THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 1. ftl. 1909, ' ,6 - r ;i t'1 li ( A Hi " & 7 ' 1 " if IP DAYS MORE And The Fairest and Squarest Cut-Price Piano Sale Will End You Can Now Save from $154 to $249 on Your Piano Mi BWSA Mt f-v j'i - JJIDlIIEIinTT i i n 1 1 1 1 1 i ii r f n i TnniIIIlPTILU" I JVS : ViV Never Before Have You Seen the Cream of American Pianos Sold at Such Terrific Cut Prices - We are actually selling the most celebrated makes of Pianos at only C109 948 and t39Q These are Pianos that 016, 6T0 dUU 5J&7 regularly sold here all the way from $400 to $575. How do we do it? It is a well known fact that the "EILER'S" prices are always onHialf less. We buy and sell 86 out of every 100 Pianos shipped West. 26 PIANOS SOLD IN 14DAYS GUARANTEE is absolute. No chance for disappointment with us. TERMSt Make your own terms. What we want now is the good, wholesome advertis ing these beautiful Pianos will Give us. See the Big Sign opposite the Moore Hotel, West 7th.St Stores Wholesale and Retail J,' fiMMwj;l'i':f imP ". I I TO REDUCE STREET " CAR FARES IN DETROIT ili tiiiv.- . r lKTKOlT. Mi. lu. .Inn. I. - One of the firM ot'tu'iul in-)! nf 'Mnlip Ureitmeyer, Hiiivnr elert of Ibtroit, who iiNslini s of fin- next PriilMV, will irlialilv In- tin iipiniitiltiH'iit ..1' a (.iiiiiii: sioii nf lutsi- in-- ii 1m 1ri:tl Willi tin' l.Tiil triti'- ti. n i-.mi:ni in ivii'M'l tn l.nvi'r t'iiri'H kii tin stn-i-t i:iihiis ..T l' Kijilit f;u.H I'm- ''" c.'iil. H'ii i-t-til ti;iiitiTi :'tid I ii.' l--t pn-isiltii' iv i. .' iimniiji tln .Ii iiuuhIm lli:il 111 till ril will IMiilvi- It. I li .1 S t't'tll I -' 11 . Ii'(ni( 'lir:i'1y '"i I'1' "lilos ft" it n ut lini. Hi. itini -'f lii ilifnvi'i. ! ili:it. (In- Mini nil lnitii 1-' like 1 1. ii n i hi; i m. Ii ii in.-. I'.t in-" n . lini l.'iini -.1 that I Il .1'HV- VtlMi' L.lwr.'ii :i .'' ntH sU-:mIii a ml vizi f-m t"i- a iiarli-r Mifani VJM.'HMl a v.'iv to tli r,.mfniiv, t nt itr;i t'rmn im in rcrv otylit i. r.w,!,, im. In, tin' I iff of til.' 2i :ir 1 im iit'lii hi' tliiM "fri I'l'imv witiilil ui.l in nrnrly .I((W,iim. Tin- -it . laiiiis tJi. " "t of tin tnii' 1 ion fratti-liisi's exy'n' Vnvfrnln-r. Iiui. "I'll. r:nti;iv i'urn.:inv .mhmuuh-i' ils will ii. i;ii.'.s to mi'i't in i-m.i 1 1 i .mi.'.- with I In' .ity. hiif Mayor ui fi- Mays no n. n- fninchi!. h shnll lir Rrnntnl nnl.'ss tht i.!iii:iiiy jivts fiuht faros for a ywaitor. wilh imiviMMal lranfotH. UNIVERSITY RAISE.'! LIMIT IMPOSED BY DR. OSLER MINN K. l' I.IS, Mi-, ii., .Inn. I. Aftor toilay the lid-iilty nf tin' lnicr si t v of Miniii'sotii will Uirlmlr nn m tossiirs mit ti.i Wins di a-.', thus rais inn I lu Oil.'tian limit fivo years. Sitv vonr. w:m I Ii limit ( lv lr. Osier to an active nnl useful life. Tlr an Mi" a ..; t n ii of 'he fori nor Johns 1 1 oik ins iiofessur 'ins ln-eii accept oil :iiitl ii-pii.liatei! :ilteinaioly niany time ot lale in hioh luiMil'Vs an.) politic: cili leS. I Art a fesult nf the n-f accept a lice tin- Ovrl-T theories In tin hoanl of i. e. iiN of I lie I'liiversji nf M f sijt of the niil "prufs " will toio their jol.s. The action of il"- 1-onr.l has civ , at i'il a commotion in tli - uui. rsity cir , cles ami t hrouulioiit I'.e state, as tin j ue'inliers nf the faculty who are to bv ( ' 1 tf.!i-i ie.l " ai i.'pu!: r tin. I are con si.lcre.) :ilile. t;i. WASHINGTON ENTERTATNS THE NATIONAL HISTORIANS V ASH I NliTON, Jan. 1. - Washing ton is totlny entertaiuiun eiliu'ators frniil nmiiv of the loji uni ersit ies nitil colleges of I hi' t'nitisl States, who are Kiitherinit to take par: in tin- session of the American Histoniul association. tht Amoricau l'olitit'il Seieuco associa tioii. the UiMio:nipiii :l !.. i''ty ot America ami tliu MisHissppi Valley lli toricnl nssnetHtinn. Kmm Washiuijtor, manv of the vinitnrs will n to mond nn.t HnUim.rf. n . xenr-.on I. the Vuixersitv nf Virtf:in yi In- n f.'Hture of Hi closing rinv of tin- rouven tioii. SEXES SEOREOATFI) AT UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO i ll M;0, .l:),i, !. I'mter :l new r iolopteil hy tin- I'mwi'ty of fhioao. ellective lo.Iay. Wotnen stuilents w:l! not le allow cj t.i live in the same board iili houses where ni'le Mudentf ill' housed. It is the custom of the university to "assign" students to suitable boarditi place .and as hindloiJs are thus some what dependent upon the i iiHtitnt ion, the faculty hopes to be able to enforce the new rale without difficulty. The landloids ure to be im-truvted to pro ide reception parlorsfor the yoiuitf ' V i ndsor ( 'ast lr, I He. -1 ., 1 f0S. Heap M r. Ctuneuie; f have for some i. tie past been mix inns to express to ; .'U my sense of your mnerosity for the .real public objects whieh you have presented t m is com try, the land of oiir birth. "Scarcely less a.bnii:.ble than the Uifts themselves is ihe y,rvtl ,.Jn-, and t limijlit. you have taken in trniinlinn aiiiiinst their misuse. " I am anxious to (.1. you how witrm ly I recognize your nmsi generous ben .-factious and the H ser ices thoy ;ir.' likely to confer upon the country. " As a marl; of recognition I hope ou will accept tin- portrait of mvself which ! am sendinir t-'1 ymi. " H.-lii've. me. dear M r. t"arncj;ie. very 1 1 uly yours, " K1W KI. li. and 1." All parties having accounts against P. B. Brousou for mnteal for school building, school district No. 91, please stnd statement to E. H. Watson, clerk, within ten davs of dnte of this notice. K. H. WATSON. 24" Butte Falls, Or. Suo'id Youi Holiday Vacation at Pa?o Robles Copvrtidrf-r. women where thev ' siiit:ttiic liours calls at KINO EDWARD W'RITES LETTER TO CARNEGIE 1.0VIMN. Jan. I - K ng Klw ar.l has sent 11. o following letter to Midr-'W I'arneci''. New York: If .'ompl.-te rest ::nd most perfect .'oiidi'.iniis tmaiiinable for nature cure .ire what m need spend your holidays nt I'nM'o Kobles, ralifornia. A week or tw,aid t'M'll a few d:i swill ;u complisli more .u a w;t.y of restored rnerjiv than ;. muh longer peri d and more . xpen sive treatment elsewhere. Incavr.'e good old Mother Nature is nurse and phy sician. I Taso Robles is taking the same rank fame for wonderfull cures that OnrU bad and Baden do in Kurope The hotel is ft marvel of comfort and lux ury, and the bath house built by th1 city free to all, is said to be one of the best in tho world. It is a stubborn ailment and a hopelee condition of physical breakdown that the mimeral water and hot mud baths of Paso Robles will not heal in a short time Call on A. S. Kosenbaum. local 9. P. for descriptive booklets of Paso Robles, .nd he will also tell you all about rates W MERCHANTS LUNCH vr.UJTlNl! I'KCKMHKfi 2. WE Y!l.;, !'t r N V MKHi HANTS' I.'Wi li h'HOM 11:30 A. V.NTI1. 2 P. V. I'Kic: THE LOUVRE BORN. KKAMKK In Ashlsa.l. lVi-.-inlitT iii. ft,- the wifr nf li. . Kr.-inier. a ?on. j IJIIOIlKS Al Tnlcnt. Piveinh.-r 2l. In the w f of A. I.. Klioilon. a ilauih itrr. TEF.TKRS In Ashland. Dwinbor SI. I tn the wife of William Teotera, a ion. I A Map of Jackson County The Tribune and Southern Oregonian is haviiii? made at great expense a fine, colored, lithographed map of Jaekson county. This, map -will show all eities, towns and villages, rivers and waterways, section and Hirvey lines, railroads and projected rail r.iads, wagon roads, forest reserve bounda ries, election precinct and other data need ed l.v everyone. All townships shown in colors. This up-to-date map will be ready for distribution some time in December. It will be sold (inlv through The Tribune and .Southern Oregonian. r Ti This will be vour only ehaw.e to secure a g..od map of Jaekson county, as all iap edi tions are out of print and plates were des troyed in the San Francisco f k-e, necessitat ing new plates made at an enormous expense. Further details later. Hearty soon. Take the Tribune lor Nci I J 4- t