THE MEDFORP DAILY TBiBtJNE, MEDFORD, UHKflOK, AVIODN KSDAV, .IANMTAWY C, 1!)0!). fc c kial and Personal , B. Stevenson of Baker City, Or., arrived in Medford for a visit with sister, Mrs. 11. u. I romout. tot 5'-V5J kiss Birdie Wooiluv of Spokane, lias arrived for a sliort visit in Will rrd; ?! '0 -.1 , I 1 n i -a '4 i Sis? 'AS. olio Hamilton of Grauts Puss was Medford Wednesday ou business. V Ihoriff Jones wan ir Medford Tues- j f on munuesa connected Willi iiib or- District Attorney Mulkey spent Tush- evening in Medford, He will leave the near future to attend court in ants 'Pans, where he wilt conduct I lie isecittion of tho murder enso in tliut v. IV. 11. Waterman of Yreka, Cal., ar- ed iu Medford Wednesday morning ; a abort visit. Ho was accompanied ; his daughter, Miss Irene. He states at Yreka lias taken on quite a new me of lifo und is booming. John I). 01 well is in Portland ou siness trip. Verne Wntkijs of Tola was transact- a buBincsH. in Medford ou Wednes y, Samuel KummerJ1 of Trail Creek in Medford awaiting t ho weather to tar ufi before returning home. He ( ports the sticky as hewg "something t rco" to travel over. Charles Turpiu was in Medford Wed sday on basilicas. Mrs. Alice Bacon, who lives in the ' irthern end, of the Rogue KWer val yt is clearing1 up a largo part of her acre tract north of Cold Hill with B intention of planting it to Tokay pes. The-, success which attended ir last year's effort in this line has icoti raged her to greati r ondenvora. 1 0. A. liarratt of Eagle Point was in edford Wednesday on business. t B. L. barter of CI rants Pang vUited edford Wednesday on basin tm Harry Meek of Tolo was a recent edford visitor. Abraham Pish of Grants Pass recently sited friciulH in this city. W-.Jj Rogers has returned from n trip - Portland, where he served on the doral grand jury. C. Su. limit was fined $5 by Recorder 'oil ins oii Tuesday for being drunk and orderly. Gcorgo 0 wings hau returned from a ip to Yreka, Cnl. See J. C. Brown about those grout ig lots,, 100x100. Evory lot a gar en. 252 M. A. ' Houston of Antioch has re arnod from an extended trip to Mis Curb Ho ia a pioneer fnrmer of Jack on county. : W. J. Hcott of HaniH Valley was a scent visitor iu Medfoid. Gilbert Slovens of Wyoming is visit ag his brother, floarge 8t evens, of irownsboro. - P. W. WiiHchau has relumed from an astern trip. Ho spent, some time iu ortland -before arriving iu Medford, ': W. M. Colvig was In Ashland Tuesday n businoKi, , Flaming-Tokay graj e vinos for sale n any quantity, L. K. Hoover. : R. H. Kutherford of Hulern was a rn cnt Medford visitor, ; Glen May, who resides near Tolo, was n Medford recently on business. E, H. Phipps'of Ashland passed ihrough Medford Tmwdny on his way to fncksonville on busiit'-S'i. i Mrs. Court Hall is visiting in Central Point. -J ' l Johnson s Host VI our, 1.35. 2onib & Tme. - i G. W. Manning of Klamath Vails in iciting his 'daughter, Mrs. J. D. Kay, ii this city, B. H. ' Harris has returned from a isit at various California points, Tho stockholders of the lluunalter Ditch compnuy will elect officers next Monday, f Vorn Pendleton of Table Rock wns a recent ted ford visitor Fred Vronch of Ashlind was in Med ford on business recently. -ll Lehmeinter, tho a i la round photog ; apher, specialist on children, guaran tees natiBfactiou on all work. Corner uf Seventh' and C strict 9, over Allen St Keagnn's. ' Hoo J. H. Brown ulmut 'Riverside ad Mtion lots, 2.2 Club skate Tuesday, January 5. Ma lic. 47 William Lake of Walla Walla, 'Wash., has' arrived in Medford and is looking ovdr the vallev with a view of locating, t Walter B. Burns, who resides over ,!ou tho Little Applegato, was iu Medford Wednesday on business. He reports the 'Jobb of a number of hogs' by tho benr (route recently. Gilbert Whoelor of Eugene paid Mod ord a brief visit on Wednesday. He Jnay return to make his residence perma pient in this city. J Tho couaty court met iu Jackcoii 'villo Weditflsdny with much work before them. OnO of the loi'icpiil matters to engage their attention will be tho fix ing of the tax levy for the county. The matter of Closing thf1 tontrnct for the exporting ot the county books will also como be for them". Gregory's Baby Show. Conditions and pr, '.e Time, .Vn fday, January 3, February 1. Judges, tbreo well -Ii now n Med 'ord ladies not to bo anntUucod until day of judging. Prises $5 gbl and cost of pncturoi refunded for best Hooking bsby 1 to MARGARET ILLINGTON, WHO LEAVES THE STAGE AT THE HEIGHT OF HER CAREER. The determination of Margaret II ling ton, the well known emotional aetresH, to retire permanently from tbe stage caused general regret. Few young aet reuses have met wttb more pronounced success than Miss Illlngtnn, who 1ms been behind the footlights only about seven year. She rnucbed the height of popular favor In Henri Bernstein's "The Thief," but the role wan b trying one. and after playing It about a year MUs llllugtuii cullapsed and aeciueu to quit the stage. child's pathetic appeal suspends divorce case BIO WHESTLINQ MATCH IN BELLINOHAM SOON HANFKANCISCO, Cab, Jan.O. The tension of tho divorce trial of Mary Jaeobsen against George Jacobseii was broken when thoir olevenyear-old dniiglitro Lillian, at one of tho moments of general silence pleadingly said: "Pupa, please come home with mama." J ml ge G rah am husk ly suggested a private conference in his chuinber, und as n result husband and wife went home together to make a freeh start. Jncnhsoii is a carpenter and earns $3.r a week, of which he ha:i been in the habit of giving his wife $31. Hhb charged him with cruelty nnd intempo ranee and ho admitted having been drunk four times iu the year, but prom ised to abstain. He said her nagging drove him to it. They have two child reu, the younger being a girl of seven. When the elder, IJIlii'.u, took tho stand she showed plainly that she did uot want her fother and mother to soporalo. Finely she left the witness fit and and running into tho body of tho court, threw her arms about her father's neck and begged hhu to eomo home. Her ap peal was irresistible Judge Graham coulinuod the case for a month, when he hopes to be able to dimniHii it, CALIFRNIA'S ORANGE CROP - STARTS FOR THE EAST I.ONA.VdtfLF.H, (.'ill., .Tun:. (J Move ment of the great bulk of California's orranges crop has commenced and will continue throughout January. It is estimated by growers that the tribute of 8,3afi,000 was levied last year on the consumers in tho '.ast of Cnliforna's green fruit by tho growers in California, and this sum was supplemented by $1M, :i75,niH- for the oranges and l,07f,0()0 for apples, making a total of $33,775, 000 which tliiB state S horticulturists roceived for green fruit , r.pples and oranges hint year. Now Caiea. Joliu Hnrriugton vs. W. L. Wilson; action to recover money. Withingtoo & Kelly, attorneys fo- plaintiff. DOG SAVES MAN'S LIFE TWICE IN SAME DAY CRFSTKD BCTTK, Col., Jan. Andy Mosher of Got hi", Col., has ar rived hero after two thrilling escapes from snowslides. W. F. Stockman and MoBher loft Gothie with four horse loads of supplies for Mount aiu King mine, six miles up the gulch. Four miles up hey encountered a snowslide that swept away a part of the supplies. Htockmnn refused to go any further. M usher went ou a short distance. when another slide cumcd his horses down the mountain to death and buried him under six feet of miow. His New foundland dog rode the slide and then searched for his master, finally drag ging him out. Together thuy set out rga;n for the mine, unout a mile distant. Before reaching it a third slide engulfed them. 1 ho faithful animal egaiu saved his master by digging him from uudor the avalanche. BELLINGHAM.Wash., Jan. 0 Tom Kelley, champion lightweight wrestler of the Northwest, and Milton Hurndcn are matched for a wu-stling bout be fore tho Helliiighum Atheletic Chili to morrow. Both Kelley and Hun leu are known to the fastest 133 pound mat urliuts in the NorthweNt.nnd both have a long string of victories to their creddit. Harden made a cleanup of wrestlers at Auacrotec and Baker recently, and as he throw men who were fony pounds heuv ior than himself ho feelr. a tiro that ho cvn take the championship from young Kollev. AMEROICAN BREEDERS ASSOCIATION IN SESSION COLUMBIA, Mo., Jan. 0. Exports on livestock breeding trom all over the laud are assembled today at tho Uni versity of M iiisonri, attracted by tho annual Besnion of the American Breed ers' association. Many important top ics will be taken up, and human inl cr est may be added to Ho sessions by a diccuHtjion of ' ' eugenics, ' ' involving methods for iinprovi'ig the hum::i; race. The week commencing today will be "farmers' week" at tin university, and sessions will be hold by tho slate board of horticulture, Cora Growers' associa tion, Hairy association, Association of Highway Engineers, Hheep Breeders' as sociation, Hwino Breeders ' association and BcckccpcrB ' association. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD. 'U--M 20 monthsT $5 gold opd coat of jieturci refunded for best looking child TO mouths to years. ; All children iu Medford and Jacksou county eligible. CJiildvoo to bo judged i by photos must bo rr.biuet size. Spe cial reduction in prices during con tost. 3M KETOHELIi SAYS HE WILL MEET CHAWPION JOHNSON f GRAND APP1DS, Mich.. Jan. V Ketcbcll announced In a signed state Y,V emnt published hero today, that he is 1 , thouronghlv willing: to right .iacn Johnson, the colored heavyweight champ 41 f inn of the world, but that he barn nil other neirroes. "The fact that I am j willing to tight Johnson is proof that I i am not afraid of Mimm-ru, no says in Miss Clara Terrill, the efficient school teacher, came up froir Woodvillo to pend Christmas with her parents, Henry Helms is nbout to sell his fine i rnct of orchard and garden land iu Tr.l nt. This is one of the best small tracts for diversified tanning in the valley. 'sroy was n pleasant caller in our little town Inut Monda' morning from North Talent. Al Bell will soon tnko ,i trip down into southern California. Perhaps as far as Imperial Vallev. Miss Nellie Ne.imo of Talent went up to Ashland on ThuM.n afternoon's train to visit with In r .'ler. Mist Klsie, and other relatives. Talent is soon to organ ir.o a brass band. They !avo about 2 good musi cians, who have served in that capac ity elsewhere, and wht nrn ready to Iroid thvir aid he in our little towu. Jesse Adnms, our old time friend and ueighbor, jcame down from Wagner I'reek Mond.iv. He 'Tpoits evcrvone in good spirits up his way and says ram Smith Bros, who havo boon iu Butte Fulls for more than a year, havo gone to Benton county and will not returu until work opens up here. There wns a dance rt Elsall's New V ear's eve, which was attended by near ly everybody arouud, and reports are that there was a splendid time. A fine supper was given und the dance did not ceuso until early the noxl morning. Butte Falls citizens gave a "box" social at tho schoolhonae lately to pur chase Into ps for t he school , and t ho sum of Jfi was cleared. There was a Ir.rge attendance and everything passed tiff very pleasantly. S. M. Cleveleliger has purchased the lot :uid old school building mid will rent out the same or turn it into a store, building. It is a good buy. Lewis J. Mead, who has been in the valley, has sold Ins timber claims. The b'by of Mrs. I J. Mead bus been (uite sick, but the timely pres ence and aid of Mr. Pennington brought tho little one safely tho ugh. Mr. Pen nington in a graduate pharmacist and Ins services are in friiieiu demand. Mrs. Gcorgo Nichols. Jr., who was severely in jund by ib k;ck of a horse, ii rapidly recovering. She matte a very narrow escape fioin death, having been injured in the fn.'o nnd m arly one side of hr face kickel off. The f.-iher of Mrs. C. 1'. Briggs is mnking his homo wi i the f:unilv of Druggist Briggs. Will Chambers and C. E. Pow.ts have done much to improve their respective homes. Let the good work go on. Misa Frank ic Oheucha'n has been is itiug friend and relative during the holidays. Cha rtes Kd moiison a ml fa m ily have rented the Lewis hoine and are tem porarily stopping iu Butte Falls. Pan Green of Medford nnd Sam I k have been in our mubd looking after timber matters. H. E. Boyd en and sun have gone to Medford. They have been at the home stead, but cchool beginning the boy hud to return to Medford. Ralph Tucker and wife have been en tertainiag many trausieutu at their ho tel. This iu a favorite place and travel ers seldom pass by ii wij like good entertainment. Charles Obeuchaia and wife are doing, with Mits Fraukie, the honors of i be Obcuchain home, whiH John Obenchuin and wife are living on their homestead. J. Boubleday has returned from a lengthy stay iu Medford. Jack is ul ways welcome. There is nu ceituin or definite news as to the Vestal hoy, who disappeared some time ago. A h.rg.' reward is of fered for information h.iding to his dis covery. It is believed that he has been foully dealt with h the purrii-s accused of stock stealing. Mr. Stowell mukes daily trips with the mail und keeps an cxtta horse nt Eagle point for parties that want to come to the Fulls. Eiuunuel Poole has purchased of the Heckuthtiru estate, tho store building nnd has rented it to John Cndzow, who will open u clothing rtorc in it. Mrs. Scott Claspill entertained many of her friends New Year's with a fine musical program. Professor Wright, Messrs. Clevenger, Wheeler and others kindly assisted with mandolins, auto harp and vocal numbers. Judge Peiitz has becii looking after legal matters for come of our citizens and while here went home and is ar ranging for additional improvements upon his hnmontcMl. Aaron Beck has been to his homestead looking after his stock. Heavy rains ami snows have fallen near us ami your correspondent had the pleasure of riding through the one ami wading through tho nther, but the snow is fust going as the weather has been warmer. Tho work on the Browusboro and Eagle Point mad will have to be largely done over, as neither drains or culverts were made and tho throwing of of the mud over tint rock ha.t made the road very bad. It is the same way near the old Captain Wert ranch. Business is u little (pilot at the Falls, but all look forward to a revival the coming spring nnd summer. Mesd aiues Albert and Duprey st ill conduct their restaurants and are being well patronized. Tho Misses Ma honey i.ttended tho Kd- snll dunce. Miss Maud Hughes is clerking in her father's store. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED A lady to do housework by the day. Mrs. O, Wroth, go n oral de livery, Medford, Or. 248 KOlt MALI' Fresh cow, grade Jersey; fine milker; perfectly gentle. At, Oak lawa orchard, on Oakdule avenue, Tel ephone 7H. 11-11) WANEjj llonies to" boarTTjjT""tW month. Pie tit y of good, clean hay, good warm barn; terms $0 per mouth. No horses taken for leas than one mootli. Walter Moore, Phoenix. 250 WANTED I desiru family washing to do. I go to tho house and wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs, M F. Schaonfolu, Medford, Or. Box 2A, houtc No. 1 2.10 FOR" SALE. FTTr SALE An eiotfUHt 1 Jt of now furniture, direct from tho east, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M., Tho Tribune. FOR RTOTTwo furniriioTrobins with electric light and bath. Mrs. W. W. Kifert, Nortfh D st., Mud ford. 250 FOR KENT Six room house, corner of (juiuoe and Seventh streets. Rum scy. 251 liorsj for sale cheap, half mile south of city limits. G. L. Li iix wilier. 2tll FOR SALE Household goods, also tent, saddle, some lumber, e lieu p. Apply at fourth hoiiso ou P street, South. IMS FOR RENT Fumisuod rooms for light housukeepiug, corner Fifth sad H, two blocks north Presbyterian church. 251 FOR SALE A good wood sawing nut chine and horse chca. For particulars inquire at tho lrou Foundry on B street ur address M. M. Maine, Medford. Or. 241) FOR SALE Two choice corner lots iu Page's additiou; a b.irguin for cuah. E. B. Sawyer, No. 207 SJ. C St. 247 FOR 8ALR nousei, lots ami land iu Phusnix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 040 acres. Mutt Calhoun, Phoo nix, Or. FOR SALE Cheap, oue half block cIobs iu, gotKl residence locality; will sell two or four lots; buy direct; save agent 's commission. Address P. O. Box S3. 247 FOR 9 A LB Extra dry cord wood, fir and piue, tior wood, oak, fir aud piue. F. Osenbruggo, Studebakor Bms. Co. wnroroonis. Telephone 361. 262 dSl- CTTWw " PORTLAND OREGON i Biiiti'mriib. "but Lniinforil must lt' Vt olhiT (Iglili'M Hint I hnvo ilffi'iitiil I , hinilorini; tlin wiiml liuulluK lorn Viforo 1 will ngiii I""-- iwrmt. ottolene Shortens your food Lengthens your life Cottolene is a cleanly, wholesome product. It is made from cotton-seed oil, in a thoroughly modern and hygienic manner, and is just as pure as olive oil. It, moreover, makes palatable, digestible, healthful food which will agree with the most delicate stomach. Lard food on the contrary, is indigestible, and will cause trouble if its use is persisted in. Cottolene is endorsed by the most prominent cooks and household economists of the country, as well as by those of the medical profession who make a special study of pure food. There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no short ening so good as Cottolene. It stands alone, as everyone who has used it accord ing to directions will verify. - COTTOLENE iS Guaranteed Your grocer Is hereby ou- tlionzed to refund yuur money in case you are not pleased, after having given Cottutene a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk is packed in pails with an air- tight top to keep it clean, fresh and whole some, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagrceabto odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Cook Book Free Fr a 2c stamp, to pay postage, we will mall you our new "PURE FOOD LOOK BOOK" edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, the famous Food Expert, and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South 19 GREAT ANNUAL SHOE SALE YOUR GREATEST OP rOKT UNITY IN SHOES COM ES WITH MY ANN U AL SHOE SALE.. THE SALE STAUTS' JANUARY 2, 109, AND THE REDUC ED PRICES APPLY TO EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS LARGE STOCK. ALL OF THESE SHOES "WERE BOUGHT CARE FULLY BY ME FOR MV REGULAR TRADE NO J OH LOTS JUST TO MAKE A SPECIAL SALE. I AM CLEARING UP M Y ST( CK AND CLEARING O U T BROKEN LINES WHERE THE SIZES ARE LIMITED. MY GUARANTEE GOES W ITH EVER Y PA I R J UST THE SAME AS IF YOU PAID FULL PRICE. THE BIGGEST BARGAIN OF THE YEAR IN SHOES. MEN'S DRESS SHOES at pi-i.-us I'mui $1.75 $-1.-10, worth $-2.00 to $5.00. Cutter Lowers, $7.00 values $5.00 Cutter Loiters, $(.")() values $5.50 HEAVY HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS We represent the largest, makers in the world of tltis class of Footweai. lli-incli Ileavv Laeo Hoots, iS.oO vnlues $7.00 Kninch Ueavv Lace Boots, .fS.OO values $6.50 Ki-indi Heavy Lace Hoots, $7.00 values $5.50 12-incli Ileavv Lace Hoots, $7 ."(.) values $5.50 lO-incli Ileavv .Lace Boots, $ 1.50 values $3.50 12-inch Walkover Hoots, $5.00 values . .$-4.25 Heavy Work Shoes 50c to $.1.50 less than reg ular prices. Hoys' Dress anil Work Shoes at cost, prices ami less. Hi.vs' Ileavv llii;h-top.Tan Shoes, $:'..50 'values $3.50 P.'.vs' Heavy Carome Shoes, $:5.00 vals. $2.00 Misses' ami Children's Shoes at from 120 per cent to ISO per cent less than regular prices. Ladies' Dress and St reet Shoos, iucludinu; shell makes as Dnmhey & Son, London; C. I'. Ford & 'o.., at the following prices: $5.00 values. . .$3.75 $'!.50 values. .. $3.10 $1.00 values. . .$3.50 $2.50 values. . .$2.00 $2.00 values $1.50 C. M. Kidd Medford The Foot Fitter Oregon TONIGHT At The Grand WRKSTl.IXO I 0.TIT BKTW KKX JACK WELCH OF MKDFOR1I AND LOUIS WALTERS OF (tol.D lA,. A lively hmit is assured, as thy an' Imih tful in.-n. :nil Mr. Welsh agrees to throw Mr. Wait its twn tjiils in "J" tmuutcs or tor 'felt K'. N"t it ti exhibition, but a inline eoiit-l that Ikis never before been :uun for less than r eent. The tiran-i pries', I'1 rent's. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIPIO RAILWAY. I Northbound No. in()ronn Express j 5:24 p.m. No. i4;I'ortlaud Frxpress . . . .j !):49a. m. Southbound , No. ir)H'alifurnia Express.. ,10:.15 a. in. No. l:iS:in Francisco Exp.. . j 3:20p.m. No. 22rjFroiii Grants Pasp... .j !):15p. in. No. 22'iFor AMnud 10: 15 p. m. PACITIO & EASTERN RAILWAY I No. lLeavis Medford . . . ; No. 3;Leaves Mnlford. . . No. 2'Arrives Medford... No. 4!Arrives Medford.. . ..Vj S:10a. iih ... 2:50 p.m. . . .10:28 a. in. . . . 5:08 p. in. Modkhh Comport koniKATi 1'nicM ONLY ROOF GARDKN IX PORTLAND Die Tourist Uoiuliunrtera ot Loluiubia v ulley KNUAUK KOOMS EARLT KOK THE ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION A 8. NOXTOM. UiU(4 SURWAY STATION OVER 1S8 FEET IM THE EARTH Notico to Rednieu. j All tiH-tnbers of -'atimk:i till..', au.l I visilmi: trit-.:. an- ntjtt.'s! -.1 to he NKXV YOKK.Jan. li. - A Learin,; : ,,,,,,, ,lt somi .1,1.1 j;1llalii. Ii. ! lv 'lie puKie m-rviee eoiuinisnion !el offieers nf K'edmeu V;dn .la eve- ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2 Leaves Medford No. 4;Leaves Medford 5:35 p. in. MotorjLeaves Medford j 2:00 p.m. Motorji.onves Medford 11:00 p. in. No. PLeaves Jacksonville. . .( 9:00 a. m. No. .Ijl.eaves Jacksonville. . . 3:30 p.m. MotorjLeaves Jacksonville.. . 1:30 p.m. MotoLraves Jacksonville.) 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES A.M.P.M. Northbound 9:19 4:54 Southbound 10:05 2:50 Eagle Point 7:201 2:00 Jacksonville 10:20 5:20 J SUPERINTENDENT OF OAKLAND i SCHOOLS HAS DISAPPEARED odav on the plan of the Interhorough .' -'"'""r -'l Hodmen Vls;,vaio. ... . . , J liofroslnaeols will I .-n i-.l an, I a tapul Irausit eoiniai' to lunld n now ' . , . smoker will f.-How. l!et..r'.an( 1 uxines be tranaete.l. 1 ilapul Irausit eoinjiai'. mibivav station at Hroadwav and 1 , t It stroit that will bo Ills feet below the airfare. Tin:- will break ."II records j John R. Hakrr ..f Nor:h l, .if, r,l , ft for subway station. Klovators will have Wclnesday fur a n th visit I lintiiii to he nse.l t, earn- passengers to and out ('aliforuia. II.. wi)' as far ..mli from tho station, jas au Diego. ItKSKItl-Kii. dr.. .T;:n. fi.neoi,;o ! San-yi r. tl. prim i'p:i ,,f the Oakland. It.. pMl.lie slnml:-. of this county, is - a.; si, -ri.iusly nn'.-sini;. H, wont to He.l I P.luff. l al.. shortly after Christmas to i no liunlinir. He failed to return to ro- the s.l 1 hero on Monday. His friends and wife f ar he war, accident als killed.