MEDPORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OREO OX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2. 1900. NGAGEMENT EXT RAO THE MEDFORD THEATER: One Performance Tonight, January 2nd; Mr. JOHN CORT Presenting the Great Comic Opera Success THE ALASKAN A Splendid Cast of Artistic Principals Headed by - Edward Mairtindale as . TOTEM POLE PETE also LAURA L1EB Prima Doma Soprano! 60 SiNGEftS 60 in the Ensembles $20,000 worth of Furs Company Carries its Own Orchestra '-J.; ,- I- '',- i l y,f. 1 1 J? 1 . 4 ftl- p ;; V( -- Yf TV?. A W 3 i ' ..Vy- "tnvv.,.., .. 4 ''' .... mm mm'- 1 - -llW K X J Medford is the Only City in Oregon in which this Company Playes Outside of Portland in order to secure this at traction Manager Hazelrigg was obliged to give $600 GUARANTEE A SPECIAL TRAIN OF TWO IJAGGAQE CARS AND TWO SLEEPERS Prices Seats Now On Sale at Haskins' Drug Store. 50c l.OO 1.50 Curtain at 8:45 p. m j REAL EPTATE TKXNSFERS. Jaint'n 'arr In K:i1 MrAmln-wa at-rv in township :'7, rnnyi1 I W Miirujilivt McAuilri'wa tr. Kinn1 ('. llnipliy, 'M iiiti's in tnviislii It", riuiKc 1 V Hi.luTt Bruoi- flripvo I" Tliomas J. (irii'vo, l:it'.l i" sci'tiuii 2S, township 40, ranm' 4 K iliii(;nrc'l .f. Hiimspy lei Kri'sn .1. IN.II.i, Int. 4,; 4, imieuilcit pint 'r.nv, II a.lilitimi tu Mc.lfnnl Hi'llo I'li'iisnnts tn Mrs. It. M. Whitfaidc, lot Ml, lllncli (I, (Vn trill Point A. Z. Scars t" t'vntlih Rclmii'H. l,,ia ami 6. block titi, XI iil- ford W. 11. Hnulsliaw to Lorn East man, lots 1 and !, block 4, Hunker Hill :i'!i..n I" M'-d-fhrd Chnrli-s'N. I'iorcc tn .loin V. Ancr lots II nilil. .7, Mock :i. I'icni' snbdivisinii tiitt'lislii rang?' I W - Irwin DaliacU tn VrM V. Down ing, land in I I. '' ti.wiilii :17, ran'i 1 W F. V. Ilnllis tn W. T llri.'VC, bad 1.1 si'ctinll :i'i, tnwiisl'.ip '.t'J, range 2 (Icorgo Dnniil tn W. Vanish", land in soctimi :l"i. township n-', rangi' - K V. O. Vaughn to K. I'- X'ainjhti. Hill acres ;n section 21. town ship :n. raiijji- 2 K 2sn(l NEW SOUTlI WALES MAY REOULATii FUIZil FICiilTF SYI'NKY, X. S. W., -Ian. 2. William II. Wood, child' sccr.darv nf New Smith Walos. in an interview today said that the prize fiht situation Sydney was being (riven serious cousiderat ion by the (.overnniciit ant lioril ie, as the llurns .rohusoii c.intest last Saturdny sievnrod of bcin(! more brutal and repulsive than sciintific. He dor tared that unless ir.figlitinc was eliniiuat. d. boxinu here would have to be regarded as an illegit imate sport. Dr. said that an attempt would be made to amend the l::ws so as t.i make N"w South Wales less of a happy himtini; ground for se clirini; big stakes, as m the last con test as it was not des-ri 'l that Sydney should correspond with the Pacific slope regarding )mgililif m: 1 ?rt.'iking. How ever, as a re.ult of the low i haraeter of pugilism indicat-,1 by the light mi Sattirdav tie' I-dic- would prevent any further comer here he'ween Darns and .lohnsnn. JAPANESE GRATEFUL FOR FRIENDLY RELATION'S WITH U. S. stances possible for Julian, the country enjoying the most cordoil relations with all the great powers, thanks to the spreading entente covdiale principle as n result of the salutary effects of the old agreements and alliances. In the international chapter of foreign affairs, says tn paper, America, occupies a con spicuous position in view of the mis givings entertained ourside of this conn, try as to the status of American-Japanese relations. In conclusion the edi torial asserts that the week of freter ui7.ation while the Americnn battleship fleet was hero was more effective than years of efforts un the part nf states men and diplomats in dispelling pnpu lar mistrust and apprehension. Five dollars reward Information whereabouts of W. XI. Xlitchell; wife named l-'mniy. Itox 1 IK. Xledfurd. 24.1 HNixasaoi jonM ppprwu, n) ijddni pint npt jo aofivratuBJ fit mpvmp wjut n taaui -nwmem tmoaMoqM m np Mori insrpu mMAMm im sli pta wciniyiii Monp f w9m tTTI M3MII I llllfiMB J dm ! ilrH my Bnn 9 IT'S ALWAYS BAD TOKIO, .run. 2. Vir Ihft hpalin "I,ool.:inc lt;H-kw:ir.l." tli' "Koktinnn Shiniimn" v.!il..ri:illv i-ni:irk- thai tli"1 year i-l.-ws iin.lcr th. h:tpiit rircum- Iha Best tf Backs Aie Bad Whci T.";' Ache, and Med for:! People Kii'Ju It. A tin 1 1 back is always bad. Hab at niKt whon I rdtiine put.n , Just ns bail in the morning. Kvor try Ituan's Kidney Pi 11m fur It Know the euro hackarhf cure pviy LMiiey ill! If yini don't, sum? Mcdfonl (tfoplp do Ktnd a pa hp of it : Mrs. William rharloy, Cor. Fourth il St., Mcdfimt, Or., rniyn: ' ' I iiifvor had t lie slighti-ft troublo with iiiv kidneys until somr titno ago when I injured my back. After that I not iced that my kidneys woro dis-onlfrr-'l. Tin kidney gprrftions wore loo fro(inant and ((Uo nic mtnh nn noyanr. My bai-k was so weak tbat 1 wan unable to stooji and cntld not locp. 1 larn-d of Duau 'ft Kidney Pills and preeur d - a box at Haikin rni( Store In lens than two wok" I was greatly improved T continutd and am falling fine I have reconi'-ndcd foan's Kiduey 1 ' i I In to a great many people since tLey cured me." For tale by all dealers. Prife rQ rents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V.. sole agents for th rotted States. Itemember the name Duan'a and I 1H teJIrfe HARMONY IN YOUR NEW .HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life liappisr. Our expert decorative specialist will visit your city soon. Without obli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for your new home. Write far particular! J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets PORT1.AND. OREGON Jinfr Ritmt FurniiheJ Talttfully :.. K. ENYART, President. .1. A. PERKY, Vice President. JOHN 8. OHTH, Uushior. V. H. .1ACKSON, AsB't Cashier.- THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit YourPatronage. NEVER LOOK BACK It doesn't pay. Keep your eyes fixed un our exceptional offerings. Fine tab j hiring can only be secured from Hip ! hands of high-clans tailors. Our expo 1 rience and methods art certainly worth . investigation. We employ the best : workmen and our cl.ihteM are without j doubt Hie moat carefully selected in the ' EIFERT The City Tailor Compare the Quality U is, and ulwayn has been our mm to supply our eustomern willi goods of the highest ipiality and to that urnl wn are ulwuyH lidding fpinlify to our line. The iid!ilion of ' ' preferred atork " maketi our lino of a grade Camiod Qoodi most complete. Our uorvice always the b-it and every aecoin givi n our cuHtotnera. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Cliinaware, Fruit and Feed 3r- iii Watches. Clocks, Jewelry ItKI'AIUIMI A 81' it how much I ra n di ' is mv mult, . i:ti Airy. but how well I ran More Light for Less Money. Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved bv using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 hrs. . 110 Kilowatts which at ioct.s. a Kilowatt. $11 '. 32 Candle Power, Tungsten Lamp uses ,' 40 Watts pevhoitv and would use in 1000 1 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt - 4 I Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of . the , Tungsten Lamp 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power- Co. OITii'e, 20ii West Seventh Street. Phono No. 355.' ()rposito the Big .Electric Sign, . '" '' ' Asl; your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ clear Havana Cigar. HART CIGAR CO., Distributors, tottland. Or. Mtrs. 3ram Ufampton Usaacs "3nslructor of "piano. tll 5tttl)o6 . . Studio at trlttlocitc lortb Omngc Strctt 15. N. I3UTL13K With Mart 11 .1. f .'.tcI.hi,, C.ointv llli-k. THE MEDFORD DAILY riUlJt'XE HAS THE .'; 1 SEWS SERVICE IN SOVTIIERS OREtiUX. SATISFACTION ia iitiTfiyfl ft pleMHuniblft mHHHtion, no matter whiit tho orrnHioii. Therefor?, tn inmiro tho feeling where jewelry Jh roueernrd, won shoiil-l mnkr your aeler- tion from the stoek of Murtin .1. ttwtdy. Our I'tMidn luive tlio ohnrm of f ffective-; uch, the vnlue ot' nrlislie exfrHeimo and'' the highest Htiu'.dnrd of worl;manHliiv MARTIN J. REBDY; Jewelry and Watdies - .rir4.'.: "KM