THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 4. 1900. Social and Personal P. A, Wutruus aai wife of Forest 3rtvu are Medford visitors. tr. I,, M. Julien of Yreka, Cal.f 8J.-W t Siimluy in Medfortl. J O. Smith of Gniiitft Vim spent BnH in Medforrt. T- K. Furry of Roxy wiih h Mtfdfurd villt-;r recently. fld'as Bosbil Bell of ftrowiiHboro left recently for Klamutli Fulls to tench in ftbo mblie schools. ISUa Elizabeth Richardson of Mel foro was visiting with her nister, Ma U. A: Uardner, last Sunday. Tni (JaUigcr of the Del Rio ranch Hpffi.t tho holidays ot Medfurd. He retlJi'ned to th crunch Monday ninrn lng. flurry MeHH.ur whh In Mod ford the fore part of thin weelt. He i now locat ed lit Merlin, JoBejdiin.) county. Ara. 7,un rirynnt of Grants T'asd, a foiror resident of this city, spent tlie boHlnys with Mr. and Mrs. Horace I). Jonen nt the Gulden liable mine, near GoH Tlill. They vinited Mod ford on Satirday. . W. Kearn and il. II. Grii.n1l of Grants I'nsa wero recent Medford vis itOJ 4. J. P. Harvey, the fiuliee placer min er, t'.pont Sunday in Medford. Ho states ths'; he is working two giants and will SOO be working tlire. nt his mine. liarold Watson, Clyde Shaw and Ray Pol tor came in from the lilne lied go and spent New Year's in the valley. Jlody Kdgingtoa of Jacksonville went up to Ashland Saturday evening to attend tho dinner party given in horor of Shnrron Staph1 at the Hotel Oregon. Mrs. Wm. M. Coh'ig spent New Yer.r's visiting friends in Jacksonville. Itiehnrd flaskin left for Sisson one (lay last week, where he will remain. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Shaw of Jack SOlivillo spent New Year's day with frionds living in Medford, 3''laming Tokay grape vines for sale I any quantity. L. E. Hoover. Heo J. B. Brown about Riverside ad dition lots. 252 7rfra. A. K. Reauies r, spending the holidays with her mother at. Hillsbnrn. IZni Wall eame la from Ike Blue iiftdgo lo spend New Yrar's at his home ! 1n Jacksonville. j Mrs. (, T. Hutchison and Miss Fein will leave soon for Port land, where Miss Fern will resume her studies, , Pursell of Hnncum was recent ly in Medford on business. Miss A. Murphy has returned to The Dhlk'S to reenter schoid at that place. SI e spent the holidays here wit h her parents. J. A. Fritz of Oakland, 'al., a brother of Mrs. H. (i. Shearer of this city, passed away on January 1. Five dollars rowa'd Information whereabouts of W. M. Mitchell; wife Oft mod Fanny. Box UK. Medford, Hl.r Beo J. (J. Brown about 1 hose great. bg lots, lOOxliK). Kvery lot a. gar den. 'Jfil! All parties having accounts against H II. Bronson for material for school 'tinkling, school district No. 01, please Ind slutoment to R, IT. WhIsoii, clerk, Hhin ton days of dnto of this notice. K. H. WATSON, U f Butte Falls, Or. ilon, II. F. Mulkey and daughter Vic V via were visiting in Medford Sal ur rli.. tru Tungate left Friday f-r Seat lie, Wash., where h.- will lake a course in f.-.restry at the state university of V uahington. Ho will b' accompanied by 0i veral other rangers from Grants Fass B'ld Ronebtirg. C, A. Norton sold to J. Nana it his Hood business in Jacluioaville and Mr. Jv or to n and family inlvtid to visit his; d tttghter, Mrs. Bertha Dilliho, of Red; f luff, fill. Mr. Norton may locarfe here Iji tho spring on a fruit farm, but be I re he locates he will make a t rip t' trough Washington. Oliver F. Smith, whi has been visit jug friends and reb.t ives in V ottagi I rove, returned horn" Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. U M.immerslev of Cold Hill were recent Medford visitors. E. W. Carder lias left for u visit in J 08 Gates, fill., with his father, lie ) Inns also to visit V.. Faso, Tex., be 1 -ire returneing. Mrs. G. 1. Davis of Portland, who i as been visiting in Jacksonville, has returned to Portland. F. S. Stoker of Uuv.A Forks, N. I).. v.ho hns been visiting ir Medford, has l M tinted home. O. Dnskin of Lebanon, Or., in a re mt Medford arrival. He was accom rauied by his daughter, M iss f . J V vino. 1 C. J. McLaughlin if Applegate was r. recent Medford visitor. His dnugh , ter, Mrs. .r. K. O'Brien, is still ill in, lJnn Francisco. I v. B. and li. M. i'.wing of Feorm. '11., friends of Hon. ire Palmer, are vis ting the valley with Ike idea of locat .-ng If pleased with conditions. Aeeoin miiied bv Dr. f. R. Ray, J. 1 RedJy j nd J. R. Harvev, ihov visited folmiel lay at Gold Ray Suiulay. A piece of litiga(iru that bills fair to nnsunie considerable it' not formidable nropnrtions before i i- through with Tas begun at the Jacks. n county term if court last week to tett the right of nydranlu' mini tig companies to dump 'heir tailings into A pplegate river. Phis right has not ofte,i ticeti sericuth lisptitetl before, but tie ciicroaehnuiit f the stream, owing to the f ill u p upen valunble land, haw aroused the farmers to an effort at self pn e.-tion, H. V. Meade returiod from Kennett. Cab, to spend a few d-tvy with his wife nid family in Grants Pnss. He inform Od the Pacific Outlook that soon at'lei the first of the year he intends to open n job printing office in Medford. Bart Signorotti, one of t he piomvi mining men of Gold Hill, died on Toes day at Auburn, Cab. after a liort ill doss. Mr. Signoretti r.ime to (lohl Hdl with Joe fox, mid fcr n number of years they worked in O.e Snrdine rnvk district, being the discoverers of tin Buckskin mine ami "f the Hart croup. He was a nimber of the Gold Hill lodge of Odd Fellows. Lehmeister, the ail-around photug . apher. specialist on ehihlren, gimrun es salisfoctitin on all work. Corner . f Seventh nnd f streets, over Allen k jieaan a. 1 Si I HfffiMBSE Our Greatest Price-Reducing Event Best Economizing Time our Sale Began Today January 4 .-ay.? i5 1 Our January Clcai-auci' Sale is an event of vital, dynamic, money-saving opportunities. It? scope is boundless. Nearly everything in the store is sacrificed to force a decisive clearance. Profits are iinthought of unexpected. Cost prices prevail, hot even cost prices are relentlessly undersold where stocks are especially heavy. Clearance simply means that everything has got to go that decks must he cleared for our spring campaign. Clearance is opportunity and opportunity is knocking at your door and tremen dous savings await your welcome. We never carry goods over a season, it's store policy tine of the unbreakable rules of our business. We dispose of our goods whi le they are new and seasonable. We stop at no sacrifice to effect absolute clearance of one season's goods before embarking on a new season's campaign. No eight months of rest in mothballs for on r merchandise. This year we meet the "clearance" period with immense stocks of winter goods. This stock must be moved cleared out sold coiupl etely and uickly. Deca use stocks are especiallv big, prices have been made remarkably small, lint this fact will evince itself when you come. The January Clearance Sale Begins Today, January 4 Let You First Visit be an Early one Let your Later Visits be Frequent Every. Aticln Reduced ' - V I r.C-VSJL CLKAItANCE SALES ON ALL LTNKS. You save from ") to 50 per cent on every article mention ed below. Cleaiiuico of LACE 0U11TAINS Cloaranco of COUCH COVERS Clonrnnco of TABLE COVERS Clenrnnco of SUITCASES Cioarnnco of BAGS ClonllllK J a f'OFA PILLOWS Cloarnncij .if ULANKETS Clonrnnci- cl COMFORTABLES Clonranco (' MEN'S HANDK'O'HFS Clearnnca of UNDERMU8LINS Cliunmco of INFANTS' WEAR CkMauco of CORSETS (.'loaiiuico of APRONS t luai-uico of FLANNEL GOWNS Cloaranco of KNIT GOODS Cloaranco of FURS Cloaranco of COSTUMES Cloaranco of OPERA COATS Cloaranco of KIMONOS Cloaranco of SWEATERS iM EN 'S 1 1 AN DKL0JJCH1E ES SOMROFTIIE MARVEL OUS MAlv'OAlXS: All Calico if Some 10c. Jx'ibhotM ...... .5- Some 10c Out iugs 6 Some Evut'niti liohrs for Half. CLEARANCE OP' COATS Some $7.00 Coats for $3.50 Some $10.00 Coats for $5.00 Some $12.50 Coats for. . . . .$6.25 Some $15.00 Coats for. . $7.50 Some $'J0.0() Coats for. . . $10 CLEARANCE OF WAISTS Some $-2.00 AVaists for. . .$1.25, Some $:1.00 Waists for. . $1.75 Some $5.00 Waists for. . $3.25 Some $8.00 AVaists for. . Some $10.00 Waists for. . . . $6.19 Some $15.00 Waists for. . . $11.00 ALL GOODS RFI)1TCFI Xolhhifi Reserved. Yon Save from 15 TO 50 PER CENT CLEARANCE, of SKIRTS Some $3.50 Skirts for $1.75 Some $5.00 Skirts for $2.50 Some $8.00 Skii-ts for $4.00 Some $12.50 Skirts . .$6.25 Some $15.00 Skirts . .$7.50 CLEARANCE OF' NOTIONS Some 5c articles for ...3? Some 10c articles for . . .6 Some 15c articles for . . .8 Some 20c articles for . .10 Some 25c articles for. . .15 Some 50c articles for . .30 CLEARANCE OP PETTICOATS Skirts worth to $(5.50 for only $3.S9 Skirt s worth to $!).0() for only $4.69 Skirts worth to $12.00 for only $6.89 Skirts worth to $20.00 for only $12.50 CLEARANCE OF SUITS Suits worth to $20.00 now go for only Suits worth to $30.00 now got. for only Suits worth to $10.00 now go for only Suits worth to $(50.00 now go for onlv $10 $15 $20 $25 Can ijou miss litis opiorlanily? CLEARANCE OF LINENS Some 50c Table Damask for. . . 20C Some -10c Table Damask r..r. . 33c Some 05c Table Damask for. . . 42C Some 75c Table Damask for . . OC Some $1.00 Table Damask for-. 73c Xo lime like (he present to save. ALL MILLINERY and Aeeessories. HALF PRICE Medford's Exclusive Ladies Shop Baker-Hutchason Co, Centtal Avenue Just North of the Jackson County Bank CLEARANCE SALES IN ALL LINES. Every articles mentioned lie low will be reduced from 15 to 50 per cent: Clearance of VEILINGS Cloaranco of HANDBAGS Clearance of BELTS Clearance of NECKWEAR Clearance of WASH GOODS Clearance of UMBRELLAS Clearanco of JEWELRY Cloaranco of BACK COMBS Clearanco of DRESS LININGS Clearance of GLOVES Cle aranco of RIBBONS Clearance of HANDKERCHIEFS Clearance of DRESS GOODS Clearance of SILKS -Clearance of TRIMMINGS Clearanco of LACES Clearanco of ALLOVERS Clearance of EMBROIDERIES Clearance of FANS Clearance of HOSIERY Clearance of KNIT UNDERWEAR SOME OF THE PN HEARD OF REDUCTIOYS. EDUCTIONS Some $1.00 Comforts. .$2.00 Six Spools Thread .' 25 12 l-2c Sikoli0 20c Cotton Hatts 7 ... 13 Bnsl Ruffs for Half. SI A I In- CI rn ml Nahmlnv niirlit. Ma rian Wilw'y was nanl,vl tlw linl.v. II was a very funny stunt. Tln house Has paekeil to tho elixirs. Tho Orand iv liei.l, Dg new vauilevi.le oi-ls for every week in com tinn with the best mil tinn i.tures nml illustrated sonis. And when you to the Grand you always gi't your money's worth. See West and Weleh wrestling exhibition tonight. Urci;ory's Baby Show. Conditions nnd pn '.es Time, Sun da, .1. Miliary ;l. February I. .Indues, three well-known Medr'ord ladies not U be uiMiouneei! until day of ,in.ljinjr. I'li es -u.,dd and eent of paeturea refunded for best looking babv I to for b UltllS. :.dd ainl eost of pi t looking ehibl : lures refuudi 0 months to All eoutit Inldreii lii-ible. by photos must I'ial l eduet leu test. n Medford and .laekson Childrea to bo indeed be er.hinet sie. Spe ll pne. ;- durilii eon IV. 1 BORN. -!TMIa-lu Hold Mill, .-ember '.'!. lo the wif. of I son Mother and child n civ. Tuesday, Stlllllbo, .' doiini Wilbur U. Kc-IIokk of Salem, Dr., is in Medfonl looking for a location. He i an apple grower of some experience, haing been a former resident of North Vukiuia, Wash. 1 MIMMIIIWIIIMWJQIWIll .IIIIHIIMII , niti'u-k .(iTnTnETTTox: : - Lri-.JZJ z Six room house, corner of Seventh streets. Kiini-2.-. I .-heap. (I. L. 2111 Classified Ad vertisemen ts WANTED. WANTED .V lady to do housework by the ilay. Mrs. O. Wroth, general delivery-, Medford, Or. IMS WANTKD Young mau from 10 to ill yeara of aj?0 1 loarn granite cutter -trade. Apply to Oregon Orauite Co., Sixth street! !Mu KOli HKNT- tuince and oy. Pill! SA1.1-: t;,.a home for sal hntf mile south of city limits. Linxwiller, KOK SA1.K lleusehol l ,;,"also tent, saddle, some lumber, cheap. Apply at fourth house on P street. South. 248 POI4 RKNT Kuriiisned rooms for liht housekeeping, corner Fifth nnd H. two Mocks north Presbyterian church. 251 FOH SAI.K A good wood sawing ma chine and horse chea.. For particulars in.ilire at the Iron Foundry on H street or address M. M. Ma-no. Mini ford, Or. 2411 WANTKl) Furnished house, 5 or 6 rooms, by desirable parties; no chil dren. Addresa U, care of Tribnue. 247 NVANTfJ) lYorsea iT. board "ty Tlie moirth. FloiAy of good, clean bay, good warm barn; terms T5 per month. No horses taken for less than one mouth. Walter Monro, Phoenii. 2S0 WAN'TKO Girl for general housework. Must be good cook; tlree in fainilv; wages MO. Apply K. Wood, Hotel V-sh. ' 2.-,H FOK SALK Two choice corner lota ia Pace's addition; a bargain for cash. E. It. Sawyer. No. 207 S. C St. 217 MARRIED TKI.-h'IU, Ilt:i KA'I HOHN - At the i'ourthou.;e in . lacks,. n ille. Mondav, Up I'omhcr 2-i, t ;. .Indue .1. II. Neil offi ciating, Ucruian Terrill of lteagle nnd Anna Ilockathorn of lliitte Falls. WANTED--1 desire family washing t do. 1 go to the house and wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction i guaranteed. Mrs. M F. Sehaenfoie, ( Medfonl, Or. Boi SA, honte No. I 25l FOl! SAI.KIlouscs, lots and laud in j choenix, or in tracts to suit from one t acre to P40 acres. Matt t'allioun, Phoe I nix, Or. FOK 1IKNT Two furnished rooms with electric light and bath. Mrs. V. W. Kifert, North D St.. Medford. 250 FOK tJAl.K- Cheap. one half block in, good residence locality; will sell two or four lots; buy direct; save agent's commission. Address P. O. Hox S3. 247 , ' FOR SALE Kxtra dry cordwood. fir! and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. -F. Osenbrugijo, Studebaker Pros. Co. j wararootas. Telephone 361. 262 ( He it resolved, by the city council of the city of Medium, Oregon, the mayor approving, tint there bo uud is hereby ordered a general election in said city to be held on Tuesday, Janu ary 12. IHO'l. for the election of A mayor for the teroi of two years. A councilman from 'he First ward for the term of two years. A councilman from the Second ward for the t.Tm of two xiars. i A eouncilmau from the Third ward I for the terms of two years. j And such other measures as shall be j lawfully submitted at said election, j The following polling places, judges and clerks are hereby designated for1 tho several respective wards: First ward Polling place, Commer cial club, room :t; judc,-, W. II. Freuch; I judge and clerk, t'has. W. Davis; judge i and clerk, A. C. Hubbard. j Second ward Polling place. Hotel 1 Nash sample room; judge, John S. Orth: , judge and clerk. John Summerville; i judge and clerk, Wm. Pinch. j Third ward Polling i.hieo, ritv Hall: juoge, v.. i,. .-vMiermemorn; jutlge and clerk, Scott Pavis; judge and clerk. 11. A. Thiereff. The foregoing resolution was passed by the city council Oecember 26th. by the following vote, to wit: Wortman aye, budge n sent. pprov Merrick aye, Fifert aye. Trow i- nve, Olwell absent, llafer ah Attest: .1. F. RF.nnv, Mayor. UEX.1. M. COLLINS, Keeorder. Tonight al the Grand '. H. WEST AND JACK WELCH In a scientific Wrestling Exhibition or ladies as well .'IS err. Ill- , limn .-, o 1, . e ' .. ' I II .ie on lllll length tiyhts. men will -WII CKXTrRV MOTlOX PICTURFS AIISSJOX 10 CENTS New Caws. A. W. Shearer vs. Frank Mixter; suit -r .".luoction. A. ,'. Mougl,. aor,,ev tor plaintiff. W. V.. Page vs. W:.liam J ctovd "' W. D. Illingworth; ,i,. Ito.imos. attorneys for plaintiff. " MOST POWERFUL PIUEST IN ' RUSSIA EF.rOHTED DEAD ST. PETEHSItfR ."miii ot tiroitstadt. -.vh- the most Jiwernl reported dead. Jan. 4. Father known as H. L. Kelly, fisheries, spent Ir., of the bureau of Monday in Medford. M Edgar (Infer has returned "f7T extended visit , Portlm. i