MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1009. V m MANY OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED Rebekahs Place New Of ficers in Place-G. A. R. Hold Great. Installation Olive ncbokah loiljjo, Nn. S, on Tiies ,ilay cviniug installed offiivr for tlio ensuing year, ami arranged tn have their regular maul lily bniiqm t Inn weeks lieuce. A splendid evening was bad. there being au unuBtinlly large attend uneo. Tho offieers installed were: Stella Duelos, noble grnnd; T.nniHe Alilenlin gen, vice-grand ; Helen TViekentmii, see retary; Nellie Winn, trmsurer; Vunnit Hanking, tinaneial secretary; Itertliii Me Phersim, warden; Hiidi-1 Stnitli, eondue tor; J. W. Lnwtnn, outside guardian: Delia King, inside guardian: Iloiuei Harvey, right support. N. O.; ltelle Ituy den, left support N. (1.; Clara Wood, right support V. 0.; not selected, lefl suppurt. V. O.'; chaplain, Helen Yocltey. Chester A. Arthur Post. Chester A. Arthur M,tt, Xo. 47, and Women's Helief Corii, N'o. .14, depart tnent of Oregon, nlso held their insta'l -t ion of officers on Vuesday evenine. in the fledmen's ball. The hall was. beautifully decorated nnd a pleasing program was rendered, liuilalliilion w.'ih followed by nn elaborate banipiet. The new officers of the post are: O. "W. Kiglunv, colninander; F. .1. Stneey. 8. V. ('.; A. Huff, .T. V. C; 1). It. An dnis, adjutant; Jacob Klipple, Q. M.: II. Melz, O. P.; .0 M. Jones, guard; ,T. Kelso, chaplain; P. J. Spen O !.; 1. Woolf, sentinel: W. !U. Tti-ntmi. O. M. S. The Women 's Helief Corps new offi eers are: Xancy T. Wdson, president: Jennie Tturk, si'iiior vice; Susie Perry. Junior vices Klin Puff, treasurer; Helen M. Kent, chaplain; Sarah K. Clay, con ductress; inside guard, Mary I-.igliinv: Kliznbetli Kahlcr, secretary: Xancy H. Dnv, musician; K.lna Morse, Lena McCain, Frances Melz. Maggie Noble, color bearers. Other Installations. The Kagles of Meilfurd will install officers on Thursday evening of this week. All Eagles are urged to be present and n good into is promised. There will be installal ion of officers f the liedinen Wednesday evening, aft er which there will b" a program and u smoker. AMUSEMENTS. 4 An nttriictiuii of than ordinary merit hooked for tin- Mi-dfoid next Saturday niylit, wIh-ti K. J. ('nrpt'ii tor's "Why !iito Leave lloino" will lie produced. This piece is a undo lira inn, pure ami simple, but not olio of tho In riil t ' ' hlond mol thunder" kind. In fact, it is tho only melodrama thai will play Moil fun! th'-i season. Mana ger Hazelnut; having canceled all tho others ho had hooked. That lie should have retained this pnw is only sound business loie. for the pieee was here last season and made qood. so it is only natural that it should h-. ffiveii a re turn date. Seats for this engagement will y;n on sale, tomorrow (Thursday) morniiitf at Hnsfcins' drujj store, and the prices fur th'H oiiK.tKenient wil 1"' -""' ond $1. From ndvnnee photographs just re reived, the srenery used by Florence Roberts in her new pieee, "Tho House of Bondage," must be pomef hinj; out of the ordinary. The different, sots are nil massive and pome nf 1l;ein particularly beautiful. Hut then this is ono of John Cort's attrneiions, and they are noted as being marvels of completeness, as witness the netting:. 'f "The Alaskan" just here. Miss Hubert m' date is January Kt. and thn seat sale will open Monday, the 1 1th, nt 10 o'elock n. m. TAX OF TEN MILLS FOR ROSEBTJRG'S SCHOOLS ROHKltl'l.C. Or., Jan !. A tax of 10 mills for the year l!M! was voted at a meeting of tho Koseburg school din trict, at tho Lane sehoolhouoo this aft ernoon. As in past years, tho most em spicuous feat urn of the mooting was the small attendnnee. There were pres ent just Hi taxpayers, and of this nnni ber 14 voted for the levy and tho ro niaining two against it. The levy, whieh is twice that voted for the year now closing, applies on n district property valuation of '- 175.410. This if in round numbers 0. 000 less than the valu: tion of 1!07, a decrease which nobodv appeared to be nblo to aeeount for. The new levy will raise $'J1,7.VI. and in addition w'dl n peivo $SO00 in eounty and state money, making a grand total of nearly :!".ono. STATE FRUITGROWERS GATHER IN VIROINIA LYXnllU'ItCt. Vi.. .Inn. r,.!l.iiio thn fart tliilt tliis i tH" l-'ltli Miimril rnnrraliim, nn "hno.l- rnsta tlif session nMnnl this mn.niiiff liy tho Vir ginia Stnto Hnrtoii'iil'iiral micioty. A season of nnexampi-! .n.v.i'rily for the fniit nn1 nut (jrowrs of Virginia is in .rospeet. an'l lhi ha rosnlto.1 in a large attendance of i nthnsii'stie del eeates Sc'.ions will lie hel.l today, tomorrow and Friday, nnd aside from Virginia speakers ihere will lie ad Presses hv sponkers Canada. Tlel aware, Washington and other localities, no that the horticulturists of the old dominion will b enabl. 1 to profit from the eiperien.o of fruilgrower. in other sections of tlie country. TEST GEORGIA NEARfBEER LAW "Blind Tigers" Seriously Injure Trade of SubstI stitute Stands AUGUSTA, (la., Jan. ,1. Nearly 200 dealera ia " tWu per-eent, ' ' a brewery product, are directly interested in (ho tent ease of tho "near bor" tax which comes up today. A heavy tax ImB been imposed oil the dealer.- n "near-beer," which beverage is largely sold in Geor gia undor the prohibition regime, and tho test case will have au important bearing on tho traffic. The Georgia brand of "uearbeer" looks liko beer, tastes Vm beer, smells like beer, is mnde by breweries and -s put up in beer botti-. a. Vet it is claim d that it contains loss than 2 per cent alcohol and therefor-? does not intoxi cate. lie fore the prohibition law went into effort about !." beer H.i'. oim wore doing ltnsiuei:s in Augusta, win re nn at the I-resent time only ab.uit 10 are selling 'near-beer.' It will therefore be seen that the sale of the latter variety is ne nearly so extensive ati the sale of beer. The brewers figure that a man will never take ' ' near hoe;,' ' no matter how excellent itti legitimate quality, if it is pocsihle Jur li i ut to procure (he "real thing." And much of the latter is be ing sold, despite the prohibition law, :'ud despite the fact that, many people have come to derive limited satisfaction from the use of "near-beer." "Blind Tigers" Hurt Trade. Ilreweries in other slates ship real beer to Georgia "blini tigers." Geor gia breweries must, prrtoree, manufac ture none other than ''near-beer," and this product, needless to sav, finds slow sale anywhere save in localities where the prohibition law in rigidly enforced. lJroweries in Georgt i mbst now pro duce "near-beer," o: violate the law. Although the quality of material used in its production is, of course, inferior lo that, which is used in making beer of tho real variety, the aggregate cost of production is practically tho same. Main teiiance expenses at the large plants have not decreased, and although "near beer" is sold for almod the same price for higher class goods this increase is overbalanced by the decrease in extent of r.ales and the undiminished cost of product ion. It is stated by a prominent, local brew er that there has thn far been no or ganized movement among brewers against t he prohibition law, but that almost, every plant in any wise affected by its enactment li-is been seriously hurt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs. .1. K. Ilarlidllll to II. D. Dnunlilr, huol in II I, (' It, lownsliip ;t7, ninjje 1 W $ 1!. W. Powell lo KlliMia ('. Mall, lots .". li. !l. in. II ami I'J, 1,1... Ic li. Park a.lilition to Med ford Isaac Cofl'iiiau to t'liarlen P. Tal ent, lot I). -111. Medford. . ton, lot :i. Mock HI. Medford ( liailos P. Talent to S. V. Tip- Jesse Copeland to Anna Ivlli, lam! in section II), township li!), ranye 1 K ", Ellen II. Wagner to Kd Ilncf. 11)0 ncres in section 4. town ship -til. range 1' V. William If. Tayh.r to I! O. Longs dovf, property in Ashland . . 1 Hi.-.o farter Land eotnpanv to Mrs. 17. M. Austin, lot 47. Pr.icht s aildi tion to Ashland, and lot 4, block -lo. Summit addition, Ashland I. T. Ilagan lo Joseph 1!. Ste vens, land in township 31, range - W Thomas Ilagan to .Mrs. J. II. Stevens. 2 l-.r acres in section 111, township :tl. ranoe 'J ',. J. T. Ilagan to .1. Tl. Slovens. :i acres in section 111. township range 2 W J. T. Ilagan lo Thomas McDon ougli. H.IHI acres in section 111. town-hip .".1. range ? W I' M. V.' 1 -t al. to Paul E. Km b.z. ..t .1. Mo-k 2. Sun set Park- Elizabeth p.uiltharl to 0. F. Schaiidlh in. land in township :ii;. range I W 100 STAFF MUST PUT IV LONGER HOURS HENCEFORTH NEW YORK. .Tan. fi Comptroller Mot, has ordered hi" staff to work until ." . in. iM-L'inliinir today, thus nceedine; to the demand of tho Creator New York taxpayers' conference upon Mavor McClellan for inereasini; the hours of city employes from seven to eight daily. This means a savitiff of ln.Ooil,'Hiil a year on payroll alone. Probate. Estate Maria A. t. henoweth; inven tory and ni'prai'.-'nier.t fil'-.l "hewing es- :ate ve il at ::":':"-. order made lo ,. o!aim of V"lf""! National bank and to sell per.', i al effects and to rent r.-al p.oporty. t. ii. ud. an Iiriiin loirs: anno-il report tiled. Estate fnrlos II.. i- final ace,. not filed and Saturday, i'ebrunry li. set as dav f-.r final s-.j 1 !-meat . Marriaee Licenses. C. C. f'nte and (!." May IN CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a Medford Citizen Shows Yon tho Cure. Whv will jioople" continue to suffer) the agonic of kidney complaint, back-1 ache, urinary disorders, hiuu'iiutui, head aches, languor, why allow themselves to become chronic nival ds, wheu a cer tain cure is offered theint Dona's Kidney Pilh It the remedy to tiae, because it gives t the kidneys the help they need to perform their work If vim have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney disease, cure your self now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright '8 disease seta n. road this Med ford testimony: John Davis, Bordimin street, Hert ford, lr., says: "I w: s afflicted with kid no v trouble for twelve yoars, and, although t doctored and used many remedies, I was not hoipetl. 1 suffered severely from pnins my back nnd generally relt tired and worn out. Learning of Iloau's Kidney Pills, I decided to try thorn, and procured a box at Raskins' drug store. I had only taken them a short time when I no ticed h great improvement. I contin ued and was soon benefited in every way. I can recommend Dean's Kidney Pills very highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Bnftalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States. Homember the name Doan 's and take not other. 43 MERCHANTS LUNCH sTAtmxn nrccKMBKK 28, WE WILT, PUT OX MERCHANTS' T.'JNt li 'H()M 11:30 A. Jl. UNTIL 2 P. M. PRICE 3rtc THE LOUVRE Compare the Quality Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed SALEM .15EEI2 SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern ( aliforuia and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl fdged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. -Ml beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. J f you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. If You Owned the Earth rr imkt- - t "crraHf in vnhi . an lt iiif,oiii' prr.hK inu f-aj.arity incrfasoM, hut with'thf r:lit kind of an nrrhar tl, t-'iirh as Honw we li.ivo to nhowf tho iiri-li:inr hft n chnnrp of t -t tinj; li i m jiiirchanc jiriro liark out of nVin;f vruf with .rnnfr man a' rnr-nt. How i nn wealth he acrumu 'Inh-d faster tl.r.n hy Iniying ik tf thn fuori yoniiff orchardfi wo have 'for nal-'t Always nl v,,iir mTvicf for thr licnt Imivh in i)in vtilloy, ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY -1 : x 1 1 1 i 1 1 -r nrii.iUN'o, Medford Theater 'SATURDAY, JAN. 9 E. J. CARPENTER offers "Why Girls Leave Home" , Strictly ? ami free from seiisatl' J al ism. Priees 25c, HOe, 75c, $1.00 NEVER LOOK BACK It doesn't pay. Kep yeur eyes fired on our exceptional offerings. Fine tai loring oau only be secured from the hands of high-class tailors. Our expe rience and methods are cortaiuly worth investigation. We employ the best worknitn and our otolites are without doubt the most carefully selected in the city. EIFERT The City Tailor H is, and always has been our nun to supply our enstoiaers with goods of the highest quality and to that end we nre always adding ipiulity to our line. The addition of "preferred utoeli " tuukes our line of u'.li yrade Conned Goods most complete. Our uervice always the b-st and every aeeom- given our customers. Ynii rrMililn't fin'l a b-tlcr I:i"p to live t liiin in til in tfluriniiH Hoifiif ?iivT :iH(yf with it h in ciiiii!ir:iltlr find miimricr rlirnatc ' .lnwt, nnw w have nnn jtart ii'iilurly fjinnl d.-vflocil nr i'iirir'1 proiKtMit iritis to utibniil tu thn iMiincMonkT, rhirh :ir Hiin wrnn-'is. it"t (five Hiih mnttfr tmnc'linto nttf-ntion. It ln' not take a vory wih' man t r fnrrw that tho advance in valii''n whih we In vr lufn dieting in in pnm'tuf( pnt'l iir 1114 fruit IrindR in about tu inatcrifiiize. A Kid young orrhanl win not only in- MKIiroiiti, olllifluN (Citv Let tho MISSION FURNITURE WORKS tnuke that piece 'iirolture. Aay design, aoy eolor, ny .iniah dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 6th and H streets. W. M. Colvlg. 0. L. Beames. COLVIO ft BBAMES Lawyers. Office: Modford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phons 01 MORDOBFF WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Kadi' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES ROOMTNO HOUSE Newly built and newly furnishod AH modern conveniences. D. O. Karnes, Prop. 20 S. O St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK it BLOCK Co. will Lo prepared Feb riiary l.'i to furnish cement brick. Hotter than pressud brick ami just aa clr(ap. Iirestignto before eontrncting. P. O. llox 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists In Teas, Of fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kiuds of dinner ware and faocy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or DB.. OOBLE The oaly exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Sovonth Street. When others fail, call on DB. E. J. ' BONNER Eya Specialist Office In Eagle Pharmacy Main 23M. ' Seventh and Main THE. HOTEL EMEBIOK Rooms from 60 eents to $1.60 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronnge. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars ntnred and taken oaro of. All work guaranteed. Phono No. 31l,'l RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION This nioKt liPHiitiful addition to Medford in to be put. first sale will occur FIJI DAY, JANUARY 1.7, lf)()!). LARGE flood trarden soil, natural oak trees, wido streets, four blocks to N rth school, .icirrraye ali-raily in. T,()V PHICES ANlVT?F,Sf)XAr.LFTET?MR. '" 1 Exclusive Agent COMMODITY CLAUHI1 OASES AGAIN IN SUPREME COURT WAHHIXCTON, Jan. Hrnrinfc of argiunrntfi in thft runittwlittcii clantio i-am-n wan romm'nrt) todny heforo thf Caitcd Htatm mipri-nto court. The en- in vol veil t 1m ronstitutionality of the i-iaiiHc of i h Ilnpburn ratf law pro iiihilin railroad ponijnnipii from rnrrv ini( of their own produc tion, and f.ll tli(- roadu affi'ftM hy thin action arf ownors if Riithrncitn coal iiiiiiHi in l'nnylvnnin, th priMliiPtn of whuh thi'V would pr..hthit'd from tran?rtiiij; if th law nlmuld Ik held cnnttitutioiml. Business Directors THE R. R. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Loriuier . Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVI8 Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Mrdford, Or. ANLO PENWELL The Plumber. I solicit a share of your business, pledging satisfaction. THE ELBOTBIO AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRBB8 1NO WOBKS ' W. E. Lane Ic -Son, Props. ' Opposite Hotel Moore, -Medford Oregon WA80HAU ft BROWN wieh to announce to their patrons that they are located ia their new quartors in the Young A Hall . building. Billiards. Cigars and Tobaccos. DB. FRANK ROBERTS ,; Dentist ' Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Soventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always opon for business. Neat and clean. Up-toclnto. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lnmbort ft Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsicnl In struments, go to ' THE MEDFOBD LOAN OFFICE . 0 Street. MEDFOBD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 3(53 ' . Night Phones 0. W. Conklin SO J. 0. Butler 148 ' DB. B. J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in the fllowart Building. SIZED J. C. BROWN NOTICE Tlif! Hotel formerly known as the Taylor House in' Jacksonville, Or., has ehanged management and will henceforth bo known as the ABBOTT HOUSE under Cie maiia-eiiieiit of C. U. & M. E. ABBOTT. Tho house has b'een remodeled and made modorn nnd up-to-date in every respect and rates are is reasonable n consistnt with first-class service. SAVOY THEATER ' ' North d'Anjou Street. , Latest motion pictures and Illus trated songs.. ntlre change -rij; program Monday," Wednesdaj-aad; Friday. Admission. 10 esatar. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. C'ontiunous performance ttvj evening of motion pictures and Il lustrated ballads. Entire -oasDg of program Monday, Wedoaadajr , and Friday. Admission 10 cants WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and 'Hot' Water Heating. : - Phone SB. i 210 W. Seventh St., Medord, Or. 1 EDEN VALLEY NUBSBBY N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell. Ire that grow anad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON ' Billposter and distributor. J AU orders prompt! filled. Room 7 Jackson Co.' Bank Bldg1 Medford, Or. O. F.'OOOK k Hells trees that grow. ' Office: B. B.r V. Depot. P. O. Bor 841. "PhoneTOS.11 Medford, Or. I MRS. ED. ANDBBWS ; ! Voice Culture and Art of tslofiiuj Studio at Besidence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. B. 8EELY, M. D. Phyaiclaa and Surgeon ' , Modern equipped operating rooms Z-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2 4 p. m. Office In Jackson Ooi'Bk. bldg JACK FREDBNBUBO Soavenger. Gnrbage hauled. Medford.' J. M. KEBNE.- D.-D. B. ., Dentist ; ,. Specialist in operative Ojeuiistrx: Painless "Xtractien of teeth. : on the market anil the Palm Block LOTS n 1 mm:. 9tW-V ScS?-"- t-,- wr. i .( ' m p5 to