Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Boost the Developi)
h 1
! 1
I I lfldfl
By far the largest and bet newi report,
ct My paper lu Southern Oregoi
rimnu may
. I
. . . v
Social and Personal
P. C. Kellogg is visiting in Berkeley,
J. P. O'Hiirn of Cntriil Point was
vcontly in Medlord ,
Try the Clam Boullios at the M. & B.
CarHtr Kitchen Rt 5 Rents. 2C6
Kdgnr Hnfor is back from a business
trip to, Portland.
Kd Swindon and Joe Smith, recently
visited Uold Hill.
Watch ,ili6 Grand baby given away
Saturdr.Qight. 245
s C. B. liostel of Central Point was a
Yipont visitor in Medi'ord.
, O. I. Lun of Eugene is visiting in
J 'the valley.
B. F. Mulkoy, district attorney, was
in Medford recently nil business.
Try the hot chocolate at the M. & B.
Candy Kitchen at 5 cents. . 2C6
Miss Herthn Prim of Jacksonville was
Medford Thursday.
(Mr. and Mrs. II. V. lionney are back
nt -tlniir wnriflinir trill.
'iftor January 1 the Emerick Cafe
1 close at 9 p. m. exc ptiug on tho-
niclhta. 245
The usual taffy sale on Saturday.
Reduction applies to sumo other vario
';. u,vnl nt Kin: & Lohl's. 24")
I For Christmas tickets will be on sale
'23d, 24th and 25th. For New Year's
December 31st and January st. Keturn
limit January 4, 1909. 243
Oreat excitement all this week at
the Grand. Getting coupons for the
babv Saturday nightfl. Coma early or
",n ,: It 245
Try the hot drinks at the M. & B.
Candy Kitchen for 6 cents. 266
' Dr. .l.fvt. Kecne lins turned over his
office tolllr. W. R. rJtokefl. Dr. Kecne
will nowVake a much needed rest. Dr.
Stokes was a very successful practition
er in Dallas, Tex., before coming to this
. 'nnason s rtess riuui, vi. -
Ccnib( True.
Do you wit to learn photography!
rf so, see F. W. Lf.nister. 242
Miss Opal Daley recently entertain
ed tho sophomore class of fun high
school. Those attending were Nellie
Dressler, Isolc Ewliank, Lillio Reuter,
Gencvievo Wortman, Mary Gore, Alma
Gould, Loraine Bliton, Scl.len Hill,
Charles Rogers, Karl Anesdall, Raymond
Acsdall, Clifford Mizar, rercy lariier,
Wallace Wilson, Maurice Millor.
Saturday will be the day
rt,nt we'll ffive a baby away.
rhis will happen at tho Grand.
'f your bachelor rnena snouia gov u
wouldn't it boat tne nana.
BULLOCK Alma Bullock, wife of
lnr i nnnir nf this citv. January
aged 39 years, 11 months ana i.
Ptinornl services will be held
i u 'i T n. I 11 " -
. . :j - nn P voMitli) A VO-
a "rom lain msmeoew u j,. ----
wue at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. Rev. Hall
Ly Vifficiating. Interment in i. w. w. .
BIGGINS In Ashland, December 31,
William Biggins. He was wcii kuou
i in this city, having been interested in
r t . , r M n,;nM for manv rears.
lOHinBrn vu'R" - - .
S: ;. him The funeral
t uu anfunlnv morninc from his
.Will - z ,..,.
late residenco in tjucen Anne uu.v.m
lit 10 o'clock, Kov. none
llnterment in I. O. O. r. eemewry.
.m.Doinvnii'rii Tn Portland on
L11W1U" .T.
December 20, Mrs. nuoy
, ,n i mnnthj and 2!) days
Keceased'lenves a husband, 15. A Lee,
3,ton-Smith. and four i..iur. . --
Ved and Mary and Mrs. i.. c
'he family formerly rw.aed in Ash.
SIMPKJJJR-At BerVelev . -,
h. r 2. PHlip T.-. S""""" of r
i. n,,il. Or.. ag 1 4a years.
Iour Happiness and Prosperity extend
without ceasing through every month of the
New Year
War Ha! War Ho!
So'ticthing go'd cotn:ug .siuin. Yea
tnnl:i tribe, N. 3". lmpiovi'd Order of
Rcdinen of Mi-dronl, loivo :i-i-unil tin-
Ut.own min-tr. l
, ,,
,i. rr.
ile, and hi!. lloO pounds of ward
robe to direct nnd drill a local min
strel show, which will be produced at
the I. O. R. M. opera house January
22-2:;. -Mr. lloanle lias lieen highly roc
oiuin.'niU'd I'' the Klk.-t of Hoseliurg.
where he has recently directed a large
jubilee minstrel. As a director, his
rein-in sills always lirin;; good drisults.
Tliir is what Medford needs a real
irno'l old time lliins,1',!. Nothing is
better tli.'ili !( se til- high ela.w coons
of Medford is a rc.-il eood stunt, and
now the omirt:ie:rv ha presented it
self for the toys of Meilford io show
what they cut do. Tl.r first rehears-tl
is called for pinnday,. January (.
Soprano with the comic opera, "The
Alaskan' at tu Modtora raeaLer,
Saturday, January 2.
Eddie Martindell and Sixty Others in
cue famous uonuc upera at tne
Medford Theater Tomor
row Night.
"The Alaskan," tie mutmal story of
Uncle Sam's gold country, which under
tho direction of John Pert acnrM so hea
vily lust season, is tn le lung here at
the Medford Th afe'r too i or row night,
arurnay, junuar- p a spionma com-
sisted by muny splendid singers and a
great beauty cnorus, a wpu as an in
creased orchestra. "The Alaskan" is
a. romantic storv of that fat off coun
try of bitter winters tind golden hopes
and tho possibilities for local color,
scenic effects and picturesque costum
ing have never been excelled.
Set to muBie, it forroi an unusual or
fering, for it 'was not possible to put
the cheap claptrap ingle to a story as
strong as that of "Th Alaskan," but
it necessitated the composition of a
Knm that, while tuneful, mist hare had
a real bearing upon the action of the
play. The great success tnat has at
tended this opera tends to convince that
such was accomplished, lor it music
n;nv Brand hir?b and abTe that
of many of the musical rdoceti of the
present day,
a ;. . h mat there miirhtlond two-year term in the assembly
' .
BI1UU i"'"
be cited as an example one number
alonn"My Totem Pole." whioh Is in
itself a maKterniece, r bile thero are in
itse.r a nm i ,
F'r the ;;o"ieton of , VOLUMES OF LOVE LETTERS
"The Alaskan" new costumes, new -Wry
and many neW effects have-been NBW YOHK, J... --" -W.o
tint do much to enhance its sell, the actress, announced today that
'IrtS-'-H n-ic-i. offorin,. she -voul.l shortly rM V..1....M..
Manarar n'rt ! " t love Mlers feee.vd . a !" "'-'a-
nonnca tUV win to t!r megn!tl of ,-.-ire. r.
this production and the large guaran
tee he Is forced to give, tne iree usi
will be entiroly suspended for this en
The city ndmhiiscr;itirn iiiiuoihh'ch
tl.ut Morris Hn8. of 1'jrtliiod lui ur
ciiasisi tin .77,"ihj four ami unc-lmlf
jut ft'iit Hcrinl ImhuIh Xuv thi? flft'trif
fn.wcr a nd lilit plant, says tin' Valley
Morris Bros, bid approximately
".oh tor tho .77,.riH0 ihsik' f the bonds in
question, which am 4l,j per cents, to
I tiroit in vntntinn hi'ir'innilll ill UllO.
it int agreed to dt-livor liionoy upon them
to the city as it ib iK'eaea, paying n
the citv in addition til' interest avuru
mil' nit the lioiidM from the dato of issue
St-hi.'inl.i'r 1. to date rf delivery. This
nat counted a fair bargain on both
-.ides, and about us ffood as could be
ImtMvl for. ?o the cotiticil votoif to ar-
c-pt it subject to tho approval of the
i.'Kularity of the proceedings by the
bund firm's attorneys, tho city s at
turni'vs haiiiL' aheadv rassed upon the
remihiritv of I he procedure. The law
firm tn whom the m-itter was referre
l,v t!i' buvers nf the bonds found what
thpv elaimed to be -i technical irreiru
larity in the publical ion of the call for
the special election to the howls in
nii.-stioii. and asked us ;- -considerat ion
nf ilieir uiatiiiiL' if"od on their bid that
another special election be called in the
maitir. The council had received otne
i.Miiuisals for the bonds, without conceal
ing the point of irregularity raised by
M.irris Itros. decided leat it woum ex
mdite matter and bo best all roum
t l- t Ki. r.rtieed n r nrcscribed 1)V
i tho latter, which could be dune ii
short time, and the earlier make avail
able the c;tsh.
SAX KKANCISCO, fai., Jan. 1. irv l?:.vit u 14 vear-old new.-diov. was
.tr....i.- I.v un unto filled with a mrrrv
Now Year's party today ana uica iwo
hours later. The identity or cue pany
is unknown to the pol.eo.
TACOMA, Wash., Je.n. 1. All efforts
of a posse and bloodhounds to tina
iiimni MeCiiU-lieon. who disnnneared
from his homo Saturday, failed after a
two day's search. IK- lett a note say
hur Kiev would nrobablv find him in
sane in att asylum or hospital. The
hounds picked up tho trail at the box
where tho letter was mailed and fol
lowed it miles near Mt. Ha'mier until
tho trail was obliterated by travel.
i lln:A;o.".Jan. 1. It is estimated
that revelers throughout the city last
nk'ht spent in the neigh dot noon or vi
nnonnn Hundreds remained in the
cafes until 5 o'clock this morning
ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 1. Governor
TTiiuhcs todav was innnguraieii as tue
phief executivo of New York for a sec
-x. rf !, .finilnl in t
uu - ...
t chamber orl the capitoi in ui prnuim
of a big crowd.
I -
l.w lionlih and hunnincss DoWitfc's
Little Karly Risers pleasnnt little livor
pills, the hi'st made. Sold by Eagle
Pharmacy. m
1 HrMo linlilniiR HS to the PXBCt
shade vt aiuli'Ji). f. but ccriuiuly ul-
lnriiv4 li the ear. m "pgwuiiKio. u
expi'i'ssea-well. does R expivK.-:?
u elieerinosH uuder minor dlm-mii-
f,,vt i ohttiilistll utluet'
anmll misfortune:;. I'.iougk ludeed these
seem diuliiid ul.ullluua lor eo iu-
fonnul n v.uid. "I Just pangwungled
home In the rain." says a frleud of
mine, ami I know lie ot tliwe drench
od imi . iriiotl teuiuered. "We went
pangwaugling oft' to the theater last
night." snys my nearest neigimor,
I feel pretty certain they hud b;'eii blue
over siMuethfng and felt the fed nf
e r.e small jmycty. It would do us all
d If wc pai!;,ingleu a hit i ion. 1
hur word I th fnith
onh';;. "My. hum v. i'.e (r.-i.
' : ! t see yt-n!" Ii
.I ti ; ' e I tvu !' :ir!n;-."
. t s-t
rd .Ii
' rirr v 'l 'tic than "''
', i i : Wi: i: :.;'A-m, a'e !
I:' ! . I ill-J. I.el r..
i. ine'i
'"M II
I lite
V are
-.,-! '.! .'. V 'I' toV
I. , ' , 'H Si'lfml ;1' 1:
. u : "1 it s!:llt. T
. .; . ..ii.- hi .li br.-.v.
; -hv foli.:o;i ilirns."
: a !;t e l:i hiii:ue. nn.l
' i -Iv. : ; tr l;s -
i.'j V:c:1ari.-n.
i ,H-j:ii V ' ;e1;l
: ";, a ve:Tctrla:i
:e" :y. a. i!M" ol
Ji! Ii his gn
y MMMlhittil suit, (tr iv
:iy tierMed lint, rrr i J
(miM'-ni -d: "An inside
. j l'i UU lure
, i ... . ,
1' :ii :i!nls. An i.utsi'ie
; u Mm f"T"ri t ih-Mj-
pna-ured by fie
v ; . - , i- .( ihh I jvuii -r
: .t iii" - i' l!n sIUuh if lii'-i'
i .il.s. Sio my IxO'h wiiv.-n.
tio'ik'rt tn ii'iine poor minn i
l.:-.- billtnn." woi.ui'li, if!
mailt- -f r-rUly bent-s. l;:-ili'i- ni-i) ii.-Rlili-."'
F-i I lie mninl f.H'ill-'t ii;ni-lu:-i:
'T , - v,vrfl:lt-l:ill ii :icl i:.l
outslile I set hIciii! without I In- iimnliT
of nny cre;ilun.-li.-sli. I!,-. : nr fowl.
There nre tunny 11Kb ii. -c '"
Don't Take tbe Risk.
When vnu have a bad couch or cold
d not lot it drnir alnnir until it becomes
chronic bronchitis, or dovolops into an
attack or pneumonia, out givo ii ine
attention it deserves ana got nu or ii.
Take Chamberlain 'a Couch Remedy nnd
you an- sure of prompt relief. From
a small beginning the snlo anil ubo or
this preparation has extended to all
parts of the United States and to many
foreign countries, its manay remurs
ablo cures of coughs and 'colds have won
if thii widn renutation and exten
sive nso. Cold byfaskins drug storc.m
The Pure Pood Law.
sWrKtnrv Wilson savs: "Ono of the
objects of tho law !b to inform the con
sumer of tho presence or certain narm
i ,lr., In malicines." The law ro-
nuires that the amount of chloroform,
opium, morpnine ana o.nor umv i..
ing drugs bo stated on the lnbol of each
bottle. Tho manufacturers of Chamber
lain's Cnuoh Rcmedv haic always claim
ihnir rimcdv did not contain
nny of these drug", and tho truth of this
claim is now fully proven, n no men
tion of them is made on the label. I Bis
...m,lv is not only in-'- of the safest.
but one of the best in use for couchs
sml colds. Its vuliic Mis neen .roM-.i
, ,i l,,,,.t lh inn n v vrirs
wvoiio ,to. T,. ,, ', i
u i... Iw.n in neneriil n'i'. I'or snle by
IliiHkins' drug store.
j WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Members of
i in limine im mivi- imi nin'nuuv iwiu
f oreign commerce gat hered i n Wash
I ington today, preparatory to leaving
for Pannuia, where they will make a
1 Minrmiirli t i IWIWX't illll .if tll fOII at run t inn
1 '"ft r- - -
I work ou the canal and the management
ot tuo canal zone, nicy are expected
to be back in vwismngton on jatiuury
Owing to the prominence that has re
cently been given to matters, atid
the charges of mismanagement uud in
efficiency, tho result of the tour of In
vestigation is awaited bere with a great
deal of interest.
Many townspeople to'jk advantage of
tho watch party given by the Louvre
Cafe last evening and wero woll repaid
fo rtheir trouble. The program arrang
ed by the management ;nd rendered by
Hin llnzclriitr orchestra was oreat I v en
joyed. It was with regrot that tho
many in the cafe saw the new year
come, for it meant an end to the eve
ii hit. Tim ttartv was utiimio in this
city and it is to be hoped that the cus
torn will grow as it hum in other cities
Classified Advertisements
WAN'TUD Young nun, from 111 to 21
vi-nrn nf iiifn to leaMI crumto cuttorfl
trailf. Aiily to Uruijuu Grnuito 'o.,
Sixtli Htrm'l. 2'"
WANTED I'uruiubod bouso, 5 or 6
rooms, liy doairablc parties; no chil
li ron. AddroM H, enre of Tribune. 247
WANTfJD Ilorsos tu bounl by tlic
month. Plorlty of (rood, cloan buy, gooj
warm barn; tomis $(i per month. No
horBos taken for less tlian ouo moiith.
Walter Moore, Phocnii. 250
WANTED I dosire family washing to
do. I go to tho home and wash by the
day. Pricoi roaaonable; Batiuf action
guaranteed. Mrs. M P. Hchacnfelo,
Modford, Or. Box 8A, houto No. 1 2fl0
WANTKD (iirl for general housework.
Must be good cook; three in family;
wages $30. Apply D. Ii. Wood, Hotel
Nnsh. 2.10
KUIt HAIjK Two choice corner lots in
, I ii go s aooiiMiii, o khiii iiir iihsii
II. Ii. Sawyer, No. 207 S. C HI. 247
FOR SALE A good small business
I the contor of Modford. Address Box
125, Modford, Or
FOR SAI-E IIoubih, lots and land In
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe
nix, Or.
FOB SALE Cheap, one half . block
close In, good residence locality; will
Bell two or four IoIb; buy direct; save
agent's commission. Address P. O.
Hox 85. W
KOK BALE A gasoiine sewing ma
chine and a horse cheap. For particu
lars inquiro at the Iron Foundry on B
street, or address M. M. Maine, Med
ford. Or.
-Tive snd ten-acre tract!
nlthln and adioininff city limits, at a
bargain on long time. Address P. O.
Box 413, Medford, Or. 248
FOR SALE A goon small business on
Seventh street. Reasons for celling.
Address, P. O. box S12 or call at this
nfl'ico. '
l-'lilt SALE Extrn ilry cotdwuod, fir i
nnd pine, tier wog.l. ik, fir nnd pine, j
I Oseribrntr'', t'tu.'ehal-er Urns. Co.
wnrernoms. Teliplisne Ml. 202
. f i
,,nd and liefi...'
k .,.,1 was flonnil
a bottle
of Mc Donald
Shoe Oil
Your Feet
Pint Bottles - 20c
Quart - 35c
Successor to Smith & M ony
It doesn't pay. Keep your eyea fixsd
on our exceptional offerings. Fine tai-
loring can only be secured irom tne
hands of high-class tailors. Our expe
rience and mothodi are certainly worth
investigation. We employ tho best
workmen and our domes aro wunous
doubt tie most carefully selected in the
The City Tailor
- rni