MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY "4, 190. : bussian mmsE beady FOB TBIAL NEXT WEEK NEW YORK, Jan., Without fear nnd with her shattered health complete ly restored. Surah Kuteu, the young Russian uurae who slew Dr. Samcul Auspitz because it in alleged he wronged her, is prepared to fnc" the ordeal of her trial, scheduled to begin beforo Justice Vernon M. Davis, in the criminal branch of the supreme court day after tomor row. Sarah iu a ""model" prisoner, and not once during the 24 hours is she absent from her little baby. In a small rosewood cradle, at the side of the white prison rot occupied by the mother, the little fellow sleeps at night. During the day the Mother when not busy scw;n.; on garments for him to wear wlwn he appears in court, is wnlking nnont the hospital singing nnd talking and bringing cheer to the other prisoners. Emotional insanity will be tho plea of tho young prisoner when arrainged in for trial, nnd her attorneys oipcct to lay before the jury evidence, that they believe will bring forth the ncquitul Sarah will take tho stand in her own defense and tell tho storj of the nlleged wrong inflicted by the man she slew. "I have no fear of the outcome," said tho young prisoner. "! don't be lieve there are 12 nic in all the world who would convict me after hear ing my story. My only worry is that 1 shall bo separate! from my baby during my trial, for lie will bo such a comfort to mo during the long hours I must spend in court." ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION IN ANI.UAL SESSION NEW YORK, Jan. The annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Aathletic association of tho United Stales con vened hero today at tho Murray II i! hotel. This is tho association- which grew out of the call issued by Chan cellor MaeCrnekcn of New York uni versity for a convention of colleges to move ugaiast football 'ii 1!I0". The work of the n.Moeintion is purely educational aad persuasive. In keeping with such objects, the morning session of the association was taken up with tho reading of papers on the academic sido of college sports. 'I hero will be the proper .control of student sports, sum mer baseball and tho like. A feature will be a debate oa this riuestion, "Shall students in good collegiate standing who have previously played baseball for money be poiinittid to represent their institutes in inte:-eollegiate base bell contests!" In order to encourage attendance at tho convention, the executive committee ( has agreed upon a change in tho by laws whereby two or more colleges or universities may unite to send a single delegate. The association has grown considerably since I'.Mlo, and lias been in strumental in forming minor associa tions in tho Newt England states, in Pennsylvania, West. Virginia and the Missouri valley. It is tho ambition of the I. O. A. A. U. S. soni3 day to include in its membership every college and university in this country interested in nny way in sports. WILL SACRIFICE TWO MONKEYS TO SCIENCE EXTRA--.EXTRA--EX mm Prices Blown to We are Going to Clean up the Following List at Atoms Prices Never Before Heard of Pants One-third Of f--Corduroys Excep ted You know our reputation We do as we advertise Honest, straightforward, business have given us the largest business of any clothing store in southern Oregon. methods are all we employ Such methods One lot Shirts, golf and stiff fronts, 50e, 75c and $1.00 values 49 One lot Shirts, stiff fronts, $1.25 and $1.50 val ues . . 79 One lot Golf Shirts, $1.25 values ........... .79 One lot Golf Shirts, $1.50 values $1.05 One lot Black Sateens, 75c and 85c values . . .65 One lot Black Sateens, $1.00 values 79 One lot Black Shirts, $1.25 values 83 One lot Black Sateens, $1.50 values 98 Blue Flannels, $1.50 values $1.15 Blue Flannels, $2.00 values .$1.33 Blue Flannels, $2.25 and $2.50 values . . . .?1.85 Blue Flannels, $3.00 values , .$2.20 Blue Flannels, $4.00, lumberman's shirt ..?2.85 Blue Flannel, $4.50 extra fine lumberman's shirt ......... ! .... $3.20 WORKM EN'S SPECIALTIES Canvas Gloves, pair . . . 5 Sweater Coats and Fancy Vests. . . .one-third off Pants about one-third off House Coats one-third ff We are also giving big cuts in fine French Flan- , ncl Shirts. A few broken lots in Underwear at ridiculously low prices. Conic in and see for your: ; selves. We do as we say. : ' J X 'o WASHINGTON. .Ian. Twenty monkeys caged on the to,, floor of the George Washington University labora tory are to be experimented cm to find out to what extent I he monkey's brain may bo developed by training and edu cation, and how far and how rapidly it v:ill retrogato after daily training ceases nnd the monkey :. allowed to ro liumo his natural habits. A famous scientist who has delved deeplv into the ii.'ftion of mental diseases nnd who iB '..'carded as ono of tho formost brain specialists in the world, will conduct tho experiment with the simians, it is understood. Two monkevs will be trained together until they reach approximately the same point of developemeut. One of tho mon kevs will be killed nnd his brain analyzed nnd placed in nlcohol. As soon as the other monkey is believed to have forgotten much that he has been taught he too will bo sacrificed on the altar of science, his brain being analyz ed and compared with that of the first monkey. , TTTi-vTTTn WAVT! RACING UNDER NEW RESTRICTION HOT SrTUNdS. Aka , Jan . A leg islntive act which would permit racing hero under restrictions has been present ed hv the business men's committee, ' , .. . . o lie. or 90 day race meeting here this y-ni. to be divide, .... !, into fall and spring meet Tl.n r-ieinf 19 to be conducted three days of each w -ok. to bo under .1.. ,.rmnot of three citizens of the eountv, who shall be appointed by the governor. They shall receive their pay from the county aiur placed upon the racing -'' l; The bill will be presented to the legislature the seconl week in J".iary L a Business Men's league bill, and will be backed by loci business inter ests. I'VRC.O.N. TV. .Ian Vailing I" rive at the church wher- his eungiegation had n-nembled for Sunday worship, a a scarcliirg party was formed to locale the Rev. Robert L. Dougherty, pastor of he Congregatioral church at Buchan an. X. r.. and the minister was found lvi'ng in his room in a pool of his own blood. A razor was in his hand and a m; note was found on the table He is beloived to be insane studv. Alway in Earnest The T OGGERY The Best Glothing Store in Southern Oregon Club skate Tuesdev, January Mu l!47 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. in lniiiiu 2300 from ove TBOWBRTOOB INVENTS MACHINE FOR USE IN THE TIMBER F. .1 Trowbridge, manager of the Medford iron work., has invented n machine which will saw wood, pull stumps and travel by ifolf. It is the first one of its kind is meeting with favor. The Fairbanks Manufacturing company have agr 1 to handle all that he can build in the future. ('. (larnett to .T. E. limerick, l. acres in Nickel! addition to Medford I'nvid Finnamore to Itondinot Connor, S K Vi and S W V, of N E Vi section ' , township ;l(l, range 2 W Fred S. Day to Hattio S. Day, lot 0 and N half lot 7, block 1, Park addition to Medford Hughes East to Willin -n SI. Ab bott, land in l L (' In', section 10, township 1(0, rang,1 1 E ... W. ). Dodd to Albert E. Erb, property in Downing' subdiv ision to Ashland William M. Mat lion to N. D. llro- phy, 240.77 acres in section 10, township ItO, range I W .1. It. Robinson to N. I). Dro phy, land in township 311, range 1 W V. D. Hrophy to (icorg E. Trask, 201.77 ncres in section 30, lowiic.hip :l!, range 1 W (ioorgo E. Trask to H. .1. Mi- wards, 201. ,i acres ill section .10. township range 1 W .. i nile.l Slates to Aur:i Alderson, " K Vi section 14. lornship 3:1, range II W patent Nancy .lane .ti'lfers to .T. A. Ki- ser et. al.. laau mi iomiimi 37. range 2 W Rachel Ovcrstrcot to (Hoar M. Knox, land in sectio.i 31, town ship 37. range 4 W Arthur S. Furry to Howard S. Dudley, land in sectii a 30. town ship 37, range 1 W E. .1. Wright to Ma'gan-t .1. Hoge, land in D I. (' 17, town ship 37, range 2 W W. V. Wright to E. It: ll.-inley, .",0 acres in l-.wnship 37, range 2 W ilrauile I'ity Savings bank to A. II. Paveiihill. 30.3 acres in town-hill range 1 E Sam I'. 1'urdy to I.illi" I). Hay, property in block 70, Medford Westley .1. D. Anderson to .1. 1". Johnson. 240 acres in si etion 20, township 37, range 2 K ... S. A. Pnttisoo to Xancy Oben chain, property in Central Point Cornelia A. Pevin to II M. Mor oaii. 10 acres in section I.". township 34, range 1 W I'hrUtma lieuti-r et a', t Nvirren. 3f'0 acres in towoshi 30. raune 1 E Fn it od Slates to Minnie K. Moore. 100 acres ir. s-ction 12. township 33, rang" - t pa'-"' (iarfield l.ime ic Iron company I,. It II Moon-. I.iud in town- i n :l.i. ranee 1 .1. J. Ilonck to Merrit and asked: "Are yon Cecil Thaycrf" When received an answer iu the affir mative, he drew his revolver and shut. He instantly killed Thaler and then sur rendered. The "oiiwritten law" will be his defense. NEXT WEEK WILL EE A WEEK OF PRAYER 300 700 SoOO 10 in 2100 soon r,ooo 2120 l.-.nO 200 MOW YORK, .Ian. As has been !):" custom for many M'ars evanylical churches in this city will observe the week beginning with the llrsL Sunday in the new year as a week of prayer. Tho Evangelical alliance for the United Slates has recommended (he following topics, which will be almost universally used: Sunday, January ,3, "Tho Law of the Harvest"; Monday, "Tho Bible thu Word of Clod"; Tuesday, "Ood'a Faith fulness, Man's Responsibility"; Wed nesday, "Mission, Home and Foreign"; Thursday, "Intemperance and Oambl- inir": Fridav, "The Family and tho School," mid Saturday, January, "Christ, The Giver of Life." IN SPITE OF PROTESTS, NEW RATES ARE PUT INTO EFFECT MAGNIFICENT WHITE SWAN KILLED NEAR EAGLE POINT R. (1. I.onghlin of l-:aglo Point on last Saturday morning killed a mag nificent white swan and brought the j snmo iuto the Exhibit building. The bird was a magnificent specimen of ! its kind, iu-.isiii-iiig six feet seven and one-half inches from tip to tip of its i v..ogs. It a, so mcn'-iircd four feet four inches from the end of its tail i foathers to tho tip of its beak. The lord was went to Ashiaud to bo mount- ed, after which it will bo placed on exhibit in tho Exhibit building. The swan was very heavy end pure white, rot a single black or colored spot be ing on its heavy coat of winter feathers. -The will SAN FIJANVISCO. Cal.. Jan. 4. ceuibini'd shippers of California carry their fight against increased rates to the interstate commerce commission immediately, as their pc. teats have been of no avail, as the increased rates went into effect today. The shippers are contemplating ask ing confess and Roos- velt for a gov frniiient steamship line between San Francisco and Panama. Spend Yonr Holiday Vacation at Paso Roblos If completo rest aud most perfect conditions imaginable for nnture ouro aro what you neod spend your holidays at I'nseo Itoblcs, California. A week or two and oven a few days will accomplish moro in a way of restored energy than a much longer period and more expen sivo treatment elsewhere, because good old Mother Naturo is nurse and phy sician. Paso Roblos is taking tho same rank fame for woudorfull cures that Cnrli bad and Baden do in Europe The hotel is a inarvol of comfort and lux ury, and the bath house built by the city froo to all, is said to bo ono of the best in the world. It i a stubborn ailment nnd ft hopelees condition of physical breakdown thnt the miaeral water and hot mud baths f Paso RoblcB will not hcnl in a short time Call on A. 8. Roscnbaom, local S. P. agent for descriptive booklets of Paso Rubles, and he will alno toll you all about rates 00 40 (iftst 3.-J00 "Johnson's Best Flour, 11.33. Comb t True. Com pany 40 acres in section ' t wnh! 3." I). lVrrozi to property in , range n II. A. Applegate A-hlnnd too Compare the Quality " ' It is, and always bus been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality nnd to that enil we nre always adding quality to our lino. The addition of "preforred atock" makes our line of high urnde Canned Goods most complete. Our aervice always the b it and every accom givon our customers. RIVERSIDE SUM VISION This most beautiful addition to Medford is 't y1; lii! put on t lies market and the first sale will occur FIJI DAY, JAN'UAIfV 1.", 1!)0J. LARGE SIZE LOTS Good garden soil, natural oak trees, wide streets, sewerage already in. four blocks to North school, LOW PRICKS AND RK A NONA ML K TKIJMS. J. C. BROWN : -1 Exclusive Agent Palm Block 1I.ONWORKER INrTIANTLY KILLS BOY WHO WRONGED SISTER j LOS ANGELES, ( nU Jan. 4. Wil liam Mitchell, nn iron worker, was to day arrested and charged with the mar dor of Cecil Thayer, a 111 year old mes senger boy. who is charged wi'.h lend ;r, M.i. L.-llV lit year oi l sister atray. Mitchell approached the boy last mgl.t ) Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed Medford Theater Saturday, jan. 9 E. J. CARPENTER offers "Why Girls Leave Home" Strictly mo' al and free from sensiit'f) alisni. Prices 25c, 5"V, 75c, $1.00 J. E. EN Y ART, President. .1. A. I'EItllY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier.; . W. It. JACKSON, ABs't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, O R . CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 ; Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Yourk Patronage. Ah1 your (loalof for MANUEL LOPEZ t 'ltmr Ilavnnn Citffii. r.AKT f- .i"AP. CO., Distribntors, Portland, Of. THE MknbX)ltl) VA1LY TRIBUNE HAS THE BES2' NEWS 'SEliVJCE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. St