' 4 " '. "" THE MEDFOIW DAILY THIBUNB, MKDPORl.), OREGON, TUESDAY. JANUARY f. 1009. j ...I ocial and Personal lA. W. Wa'kPi ln returned from h ort trip to Uau I'mneinco. ' John Bariium is bail, from Portland, -'(ore lio recall;' oi" t m-'vurnl duys. M. Samuel" of U-utrul Point was j.'iteoent Medford v.s'tor. HI Airs. A. A. Dav.i isiteJ at Hold Hay b Monday. nils lias lei t for Denver, Col. of liurty temivrauieiitn mid muliboro iuclinatious, I'.mi illnillr ti i. in u ,f, like mauuer the daugora and tempt lions which hnvt the iimn.iv iiiui.l, with u exaj-Keriited h. n ii- .,t worldly wisdom and too tteeure eoiifiduee in her own iiuwora of dinteruuieut. The itnderllue attnictiun v.l the Mi-.l-I'md ia Flurenee KolifMH in her new play, "The House nl' liuiiilum.. " As this is u "Curt show," further riiiii-iit-iit is uiuieeeturv. Hi i.COU 1 h'or a visit w!th reiuti'es. I; John butler of Gold It ill was a Med Hlord visitor Tuesday. " The now street sweeper for the oily arrived and only good weather ii imo needed to give il i tryout. i, r- .... I i A. E. Moore has bought the ilrnvin.o , pud transfer business of A. (Jlnver, wl ! has been in the business for many years. I .Mr. Stover is uudeeide l es to his future, j I Z, Cameron of Appl gate spent Mou- f:day night in Medford. lie reports :l his seetiou of the eouutiy as progws sive as usual. Fine weather has been the rule. J. A. Westerlund. piesident of the Western Oregon Orchards company, own ors of the loon acre fact Ihr ilm Au.it of Meilford. leaver; I'riilnv for t Chicago. He will retain ia about six ( weeks with his fam'l.v and household . . i ... .....I,., liiu I. .it,..-, i.i Mi-.IIWil. i Colonel J. F. Muudy is ill at l'nrt- j laud. 1 John 0. Olwell will have Tuesday evening on u short business trip lo ( Portland. J. L. Shirl of Evans Srcok was trans acting business with Medford mer ' .chants Tuesday. 8oe J. C. Brown about those great ' ' big lots, lOOxlill). Every lot a gar deu. Mr. and Mrs. ii. U Hart have return ed to thf'r I uoe n Vivka after visit . ia borne luno ia Medford. Heo J. B. Browu about Hivorside ad ilition lots. 2.V2 j Charles Loebrick of Peru, I tel., is --HStting In this city with C. 11. lluleh : lsou. '. Club ikatu Tuesdi'V. .(miliary 5. Mil sic. ' j W. J. Scott of Central Point dis trict spent Monday in Medt'ord. j , Mrs. William Jones and daughter i Grind of Table ltuek spent Monday in Modford slu intf. Arthur Jones, her I f , ib in Medford te attend school , ' staying at, the home of J. U. Marlin. Colonel H. c. Wiiihbiiru of Tubli ' Itock orchard h:is returned from Port laud, where he spent I he holidays, Mosc Uarkilllll is back from a trip ! Sun FrunciBeo. Mose was one nl' lie. 'i Market street Tun piker on New Year's day. NO HARD FEELINGS. Wat Cvn Willing to Pay Half th Repair Gill. COMI.Nf. to u Mhlilfii stii. tin- driv er of I lit iiutiiinitliltt Jumps I'llt of Ills niiH'liini uml runs Imt k to where IiU victims lh uu the unnmd But miu of tlient In nllve, mul w Is se riously hurt. I'm profoundly sorry this h;i"-:. eil." hhvs tlie iiimii from tin mHi:i )- bik', "hut It w:ik .'in licHili-nt I muI.I not uvuitl. I :ih di'fply hurry, ui'd 1 hK' ' will nil. 'v nii't.i vii I sjrit- ever ti iiiiiiii'-M lh. re mv iis a uiii "U will ii t f'-l h.irhly tou.n.1 mo." li'-t nil ri-tit, frh-iul." i In- fi;r- iir; i i ini. hut oi In-r to mi v.: i iy rl. h im. I". juhI 1 jimi I. Is only h ir. !. I.esi.le.4. 1 have hont fiirrln' :i i .i . el: n rhlout .i:!!.-y for t -tt : . Thl. M I!''1 1'r: t t! m I ' u'il v t ;ioi.i oil p. If your m;tol'loo 1 1 '. ii Til p:iy h i 1 f tin rop:ilr nil.' Qregory's Bahy Show. CoudltionH mill pnea Tiiiu-, Sun dav, January U, Kbruary I. .hnl'n. three well knnwn Medfonl huliet not to bo announce,, until i1 ay .f jminin 1'rizoB- $.r nhl aiil rt-tit f pm'tiir.-M rofundml for bent looking bnby I tc 20 iiioiitlm. 5 Kohl uml coat of pn-tuifB rofuuilod for boat looking clnhl lJ() moiitliH in yearn. All phililren in Mc.Ifonl ami .l:ukmi countv oliK'ble. ChiMreii to ho jmlyi-.l by photon inuBt be oi:hiiu't size. S cial reduction in priocn ilurini teft. I Notice to Rcdmon. All members of Vjitmk;i ij ih.-. ; viHitintf tribes, nrc riMpiesto.l to h present at the Heini-anmml insliill:iti.ni of offk'yrs of liodmeu Wi'diitHthiy iiiutf, January (J, at Kedmen Wiwinn RofreshmentH will b" srrvnl mol mnoker will follow, lmpoitniit biiino will be trausaoted. -'If NEW COMPANY TO MAKE BRICK AND CEMENT BLOCKS The Modford Onn".t Hriek A Block comjiany is beinjj ortfiiiized to tniMint':o turo all kinds of ee?ueut pro.lin ts, in oluditur itiiiu and fa tie v eemetil brirk. bloeliH mid cement elrmneys. Sjh-i attention will ho yivoti to fancy cou nt brick to take the lace of pressed brick ia stone bnitdii.L" etc. , The tirst iimtnlineiit of machinery will arm about Kebruary 1. Mr Cl'n-c.' Mi-. Wit.', iii Hi it I : : ..n '.:.: i'e i M S-Miiii I ; i i hi v -A lent , l -ti at ail" ; u.iike.l ,l; I Mi ll . ti-r- ii-: . v jfr-i"-- 1? I- p'lj III l.oi. Ie W lie i.nii;i. dra i ell Hi II . r i' of Iter III -lii.i-t, .r." s l llese !ii;!lt .; h.i.I I.i .lel'eil me I line u II. ii I irr i, i 1 1 ! ; Menu Nllllieell. I'lil Sarcastic Hubert lleoiy .-,M weight who spell! intle1 don, told oi" mi amii-dm tweell the nwilel- of :i the I'-rlll'li enpiliil lii P.eniaid S!i:iu llil.l l.eeli erltle. uml M:i I: -i ...i i llSlell of fie Inner i ;i tile tlllliel luiil il. w ( t'V I The on in r M.h i-i il Mil liry lll.-ll hull l-ee:t l-'i.l Hard, olivet ill" ill ' lie , - "UelMg e...llHir:l-Ael I yell, Mr. 1W el l.oliiii, ' nun e'.peei so line Ii ' "Oh. yes. I Mhnll"' 1 1 1 - i t Intel Max. "Indeed. I si, ill i n,re fctllHW klloW the iIi.imi.i s., lli-.---lutI.V that II Is mi i-iei- iniii'ei r--r !i m t,. ivrlle II. w le-ren I, 1. 1 - n 1 1 -: - i , - i ' 1 1 1 1 j whatever nlo-nt It. shall lia.t n .Ir--id- I ftilly har.1 work." IIarpi s We.-kiy. ' lv.l I .-111 fa ll li e la Mi lieu, e ollls t, that lee llii room. Via-. ..II lie I litl I ill 1': Very Nice 1'.. VIII i wlleli ai ri ' lil II- - 1 aa I 'Ii- 1 I .1.; AMUSEMENTS. I n, I. I "Why Olrls LeiH'i) Home" a play thai is said In ! ui'.-ii-i v '-'I.-! i tiolial, ailll Uiiieh i I ' y, ait lesMou, will he ple-.M,;. .1 at lh-- Me. I ford on Saturday, .hea :in o 1' i . -i illama of doliua.tti lit., wlai-ia a:, j pointed out the f I ... ri I ,-,n.-., , , . - of uuiust, iiiigu.".r.! -.1 iispii em .11. t Stubborn sol! Ultl--tle -alie and -a- sion uiey l.e respnn.,1!.:.. i..r '!-. , n : glllltllg "f Ihllncelil-a all, I nn, el homes. It is mi nli-nul-ing -t-nv, -n erfully and r.-ullalienih- p,o 1 1 :n -I. an. I of a wholesollie I'oacepl loll call allll'i-.l , to emphasize u tuural ef sa:i-n ,'in,e for those whose aywardio a-s ami Keif 1 will lead them to a course "f wanmii ! in ss which ends ill reijl a. la! ion. "Why tlirls Leave Home" appeals to you it portrays tiie wrein; way ot 1 exeeutni( well moan; intentions; it 1 points out the dangerous eoti.-,ei(iieni-es I Ki m.p.i il . ' - - " -' ' i V , , h K copvKicnr. at misKkik.n.y. OSCAR H4MMERSTEIN, THE "NAPOLEON OF GRAND OPERA." Mr. llnriuMi i-iriirs KiieeesH with the Maiihai fan opera House, New York, and bis new I'liihiilrlphiu Opera House sunups him us truly the "Anterhu't Naiioleoii. of (.rnml opera." Thin vear Mr. lUmo'etMe In Ims a router trulax;- of slurs itiau he has ever had before. His l'h reLTiiriled as :ui fpeilniotit. sprung Into as se.h': lure In New ik two seiiKona aK- Ho do-In uure Kuioi-aii slurs as ihe resent season pi-..:: 1. Iphi.i lioue. whh h ;t- ti'inilarity as did his vot. hit lie wiil import uwj TONIGHT At The Grand WHKSTI.lNi; ruNTKsT IIKTWKKX JACK WELCH t)K M IM ) PI mi) A.VIJ LOUIS WALTERS or (;o!, IlllJ.. A lively h.ui is assured, as i hry are both good luea, nod Mr. Welsh iiyroen mi throw Mr. W .1 II ers,i wo hills in m minutes or lor teM 1. ;ni exliihit ion. hut :i n u i li nt"sl lli;it has io'it lieln- hei'ti r eeit r'or less t ii:i ii -'O cents. Tin (.Irand price. o cents. .1. II. lialie i Medt'ord. ot' Portland is a isitur l- from an i 'ran t ill h:i let nnied vtemled ntn'ihern trip. Classified Advertisemen ts WANTED. WW IKll ' l.i.l v i,, ,,, housework hv I llie day. .Mrs. il. Wietli, general du- liv.-re, .Medfnr.l. Or. 24S j WANTl-M; -Horses t.. b.iunl "by the, m.ilitli. PleiAy ot' .ind, clouu liny, Rued ! n.-uin lisrn; tellns t'i per tnoefh. 7o j In-l-a-s la:-.en ler !ims Pain m:e iiohiIIi. W alter M.-ii-e, Phoenix. LTO) , W.WTKM- 1 deiire family wuslrii): to l -lo. I o,, tn u. li,,U3e and wash bv the ! .lav. Pri,.,. reiisntmbio; satisfaction i Kimiaateed. .Mrs. M P. Sclmeafele, M oi l. (ir. Hoi o., houte No. 1 "all FOB BALE. i'"K -i.M.I-: ! nl lilt lire. ,1,1-, , I 1 1 earn puees. I'..,- pa 1 lie Trihiin.. FTiTt KKTrfwVTTT elin'tric li;lit and Kit'.Tt. Norsh 1) si. lot nl nee. i asi. at h.-ir-.s apply M.. mi -died ro(iuis with arh. Mrs. V. V. Medford. i "ii it r r - tilinee and ho els. oraer of Hum M 1 I'ol; .SALK i;t,ud hoi' l..r . li, bait" mile south of . ity liitiit. C I,, l.inxuiller. ;K S LP ' ". nis, I,,.; 1 e.M.d-. a!;7. ;,,, -:iddh. si.tiu lutubt r. . io a p. Apply .it r.'imli hi'ose on I' street. South, --t1 I'Cli IJI'N 'V Kurnistied roe-ins fur i i 1: t iu'tl-ieiieepllii;. eonier I'lt'tll lilld II, two M.-rixs u,.rth Pre-ihyter an cliureh. JM Medford Theater SATURDAY, JAN. 9 K. ,1. CAIil'KNTKli tll'fl'lN "Why Girls Leave Home" Slriilly ii, "'ill and I'pcl' I'rtiiu st'iis;itl' i alisin. I'ri-rs L'.'if. ."i1.-, 75.-, 1.00 Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Mi VI. K A tfo...! wo,.d ii'lie ;ti:d hi-r-e ,-tl' a.'. I't.r i-pi :e at t!ii- Irmi l-oi:idrv oidro-s . . M. ,,'. awui ma part u ula r on H strrel Medt'otd ! Northbound UiiOrenon Kxpress. .. . H-Porthind Kxpreas. . i Southbound 1 ""California Kxpresa. . la bau iranoirn'o Kxp.. . 5:'J4 p. ui. , 9 111 a. m. I .110:3") a. m. 3:20 p, m. U saI K Tow -Ue u.ldltioti; M. axer. No 1. 1 iMi.mi'o i-.-rner lots i n u h.Tvjuin for ensh. S. ' St. 217 .ols itrel land in f t tf suit froin one I Matt ("uih.uui, Phee ' No. 225jKrom lirants Fasa....j 9:1.) p.m. .No. tor AitlHnnd 10: lit p. m. PACIFIC h EASTERN RAILWAY ! No. I'Ltwveii MeJfiml S:lt). m. Vo. i Leave Medfortl j 2:50 p. in. No. 'JjArriven Medfonl 10:2Sa.m. j No. 4:Arrtve MMford 5:08 p. m. i.ll to -..nt Uo .t. I ll. Hp, d re-iui.1 ''air loi: J'nK S1.K Ktr:i n Mint pine, tier wom J F. ( Nrtil.nii;i;e. StudebaKer Hp arreoini. Telephone 3tl. j ROOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY ! No. 2 Leaves Medfonl 110:45 a. m. Nil. 4. Leaves Metlfon) j 5:35 p.m. Motor;Leave Mitlford j 2:00 p.m. Motor Leaves Medford j 9:00 p.m. No. l(Lenvra Jacksonville. . . 9:00a.m. 3jLeave Jaoksooville. . . 3:30 p.m. Motor(Lea(9 Jacksonville, .j 1:30 p. m. MotorlLeavea Jaokouville. , 73tp. m. mail closes ia.m.ip.mJ ,lry rordwoM. fir Northbound I 9:191 4:S4 nk. fir and pine 1 Southbound 10:06 2:5D one lialf bleel ue lo.-ahtv; wtl hnv dtreet . 7a i ddre--n IV O 247 '1&2 Point ;2CH 2:00 I OUR 2nd ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE IM i CLEARANCE IS OUR WAY OF CLEARING DECKS FOR SPRING. ' Mmiiv stori'H. in rirnrini; ilfoks fur sprint;, grt nil' Iheir iimthlmlla nml tur pupir uml iutiixluee them to 'tln ir wint T piiHla nml :irk titi-rt-h.-i n0 at-, nmtlib ills, tar piipcr uud nil in tlio nturiToiinn until spring nml Hiiniiiii-r i i ..t mid .l.l wwitlnT p..l:i itn mine ia.t tho t lir.-.sholil. Nn mi nun in. We niinplv sliurpvii the Hue P' ncil and innrk pri.Tn way, 'way down, and announce ...ur tircnt .liiiiiiury CU-a'raiif' Sal... The crowd "nie. see and liny, and our entire stock of winter goods in im. v. d out of our tori not into our storerooms. Here are it few offering that laugh at mothliiils and tur paper. These mean action. Siiiiic $ l.(K) Comforts for $2.00 0 Spools Tin-end . .25e V2 1 -'' Silfcoline . . . .7e 1'Dc I Salts 13c liest Calico .4c Some 10c Ribbon . . .5c Some 10e (). tings . ,6c Some 5c Xotions i . .3e Some 10i- Xi tioiis . ,(5 Some 1"ie Notions ,.8 Some 20c Notions. .10? Some 2")c Notions. .15 Millinery-io:i)i at .1-2 Some $20.00 Suits at $10.00 Some ,f 40.00 Suits at $20.00 Some $n..r)0 Skirts for $1.75 Some sjOi.OO Skirts for $2.50 Some S.00 Skirts for . ?4.00 Some !fU2..")0 Skirts for $6.25 Some $2.00 Waists for $1-25 Some ijtf.OO Waists for ,..$1.75 Some .fS.OO Waists for $5.00 MEDFORD'S EXCLUSIVE LADIES' SHOP Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue, Just North of the Jackson County Bank THE ONLY ONE THE ONLY OXE. TJY tur (hv only trorrry h, totnt st'lluty for strirly car.h. That tot-mis ire are the one store that ean qttol yon bedrock priecx. Cash eitn always sell for less ami still ittike uv yttod a imtryln of profit as eruii' Kxtra choice Hawaiian Pint'ai-plrft. sold for credit :it It.'ie; now for cii;!i 2.r)C nyiimior Sidti; wold for credit at life; now, for cash qc ' Ki Hertford 's Corn Starch;" lie or two for L'."c; inw, for cash c Lt a i reiri:i" WorcliesterMhin- Sauce; U."n- fnv; for cash 3oc fi.'ie size; now, for cash 5Qc 1.0ii mizc; now, for casdi q.c Tarnation M''k; sohl for cretiit at l.V or two cans for -oc; now, for canh 10c "Credit sold dnpan Tea for tiie per pound; cash lias cut it tn, the pound 45C "Canned Corn sold for credit at toe per can; now. tor cash, per can jqc ,' licnicinber We will move to the Mission Mock about Ktdiruary 1, and in connection with the Medford . 'Meat Company, install a compute :'aniily market, to be known as the "Rex (irocerv Ci." ' P. S. Will'still Hell for ca-h. MILLER & EWBANK GREAT ANNUAL SHOE SALE VOl'R GRKATfiST OP PORTUNITY i: shows CO.MKS WITH MV ANNU AL SHOE SALE. THH SALK STARTS JANUARY' 2, 1!I0!), AND THK RKDUC F.D PRICES APPLY TO EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THIS LARGE STOCK. ALL OF THESE SHOES WERE BOUGHT CARE FULLY BY ME FOR MY REGULAR TRADE NO JOB LOTS JUST TO MAKE A SPECIAL SALE. L AM CLEARING UP MY STOCK AND CLEARING O U T BROKEN LINES WHERE TIIE SIZES ARE LIMITED. MY GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY PAIR JUST THE SAME AS IF YOU PAID FULL PRICE. THE BIGGEST BARGAIN OF THE YEAR IN" SHOES. MEN'S DRESS SHOES at prices from $1.75 to $4.40, worth $2 00 to $5.00. Cutter Looii-oi-s, $7.00 values $5.00 Cutter Lowers, $(!..")() values $5.50 HEAVY HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS e represent the largest makers in the world of this class of Footweai. Hi-inch Heavy Lace Boots. $S.50 values $7.00 lli-incli Heavy Lace Boots, $8.00 values $6.50 lli-iiich Heavy Lace Roots, $7.00 values $5.50 12-inch Heavy Lace Boots, $7.50 values $5.50 10-inch Heavy Ln.-e Boots, $1.50 values $3.50 12-inch Walkover Boots, $5.00 values . .$4.25 Heavy Work Shoes 50e to $1.50 less than reg ular prices. Boys' Dress and Work Shoes at cost prices and less. Boys' Heavy High-top Tan Shoes, $:1.50 values .' $2.50 Boys' Heavy Carome. Shoes, $:?.()) vals. $2.00 Misses' and Children's Shoes at from 20 per cent to :'0 per cent less than regulnrprices. Ladies' Dress and Street Shoes, including such makes as Domhey & Son. London; ('. P. Ford it Co... at the following prices: $5.00 values. . .$3.75 $.1.50 values $3.10 $4.00 values. . .$3.50 $2.50 values. . .$2.00 $2.00 values $1.50 C. M. Kidd Medferd The Foot Fitter Oregon J.oki.nnll, 10:20 5:20' TIIE MEDFORJJ DAILY XRLBUNJS. MEDFORD 2 MEDFORD DAILY TRIBCXlfolEDJFORD,