Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 06, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    J Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
By tar the largest and boat uewi report
of any paper In Southern Oregon.
0Mfi3 Parity Ciriitaiie
The Weather
Occasional showers tonight and torn or
ntw. Xortherly winds.
No. 248.
Recorder Tendered Annu
al Report to Counr,il
$157,535.49 Expended
A Balance of $46,370.21.
lir the first time hi tin1 history of
tin city I ho city. recorder submitted
to tho city council on Tuesday an
annual report of th receipts and dis
bursements oT all f Is and from nil
sources (hiring tin preciding year. The
revenue to t 1h city amounted to
"(I and llu- dishursi menta to $1."7,-.Vtfr.-lil,
leaving . Hi,:i7M.'Ji ns tin1 itioiiul
on li.'iml.
The receipts were as lollnwn:
(icucrnl fund ().1,;t 1 7.7-
l.ight and water .
St reet and road . .
Contingent fund .
Park fund
(icncrul sewer . . .
Sewer district Xo
Sewer dist rict Xo.
1 l.(iH7."JW
1 1D.S.
IP1.1M A
Lateral No,
No. :t ..
Lateral Xo,
Xo. r. . . .
Literal No,
No. 5 ..
Lateral Xo,
Xo. i . .
Lateral Xo.
No. ."i . .
Lat-ral No,
No. .I .,
Lateral Xo
Sewer district
Sewer district
Sewer d. strict
Sewer dutrict
I, Sewer diMrid
II, Sewer d.tricl
7, sewer dif t rid
Xo. r
Sewer district, Xo. 0
Sevenl li si reel improvement
Interest fund ........
li.'.n H.
Total -,:i.i".7
The total disbursements were:
(Ic al fund iLMIf.ll.-Js
Light and water .-!t,:t7:.ViM
Street and road l!U7L:iS
Contingent S'Jl.Cl
J 'ark fund
C.l.eral sewer 7D7.:til
Sewer disliiet Xo. A U7i.;nl
Lateral Xo. '2, vewor district
Lateral Xo. sewer district
Xo. :( ,
Sewer district Xo. it . ' HI. 1T 1
Seventh st reel improvement
fund V ll.l!
Interest I'uud i!,l'.".
All Apples out of Hands of
Producers-Supplies not
what Trade Expected.
Practically all the apples of ttiis state
are alrendy out of the hands of produc
ers. The various unions have been sell
ing their holdings very fat and few of
' the have any apples to offer at all .jut
row. Some time ngo He Hood Kivr
union was turning down orders and it is
now stated that the Rogue River
growers' union and the Rogue River
Fruit exchange are boih out of supplies.
The latter two nrgan'Z.'tMns have made
their last earlot shipment: for the season
Xow that growers ia e let go their
rpples and it has been found that total
available supply in Iims state or on the
e. ast is not half nf what the trade ex
pected. the price in beginning to show
a movement. The few odds and ends it
nmininir uiwold in the hands of the vari
ous organization an
higher fii-!ire. with
1 being quoted at
little efforts to
" push sales at this tim
Enttre Coast Apple Market Better
The apple market i firmer every
where on the Pacific eont at thu time.
California is inoinr-ii: and purcnasuig
all available suppl'ic ai d H has ter-n
ibis onrce that had rhaned up a birg-
yor cent of the supper nirp'ns in thi
itnte. The fact thnt prowe' orgnn
izations have practicably cleaned up
their entire holding th J -ry in the
crayon indicates tl--re i nre ?..
be n shortage in snppU- in tho Pacif
coast apple market U fore the ea-n
rUscn. Tn Porthnd jobbers are
ijM.d to ask higher prices for all
grades. The very cheap apples have en-
Full Compliance with Railroad Commissions
-Cars Must be Heated and Watered-Discrimination
of all Kinds must Cease-Many Witnesses Ex
amined Regarding R. R. V. R. R.
We sluill nxp'-ct full compliance with tin order heretofore issued.
This includes heat, drinking water a nd toilets on cars, alco ventilation
of .Medford depot; also bulleting of schedule time and time of proba
ble departure of nil trains.
Tint company thnll maintain a regular schedule.
Trains leaving Medford wait for Sunt hern Pacific first and sections,
butjiot necessarily more than one hour. Trains Hhnuld signal before
yenving Medford.
Motor servhr to be resumed on old schedule within ?) days from
this date, thereaftrr motor service Khali be maintained regularly.
hiseriminatioiis of all sorts must cease.
Order shall b -come effective days from date of service of copy,
except .'til days fron: this date allow to resume motor service.
We will check ever this service later on to see if it is being com
plied with,
The above is a memorandum of the
orders issued by the Oregon state rail
road coininit sion to l he Rogue River
Valley railroad al'ier examining between
-ti and .'Hi witnesses regarding the com
plaint filed alleging that the state law
was being violated ia the operation of
the Jacksonville trunk line,
Many pro mi nent res'di tits of Jack
sonville, Medford and Ashland appeared
; before t he commission, which opened its
j hearings in Jacksnuv III" Tuesday morn
; i:ig and closed t heat in Medford Wed
n.-sday. Attorneys K. F. Kelly and
, t 'harles Prim represented the railroad,
aad Oistrict Attorney .Mtilkey examined
'witnesses tor the state. Most of the
i testimony concerned neglect of passeu
! gers' comfort and violations of the
' law which have been remedied or are
now being remedied by M r. Barnaul.
Si-ice the eoiiimissiou announced its sil
ting here, a Jacksonville station lias
been provided, prepa rat i ns made for
toilets and water on ;he cars and steps
taken to remedy other violations of the
commission 's orders an t the state law.
The most important evidence submit
ted to the commission was the testi
mony of T. K. Kinney of Jacksonville,
j MKDIXA. X. V., .) tn. 0. The "blis
let- mite," and other pests that afflict
;the orchard': of the I'mpiie state will
li:e to go away f:..m her.' and settle
: it; mote congenial loi-aliiies, if the man
ifesto issued today by the Xew York
State Fruit dowers' association is heed
ed by th-' aforesaid pests.
The association count. f need its annual
neetiag here this mining, and the
openi ng session was largely occupied
with the consideration ef a report on
orchard pests, embracing the results of
investigations undertaken by the Ceu
e aexp"riment tat ten. " Spraying
Methods" is the subject under discus
sion t his afternoon. ' European Ifor-
. tieidture" will lie ill' subject of all
address to be given this evening by Pro
; fe'iyor John i aig of Coi netl uni ver
sitv. .Methods of dealing with the
Mdai! rot" of I he grape will be con
sidered tomorrow.
A la i ;;e d tsplay of fruits is being
ludd in connection with the conven
tion. The fruit grower of Xew York
realize th;it they are rapidly losing su
premacy in eastern m:.rk"ts. owing to
the great strides recently made in fruit
culture by the jrowr if the west and
Pacific northwest, "ud en n n i ntermit-
i tent warfare has be- a declared upon
the pests that have o'' i;-te years Work-i-d
'in k havoc in Xew York orchards.
C. K. Kvans of W. .-d ( th- Medford
I Hardwar- coinp:iny, j --nt Wdueday
in Medford.
H. ti. Vtl-y of p..
visitor in M'dfoid.
id wui a recent
j C. C. P.iole of the ,T:,eoben Pade com-
p'HI V is III .Me. ? io HiU on i ri-iicn
digging for the new water line to Little
tirelv di'-'ipp'-ared frm the mrtrket and
the next cheapest g::d-- is rll:i'g at
hieiiff prices than tit1 rv choice ntock
Was a few Wee', s
A "h,.it time ai'o . -v:r, possible to
Ipurcha-e Mtall -'- f ,i!imnt any
:iii'-tv of ap'-bs at no higher than 1
:t box. but it i a wry poor ap).le. :n
M. ed.that wil not brtnj that figure today
jordmarv apples are selling around ?1.1
j.-.t.d .1." a box. and hoider are not
(disposed to hurry sai-s even at that
who admitted having a secret rebate
agreement-wit h tho Hamulus, whereby,
though nominally charged 10 cents a
package, he really paid 10 cents n huu
died weight , as soon ns t he packages
accumulated ltio pounds, the balance be
ing rebated by the railroad. Others
had to pay the straight 10 cents a pack
age. Many of those who have been loudesl
in their complaints n gainst the railroad
failed to make good v. hep on the stand,
and it being evident that Mr. Harnum
was now trying, though tardily, to com
ply with the law, the commission will
not instigate prosecution for past vio
lations. Finai M r. Itanium 's testimony it is
evident t hat In1 regards railroads as
private business enlerpi ises, to be op
erated to suit the mvnir'o pleasure, in
stead of public eonvenb nee.
The complaint against the railroad
was filed by t'ommiajioner Campbell
after a recent visit h"ie, because of Mr.
Ionium's neglect to comply with the
commission's former order.
( 'ommissioiiers 'am obeli, Ait kinsnn
and West returned Wednesday to Sa-
Wili Introduce Many Bills
-One will Provide for
Protection of Fish
Judge M. Piirdin leiws Wednesday
tor Salem, where, with Pave Miller,
he will represent Jackson county in
i he legislature, and cast his ballot for
Ceorjie L Chamberlain for I'nited State
Judge Piirdin will introduce a num
ber of measures, among them being one
to prohibit fishing foi steelhead in the
l.'oguc river except with rod and line,
ami to prohibit fishing of all kinds
:diove t ide water except with rod and
line. her measire will be a bill
to enlarge Medford s city limits to
t:il;e in adjoining count ry. Another will
be a bill providing state guarantee nf
brink deposits.
Idaho Officials Inaugurated.
POISF, Idaho, Jan. ti. Inauguration
if state officials took place in the house
nf representatives of t he state today.
The oaths of office were administered
by Justice I. X. Sulli'an of the supremo
court, who succeeds Judge A ilshe as
hief just ice. The Maie of f icialselccl
were presented to the members of the
uprenie court by tin ir predecessors ex
cept in the case of thoe succeeding
i lietust Ives.
The inauguration w.,s not attended
by other Ceremonies than the ndminin
ring of oaths and a prayer. Following
them ceremonies the s nate and house
organized, electing a president proteni
- t;d n speaker, and r.d)ourned.
The principal affair in connection
vith the inauguration will be the ball
to b" held Wednesday evening and fr
which preparations on a Inrg rwal r
in progress under th" direction of th
two standing Committees of the Boifle
Commercial club.
TO PAY 1800
Council Fix
idNewAmoun t
-Will Affect Licenses
Already Granted Oper
ative on February 1.
The liquor dealers of the city of Med
ford will in the future pay n license
of $Sim a year. An ordinance to that
effect was adopted by the city council
ut a meeting held Tuesday evening, and
will be in fnreo on and after February
L PhW, and all persons now conducting
a saloon imsmesH in tho city will be
required to pay to the city n sum equal
to the difi'erence between the license
paid and tho new lie lire exacted.
There was some dmenssion an to fix
ing the license at $1(H() a year, but this
was not deemed advisable bv the coun
cil. The new ordinance does not carry any
provisions for change.i in the present
regulations of saloons in tho city.
The Electric Question.
The city nttorney 'ind Or. C. R. Rav
of the Condor Water & Power com
pany decided to suhm;t the matter of
tho difficulties between the city and
the company tn the circuit, court for
settlement. The council adopted a res
olution carrying the following provi
"The city attorney is hereby author
i?ed and directed to submit the same
(dispute) to the circuit court nf the
state of Oregon for Jackson county,
upon a statement of facts, if such can
be agreed upon by the city attorney
and the representatives of the Condor
Water & Power company, under the
laws of the slate of Oregon, providing
for t he submission of a controversy
without action."
Art hue II. Davis registered a kick
against .L II. Fitzgerald acting as in
spector of electric wiring while being!
engaged in that business. The matter
was referred to the lighl and water com
mittee. Monthly Reports.
The chief of police reported that 20
arrests had been mad" in December.
Fines imposed totaled 17, netting the
city $(11.7.-1, Ten fines were worked nut
and three cases w.t dismissed. The
chief reported the town nH froo of ho
boes and everything orderly.
The city engineer reported nOfl liu
al feet of plunk walk laid during De
em Iter and lftflO Hquare feet of cement
walk hi id. Kight flagstone crossings
have been put in.
The engineer subrniHed a bill to the
Wnren Construction company nf $l!i'J.nO
for .'IS 1-2 days uho of tho steam roller at
f" a day.
M uch progress has been made on
sewer caost ruction, the.-.' now remaining
but 7X70 feet of lat-rals to lay under
the Jackson Hade coptrast.
The first bntch of street signs have
been delivered and Will be (winced at
The drainage nf ;h; city will be
the next, work to engngr the attention of
the city engineers.
WASII1 N'dToX, Jr.u, (I. Senator
Sorghum and 'onrge;;maii ComtHHsel
and other sobms from the bucolic dis
tricts. are up in anna because of the
red net ion t hat has beer, made in the
amount of fr'-e seeds te be distributed
among their const it u -nts this year. Free
seeds are among the most valuable ar
gnments used by cor giessinen for im
pressing the desirability of their re
election upon rural vt. s, and the loss
of even a portion of thi; perquisite is
vinvi'.l with alarm.
Owing to the high price of seeds,
refilling from a crop shortage, each
congressman will have only lO.WHl pack
ages of vegetable s -id- to distribute
among his constituents. In recent year
the (pn.t a nf each m.-m'icr has been 12,
."itrft packages. The quoin of flower
.eeds ."('Hi packages, r nuiins the same.
An effort will undoubtedly be made
to have the appropriation increased, so
as to make up the ip-ficieucy. This will
be opposed by Representative Weeks
and ot her conservat i w members. Mr.
Weeks invariably votes ngainst free
seeds. He says he would not object if he
had no seeds to distribute, and he lie
lirves the government might as well
give pianos to the constituents of con
grcssmi n as garden seed.
' The traveling men are again on their
runs after the hobda- rest. Pete fiil
! bert. i. K. Metealf. W. A. Woodward,
is. Tidball and I.. V. Watkin w-re
among the familiar vituiors to Medford
' Wednesday.
i i wm m
II. K. llsrxis of 1'orlh.iid spent Wnl i
ocsd.iv in M-diord.
Huge Deficit Kolled Up in Sister City by Dryness
Recorder Eggleston Says Prohibition Would Be a
Calamity for Medford
Bankruptcy-Liquor Sold
" When wo had liquor licenses in
Ashland the tax rate was six mills on
the dollar. This year it is 14 mills on
tho dollar. Then from ti surplus in our
treasury last year we had n deficit of
$o()i)0 and for this yar our deficit is
"If you people in Medford vote in
favor of a dry town, with your large
bonded indebtedness, you will certainly
ruin it. Inside of tw; years you will be
nearly bankrupt and it would be the
greatest calamity which could possibly
befall your city."
That was the statement made yester
day by Captaiu M. V P.gglcstnn, the
city recorder of the city of Ashland.
Not only that, but Captain Kgglestoa
did not go behind closed doors and ask
thnl his name be mil mentioned. He
made the statement quoted openly and
in the presence of a numher of people in
his office. What is more, Captain Kg
glestoa itf looked upon by most of the
citizens of Ashland an a man who known
what he in talking about and is in a po
sition to know it perfectly well.
Then a financial nuui and a well
known citizen of Ashland made the
following statement:
Mortgages for Sale.
"I hold several mortgages on prop
erty in Medford which are now due. If
the city goes dry 1 will foreclose al
least three of them inside of a week.
This is on account of business reasons.
as F know full well what that decision
would mean from my experience here in
Ashland for many years.
"As for getting liquor, yon can pro
urn it in a dozen or more places if thev
think you are all i tgh t . We people
who nre living here can get all wo want
al any time, but the strangers within
our gates are told to go hence."
Has Added Profession of
Arms to That of
IIARTFOW). Conn., .!,,. B. Thwi
'lire KiKixcvi'lt, Jr., in toilny a full
lli'.lKiil inililiirv c.ffi.M.,, villi tho rank
ami t i 1 1 of iniijur. dml in n (;ny uni-
IWm, with n li Kl,l bruid, t lie mm i.f
Him pn-siili.nt null' irmnlly in thn van
villi (inWTiinr I.ilhiy's iwiirt in hi. in.
!'Ujiirnl iriiiM-Hsiiiii, while Uni rrmvils
i liiwil I lie ilimKlity H-iurmr wlin linn
mlili-il tin' prnlVKHiiiii i,f nrinii to lln'
Irnili' nf rnrpH making. While the lii
iiiinliiiint w:n ntinmilii'i'il hiiiihi time
UK", il ili.l nut hi'i'iuiii! fully effective
until tmlay.
Ac (leveranr l.illcy, whin n iiieinhcr
ngress, was the central figure
the submarine boat scandal at Washing
ton and was suhjeeted in the hitler-si
of personal attacks dining his campaign
for the governor ship, his appointment
of young llnosevelt ity. an aide de camp
was a great political surprise.
The republican l.-nders insist that
President Roosevelt c. (linen ted to his
son's appointment, hi cruse of his wish , ing young Roos-veit t my :taff, I was
to indicate that he approved . o"f Onv- influenced by own i c.iininlatice with
ernor l.illey both personally and pn-(the young man for !e nil years back,
lit ically. Many of t he Taft leaflets f nd ad mi rat ion for hi- many sterling
were active oppon"ifs of (alley in the I quiilities. Me inherits a great deal of
campaign. .the fath-r's earnestness, his eagerness
Victory for Governor. i to Mriko out in the world and carve his
The naming of Theodore, ,1r., is con- "Wti future, s is shown by his taking
sid'-red a victory for the governor, both : a posit ion in the carpet factory at
as aji indication nf presidential favor I Thompsoiiville, and winking with all the
and because it is believed that It will' Vi f om who did -et have ml illus
add social eclat to the administration, trieus pan-nt and d'i'i,d nnlv upon
I as an axle -Major iteoseveit will have
i'ii very onerous du'i to p'-rform, al
though he will b put to considerable
expense And must inline himself to hard
campaigning of the kind so heroically
borne by the Old fJnard of New York
and the Ancient nnd Hr tiornhlcn of Be
U has been the rule heretofore to
jutuifliitf such Bppoiii.iucuts to natives
and Would Certainly Bring
to School Boys.
School Boys Attested.
Another business man of Ashland told
how he got three driuk.t of liquor while
on the way from his atoro to the depot.
Then, liquor is sold to boys, and three
school boys wero arrested last Saturday
night for drunkenness. In fact, drunk
enness has decreased but slight ly, as
tunny citizens of Ashland cat) testify.
As to the decrease in the value of
property, it can be men! ioued t hut a
store building on one 'if the prominent
corners which formerly rented for $11)1)
a month now only bri ig.i $25 per mouth.
Then, it is Hinted on the very best of
authority that the proprietor of one of
1 he hot (ds t here said 1 of ore t he last
election that he would give $12i per
month rent for the building if tho city
voted in favor of licei-se, but he would
not agree to pay even ApHl per month
ot her wise.
Mod ford and Ashland.
" Yes, we are goto;' ahead Home,"
said one of the leading merchants, "but
that is simply because we cannot help
but do so. Why it is, however, that
Med ford is going ahead almost four
limes as fast us we are! Why, mmply
because you people not only have the
license saloons, but you show a pro
gressive spirit. Put out your saloons
and we will show you a thing or two.
The fact, is you will then be in our
clans, and all t hiitgs being equal, wo
will soon leave Medford behind in the
race for the leading city of the valley.
Then, if wo ever do gel the lead, we will
leave Mid ford t ravelin behind. This
W. no dream,"
It was also slated by several of the
merchants that there are 12 or 1.1 places
in Ashland where the citizens can and
do procure liquor, and strangers can
also get it if accompanied and vouched
for by some regular customer.
Hlnnueiil bnnkinK liiw, hclieveil In he
me iirriiii,rcHt r,.Klllnli,in nf 111 ,.i i
' i pli'il liy any wentcin
nine, iiiih heen preiare, hv jninl r
" M representiiiK the leKiHlnlnre iiml
,iii iinnKera nt rnlifnrniii n ml in nniv
I'nr parwue l.fre the leKisl,it ive ae-
inii ivhii h '.v, ,,.,,,( n,;, w,,,.(
II is ej,ei-te, t : t il will he paMse,l
with few nlleratiiins, niel will result
in makinK l iililnrnia linnkn iininni. III,
!:nfen, j,, the mniitry.
The ;irn,,,sei law is in,. .1,0. ,1 nfler
the rei-enllv ,.i.i, t , . Vnlli hank
inff Inw, I, nt in ninny rin,e,-iH is uinre
Klrinuerl Ihnn m asure. Its rem
prcheimive i h:.r:nl er is in,li,.ile, in its
litle. which is "An id In .Icfine ami
regulate the business ni' hanking. " It
"liviiles financial iiMl il ntimiH into sav
ings I, links, in, n, tciii hanks anil trust
cnnipanifs, an, I sefs nut with purlieu
larily the italics i,f cni II.
r.WT.WIA. .tan. i,.-With llic ex
eeplinn nf Imnps, l(,.t,i is hciii evnc
iiuli.l In, lav. Ily llic ci.. I ,,f the W(.ck
nnlv Ihe snhlicrs will rclilliiti in Mcs
sinn. Itut little further effnrt in lieinu
inmle tn recover Indies. The greatest
work nnw is lieeessnrv nllmiie; tile refll
I!,,1 camps.
of Coniiecticut, and no explanation is
offered why l.illey Iraiapled on custom
and named an outsider in his staff,
(iovernor Ulb-y s-d: "In appoint
Ins or lie ei-crL'!!-. lie e verr deino
cre' i in tii t to:iiiuer-, and never pre
riinite "put th,- tela on hip in his bus
in ess in .f il . ot.'in '. ' '
Mr. and Mis. I.ili. y have b. en warm
friends oi Admiral I'.i.d Mr-. William
H. Cowles of Knrmingten. The latter
b. a siMer nf (he president, ard doubt
less this friendship had Something to do
i with the appointment of her nephew.
Medford Commercial Club
Elect Officers and Pro
vide Banquet and Enter
tainment Tomorrow in
Thursday nvoning tho Medford Com
mercial club will hold its annual elea
lion of officers at Anglo opera houis.
Following the ejection t bouffe luneheoa
will be served, a musical program ren
dered and club jinks indulged in. Clar
ence Kennies, chairman of tho jinks
program, has arranged a carnival of
take-offs and absurdities that will cap
lure the crowd. It is the club'fl first
effort in litis Hue and if a success will
be repeated annually. An elnborato pro
gram ot music has been provided. Them
will be serious and comic songs and
musical hits by a scorn of ft tod ford's
bcsl singers. Members of llazelrtgg's
orchestra have donated their services.
Mr. Ilaelrigg will play the nccompa
uimeats. Almost eveiy singer of noto
in the city has volunteered his services,
and there will be anisic in the air.
The committee on banquet has pro
vided a sumptuous feed said to bo the
best of the kind ever given. Ampl
supply has been provided for all who
come, and t hen some.
The gathering will bo informal in
character. Kvery body who has the in
(crest of .Medford tit heart, or who sym
pathizes with Ihe work of the club in
creating a greater city, is requested to
lie present, to forget their troubles for
an evening and join in the general mer
riment that will usher in a now year
of progress and work Mid of good fel
lowship in the common cause.
PARIS, .lan. li. Although general
trade conditions in Kianco, as in other
Kuropenn countries, Kiiffered this year,
largely because of the reduction in
American demand following the finan
cial crisis, figures submitted by Leroy
Iteuulieu and other slat inticiaas at the
end of tin- year regard'ig tho wondorful
wealt h of the French people demou
nt rate the imposing strength of France's
lluauctal position and her right to the
t it le of ' The World 's Hanker. ' '
h1! u nee, 's fortune is growing steadily
as the p-Hiilt of an annual saving of
f, hum nun, mum, niucli of which must senk '
investment, abroad.
M. Leroy Itenulij-u 's figures show that
France now receives :f:iiO,(HlO,000 as an
annual income from foreign holdings.
principally government bonds, thw
ineniiit having h'-cu almost doubled in
t he last lt years. He estimates the
present wealth of the Trench people at
l.V.n.uwi,(.iiD, or more than U00 for
very man, worn mi and child, and as
the estimate is based upon declared sue-
ssion taxes, it is admittedly much
below the real figures. M. Lerny-Heau-
ioii takes no account of the vast amount
of gold ami securities which tho French,
specially the peasauN, keep in eon
ealment, and which probably rivals the
hidden treasures of India.
WAHMIXtiTOX, Jan. . An oxperi
need journalist with a thorough
knowh-jre of aniimils husbandry and
I airy philosophy as a side line, and
few do.en other necessary quabflua-
l ions, can get tin editorial job with
Tilde Sam by apply i r;: today to the
eivil service commission. Tho job pays
the munificent salery of $1afl0 a year.
Tho editorial chair in the sanctum
of the Fx peri men t Station Record, a
red dlmt monthly devoted to cattle so
cietv and oleomargarine endurance con
tests, has been vacant for some time
pnst and the civil service commission
has been given a hurry up call to fill
the vacancy. The examination com
menced today and wt'l be continued
through tomorrow. It is admitted that
then has been no gieat rush of com
petent applications for the job, nnd at
a previous examination only nnn man
showed up.
According to thus- who have eon
sidered the job, all that is required is
a perfeet. knowlege t,f entomology.
unoiiic 7.ooogy nnd veterinary sci
ence, together with n working assort
ment of French, (!erman, Irish, Hin
dustani, African. Fnglbh and Italian.
Anitnla husbandry and dairy philosophy
are some of the minor subjects included
in the examination,
Assistant Freight Agent Henshaw of
the Southern Pacific railroad, Portland,
isTn the city on business connected with
his company. He is being shown about
towu by Agent Uosciibtaim.'