SHOES at prices from $1.75 to 4A0, worth $2.00 to $5.00., Cutter Loggers, $7.00 values $5.00 Cutter Loggers, $0.50 values $5.50 HEAVY HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS We represent the largest makers in the world of this 'class of Footweai . KJ-iuch Heavy Lace Boots, $8.50 values $7.00 lG-inch Heav'v Lace Boots, $8.00 values $6.50 10-inch Heavy Lace Boots, $7.00 values $5.50 12-inch Heavv Lace Boots, $7.50 values $5.50 10-inch Heavy Lace Boots, $4.50 values $3.50 12-inch Walkover Boots, $5.00 values . .$4.25 I Ieavy Work Shoes 50c to $1.50 less than reg ular prices. Boys' Dress and Work Shoes -at cost prices and less. Boys ' Heavy High-top Tan Shoes, $3.50 values $2.50 Boys' Heavy Carome Shoes, $3.00 vals. $2.00 Misses' and Children's Shoes at from 20 per cent to 30 per cent less than regular prices. Ladies' Dress and Street Shoes, including such makes as Donihey & Son, London ;.C. I I'ord & ( o. at the lollowinsr prices: values. . .$3.75 $3.50 values. . .$3.10 values. . .$3.50 $2.50 values. . .$2.00 $5.00 $4.00 $2.00 values. $1.50 C. M. Kiilil Medford The Foot Fitter. Oregon otfoleinie Shortens your food Lengthens your life Cottolene is a cleanly, wholesome product. It is made from cotton-seed oil, in a thoroughly modern and hygienic manner, and is just as pure as olive oil. It, moreover, makes palatable, digestible, healthful food which will agree with the most delicate stomach. Lard food on the contrary, is indigestible, and will cause trouble if its use is persisted in. Cottolene is endorsed by the most prominent cooks and household economists of the country, as well as by those of the medical profession who make a special study of pure food. There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no short ening so good as Cottolene. It stands alone, as everyone who has used it accord ing to directions will verify. COTTOLENE Is Guaranteed Your Krocer s hereby au- thurized to refund your money iu cuse you ore not pleused, ufter having given Cottolene a lair test. Never Sold in Bulk Cottolent is packed in palls with an air- - mmmm mm . m tiht top tu keep it cleau. fresh and whole some, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disugreeable odors, such us fish, oil. etc. COOk BOOk Free F"r a 2c s'amp. to pay postage, we will mall . you our new "PURK F(K)I) COOK BOOK" edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J. Uncoln, the (uinous Kood Expert, and containing neurly 300 valuuble recipes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" TONIGHT At The Grand WHKSTLINtl CONTIT PETWKKX JACK WELCH OK MKnPOHT) AND LOUIS WALTERS OK (ioLP mix. A Hvelv bout is assured, a they are both gooil men, and Mr. V eltih ureoa to throw Mr. Walters l wo falls ia -n minutes or t'ur t'eit $L!j. Not tin exhibition, but a i-nuine i-hhiohi that hns never before been Been for less than ro eentx. The (irand pru-a. In rents. yttrs. 3rm 3'fampton 3saacs Instructor of "Piano. llt Mtethoi Stu&lo at 7ltdiic4. Morrs OrHt Strut NOT ICR OP FIRST MEETING OF . OREIMTORS. Iu tlis district court of the United stati s fur the District cf Oregon. In the matter nf J. A. Stevens, A. A ... Stevens ami D. A. Hour. as flio .laak hiiii futility l.iinilier Company, hankqu.pt.. In bankruptcy: Tu the creditors of: J. A. Stevens, A. A Steven anil II:. A. Hnnar, us tlis Jacks'? County I, urn., her Company, of Oregiu, in the county, of .lacksou, anil district: aforesaid, u baukrupt. Notice is lisrehy given that on the? Mil day of December, A. D. 1U08, tlte aid .1. A. Stevens, A A. Stuvcus anit 0. A. Hnnar, as the Jackson County Lumber Compnny, wns duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and Hint the flrst meet ing of its creditors will he held at Med ford, in Jackson county, Oregon, on the 15th day of January, A. P. 190H, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend,, prove their claims, appoint a trustee,, examine the bankrupt, and transact ?uch other business vs may properly come before suid meeting. JOHN S. ORTH, -"i Referee in Bankruptcy. Gregory's Baby Show. Conditions and prizes Time, Sunray:. lanuary 3, February ;. Judges, three well known Medford Isdics not to be: auiiounced until day of .judging. I'rir.cs .'i gold ami cost of pictures refunded for best looking baby 1 to E0 months. All children in Medford and Jacks..! ounty eligible, children to b judged by photos must be raoinet site. Special reduction in prices during contest. 73 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BE$7 SEWS SERVICE IS SOUTHERS OREGON. H. W. Strang of Roseburg visited Medford Wednesday. B. II. Fierson of Montna Vista, Can.,, is visiting in Medford. fet