&IKIWRD DAILY TKJ HUNK, ME WORD, OH BOON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1000. ledford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. ?MPOBl) I'UBLISIIINU COMPANY Geowie Putnam, Editor ana juaimger. - r . 1 I . Jl ... A liff qq Sppnnf -( iiKH Matter in me rosiuiiice at V..' .IrtlUllUllWiU rw""-- tv- ui I . niuunu li' r iiv .1 ' I M . Ltk, ky mU or earrir. .. .0.fl0 On ye ar, by mail. $5.00 PRUSPElllTY Till': 1SSVK. Med ford's postal receipts for Ihc year 1!)0S totaled I fi )!)7.(i"), as against ,f 10,81 I.OS Cor 1!li)7, an increase of iit 35 per cent. Tlie receipts of the quarter ended le "jnber 31 were ffV)'2(l'2H as against $:i:w:5.j I Cor the same in ter a year ago. The receipts for December, 1!K)S, were -7n3.25 as compared with r:il.!)( in 1 loceniiior, !!)(),, an rease ol $.)(rj..i, or 10 per cent. This increase has been rcllccted in every avenue ol nsiness and Medford is doing nearly -10 per cent nion iismess than a vear airo. She has missed (Irants Pass nil Ashland and is forging ahead by leaps an 1 hounds, j This satisfactory growl li lias been secured under a high j icense regime. iUetllord is growing lasier man any iowii In Oregon. The question to he voted upon n: .January is: Shall Medford s iroanid emit nine f One has hut to visit (irants Pass or Ashland to see hat effect prohibition ha upon a community. II does lot lessen drunkenness, il lias doubled taxation, and prac- Vicallv killed these cities commercially, .lust visit a tew lays in either place and contrast Iheiii with Medford. Both Grants Pass and Ashland have had the advantage (if age and population in their favor, yet holli have been linssed by Medford and never has Medford 's population ad business increased as- rapidlv as during the nasi new months, with both Ashland and (Irants Pass drv. Shall Medford's iirosjieril n continue, or si ell she join er tinier cities in com in nil ire slninat ion t W A.I! I I' .. ... I ' ' i i i . ' i e lire iiiiii nv proicssiouai aguaiors, pal, I ll'oin col lections secured from eongregal ions who have been worked upon by frenzied appeals, lli.it; prohibit ion prohibits. Not where public sentiment is divided. Lohkat Klamath Palls. iitwnurg, urants rass, raigene and Ashland Anyone iW "knows the rones" ean lid all the hooe thev want. Stringent laws, enforced with barbaric severity for ."id years, did not enforce prohibition in Veriuoiil, and il has been repealed afler hah' a century's trial. If prohibition cannot be cufon-ed under slale laws, it; becomes an absurdilv whin local efforts are made to enforce il . ' Medfoi ,1 is di , ,uehsoneille, ,', I Hill ,Ui,l oilier ilaees trill si ill In1 open. So, wind' I he use? Taxes have been doubled in bolh Ashland anil (Irants I 'ass as the result of prohibition. A year ago the Ashland levy was six mills. This year il is lli mills! (Irants Pass lias been increased to Ihe'limit permitted under the char ter, and assessed valuations increased ."() per cent, so ihal double the amount of money will be raised. Med ford's rate, with many public improvements, would be much low er than either were il lint fur lr seven and one-ha I I'-mill levy caused by interest mi the waler bonds. hi ils sieeiid charter. Med find lionesses nn ml ru iilnii envied bj every city in the stale. To amend it. and delib erately throw awav Ibis advantage would be absurd and I!., I. l.i : I' '.. I . ' I !i ! . . ' ,' . Louiiso. r.cii ii prou ion urn is uesireii, il is no necessarv to amend the charter to secure il. There is no valid rea- &n why Medford people should surrender the right to 'regulate their own affairs to the farmers of Jackson eoun ,,.i ii ..I- i i ... i .... ij nun inc Mmni 01 iiwn towns, wiiu own 110 properiv jnd pay no taxes in Medford. But the whole question drifts back to the question -Shall Medford remain prosperous and continue to ride tin crest of the wave of commercial suprcmacv, or will her v people run the risk of depression by surrendering their advantage and tailing back into the class of her rivals I Prosperity is the only issue. All itinerant non-la.xpaying agitator, whose main oeeu pation is stirring up trouble and trying to pul oiher pen pie's towns "on the hog." has been wasting his energies roasting The Tribune and its editor, presumably in the hope' of securing some free advertising. His flow of billingsgate is said to as loud as the bray o! the animal that masqueraded in a lion's skin. What a misfortune il would be if he had to quit minding other people's business 21 MEN'S HEAVY Work SHOES Some new ideas in Shoes to stand hard knocks shoes with solid tongue, soles and uppers counters that never break down. Tan and Blacks at $3, 3.50, $4 and $5 HIGH-TOPS AT $8.00 PER PAIR BOYS' IIKAVY WOliK S1IO10S A SPECIALTY Some good things right now in dress goods for spring. Have your spring suit made early in the seasou. See The Window Display VAN DYKE'S 1 , f ( Hot Air Won't Raise The Wind OPYWia.M You can raise the wind belter by buying Med ford properly at present, prices and sit: down at your own fireside until the advance comes next spring. There's always "something doing" in ?, Ted ford, and indications are that the coming year will see more building, more street and sidewalk improve ment, and a greater advance in values in Medford than ever before. fall in line and don't let the procession run over von. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY KXIMBLT LDINO HJI and work tor a livinir, instead others I of living off t h pennies ol Uneasiness has been caused principas by the Mail's announcement that it has "brought out" Mr. Perry for mayor, and Messrs. Corey, Campbell and Ilollis for coun cilnien upon a prohibition platform. Not only does the Mail assume the role of moral guardian and spiritual guide to the community, but it now attempts to be political dictator. jK'3 PORTLAND OREGON Mnnrnx Comfort MoDERATK ' It ICES ONLY KOOF I HAVE ON II AMD Newtown Pippin -AND- wmmm osi.v roof Sfefill A1UBX IX I S'!d p Ni !' -Wil'l'l,e Tonrist iriiil.tijirttra rtya&r l-'OH TUK ALASKA- 1 Liun C.lIMIUI, A. S. XOKTON, Mine" M EDFOliD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2201. Window Franu'd, tk VvncertHl Poors, with Ht'Vfl l'lut, onrriih. iu atook obmp. Office Fixture and all kind of Daning Mill Work, ini'ludtr.g Turnod Work Hud laiicy drill. K STKKKT, UKTWKKN SIXTH AND S KVKNTtl STREETS. Spitzenburg Trees 'I'll.KHE AND FOUR-FOOT SIZES. ALL OTHER VARIETIES IN ANY : : : SIZE DESIRED : : : L. E. HOOVER BEDFORD, ORHGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nursery. Statu Depositary. OAPITAli AND SURPLUS 125,000 . AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOST1TOE3 AND CLIENTS; Tin- Jarksmi County lltiiik plai-os nt llu- :n rvii-i.' ,jf its (1 'poHitul'H :illd cli( iits 1 he host l':ic:lit:i.'3 in hiuiltiny. Tlie of li,1,':; an- iilo.'iHfd to roiulfr coulla,'! nn, I :i,ivi,-, on linnnctnl m.-itjitn. AcnmitH, sulij,'-! 1,, ilitvk. Jl'T in vfti',1. .Snfa tl.'posit boxea to rent, $1 per y: nr nna up. U I, VAV.TUli, Prniiltiil (l B. l.l.MiLEY, CaahUr BUR Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart -35c C. W. file DONALD Successor to Smith & Mmy All parties having accounts against ! B. Bronsoti fur material 1'or phimt Imilding, rcIiooI district No. il, picas so ml stnteinont to K. li. Watsnu. cleil;, within ton days vt date of thifl notiti'. K. II. WATSOX, 247 Uutte Pa IIh, Or. GET BUSY AND GO TO THE -GRAND THEATER- all of this week as on Saturday evening a Real Live Baby will be given away to one holding the lucky number. This baby has been brought from the baby home in Portland to be given away at Grand Theater, Saturday eve. "feiHSWH GOOD NEWS it will Im fur tin nwni who i liuikini; I'm' ;ni firtitii1 tailnr i.lirti smno ni:ui wit is .Ircssi'd in rxqirsiti' si Ii1 tells It tin licit In' linn his f lot itif made at KllKCKK A; ro.'S. can make you a suit of rlntlihitj or an nveroont that will ive you tin- distingue air sought hv the in:in of the wmlii who kuoWH a MERCHANTS LUNCH STAliTTNO DUrHMIiKR 2S, WE Wll.r, IT 1' MERCHANTS' F.U.Vi Ii rnoM 11:3d a. uxtii. 2 P. M. PRICE Mo THE LOUVRE Spcud Your Holiday Vacation at Paso Bobles hI tiling wlirii In il. ' 1 1 rf" V. J V: 'J CflPVRlf.HT. J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. Take the Tribune for News Tf complete rest and most, perfect conditions imaginable for nature cur. are what yon need spend your holidays vl Pasco Hoblcs, California. A week or two and even a few days will accomplish more in a way of restored energy than r much longer period and mote expen sive treatment elsewhere, bccaime good old Moi her Nature is uursc ami phy-sii-iuu. Paso b'obles in taking the s;ime rank lame for wonder full cures that Carls bad and Baden do in Europe Th hotel is a marvel of comfort and lux ury, and the bath house built by the icity free to all, is said to be one of the best in the world. It is a stubborn ailment and a hopelees condition of physical breakdown that the mineral wnt or and hot, mud b:iths of Paso Robbs will not heal in n short time Call on A. S. Kosi nbaum. local S. P. r.geut for deseriptiv booklet of Pao jHnble. and he will alro tell you all about rates 00 BIG CLEANUP SALE I I;i villi; iivcrrsliiiialiil mir I Inliil.-i y Trade, wu liu iuj; uiir uioiuls, vr lia vr a lame a-nrinit'iil uf I-'niwv Ware nt' all kinds wliieli we do net wish tu i a rrv nvcr an,' her seas, in, so have decided to give cur friends the benefit. HKll I X N I i M( DA V. ,1 AN V Ah' V 1, 1 we w ill j ut mi sale our entire stock of Famv ioods at prices rmninn' from one-third to one-half lower than ever given hefore in this country. These gumls consist ol! several kind of fine Pottery and Art Ware. Maud Painted Photos, oeltv Wans, Vases, Salad Sets, Plead and Butter and l'"ke Sets, Sugar and ('reamers. Cups and Saucers. Paucy Lamps. I o ls. St ory P.onks for ( hililren a' id a ureal m.iv, oilier uood things. Xow is your chance to fit your lunue out with fine ware at prices oil will prohahly never see aeiin. Pmi't fonjit the jihu-e. 216 West 7th. St. Last Store on Street MEDFORD TEA & COFFEE HOUSE