MEDPORD DAILY TRIii UN E, MEDFOHD, OKMiON, WEIA'KNJiA V. JANUAl.'V ;. 1!0!. Medford Daily Tribune A LrvE Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY "I- 111', r ujwkub iruTNAM, janitor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffk-e at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Om month, if mail r carrier 0.r0 On rear, by mall $5,00 SHOULD A CITY EVE I,' (JIVE UP AN) POW Kit 81 OF ITS ij Is there any reason why a city should not want, at all K times, complete control over its affairs? Is there any pos it; sible excuse for the city of Medford giving up tt thisTTmc j,( any charter power-which it possesses? Yet, this is ex ; actly what is being proposed lv those beliind the movement n' to amend Med ford's charter, so as to conform it to the local option law. At the present time Medford lias absolute self-gov-f eminent Upon the liquor question. Under its charter it ( can have the city, either wet or dry, according to its vote. If it were under local option and subject to the state law, then the outside precincts might close it up, though every voLcr in juediom wanted it wet. Should the proposed J amendment to the charter pass at the coming ( lection, then there is no power within thi: people to ever again aniend uie cnarier to heeome independent of the state law. This may sound strong, but if the reader will I'll! what follows, he will agree that this conclusion is absolute ly correct. The local option law was passed while the legislature nad the power to amend city charters. After the passage ,.41 .. 1 - - 1 . i i u me u.cai opuon law, AJed lord's city charter was amend ed by the state legislature, so as to make Medford inde pendent of the state law, and leave the question entirely to Med ford voters. Jn the recent J lall case in our supreme court this provision was upheld, and the court declared Medford independent of the rest of the countv. After Med ford's charter had been so amended by the legislature, the people of Oregon amended the constitution, so as to provide that no city charter could ever again be amended by the legislature: I hat such amend'-ieid only be made by the people of the city; that the people in their amendments could not make their charters in any ' conflict with the state law. 1 After that constitutional amendment went into effect went to the supreme court from Coos county, where a town charter was amended after the constitutional amendment, so as to make that town independent of the local option law. The supreme court held this could not be done, because the constitution as amended required city charters to conform to the state laws. It held that the Coos county town was closed up by the local option vote in the county, although the town itself voted wet by 101 in its precinct election. Hence, anyone can understand the present situation here. Our charter was amended between the t;me that the local option law was passed and tins time that the consti tution was amended. If our charter should be amended now so as to conform to the local option law, then the peo ple could never again put the town where it is at present, because the constitutional amendment would prevent any charter amendment inconsistent with (lie state law. It ought, therefore, to be clear that Medford occupies a unique position with its present charter, but if that char ter is ever amended, as is now proposed, then the rest of the county can closeup Medford, although every citizen in it might vote wet. The issue on the charter is, therefore, not one of wet or dry. Under tins present charter no liquor can be sold except upon a license issued by the council The city can elect a council that will not issue licenses, hence the people can a-t any time shut out the sale of liquor. The people ought, however, to have the power to do as they please in this regard. Could even the rankest prohibition ist offer any reason why the city give up any power which it has? And how much more forcible is this when we con sider that when the power is once given up, the constitu tional amendment will prevent the people from ever again taking the power to themselves. Local self-government is the foundation of municipal good government. There is no reason why people outside of town, aud who pay no taxes here, should by a county vote, close up the town, if the people as a whole wanted it open. Since we now have the power to put the town wet or dry, as the people demand, can any reasonable excuse be given for surrendering this power i I f the power should i'-e be given up, then, no matter how the people of Med ford should vote in the future, the power could never be regained. sVaJSI Let us keep what we have, ami certainly keep all of the municipal powers which we can get. We are able to take care of ourselves, without being outvoted bv people not interested in our affairs. to territory eaut of the Missouri river. An effort was miirle two years ajjo looking to t!.ia eiid, but the old ranch men on the reservation who have held sway for 30 yearn or moro w.-re itble to overcome the opposition and derated 'ill uttempt to pass a herd law. In the lust two year., lu.ivovcr, hundreds of farmers have moved into tho range country, and two railroad hvs terns have built their lines to tho Murk Hills country, and the people living there are determined to have their farms free from the attack of roving cattle and homes, since they are raising crops. B NOTICE OP KF.KCTION. He It resolved, bv o... it., a i tuc eily of Aleilford, Oregon, the approving, that thero bo and is hereby ordered a venrral la..n.. :.. suid city to be held on TneuUv t ary 12, Will, for tho election of' , A mayor for tho tor.n of two years. A councilman from 'he tho term of two years. A eouncilmau from tha Secoud ward for the t:-rm of two ytars. ; A councilman from the Third ward for tho torun of two years. And such other measures us shall be lawfully submitted at said election. Tho following nulling nlneim. i,.,l... and clerks aro Intnl. ... tho, several rcBpectivo wards: First ward I'ollin.r nine. f. .......... ciul club, room .1: judo?. W. II. luugo unu cicra, i .-lias. W. Davis; judge una cierK, A. (.'. Hubbard. Second ward I'ollimr r.l,i,e ir,.i-..i Nash sainolo room: in. I.;,. .,,l, h irti.. judge and clerk, Juhn Summurville; judge uni clerk, Win. Ulrich. Third ward Polling placo. City Hall; judge, O. I., Schermerloru; judge and clerk, Scott Davis; ju.le and clerk, II. A. Thieroff. The foregoing resolution was passed by the city council December !iUth, l!w8, by the following voto, to wit: Wortman aye, Merrick aye, Kifcrt aye, Trow bridge aye, Olwell absent, Hnfer ab' sent. Approved: J. P. liEDDV, Mayor. Attest: nr.xr. v. domains, Itucorder. Please Take Notice. of Inn. Is in nu. western part of A few unred eeiiU'd r a moiiilf in tliejllie stale, will hi ton In forced out of Medford 1 loan Office lit u (jr"H t bar-I ImsiiiesH. The oVsiiiH-,! tender fee Huri- .ulturints who hitvo nottUM in largo I number in western N.-mh Dakota, are Mill ut arms nm tin- lortureruma i-tml kittif and bin ruvuiif eowliovi. will 1wm ; bo relegatfd to tjie domtiin of tmmorv. SIOUX FALLS, S. V.. .Ian It -Out- 1 "" '"'m""" "r """ w , . ... i ilaliu't dial it puiis a law ri'slrainitii' tin king, and livestock barons of Slh I frm runiug . u,tgl. ,, Dakota, whose herd, have in the past apply with opinl force in all parts of ranged lit will throughout vast confine. ) tho state, thi. law hpplyiug now ouly gain. LEGISLATURE TO AID PASSING or CATTLE KINDS '! NOTK K OF PI K.ST MKKTINO OP (JHEDITOHS. In the district cooit of the lliiii.-d State, for the District , f Oregon. In the matter of ,r. .i. altevim.. A A Stevens and D. A. U..n:.r. as the Jack son County Lumber Coiiipouy, bankrupt! In bankruptcy: To the creditor! of: J. A. Stevens, A. A Stevens aud I). A. Bouar, as the .Tacksir Counlv Luin ber Company, of Oniimii in the mtv of Jackson, aud district aforesaid, a bankrupt. 1 Notice ia harebv Lnven thut on tlie Sth duv of December. A. I). 1II0K il... said J. A. Stovons, A A. Stevens und D. A. lionar. as tho .lufksol Connlv Lumber f'omoauy. was dutv eiliioli. en ted baakrupt; and that the first meet ing oj na creditors will lie held ut Med ford, iu Jackson county. Ort-froii. on tho 15th day of January. A. O. 1'I0!I at 2 o'clock iu the afti.rnonu, at which time the suid creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business us may properly come before said mealing. ! JOHN H. OKTII. ' I 257 Heferee in Hankruptcy. APPLKS AND PUAPK AN!) ALL KINDS OF YAKIMA ' VALLEY NURSEPY Largest ('onii:'eii-ial Nursery in Pacific Noriiiwesl. No!, in the combine. ( Y.'-ipetcs with all 1'irt-class nurseries L E. 1100'ER, Agent M ) 1 1 KDli I), () K 10(1 O NT . Medford Iron Works !'J.!. 'I'L.'OW IJl.M DO I', Propi utor. FOUNDHRS AND A1ACHINISTS All kind Auei f of Fn ;;..-'ci es. Spraying ( )i;t fits, r. iind .Machinerv. Muiijis. in S'ift'ii-rii Oregon for FA1PA.S, MORSK & CO. MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES Wome new ideas in Shoes to .tin ml b-u- shoes with solid tongue, soles and uppers counters that never break down. Tan and Blacks at $3, 3.50, $4 and $5 HIGH-TOPS AT $8.00 PER PAIR BOYS' HEAVY WORK SHOWS A SPECIALTY Some good things right now in dress sroods for spring. Have your spring suit made early in the season. See The Window Display VAN DYKE'S W -1.-trl;sit - -Dank MD-ran. or.EO'i.-f tit AT THE SERVICE OF 1 DEI'OSTITORS AND CLIENTS i.f its Hi.- iifsi r . Iv Stato Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $125,000 ixitily Jinn!; j. I aces at I -t. .si t -irn ami clients u-Mifirs in li:u:!ii(if. Tltu of- pirilSM1. iu n-lld'T fOlllllli'l Illlll fiii:niO':;l TM:itl if. ,fi'initil, sul.jf '! tii rlii cl;,' IliT iu ,:tcil. S:ifc ii H.rtit ln)xca to rent, ti pr .:tr ana up. A'. I. VAW'TKlf, i. R. I.INDLKV Prpitlf nt Canhior XL GOOD NEWS 'iv. i V il will lie fur tlic tn.iii who is looking fin- .hi iifl'islii' t;iilur i.lii'ii sninc limn wii s in c;ji;'siti' style tells It 'Hi 'Irit In- Ii;is his (luting niitile it t KI.'KI 7.VM i: CO.'S. v'c ran make ymi a '. .it iif el. tilling or an oereo:il that will j-ive. yim the distingue air sutiht Iy ihe man of the voile: wlio knows a iNni.l tliini; whr-ti he it. J.A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. IP YOU II AVE SET 70UR HEART "" ; ImiHlmi liiim, iii.l. niliv i i 't li.-r i in... ,.r ,i p.iii- i lin-i.,-in ,;r I luiini-li !,.r ii.lxiniiii; yi.ur lH-:mty unci '' ' ' n I .1:1.-1 ivc lit MM'illl nni. li.ii,-.. .- v i,. vn ..,, ' ' ' " ill i.'nnit when 'i ii"' ii'si .-in .,f iin, ;,. Un-k nl' t'in,. j.-u-t-lry at MARTIN J. KEDDY Jowclry and Watches rcne fampton Usaacs "3ntructor of "piano. Ilttl 5ttH)oft Slul al Uil4nc. Jtotll) Ocant Slttl MKDI'OK'l) HASH A- DOOR COMIMNV .11 OX RL'L'QI. Wiu.lnw Krnnii'H, O.-.l; VmuTh Dt. Offioo ri.vrnn'. mil u k;ii-li of ! ir.i, ;ili 71.. 'Inn ut; Mi! I'.iu.-. .!r.;; .1 Plate, carried in stock cheap. .irli. iiii'lnilinj; Turr.eil Work Ii. 4. Skowi K. IllUlniler A. V.. I. I). Il.irm Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS so Owtton, Sub-Dtvlilorii and Developei-a Rosrue Rlvor Valley Or chard I, sods. Cliulco fruit lamls. bulimy nuJ youug oroluirdu iu iinull uu.l hirno ttactu, for lalo. Wo pliuit mid mri- for oi, liar,l ami' irowrtv t.. bu as represontt'd. Experience Xot A ccessary for tlioso wlio piirclmsu tlirmitjli uh. 'l'lu-y aooiiro tho udviso an.l mirviros of u I'onsiiltinn horticulturist, an export on fruit oil turt in all its bmnchon. tiho for several yens has excelod in tin growiug and shipping of friut in the Houo Hiver iille. rweord clops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North 1) Struct, Mixltonl, Oregon STKKKT, BBTWKKK SIXTH AND H KVCXTH ST1!EI;TS. More Light for Less Money fciixty-tlircc per cent of oh TrXdSTI .V K. UN' Y ART, President. .1. A. PKHHY. Viof President. .IOIIN S. OKTII. Cashier. V. II. .lAL'KSON, Ass t lash THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD CAPITAL O K . fifinnn SURPLUS - - lo'.OOO Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your, Patronage. trii" 'iuTfMit s;ivt N I.AMl'S. 32 Caiullo Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour ami would use in uxx) hrs. 11U nilOWattS whieh .it locts. a Kilow 2 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp 40 Watts v-ei-hour ;iml would use in hours 40 Kilowatts whieh at loe a I watt iy usini- tl fi 1 uses loco Cilo- Net Saving' in iiw hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp s Rogue River Eieclrlc Co. Siirressol-s to Co::,!,.)' V;;t( r lV ,,.-.v-r ('., 1 M'fi.-p. -jm; 0;v t Seventh St n 'SIM thi. !!;.- !'l ( o. Xo. rtli.- AlANUtL LOPEZ ' '. .r Ha. fip,, HAKT Cle.AR TO., Ditri;.nors, . ,rt!.-.n;l. Oy. Take the Trihunp h? How Medford, Ore., Jan. 6, 1909. I have just rci'i'i vod the followiug Nursery Stock LNWU Diutcr Nollia IVar Trois. 1(10 Do Anjou. H."iu0 J'ciich Trees. I alttu have on hauil: 3000 Kartlett IVar Ttees. U000 Cornice. Th nbov u in tfiiud, elcan itock at pojtular jirii-cs. L. B. WARNER Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles 20c Quart - 35c C. W. Mc DONALD SiiGSiisir to Snith & M ny tmi 1 it 1 t I iUU LAIN I C A r Om your r.iito:nl fare, 'i'lio law of ire common currier compels etjunl rules nn all railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Tatiguo liy insisting on the shortest . route, fastcit trains and host service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and In ion Pacific K.i'ry furility f,,r the'lv ami iii't'oHiinivlH In. 11 uf th,. p:(Hj.i'nir..r in pi... x.. change i.f '"" U I" ssary In pt.n. v.'r. Omaha, Kansas I'ilv 1;,.. Dirc-i .-..niipc-ii"ii-:ii.. ni:..U. foralloth 'r '"iiitH ami smith A- S. liOSKXPAUM. AgLnt, Mwlfor.1. WM. McMURBAY, Oenrrjl Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR.