MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1909. SOW (MR NOT WISE TO SWF GATHER Citv Business Directory ALTER CHARTER Will Probably Enact. Di rect Primary Law-Japanese Question Up SACRAMENTO, (ai., .Ian. , The Thirty-eighth California legisluturo mot hero yesteidey with tho prospect of sen sntionnl contest over the anti-ruce gam blinghill and tho direct primury mea sure, as the result of the reform em inent to end thr (lon.inatiuii of state polities by the Southern Pacific rail . road machine' Numerous othor mutters f vital interest make the session one i f the niiiHt important in many yenrs. Among the other prominent mutton to be taken up are the consideration of of measures curtailing the privilege iiownceorded Japanese, the passage of nets almost complexly revising the criminal laws of (Ylitnrnia, mid the election of a Tutted States Senator. A vigorous fight is to he made against Senator George C. Perkins, hut it b generally believed that the organiza tion has desid.d to stn.l him back to congress and that when it comes to the -final vote the Republicans in the. upju r house will stand almost unanimously for him. Lincon Roosevelt League adherent desire the direct primary act drawn by the executive commits ? of the reform party adopted in its present form, practatly every attorn-y sitting in the assembly and the senule will have some amendment to the criminal laws of Cal it'ornia to present. That the law in question are in need i f general revis ion is the consensus of opinion among legislators ami there will be amend ments innumerable, meny of them of minor importance; some revolutionary ; in character. It is proposed to pefmit eight men on the jury in a' criminal ease to bring in a verdict. Another job laid out for the legislu tu re this year is tli" passage of a new set of Inws governing banking in this state. At thespeeial t-F&inn of the leg islutnre held during the financial de press ion in 11)07, n joint committee from both houses was appointed to investi gate with a view to ascertaining what revision of the California banking laws Was needed. Dirrect Primary Law The h-gishit ure w;ll enact a direct primary law. but the anti-organization members of the senate and assembly are somewhat dubious as to the charac ter of (he measure fh; t will be passed. The invest igators recommend thai the present Siate Hanging commission be replaced by a Hanking Commissioner who shall have und'r him such assist lints as he may need. In order to comply with the Dick Act, enacted by congress, which places the organized militia of the different states second in rank to thr fegular army, the military ; w s of ( -t I; torn in must be thouroughly revised to conform with those governing the iegular army. Few Officers Seekers A feature of the opining day of the legishit ure was t he noticeable ab ut nee of the army of job seekers and would be attaches hilt heretofore nl ways has invaded the capital city when a legislature convened. The adoption of the const it ut ional amendment limiting the ex pen sen of each house to $-100 per day has had the eff-er of discouraging many of thus who have been in t In habit of flocking here every two years for their share of legislative patronage. Teh legislature went into session in the capitol recent ly i mod led. Leg islature of l!Hi7 convent d at Redman's nlill. There is genuine relief among the old time members over the prospective enjtytnent ofconvcienet s in the Cap itol. PRESIDENT'S INVITATION TO CANADA AND MEXICO WASHINGTON, .Ian., 5. Announce ment was made nt the white house to day of a proposed plan 'or a conference at the white house on Feb., IS looking toward t lie conservation of natural recources of North America. Letters suggesting Hie plans have 1 i addres-.-d by t It.- Piesident to the .(iovernor (ieiieral ami t lie Tremire of Canada and to Presidei t Pin, of Mex ico. They will be b livcred in pet.-n:: by (J if ford Pinclmt. chairman of the N:i t ional Conservative om mission and chief forester. lie will go to Canada first starting tomorrow, and then go to Mexico. In his I'-tter to the (Invermir General of Canada the Presid'ii says: "It is evident that the natural re cources are not limited by the boundary lines which separet" nations, and that the need for conservi-v '.hein upon this continent is as wide as the area npn which they oht. In iew, then-fore, of these cons idem 1 1 ps and of the dose bonds of frieadi-Hp and mutual aims which exist between Canada and the United States. I take especial pleasure jn inviting y(m to d'-sliiatc repr seat a i n s "f the government of Canada to meet and Consult with rep resent at ivo of the s.ate ami other de partments of the government, and the national conservation commission in the city of Washington on Feb. 1!". The purpose of t!ie conference I have the honor To pr..i.o- to consider mutual interest involved in the con .rvation of the ,;.ituil n-curce and in this great field to oalih.-rnte- up-n i, nrn-iicjibilitv "C it.-i -a i r' r g a gem ral pi adapte.l to promoi- mo- fare of the nation eovperm V. C Talhv of Kngeni i hiking over the Rogue Itiv-r valley with a view of locating. New Building. Awaits. Re sult of Election If Drys Win Halt Will be Galled To the Editor: Why .should tho pres ent charter of the city of Medford be amended or changed in any wayf That will bo the principal question to bo decided at tho election to lu held next Tuesday, and to a large extent the prosperity ef the city de pends on the action taken by citizens at that time and to result of their de cision. That being the case, it is certainly the duty of every voter to consider the mutter carefully during t he week in tervening ami then cast a vote, not for mere sentiment, but for common ieii,e for business reasons ami for the center of the three bukn of the chain, the continuation of the present pros perity and the remarkable pi ogress now being made by the city of Midford a record equaled by f-w, if any, towns in i he United States. To begin with, who ere the leaders of this so-called moral movement? Are they, as i rule, the im. who represent tin financial or the business interests of 'ho community, or do they belong to th.i class who have lilt! or nothing to lot:ef Tho latter is certainly the case, with .the pomble exception ef n few whose .(V.l i:i which they honestly be lieve to be a good cans. has made them forget the fact thet discretion is ihe for part of vain, and, like Don (Quixote, willy fi.rth, clad in armor and lmet and armed with a spear, to fight ail !i windmilm. What has been found so far to be :iny drawback to the present charter of he city of Medfordf Simply that it iillows the saloons ta exist if the ma jority of the voters of the city decide! that wav. Vh saloons were here before my of Ihe men came who are seeking by fair means and foul, by mise.lnto- nMMits ami misrepresentation to change! the present order of things to suit their selfish purpose ami peisonal end. What could be fairer than to leave this matter as it is at the present time, wholly in the hands of the people liv- . ing in the city to decide for themselves s to what they want? If the policy of Ihe citv of Medford is to be decided bv ! the votes of people living many miles' outside, people who Hi" not called upon j to pay any share or patt of the interest . on the water bonds, lo contribute to . I he sewer fund or help pay for t he paving, in fact peopb without any in- i (erest whatever in the city or iln af-j lairs, Why allow the people living out-1 side to say how the civic affairs shall, be conducted j As a matter of f.iel , there is one business firm which now waiting on1 the decision to be rendered next Tiles- ! day, the promotion of two business blocks, the erection of which depends,1 they suv positively, on the vote at this election. The form r firm says: "If we want to locate in .1 dry town we enn go to Ashland, to Grant Pass or to sev eral other places we could name. The fact, is. we looked tho:.e places over and could not see that tle'v eon hi compare! with Medford, However, we would not think of invest ing our money if the city decides to make th. change.' j Then the men who iiropose erecting , new business blocks naturally hesitate to invest their money where there is j likely to be ten vacua business build- ings in addition to i higher tax rate! and a falling off in the business. Ask j any business man in the city and he will tell you that n amount of the business done here is with people from .Vhlnnd, Grants Pas and other places. Visit the depot and ate the targe iinm- j her of people getting off ami on the trains. Why is this not so nt the two places mentioned f Ashland clninis a larger population than Medford. Their people claim they have a better city than this in many way -. Then why the difference? Well, if a change is made here, Medford, just rs sure as the sun riiten and sets, will soon be classed in f the same rank as th- places named. TAXPAYER. ' THE SERPENT IN VIRGINIA. A pestiferous newspaper down iu Vir- i ginin hits collected some interesting sta liHiies Inuring upon the prohibition ipiest ion. says the New York Sun. i There is a probability that the good people who have the matter in charge in that vtat will not long be contented with the arrangement un der which counties, c mniuniti.n, etc.. may now exercise their own judgment in the mutter of lifpior, a'id will move to obtain the enactment of a law pro hibiting whisky throughout the length and breadth of t he common wen It li, whether the people in given localities wi-di it so or not. Actual results do nt justify the ec static but somewhat vague and irre sponsible pronum-iame'ilos of the evan gelist". It t;ikes. for t xample, I't wet counties and iM dry counties, gives their n-ipertive populations end the amounts in every case expended f-r criminal proceedings, and fmd i that by this siandiiid the morals the dry conn ties are V:ter th:-n tie- morals of the wet counties. It dis.loses no dif ference between the two in the matter of public order and, pi e uiiuably. decent i,.ii:ivior Moth the wets and the drys ' have improved during l1"' I"" " " years j but the drys have io.t improved any morn than the wets. Thirteen f the ' dry counties sent 3 convicts to the pen 1 iTeaiarv la-t y-r. A 'similar number of wet counties sept 4JS. After ten i years of the peace that prohibition is i used to bring and ten years of the degradation attiibnt'sl to licpior we find the balame of demen-trateil virtue practically equal, though leaning slight- SEWING STARS THE STARS ON The ph uire shows the interior of the eottage once omijdetf by Uelay Kim, tho pat riot e Philadelphia woman who Is reputed to have iiuule the first At nor lean rt-; Ih-uiIuk tin Mtars and Htrlpes, The lumso Is now the properly of a pati.'.lk1 asso'lailuii and lias become one of the bhow plai-eH of the Quaker City. ly to the wetB. As regards the economic aspect of the case we kjiow of i.o truer measure of local prosperity than the amonniw paitl into the state treasury through the tionists in combination with the anti medium of assessment and taxation. Lo Saloon league tuny concoct some over- calities contribute to the common rev enue according to their condition and ability. If they are opulent they pav much. If they are pinched or behind- 1 hand they pay little accordingly. There are 100 counties in irginia. Thirty five of them do not meet expenses that is to say, they receive from tin general treasury nuir1 than they pav i Twenty-eight of these counties are dry and one of tlx Scott. obtains fi-i.iii loi n I ii (ioon i year. 1 c t , ,i , II i i tun tin- mil in unit u.i i iii' uiy conn- ties pift together pay into tho state's, strong box $i4,!0!), whereas the wet I entities altogether pay tour times that sum f.t!)ri,i!M. In other words, the dry counties do not show any superiority as regards Compare the Allen & Reagan Groceries, . Chinaware, Fruit and Feed SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular, beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Mdford Ice & Storage Co. H You Owned i the Earth producing capacity men a d, r.ueh us some we J..i ve ting his purchase price b agement. Ib-w ran v.:al lie the good yi.ung oreh ' Alwavs a; "iir er if' ards we for the ROGUE RIVER KMIIIIIT Ill lI.liINi: THE AMERICAN FLAG. morals, public order and reputable eon- duct, while the wet ci unties furnish fonr fifths ot the state's total revenue. It is unite conceivable that the proluhi- whelming answer to these loathsome statistics. We hope so, if only for the gayety of nations. LONDON, Jan. fl. At a meeting to day of the women t"nnis players of England an invitation will be extended to Miss May Sutton to bring u team of women lawn tennis players to Eng land next year to play in international muicaes tin ine lines of the Davis ten- mM VUV ,,r-- If she accepts this offer to come to England, a team of English women, or whom .Mrs. u. v. Miiiv.uu win no cup- tain, will go to America to return the visit. Quality li. is, and always has been our nun ta supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end we nre always adding quality to our line. The addition of "preferred stock " makes our lino of h.j.h grade Canned Goods moBt complete. ' Our aervice always the b at nnd every accotn givoii our customers. Vnii eoiihln't find u better place to live t ban in thin glorious R'igue Ifiver valley, with its in coinpa ruble win, it nnd mi miner climate, .lust now we have some particularly g.d developed or chard proposit ions to submit to thr- homesooker. which are sure wianeis. test- give t!iis matter immediate att'nlion. It tfoes not take a very wise man to foresee that the advance in values which we have been p" dieting in in coming producing fruit lands is about to materialize. A g 1 young orchard wili not only in 'crease hi vnlu nt. its ineome--es, but witli'the r;glit kind of ail orchar to show, the purch.'i'er has a cli;nci of g t ick out nf a'ningl.- crop, with proper man h be acciimn lated faster than by buying n have for sal-f best buys in this valley. LAND COMPANY MKDKoltl), KHKdoN Let tBe MISSION FURNITURE WORKS ntukQ tbut pice '4 iroiture. Any deaign, aujr oolor, an iaisb dll, waied Jr poluhed. Shop an cor. of 8th tad H itreoti. W. M. Colvlg. 0. L. Beanies. OOLVIO k BBAMEB Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Oround floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 91 MOBOOBFF t WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Eads' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES BOOMDTO HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished AU modern conveniences. D. O. Karnes, Prop. 20 8. G St., Medford, Or. FISH MARKET Fresh fish received daily. Oys ters in season. Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Medford MEDFORB TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists iu Toas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of -dinner wars, and fancy dishes. ., 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portlaud and Sacramento Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eya Specialist v Office -in. Rngle Pharmirr Mniu 233. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMEBIOK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 pe' day. All modern conrenieuces. We solicit your patronage. ,VALLEY AUTO CO. have ensued Iheir new garage and ropair shop hack of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken caro of. All work giKimnteed. Pheue No. 310:1 RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION This most beautiful addition to Medford is to be put first, sale will occur FRIDAY, JANUARY M, 190!). LARGE SIZED flood garden soil, natural uk trees, wide streets, four blocks to Nurlli school, ncivrrai0 ulretidi hi. LOW PRICKS AND KM KOXAHLE TERMS. J. C. BROWN Exclusive Agent Palm Block RUHBIANS CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS TOMORROW ' WASIIINOTON', Jan. 5. There are I two t 'hrist mases ut the Itussiau em bassy, presided over by llnnm de Ito 1 sen, but the real ecleiirn t ion conies to morrow. The fact that the joyous festi val is, by reason of th. use of the ltus pinn calendar, soinewhiit debited, does not, however, affect the enthusiasm wit li which the celebration is carried out. The l'ussian ambassador has made tdu borate prepn rat ions to celebrate hrist mas day, and 1'oiintess Kli.abcth de Honen, the rharmiu daughter of the Hupsinn repn-seiitative. is expected to, iitertain her young fneiidi, j THE E. E. V, LUNCH BOOM Fiueit cup of coffed on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Boventh St., M-odford, Or. ANLO PENWELL " The Plumber. I solicit a share of your buainoss, pledging satisfaction. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane ft Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to thoir patrons that they aro located in their new quarters in tho Young & Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. BR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Soventh Hlrect, Modford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. 0 St. Lambert & Brown For good bargains In Watches and Jewolry, PiBtols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE 0 Street. MEDFOBD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phono 353 Night Phones 0. W. Conklln 30 J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. 7. CONROY SueeeKHor to l)r. Jones. Office in th Stewart Building. NOTICE The Hotel i'oi'inerlv known as the Taylor House in .lacksomillc. Or., has will licin'clortli be known as the ABBOTT HOUSB under the management of V. D. & M. K. ABHOT'J'. 'l'Jic liin-(( Ii.ts been remodeled and made modern a;: 1 up-to-date in every respect and rates are is reasonable as eonsistnt with first-class service. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latt-at motion pictures and illus trated Bongs. Entire change of prograrn Monday, Wednesday and Fridny. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Continuous performnnce eyory evening of inoMon pictures and il lustrated balluds. Kntiro cbango of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. II. AITKEN Plumbing, St on m and Hot Water Heating. Phone 23. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. H. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees Unit sell, sell trees tlmt grow nnud fruit true to labol VERNE T. CANON BillpoHter nnd distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. It. V. Depot. P. 0. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence East Modford. Phone 225 S. B. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modorn equipped opernting rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 1012, 2-4 p. m. Offico in Jnckson Co. Bk. bldg on the market and the LOTS changed management and JACK FKEDENBURG I Scavenger. V Harlmgo hauled. Medford. A J. M. KEENS, D. D. S. I Dentist H Specialist in operative dentistry E Painless xlrnction of teeth. I