MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORU, ORKOOX, MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1909. If ! V-7V- Si j- it . V 4 ledford Daily Tribune A Livb Papbb in a Live Toww. i Published every evening except Sunday. Bedford publishing company Gborob Putnam, Editor and Manager. mid compare Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at J Medford, Oregon. 0 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. pe month, by mail or earritr. , . .$0.60 One yvar, by mail. . S". .... ! . .$5.00 KNOCK 7 .Y7 MKDFOh'l). One of the main arguments used by prohibitionists ally consists in "knocking" Medford to tl.o world at flrge, misrepresenting local affairs, drawing unfair com parisons and in other ways falsely coloring conditions. all patriotism is lost in the effort to regulate the habits of fibers. The Tribune does not believe in saloon men ruling a community. Neither does it believe in preachers running affairs. Both are impractical extremes. It does believe, jjowever, in a business aiTminisl ration, the continuation of prosperity,- and the eternal boosting of Medford. It be lieves in personal liberty and the strict control and regu lation of lhat which experience has shown cannot be suc cessfully prohibited. Jt believes that the people of Med ford are fully capable of running their own affairs with out dictation from itinerant non-taxnaving agitatorsi whose business is fomenting trouble, then e'earing out, leaving others to pav the piper. The latest, knocking done bv the prohibitionists is the publication of misstatements in a publication .-ailed "The Pacific Searchlight," distributed gratis as a supplement to a local morning paper. "No saloons mean: municipal prosperity, is the banner line; and then following under the caption, "Reduces the city taxes Dry cities have lower tax rate than Medford," is the following article: "The presence of Hie saloons do vol dimivisli Hie city .tax.. Mat ford lias had the saloon aniiilerrii pled! y from its begiwiintj, and there are noir eleven saloons in Medford. lf saloons benefit a villi in its la.res, Med foul should he. i able to dvinonsl rale it, lint irhal is the shoirih(? lief ore any city improvements were undertaken at all, I he city Uax' was 11 mills; dnriiuj the present year the city la.r has bcei increased li 1-2 mills, maliini our present city lax '17.1-2 mill. With saloons in Medford, the till) la.r has steadily increased. Ashland, irilh no saloon:, has a city tax of (i mills; Mnienc, irilh no saloons, has a city tax of 8 mills; (,'oriuillis, irilh no saloons, has a city 'f ix of 7 miVs, and Albany, irilh no saloons, has a city lax cf 1(1 mills. These cities, loo, have made mncli more city mi provemcnts than has Medford. Saloons increase taxes." In, the first place, there are ten, not eleven saloons in Medford. The tax rate here has increased be. ause of im provements a new water and sewer systems, street pav ing, etc. and if the bond interest levy was deducted, tin; rate hero would be lower than Ashland's or (I rants l'ass'j -Ashland's tax levy is 12 mills for the coming year, not If mills, and the increased levy, together with a !)C00) de ficiency, is due to prohibition, (.rants Pass' (axes have' doubled, owing to prohibition; and both towns, compared to Medford, are stationary. ' It is a simple problem in arithmetic 1 f from .f.'iOOO to '$10,000 revenue is deducted from city receipts, it must be made up by taxation. If prohibition takes away money secured by high license, direct taxation must remedy the financial deficiency. In every community where tried in creased taxation lias followed prohibition as the night the day. The new levies prove it not only in (Irafits Pass anil Ashland, but in Hosehurg, Klamath KaHs and else where. , I , None of these cities has begun to make tin public imi provements that Medford has not even Kugcnc None of them has grown as fast or been as prosperous. Why defame the fair name of Medford by asserting that she has, lagged behind 'f i But. this argument is the same as most of the arguments j made just as illogical and absurd. All that is necessary1 to see the effect of prohibition is to visit shland and 0 rants Pass and talk with the business men conditions with those in Medford. Do you want to continue Medford 's prosperity, or do you want to put if in the same class with those cities she has passed in the race for commercial supremacy? AVill you vote to change conditions, upset them and perhaps retard the development of Medford, or will you vote to let well enough alone? Medford has a big pub'ic debt, and needs all the money she can raise to pay bond interest. Do you want to in crease the already high rate of taxation? It is ever wist! to swap horses while crossin:- u stream ? WASIUNQTO, .lu-i. i. Oongress re convened today, after jio holiiley vara tinn. It ia expected that liuth hmitt-H wilt ili'.-il during the wi-rk .villi thu question nf tliu paragraph in tin Presidents incs wul'O relating to the Kewt service, r- enlistment nf tlif negro soldiers who were discharged without honor because of tlii'ir supposed-tnrt icipatlon in tin' Ilrownr.villi' rota of 1 HOtl, will come up again litis year. WASHINGTON FEDERATION WANTS TO OLOBh OPEN DOOR WAHA WALLA. ;-,.. Jan. 4. Ex elusion of Chinese and .Inonncsc lnbor ari' fruai America W'tl bo demanded by tin. State Federation uf Labor, which meet ia this city tod.iy I'm- a session of t liree ilavs. APPLKS AND PKARS AND ALL MNDS OF FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. Noi in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. NATIONAL BASEBALL LEADERS GATHER IN CINOINNATTI OHIO LEGISLATURE CONVENED TODAY i'OMfMUUH, ()., .Iiiu. 4 Tim Ohio CONGRESS HAS AGAIN kishiturf convene), til;iy in extrii wh m:uu, to elect a Hiiec xtmr to tteimtor l-'urnkcr. Hit I lot i ii will ril:iMy lie Kiii on Wcl iii'miay. CIXrfXNATf, O., ,Tnn. 4. The Nu tinnul Itanebu.1 'oiiwn ivsion convened lie re totlny. Tin KuHtern League mul (lie Aineri cud AHr)cintiun want t lie mime draft injr privilei'M enjoyed by tin1 National ami American lcaiii'H, jiml this dcniainl count itutcH out of th? urim-ipa! mattcrH to Ik; tlfciilnl at thia week's moot in fr. Medford Iron Works I-, (i. Ti.'OWDRlDOE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Kugii es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, l!i.:eis and Machinery. Agents in R'Ttlirn Oregon for FAIR HANKS, MORSE & CO. MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES Some new ideas in Shoes to stand hard knocks shoes with solid tongue, soles and uppers counters that never break down. Tan and Blacks at $3, 3.50, $4 and $5 ill HEDrOBD, OBEOON 3, AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSTITOBS AND CLIENTS 8tat Depositary, OAPITAL AND SUBPLUS I25,000 Tlio Jacltsoa County Bnnk placoa at thu nervico of its depositors and clicntaj tlio best facilities in banking. The of ficcTt are jileased to render counsel aad ail vice on financial matters. Acconata, subje-t to chefk, aer in v-tcd. Safo dopoait boxes to ront, II perl year and up. W. I. VAWTRB PrM.l 0. B. LINDLEY, Cashiar I HIGH-TOPS AT $8.00 PER PAIR HOYS' 1I1GAVY WORK SIIOHS A SPECIALTY Some irood thinirs riaht now in dress (mml spring. Have your spriifg suit made narlv in the ! r - ' I See The Window Display VAN DYKE'S iff piii GOOD NEWS it will be for the man who is looking for an artistic tailor i.hen some man wo is dressed ia exquisite Btylo tells him that ho has liin eloting made at KRKUXliK & C'O.'S. v0 can make you a suit of clothing or an overcoat that will give you tho distingue air sought bv the man of tho w-oild who knows a good thing when he sees it. J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDINO, MEDFORD, OB. Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles 20c Quart -35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & Mony CGPVRIGHT. yftrs. Krijtfc Ufamf ton. Isaacs Instructor of "piano. Litt Jttntljoo Slolo at Mh6ik. Mortb.Orantt 5trst SATISFACTION is always a pleasurable sensation, np matter what the occasion. Tliere;'ir?, to insure tlio footing whero jewelrv is concerned, won should make your selec tion from the stock of Martin J. Roddy. Our goods have the charm of effective ness, the value of artistic cxcellouco and I lie highest standard of workmnnship. MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and WatGhes MERCHANTS LUNCH STARTING DECEMBER 28, WE WILL PUT 'JN MERCHANTS' I.UiN'l fi FROM 1 1:30 A. 5i. UNTIL 2 P. M. PRICE 35a THE LOUVRE JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. MittB Horltiu I'rim mil Lrmm ririch ntti'ndcd tlio tlaiico jjivtii ly I he Crciit cr Mwlfonl cluh at .Mnlfonl hist Tin s dny evening. M. Ii4 Mfi'ltiiuui, th;' 1 'iirt hiixl iittur noy, who 1ms hccti sp1'"1'"' lil dy with Ihn imrcntH, Mr. inid Mrs. ('. C. UccUiuati, roturiM'd t in Iikiik um dny thin wock. Mitta Ji'Hwif Ahtiutt if (inintn fuss, who was furincrly :i ft lulnt of St. Mary's uniilcmy, in hm -siding tho wi'rk with Minn Finns in Miitit'oitl. Mr. and Mrs. Willi nn t';:MitH liuvr rcturiud from a visit with tlio hitti-rV mother ut IVrtland. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kisrr woro tin- Knouts of Mr. .lutni-s A. Kixrr mid wifo of Medford Christina day. C. Tj. licariH's was ovor from Modt'ord mi hnsiiiosN Thursday. Miss Kninia Wnlf l -f!. for Klamath Falls one day this work, where she lias scoured employment. Miss Kay Sears wont over to Mod fori I - Wednesday evening to. attend ilu- dam in,' nrty niven by Mc: W. I. Vawler in honor of her son:t. Kobcrt Moore, the Cold Hill mer chant, was n husine.HH visitor on TIhim day. Man Shearer was up from (;onl:ito oiift day this week oi hunine at tho courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Plot-'her I. inn of Port land and Mr. and Mn Coorov Linn and daughter are .ip.Mntintf this w k with their father, Imvid I. inn, 8. P. I'oKoIiouhi and (iooro I,. .iis wero Mi'dfonl visitors one day this weok. . MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Voncerod Doors, with Bevl Plata, oarried In stock chean Office Iixtures and all kind, of Planing Mill Work, Including Turnod Work and Fancv ti rills. F STREET, BETWEEN S1XTU AND S EVENTH STREETS. PETITION DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT FOR ROAD TAX EOSEBURO, Or., Jan. 4.-That tl. Rood roads movement has not been a! lowed to drop from public sight in Douglas county since the recent good roads eonvontion in this citv jo .tf;. dnnced by the number of petitions sent io tne county court by tho different road districts, asking for authority levy a special road tux. Tho aggregate amount of money tint will bo raised i rno aiirennt districts will amount to many thousands of dollars. Marriage Licenses. Richard Hwyaeker and T.illinn Cooper. Bessie (1. Pharos ami Ethel A. Mpin cer. Thomas K. Jones and I.ula Ho Ar mond. Oeorgo W. Duraott and Susie M. Stump. GREAT ANNUAL SHOE SALE Your tfivatest. nppoi tuiiii;. in Sliocs comes with mv Annual Shoe Sale. The sale start J inu-irv 1000 ,i.i,i i 7Z " " this lai-KO stock. AlloftliwoSh.H.sworelmui slock a.,,1 clearing out. bn.k lines wliere the sizes are limit ,1. iy p a .tw 5 11 vi the nS 8Pc?lR"JlIle- 1 drins up my train of the year in shoes. h " ' ,U1 J,lst tUe san,e as lf JTou paid full price. The biggest bar-. MEN'S DRESS HOES All .V0D Shoes All I. (10 Shoes All :l..W Shoes All $:l.0(l Sho-s All J.r.ll Sho.'s All 2.00 Shoes .... . .$17 ltruken lines of above Shoes at from one quarter to one half off. SI. to . $:i.r.o .3.10 $'2.til MEN'S HEAVY SHOES Cutter Loggers Ortiisers , ltrd Cross Shoes. $1.00 values . $0.00 .$.r.r.o .$ HEAVY HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS wo represent the largest makers in the world of (his class of foot lb inch Heavy I.ace Boots, $S.."0 values Iti inch Heavy I.ace Hoots. JS.00 values 10 inch Heavy l.ace Hoots. $;..W values 10 inch Heavy Itoots. $1.00 values 0 in.h Heavy l.ace Hoots, fit. 50 values C in. h Working Shoes. $.1.00 values ' ti in. h Working Shoes, $-.r0 values 1- ii'ch Walk ever I, ace Hoot, double sole, $-.i'0 value Hoys' Heavy High Top Tan Shoes. :l.."ol value .'" Hoys' lleay Chrome Tau Shoes, :t,00 value Hoys' Kang. Calf Shoes, 2.'J. value Misses' Kid and Calf Shoes, $.00 values wear. $7.00 $0.50 S5.50 $3.50 $3.00 $0.50 $2.00 $1.25 $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 Misses' Kid and Calf Shoes, $1.75 value ?1 25 Children's Kid and Calf Shoes at a reduction of from 20c to 50c pair. All Women's Patent Leather, Dress and Street Shoes, including such makes as Dombey 4 Son. London; Ituppcmlorf Dittman & Co., at tho following prices: tx.0 values $3.75 $4.00 values . f3fl0 v",",8 .'.'.'.'.".".'."!.'.'.'.'.".'.'.."io M0 ,o60 2-'0 Val"s $2.20 $- "rt $1.50 Hroken lines Ladies' Shoes at from one-quarter to me half off. C. M. KIDD - "The FOOT FITTER" Oregon Medford iviuu a iwi ouuc uuu OIIUCS IOr MQj Jl