MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORU, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1000. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Papeb in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING! COMPANY Qbokob Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Madford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oh noath, y mail or earrl.r. . . .$0.00 On year, by mail. . .13.00 BUSINESS MEN AND TAXPAYERS' TICKET For Mayor, W. II. CANON . For Councilman Second Ward, V. L. EMERICK. For Councilman First Ward, E. A. WELCH. For Councilman Third Ward, JOHN DEMER. MR. PERRY'S STRADDLE. Mr. Perry's position on the liquor question is a strad dle, an evident attempt to carry water on bolh shoulders and secure support from both wets and drys. Either Mr. Perry is a believer in prohibition or a be liever in high license. He cannot believe in both. He refuses to state what ho favors, but says he will be bound by the Btraw vote to the taken next Tuesday", and if the people vote dry lie will be dry, but if they vote wet, he will Of course he will, that goes without saying. But what is he, wet or dry? The consideration of a few facts may enlighten the situation. Who circulated his petition? Prohibitionists. Who are making his campaign '( Prohibitionists. Who are his most ardest supporter? Prohibitionists. Who says he is pledged to them? Prohibitionists. The Medford Mail, prohibition organ, calls him "our . ticket"; the Kev. Shields, field commander of prohibition forces, calls him "our ticket"; Shortie Garnett and other prohibition generals call him "our candidate." If Mr. Perry is not a prohibitionist, his prohibition friends are being deceived. . The columns of the Tribune are open to Mr. Perry to state his position on the liquou question, to tell his real sentiments. . . ... W1IA T IT RE A LEY MEANS. cannot conceive of others doing it. The Tribune advocates high license because it knows that prohibition is a Sony farce. The editor has lived in prohibition states and realizes fully the injustice, hypoc racy, fraud and folly, as well as high taxation and fre quently stagnation and ruin, that prohibition begets. As long as the manufacture of liquor is permitted, so long will it be drunk, if not openly, then clandestinely. And if it wasn't liquor, .some other vice would supplant it, such is the frailty of human nature. So the practical .way to han dle the saloon evil is by regulation rather thai; attempted suppression. There is money in it for the prohibition agitator and money in it for the prohibition newspaper. There is boy cott from merchants and abuse from pulpits for the paper that dares to oppose prohibition hence so many editors have been coerced into stulifying their principles. And it takes courage to fight prohibition as it does any popular heresy. wiiat's TiiirM'VnlrVvrrii medford? APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. No', in the coinbine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Encores, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, r'.;.'ei and Machinery. Agents in S"rthcrn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Medford is prosperous. No city of its siza in Oregon can compare with it. It is making needed improvements on its streets. 1 1 is spending over $:i")0,000 for a water sys tem. This has made taxes a little high. - Money is needed. but people don't begrudge paying taxes if the money is j wisely expended. Medford has a good charter, ft gives her home rule. Medford can, by an ordinance, at any time prohibit the sale of Jiquor absolutely. But, not satisfied with that, some gentlemen want to amend the .-barter so that people out side of town can vote prohibition in the town. They keep up a ceaseless agitation. With them it is ride if we can, but if we cannot ride we will ruin by' ceaseless agitation. What is the use of all this literature telling about the prosperity of prohibition cities and all these imported agi tators to tell us how to run Medford, when all any one has lto do to find out the truth is to visit Grants Puss mid Ash land and then compare them with Medford. Medford is the most prosperous of all small Oregon cities. Leave cond it .lollSl MM Hiev mi'.i nti.l 41... .. ii aicuuy growill of the past three years will be maintained. Chantce them1 a.i t. c-.-LuacK. win lonow it may he only temporary, but it will be a setback, and before conditions have readjusted themselves to the new regime, unmu other town will have taken the lead. The $800 license now in force means .tKOOO year rev enue that will have to be raised by taxation if lost by pro hibition. This, added to the already high rate of taxation caused by heavy bonded indebtedness, practically means confiscation, depreciation and bankruptcy. t . ' W11Y AMEND THE CHARTER? What benefit will accrue to any one if Med ford's char ter is amended? None. If the people want a dry town, thev can hnve it, under the present charter. If they want it wet, they can have it. Medford's charter gives the people of the city home ride. Neither state nor county can interfere. I t is an ad vantage few other cities have, and makes Medford an object of envy in and out of Oregon. It would be the height of folly to amend the charter and lose home rule at the dictation of a few itinerant agi-' tators and some resident appealers to sentiment. There is no reason any prohibitionist should vote to' surrender home government. He can vote the town dry! as it is. There is no reason any wet advocate should vote to give j the farmers of Jackson county and the citiens of rival' cities the right to dictate to Medford. If Medford people vote to surrender their ri-dits l,vi ninnnj;n. i 1. 1. , ........ -uiwjmuK toe cnaner u will make Medford the lauirliini: stock of the state. h DESERVING OF AN UGLIER WORD. It seems hardly worth while to deny falsehoods pub lished by the prohibition organ, anv mure than it is to notice the flood of billingsgate nightly poured upon this paper and its editor by those who, dreaming ,.f political dictation, have forgotten that thev were ....,.,..... ... teach brotherly love, but the printed statement that the Armune opposes promotion and advocates high license because it is naid to hv fhr , 13 lie. 11 lSj evidently as foreign to the nature of the writer of theS -K'vu cauunny to advocate anything without pay, that he RAIN COAT SPECIAL Ladies's Cape Mackintoshes Values up to $3,50 at $1.35 each. Childrens' Auto Rain Coats were $2.50 to $3.00 Now at 98 cts. 1-3 off on all Coats and Skirts VAN DYKE'S PULL LINE OP SLICKERS AND WET WEATHER GOODS FOR MEN AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSTITORS AND CLIENTS 8Ut Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 9125,000 Tbe Jackson County Bauk plaeos at the curvico,of its depositors aud clients the best facilities iu banking. The of fice's arc pleased to render counsel and advice on Ii nunc ml matters. Accounts, subju t to check, aer in vited. Sa-fe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and np. W. I. VAWTER, President G. Ii. L1NDLEY, Cuhiar GOOD NEWS il will be for tbe man who is looking for as artistic tailor vtlien some man wo in dressed iu e.tqi.'site style tells hi hi that he has bis doting made at KKKI'XER, & CO. '8. We. can make you a suit of clothing or uit overcoat that will give you tbe distingue air sought by th niau of the wod who knows a good thing wbeu be sees it. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. C3PVRIGHT. lA.I.4tre.C9 8fi IF YOU HAVE SET YOUR HEART in having a h.milsouie diamond, ruby ur other ring, ur a pair of hracelele or a liroouh fur adorning your homily and iniikiug youiselr attractive at aouial functions. , whoa vou want fit look as charming ai nature will permit when iMiiliollisli. il hv the br. art of the jew eler, roni in wnil see the beautiful stoek of fine .jewelry at MARTIN J. REBDY Jewelry and Watches MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COM PAN V PHONE 2291. Window Framoa, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bovol Plate, oarried in atook cheap Office Fixtures and all klnda of Plan iug Mill Work, Including Turned Work nnd Knney drills. P STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVENTH STREETS. K ttiUintivr A. C Rdtldalll Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS -8& Owner, Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue Hlver Valley Or chard I nnds. Choi 'e fruit lands, Imnriiiir ami young u reliant a in auiull and airgti ti.u'hi, for sale. Wo i!aut and care for orchards aud guarantee property to bo an it presented. Experience Xot Xeccsaary for llune nlio piirelinse through us. Thev tenure the a.tviae and servic..M of a consult in horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul lure in till its branches, who for sevural yens has etceled iu the gr-.wiiig and shipping of fruit in the 'lingua Hive valley, record ciopa. record packs, iecor.1 prices. 1 1 I North D Street, Medford, Oregon V K. ENVAKT President. .1. A. HKKKY, Vice President. .1011 N a. ORTtt, I'aahier. W. B. JACKSON, Aaa't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. sirapftfe " $60'000 SURPLUS - . 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A QeneralBank- in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your, Patronage. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMES. . 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocU. a Kilowatt $n 32 Caadle Power Tungsten .'Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in iooo hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in iooo hours iu favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No.'355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Ask your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana Cigru, HART CIOAB CO.. Dlstribntore, torUsnd. Or. Take the Tribune for News Medford. Ore.. Jan. 6, 1909. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2U00 Diuter Nellia Pear Trees. UI00 Da Anjou. 25U0 Peach Treei. I nlao liave on hand: 3000 Burtlett Pear Tieea. The above ia good, olauu Jateck at popular prices. L. B. WARNER Try a bottle of McDonald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart - 35c C. W. Mc DONALD SucGeisor ti Smith & Nmy YOU CAN I O A C Jrt V L Ou your rcilrnud fare. y The law of tie fntutnon currier noinpels equal rutus ou nil railroad Hues YOU CAN SAVE Iu Time, Tr.iTeliug Ex penses and ratlgue by ' insisting on tba ahortest route, fnstejt tntini and best service, gimply see that your ticket reada via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Kvery facility for tbe safety and accommoda tion of thj paeaeiifer is provided. N.. chane;. of cars is ueceasarr to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chisago. Direct e.iiuet ioa art for all oth er point! east and south A. 3. B08KNBAUM, Agent. Medford. WM. McMUHKAT, Oauaral Paaacng.r Ajeat, PORTLAND, OR.