THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEUFOR L, OREOOX. SATURDAY, '.TANTTA"RY 2, 1000. J . SOCIETY NOTES Aa fVent In which much interest cen tered on account of the popularity of ti contracting parties and the social prqininenca of their fn mi lies was the wadding of Mr. Walter H. Kcutuer uud Min Mynrena Kenncy, on Tuesday eve ning, December 28. The ceremony was per formed by the Bt. Bev, Charles 8c adding, bishop of Oregon, using the beautiful and impres sive marriage service of the Episcopal church. The yroom, attendei by Mr. Ham Bichardson, at best man, met the bride on her father's arm, und accompanied by Mist Bessie Kentnvr as maid of hon or, under a beautiful arch entwined with Oregon grape, mountain ash and white chrysanthemums. .The ceremony was witnessed by only the immediate relatives After show ering their .congratulations and good wishes upon the bride and groom, all repaired to tho dining room, where nn elaborate wedding supper was spread. Here, as elsewhere throughout the house, wero masses of Oregon grnpe and cbryantbemumi, transforming it into n. bower of beauty. The bride wore a beautiful gown of cream scilk pongee, also a gold belt buckle, which was a part of her grand mother's trouuseau, and carried a hand kerchief used at her mother's wedding. Miss Bessie Kentnor was charmingly gowned in cream silk mult. One of the pleasant features of this wedding was tho presence of four gen erations of the bride's family, inrluding the bride's grandmother, who is presi dent of the Pioneers' Honioty of Oregon,- and her baby grundduughtcr. The bride Is the henutiful and queen ly daughter of Mr. and Mm. T. J. Ken ney of Jacksonville. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. H. C. Kcntner of this City and is a prosperous young business man of Med ford. ,. JIoss of friends of both bride and groom are wishing them a happy and felicitous lour ney through life. V The Sua floucl club met at Miles hull i Thursday evening and eelebruted the departure nf the old yetu and welcomed the advent of the new in the most ap proved fashion. After dancing tho old year out tho club called in a body nt the Angle opera hou? to watch tho jperry-m eking there, and completed tho evening by dining at the Louvre. . Friday night a party of Mcdfnrd pen p)e attended tho dance ut Ortho hall in Jacksonville. With splendid music, the best floor in the county, and excellent management, tho dances given by the Jacksonville people tin always moat enjoyable affairs. And the unanimous opinion of those from Med ford is that the daqce of last night was no exeep tion to the rule. mm One of tho most pleasing features of the dedication of tho Catholic church on Friday was the music under the di rection of . Mrs. Otis KrnuHc. Tho choir rendered roost charmingly several mimi cal numbers. Exceptionally fino was Mrs. Krauso's rendition nf "Agnot Dei" and "Mtscrrae." The mado good their awr ' tlons that their annual ball would be U most i'lijoyable affair, nnd they were . we)l Repaid for the trouble they had taken, aa a large number of local peo pie attended, making the affair as i;reat a success financially ns It was cucmlly. The music during the evening was splcn 1 did and everything lent pleasure to the occasion. m A number of opera parties have been arranged for this evening's play, 'The Alaskan,!' at the Medford. Oming :ih It does at the height of tho season, many local people have tnke'i advantage of the .occasion and arranged pnrtien, A number of tables have also been engag cd at the' leading cafes for the niter theater dinners. The reception given by the ladies of St. Ann's society at the Catholic pnr iih house on Fridav eveniug to Arch bishop Christie and visiting priest proved a must enjoynble affair. Mes dames Duff, Deliu and Debley received in a most charming manner. A splen did musical program was rendered dur ing the evening and a long list of guests enjoyed themselves. The rooms of the new bulldiug were most taste fully, decorated. Mr. Vernon Vawtcr gave what was probably the most enjoynble social event of tho season when, on Wedues day ovenlng, be entertsined a host of his friends at his residcuce on West Seventh Street. Tho nffnir was given in honor of the young people of the city who are home for the holidays. Two hands of "SOO" wero played, after ! which dancing in the spacious ballroom 1 was enjoyed. The party broke up lifter midnight luncheon hn been served. The Misses Marshall eiitertuincd a number of their friends at a leap year ball at their home, the "Oaklawn" or rhard, on Oakdale avenue, lust Satur day evening. Tho leap year idea was carried out successfully, a most enjoy able time ensuing. The younger set nro regretting the fact that the time is drawing near when many of their number will return to college. They are making the most of the remaining time nnd parties and small dances are now the rule. One of the pleasantcit events of the week was the party given by Mmn Hel en Worrel on Thurrday evening to about 40 of her young friends There were eight tables at which 'o0i" played until 10:30, when each of the young gentlemen was given au envelope containing six hearts and six mitten, whereupon each ensconced himself in hi own particular cozy corner, where he was bombarded with bona fide pro posals of matrimony from the fair mai , dene, whose fate he decided by the pre sentation of a mitten or a heart. The i fair hostess was assisted by Mrs. H. . Foster and Miss Laura Page. At 11 j o'clock a dainty repast, consisting of j fried oysters and biscuits, cake, sher-1 SECOND ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Commences Monday, January 4th., at 8 o'clock. You know this sT:ore never does anything halfheartedly . Every Article Reduced 15 to 50 per c'ent BAKER-HUTCH 4SON COMPANY INC. Central Avenue Just North of the Jackson County Bank bet a iwl coffee, whs nerved. After vot ing Miss iieleu a inoHt charming hos ti'ss, the merry makers repaired to their homes. Anioiti; those, on-sent were: Minm-H Bess Kent iter, Id nice Ki ntner, I luck en yos, Hutchison Davit, Luke, Merrick Theiss, Kmerick, Itunyard, MeC'rey, Me (.'oy, J ray nnd Wood, and Messrs. V HtnuiK b Htrmitf, Wool, Cochran, Por ler, Kih, Hill, Kuiilucr, Vawtcr, Ulus guw, ltrowii, Ilarlzell, T'othermcl, Greg ory and Gore. The lu lien of tho Greater Medford club gave their third duuee at Anglo opera house Tuesday night, December 2K. The committee on arrntigemeiits, Mrs. R E. Page, Mrs. Hazrlrigg nnd Mrs. Irving, nnd the committee on decora tinns, and nil who iiMHiHted them are certainly to be congratulated on the success of this pnrty, iih everyone ile e In red it the best ever. Thanks to the activitv of the floor iiiMnagers, the gruud nnrch began only three minutes litter than scheduled time. which was H:'M. The special features of this tin lire were excellent music by llnzclrigg's or- choHtra, the presence of n large number of college girls and boys, and -an mi usually number of b"untiful gowns. About 200 guests were present find the ladies cleared about $50 fur tin library. Social and Personal Try tho Clam Boullioi, at I ho M, & & Candy Kitchen at 5 cents. L'tlO Wnlch tho Grand baby given away Saturday night. 245 Hamuli; Tokay rape vines for sale in any ipmutity, L. I-'. Hoover. Try tho hot ehocolatc at the M. & B. Candy Kitchen at. 0 cents. ililU After January 1 the Kmerick Cafe will clostt at 0 p. m. exc pting on the nter nighlN. 24G The usual taffy sulo on Saturday, deduction applies to -oime other varie ties nf sweets at King A Longs. "45 Great excitement it 1 1 this week at Gin Grind. Getting coupons for the babv Suttiiday nighlll Come c.rly or you tony miss it. l!4fl Try the hot drinks nt the M A B. Cnndy Kilchcn for fi cunts. Utitl ' Jjlinnou'B Hi'Ht Klour, $ . . Oomb & True. AMUSEMENTS. - "The Alaskan" Tonight. "The Alaskan," wi'h its picturesipu' scenery, tuneful melodies, beauty cho rus tud artistic principals, will be seen at tho Medford Thertter tonight, when il is to bo given by John Cort with the Hume attention to detail und careful consideration of all requirements that characterized Its uuum'at success last year. This opera by Joseph Blot hou, Max Figman and Hairy Oirard wtis utHjuestiouably one of the big successes of last season, not nloiio because of its iittractiveneBs as a production of un usuul splendor, but for the reason that it contained many of the most entranc ing and original mimical numbers Hint had been heard for inimv n day. After h aving New York its entire tour, which lusted way into tho heart of tho season, was a series of triumphs, uud it scored mo netiiMv that in The few cities in which it repeated it was greeted by au lienors that more than tested the en pacitics of the theaters. Curtain will bo hM until 'clock. 8:4.' Musical Attraction at Bijou. Josephine Kealts, die musical won iler, is drawing large crowds nt the Bi jou. Mi:;:t Itegulls is plitying the I'ati- l:iges circuit nml her musical net luis been a feature attraction in all the Inrge cities. The best of music is afford 1 on manv different instruments, name ly the musical rack, hells, cornet, ban- etc. The entertainment, is one of i hut class that is thoroughly enjoyed by all. Tonight and Sunday nrn the hi st nights of this iiHmclion. A live, novel and up-to-date comedy act cotn- uces Monday next. t?u'ncll and liar rison, the noted comedian, appear ul the Bijou Monthly. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Saturday will be the day That we'll givo a baby nwr.y. This will happen At the Grand. If your bachelor friend should gel It, wouldn't il beat the bam!. 24.1 The following letters rcm:iin unt-nlled for at the Medford p.etoffiee December H, 1.0S: Gustavo Rdlinul, Kied 1 1 :t nines, Mrs. O. Button, Mrs. C. I". I.orey. Mrs. Klleu l':irsioo, H. W. Siml ri r, M rs. Henry Schnndftld, Mrs. II. M. Smith, L. Stan ford. Mrs. J. Store, G. S. Thompson. Mrs. II. T. Walls, Himthy West. Mrs Corn Welch (.1), Ella Winger,, W. I) Wilkson. I'nrlies calling for the ahove please hiiv "niivertiseil. A charge ur one cent be made upon delivery of any of the above. NOTICE OF KLKCTIOX. Be It resolved, by tin city council of the city of Med lord, Oregon, the mayor upproving, tint lliere In and is hereby ordered a general election in said city to bo held oi; Tuesday, Janu ary 1 Li, I!H1, for the election of A mayor for the te-.M of two years. A councilman from Gi - First ward for the term of two years. A councilman from the Second ward for the t:rm of two yiars. A councilman from the Third ward for the terms of two years. And ft ii e 1 1 other measures ns shall bo lawfully submitted nt said election. The following polling places, judges and clerks are hereby designated for the several respeetivo wards: First ward Foiling place. Commer cial club, room .'t; judg- W. H. French; judge and clerk, Chns. W. Davis; juilge and clerk, A. C. Huhbard. Hi coml ward Foil in jr place, Hotel N'ash sample room; jude, John S. Orth; judge nnd clerk, John Suinmerville; judge and clerk, Win. I'lrii-h. Third ward Pulling place, City Hall; judge, G. L. Sclieruicrhoni ; judge and clerk, Scott Ihivis; judge and clerk, II. A. Thieroff. The foregoing resolution was passed by the city council December 2tlth, BMiS, by I tie following vote, to -wit: Wort man aye, Merrick nye, Kifort aye, Trow bridge aye, Ohvell nlisent, Hnfer ab sent. Approved: J. F. lti:ilV. Mayor. Attest: BF.NM. M. CULMXS, Recorder. WANTED I desire family washing to do. 1 go to the house and wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. M F, Schaenfele, Medford, Or. Box 2A, houte No. 1 2-0 F(5E"ffAXE. FR KENT Two fumif-hed rooms with electric light nnd bath. Mrs. W. W. Eil'crt, --North D st., Medford. 2-10 Ft) It RENT Furnisned rooms for light hoiiseluM ping, comer Fifth nnd If, two blocks north Presbyterian church. 2ol FOR SALE A good small business iu the center of Medford. Address Box 125, Medford, Or. 2li0 FOR HALE A good wood sawing ma chine und horse ehea,i. For particulars inquire at the Iron Foundry on B street or add ress M. M. M :v ne, M ed f ord , Or. 24i WANTED Girl for general housework. Must, be good cook; three in fnmily; wages $:m. Apply I). R. Wood, Hotel Nash. ' 250 FOR HALE Two choice corner lots in Page's uddition; a bargain for cash. E. B. Sawyer, Xo. 207 S. C St. 247 FOR SALE House-, lots and laud in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 040 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOR SALE Cheap, one half block close in, good residenco locality; will sell two or four lots; buy diroct; save agent 's commission. Address P. O. Box 83. 247 FOR SALE A gusoln e sewing ma chine and a horse chmip. For particu lars inquire nt the Iron Foundry ouB street, or address M. M. Maino, Med ford, Or. 249 FOR SALE Extra dry curd wood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pino. V, Osenbrnggo, Studobnkor RroB. Co. warorooms. Telephone 3C1. 262 LIQUOR QUESTION TO FRONT IN TENNESSEE NASHVILLE. Tenn., Jan. 2. The li guor in all its phases w.l! be a burning jiiesGon before the It-glsdnt tiro when il convenes -here this mouth, State-wide proliihitiou advocates are making strong la i ins anh have ope.-ed headquarters here with former Senator I. E. Pendle ton in charge. Classified Advertisements WANTED. Sew J. C. Brown about those great big lots, MOxlitO. Every lot a gar den. 2VJ WANTED -Young man from Id to 21 ye-riis of age to learn granite cutters' trade. Apply to Oregou tiinuite Co., Sixth Btreet 24fl WANTED Furnished house, 5 or ti rooms, by desiruhlo purt its; no chil dren. Address H, euro of Tribune. 247 WATSTr-iD-Horses i "to board by Hie mouth. P loi Ay of good, clean buy, goat'. terms per month. No one month. warm barn; horses taken fur leas thai Wnltwr Moore, Phoenix. 27,0 RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION This most licnnl il'ul aiMiticn to .Medford is to lie put on the innvkct and tlic first sak will occur KIMD AV, JANUARY 1.1, 1 !)()!). LARGE SIZED LOTS (iood garden soil, natural oak trees, wide streets, four lilocks to North sell no sv inrdfi' id read hi. LOW PRICES AND R F, K) liLE TERMS. J. C. BROWN Exclusive Agent Palm Block GREAT ANNUAL SHOE SALE fslr oes in Your greatest opportuuit ;. in Shoos eoiues with my Aiunml Shoe Sale. The sale starts January 2, 1!M)!, and the reduced prices apply toeverv pair o ' f v...... , .... .e,.... v. , . . ,h.l w m.uvi: ii .jeei.ii saie. i am cicarine; ti niv stock and clearing out broken lines where the sizes are limited. My guarantee goes with every pa ir just the same as if you paid full price. The i,i"-"-est bar gain of the year in shoes. ' ' es ' ' MIN'S DRESS SHOES All $.r.00 Shun $1.40 All O.Od sho.'H $:I.S0 All t:Mi siuwi $aio All $.1.00 Sho.'l $J.64 All $S.!i0 UluiPii 'J.2H All $2.00 Sboi'l $1.75 Broken linen of aliovn Slioen ut front out iiunrtor (o ouf halt off MEN'S HEAVY SHOES Cutter Loggi'm $(!.00 Cutter Cruisers $.f.f0 HihI Oros S1iop, $1.00 vnlm-s $:t.5fl HEAVY HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS We represent tlie largest ntakers in tin' worlil of this .'lass of fo. 10 iiu-li Heavy Ijioo Hoot?t, S."ot values lti inch Heavy I, nee Hoots, .fS.OO Values 10 Heavy l.aee Hoots. $7.."0 values 10 inch Heavy l.aee Hoots, 4...ii values 0 inch Heavy I. ace Hoots. :t..'.0 values 6 inch Working Shoes, $:i.00 values 0 inch Working Shoos, $'J.0 values I'-' icch Walk over l.ace Hoot, .loul.le sole. Hoys' lleay High Top Tan Shoes, $:l."0 v: 11..U' lleaw Chrome Tan Shoos, $:t.Oit v:i Hoys' Kang. Calf Shoes. -J.-j:. value .... Misses' Kill anil Calf Shoes, L'.ini vMues value twenr. $7.00 .$0.50 $5.50 .$3.50 .$3.00 .$2.50 $2.00 .$4.25 $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $l..r0 Misaes' Kid nml Calf Shoes, $1.7r. value, (125 i hihlren's Kirl ami Calf Shoes at a reduction of from Cile to 50c pair. All Women's Patent Leather, Press ami Street Shoes, including such makes a, Ponibey Son, London; Knppomlorf Pittnmo Co., at tho following prices: $o.00 values $1.00 values :l.".0 values ' ' $:t.'io values $2. .10 values $3.75 $3.60 $3.10 $r..60 $2,110 values . en lines Ladies' Shoes at from one iuarter tn one half off. .$2.20 .$1.50 C. M. KIDD - "The FOOT FITTER" Medford "Kidd's for Shoes and Shoes for Kids'' Oregon