MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1009. 2 Bedford Daily Tribune ' A Live Papbb in a Livb Town. Published every evening except Sunday. IMBDFOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at Medford, Oregon. TT'ncinTiTnrnTAvT 1 1 , mriici i bit moats, fcy mail r oarrtsr. .. .0 .60 Oas year, by mail tS.OO A THOUSAND-DOLLAR LICENSE. Experience has shown tint the best way to satisfactorily handle the liquor problem is by high license and strict regulation. It is the sensible method, and has stood the test !of trial. , The. license in Medford should be placed at $1000 a ;year, the number restricted, and strict regulations pro; year, the number of saloons restricted, and strict regula , tions provided. ' High license might decrease the number of saloons, but if would raise the standard of the business and increase the eitv's revenue. WHO "BRUNG" HIM OUTt When The Tribune stated that the Mail had "brought ( out" Mr. Perry as its candidate for mayor, it lid so under the impression that its authority, the Mail, was telling the truth. If the Mail uttered a falsehood in its bonibastir .announcement, then it should apologize to its readers. It's a fcad yay to begin the NVw Year. On January 2, the Mail published the following:, "The Morning Mail has had to do wi'h ulnnng in nom i nation for mayor Mr. .1. A. Perry, avil for couiicilvtt ,i Messrs. C H. Corey, W. N. Campbell and F. II'. Ilollis." Further, the publisher of the Mail was the first to cir-c-'ilate the Perry petition. The Mail makes another misstatement when it states that the editor of The Tribune "brought out" Judge Canon, who was placed in nomination against his will by a number of business men and taxpayers, and the petition .on file in the city recorder's office, published elsewhere, with 200 signatures, shows who they were. lie was not brought out by the editor of The Tribune. At the meet ing of business men, when; Mr. Canon was first named, the editor went on record as favoring Judge W. M. Colvig for mayor. He signed Mr. Canon's petition, knowing h excellent qualifications for the position. THE EXAMPLE OF EUGENE. wa given to the commission io the presence of the legislative committee of the American Bankers ' association und other prominent DJtiooal bankers. It is not iu tended that it shall embrace any proposed changes of the law like ly to engender controversy, but that the amendments shall be cuufined to acknowledged defects.' NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In the district court of the United Stutes for the District cf Oregon. In the matter of J. A. Stovoim, A. A. Slovens und I). A. linnur, as the Jack Hon County Lumber Company, bankrupt. In bankruptcy: J. A. Stevens, A. A. Stevens and Ii. A. lionar, as the Jfu-ksn County Lum ber Company, of Orcgm, in the couuty of Jackson, and district aft-tv said, a bunkrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the Kth day of December, A. D. 100H, the Hhid J. A. Stevens, A A. Stevens und 1. A. Bnniir, as the Jackson County Lumber Company, was duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meet ing of Its creditors will be held at Med ford, in Jackson county, Oregon, on the Ifith day ut January, A. I). 1909, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exit mi no the bankrupt, and transact such other business us may properly come before said meeting. JOHN 8. ORTJJ, . 257 Beferee in Bankruptcy. B. W. iiiggius of the Applegato came in Monday on n business trip' to Med ford. Ho will return home as soon as there is a break in toe weather. HEARING IN HABEIMAN SUIT RESUMED TODAY NEW VORK, Jan. o. The taking of testimony in the suit instituted by the government to compel the.. Union Pa cific to give up the interest which it hus in the Southern Fueific, the Atchi son, Topeka A Hauti Fe, and other roads constituting the lUrriraan sys tem, will be resumed today. The defendants include the Union Pacific, the Southern Pacific, the Ore gon Short Line, the Oregon Hail road & Navigation company, the 'Atchison, Topeka & Suntu F?, the Sana Pedro lin; and a number of Individuals, .in cluding E. II. Harrimn'i, Jacob II. SjrbiiF Otto H. Kahji, II. Hi Rogers, Ifenry C. Friek, Senator W. A. Clark and James Btillman. MAY USB WATER TO CHRISTEN TUB DELAWARE WASHINGTON, Jen. 5. If the plans of the Woman's Christian Tem perance union of Delaware are success ful, the giant 20,000 Un battleship pel aware, which will be launched at New port News a month frjs) today, will be christened with water... The battleship Kentucky, the only vessel of her class ever christened with water, was hit by hundreds of bottles of whisky, which were broken against her hull hyb Kentuckians when she was sent down the ways. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 5. In anticipation of a bumper crop and fl renewed era of prosperity, nearly 500 (Minnesota implement dealers assembled in convention here today to make plans for handling an unprecedented business in the implement lino. Eugene is hold up as Urn shining example of tho effects of prohibition. T?ut the records of each io-m of court show a large number of arrests for liquor selling. TI.e circuit court, expenses have been doubled. Hut taxation is low. .. That is true; but what is the amount of taxable property in Eugene? That determines the tax levy. Eu gene is the county scat of one of the largest counties in the state. It has surrounding it 300,000 acre of farming land, and more standing timber than any county in the United States, and the largest lumber b Mincss outside of any county in the state except Multnomah. Its growth is due to its natural resources, its lauds and timber, and the fact that it is the seat of tho state university . Did pro hibition produce any of these resources? Eugene has had prohibition for some years, but the multitude of arrests and indictments shows that the "blind pig" still flourishes, and there are in the city today a doz en or more of places where liquor is sold illicitly. The number of internal revenue licenses lias inei eased. The only effect of prohibition in that city has been to drive the business into the hands of the keepers of the "blind pig" and the vendor of "ginger ale." The same is true of (S rants Pass, Klamath Falls and Roseburg. At Corvallis, that we have heard much of, it is brought up in the boats plying on the river, where they are fastened to a hook and line cast from the shore. Local option does not prohibit in Kugene or in any county. It simply votes the business out of the licensed saloonkeeper into the hands of the illicit vendor; out of one town into another; out of one county into another, It makes business for the express company and the man who is willing to follow crime for the profit there is in it. That prohibition does not stop the liquor traffic can be found in the court records of those counties that have! voted prohibition. In Lane, Linn, Douglas, Klamath and , Josephine counties, each term of court shows by its multi tude of indictments for illegal liquor selling that it con tinues. The evnenses of the count v are increased bv the numerous criminal trials. .Juries are held for weeks.! Crowds of witnesses are brought before the irind jury and j the circuit court. Cheap detectives are imported, who use any means to cause arrests, and it is seldom that a con viction is obtained, in spite of overwhelming evidence. MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES Sonic new ideas in Shoes to stand hard knocks shoes with solid tongue, Boles and uppers counters tlhit never break down. Tan and Blacks at $3, 3.50, $4 and $5 HIGH-TOPS AT $8.00 PER PAIR BOYS' HEAVY WORK SHOES A SPECIALTY Some good things right now in dress ... goods for spring. Have your spring suit made early. .in the season. See The Window Display VAN DYKE'S yRvs. 3rene Kfamp ton Isaacs "Instructor of "Piano. Tlt 3Rtl)o& Sluow 1 ultn, Mailt Orn Strut OMNIBUS BILL COMES UP IN SENATE TOMORROW WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Tomorrow the flonate will tnko up tho no mUnl t omnibus claims bill a biff men Mire, whoso pannage will brwg pay inul cash , to ft larpf number of pernonn who have . claims Agnit tho government ami have , born waiting, more or leu patiently, for thir monoy. i The legislative, executive, ami judi cial appropriation bill, which carries the money for most of the salaries In the various government departments, K.J. Skewli E. Hilainger A. C. K und all L. D. H.rr. Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS s& Owners, Sub Dividers and Devolopers Rogue River Valley Or-, chard Lauds. Choice fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tiaetu, for sale. We pliiut and care for ore html and guarantee property to be as irpresenied. Experience Not Xecessary for . those who purchase through us. They secure the advise and services of n consulting horticulturist, an expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several vents has excoled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Itogue River valley, record crops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon week. Sn fur there has been no construe live hgitdittion attempted. The sen ate has been waiting upon the house, and iti doing this hs mndo it apparent that it is not the intention of the lead ers to do much more that, pass the usual appropriation bills at this last session of tho Sixtieth congress. A bill will be itit roduccd in both houses of congress this week to cor rect the defects in the laws governing the administrative features of banking. It was drawn by Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of the currency. It will ' follow the Hues of his testimony which ' J. E. KNYABT. President. J. A. PKRRY, Vice President. JOHN 8. ORTH, CuUsr. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Htsbler. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD. OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A QeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your.Patronage. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY. NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific; Northwest. N1 m the combine. Competes .with ; all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TliO WBRIDG E, Proprietor. . FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All. kinds of Entires, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, I.V.'er.s. and Machinery. Agents in S'Tthum Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. . jjfc MTIDrOBD. OEEOOK M ,', AT THE SERVICE OF DEFOBTITOBS AND CLIENTS BUU Depositary. , CAPITAL AND 8DBPLU8 Tho Jackson Count Bank places atJ f tbe Dervico f its depositors and clients the beat facilities in banking. The of fiocs ore pleased to render counsel and! advice on financial matters. Accounts, subje-t to check, aer in vittd. Safe deposit boxes to rent, H per year and np, W. I. VAWTER, President O. B. LINDLEY, Cashier COPYRIGHT. VF JiV GOOD NEWS it will be fur the man who ia looking for un urtiotic tailor when some man wo in dressed in exquisite style tells bint tlutt he hat his doting made ut KKKl'ZKR & CO. '8. We can make you a suit of clothing or an overcoat that will givo you the dlnttngue air sought by t he mttu of tho wmld who knows good thing when lie bm it. J .A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MBDFOBD, OB. 'J.- 19 'l'llliM liiil teoovttjoJHT. IF YOU HAVE SET YOUB HEABT "ii haviiiK ii hiinilaotiic ilinmnml, ruby nr other rinj;, or n pair of bruci-lcts or n brooch for ailuming your beauty and Making yimiwlf attractive at micial I'linctinna, or when you want lo look as charniini; an nature will permit when I'liibelliHlicil by the b-n art of the jew eler, conic in mid see the beautiful stock of fine jewelry at MARTIN J. REBDY Jewelry and Watches MEDFOED SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Berel Plate, oarrled in stock cheap Office Fixture and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, laeludfng Turned Work and Fancy (hills. F 8TREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND H EVENTH STREETS. More light for less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uaes- 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo lirs. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power TungstMl , Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilowatt Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposito the Big Electric Sign. Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles 20c Quart - 35c c.w. Mcdonald Successor to Smltb & Mny MERCHANTS LUNCH .STARTING DKCEMBKB 28, W. WILL, I'UT '.N MERCHANTS' I.U.N'i li FROM 11:30 A. UNTIL 2 P. M. PRICE 360 THE LOUVRE NEVER LOOK BACK Ask your dfaler for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana Cljai. HABT OIQAK CO., Distributor, k-ortland. Or. It doesn 't pay. Keep your eyes fixed ou our exooptional offerings. Fine tai loring can only be secured from the hands of high-class tailors. Our expe rience and methods ure certainly worth investigation. We employ the best workmen and our clohtes are without doubt the most carefully selected in the city. EIFERT The City Tailor THESPPRD DAILT TRIBUNE HAS THE BE S3 NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON Spend Your Holiday Vacation at Paso Robles If complete rent nt.,1 mnat ni,-r..... conditions imaginable for nature cure arc unat you need spend your holidays Ol PaSCO liol.I.H C'nUt.,m.n A "... two and even a few days will accomplish ,u o nay 01 matured energy than a much longer oeriod nn,l mn sive treatment elsewhere, because good old Mother Nature is nurse and physician. Paso Robles is takino i, .... ...i- fame for womlerfull cures that Carls bad and Baden do in Europe TKs hotel is a marvel of comfort and lux ury. and the lmth hnn.a hunt . ,i.d j city free to all, is said to bo one of tho best in the world. Il is a stubborn ailment and a hopelces condition of physical breakdown that the mineral water and hot mud baths of Paso Robles will not heal in a short time Call on A. S. Rosenbaum, local S. P. agent for descriptive booklets of Paso Robles, aud ho will alco tell you all about ratas 00