Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Med ford Daily Tribune
A Live Pai-eii in a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
(Ieoiujk Putnam. Editor ami Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff i-c at
Medford, Oregon.
Oae mouth, by mail or carrier. . . .$0.50 Oae rear, by mail. . .
Nineteen hundred and nine promises to be the busiest
and most prosperous year in Med Cord's historv. All in
dieations point to a record breaking influx of people from
uie easi in searcn 01 Homes; me program ot public im
provements begun during the last two vears will be car
ried forward with a whirlwind rush; the buildings in con
templation in number and cost those of any pre
vioiis year. In short, the oulloid; is that be fori: the yeiu
has drawn to n close there will be 7.100 people, in Medford,
The year 1008 has witnessed the construct ion of u
?i.",000 city wiiter distributing system, a complete sewer
system, the inauguration of paved streets and the contract
let and bonds sold for a $:i50,000 water svstem from the
snow-capped peaks of the Cascades; a new high school
costing $10,000, a Catholic school costing the same amount,
several churches, a number of business blocks and over
III HI residences have been completed.
During the year 1!0!) there will be miles of bitulithic
pavement laid, eight or ten miles of street macadamized,
many miles of cement sidewalks and curbing constructed,
streets and houses numbered and other public improve
ments undertaken. Work will be pushed rmudly upon
the new water system, and water will be supplied the city
before the coming autumn. Contractors are figuring on
at least a score of modern brick business buildings and
some hundreds of residences.
During the coming year there promises to b'e the great
est fruit, crop ever harvested in the valley, both iu iian
tity and quality. This year's planting alone will proba
bly reach 10,000 acres, making a total of from f rty to fifty
thousand acres of orchard tributary to Medford. Prices
of orchards have gone up from $150 and $200 an acre a
few years ago to as high as $1500 an acre. Medford Im
grown and in growing ai no other town in Oregon. She has
ilistanced rivals and is idrcodg recognized as the liveliest
and best city of her size in Oregon. With such prospects,
it would be folly to change or experiment. Let Kill enough
A happy as well as prosperous New Year to all.
" Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's."
This is the text given as a conclusive reason in a ser
mon by the local prohibition organ why the people of Med
ford should surrender their right to regulate their own af
fairs and give it to the people of Jackson county, who pay
no taxes in Medford and who, many of them, are directly
interested in retarding its development for the benefit of
rival communities.
"Header unto Caesar that which is Caesai 's."
Ever since the phrase; was written it has been quoted
by every supporter of tyranny uu a reason why the oppress
ed should tamely submit to being imposed upon by their
rulers. It. was freely used by ancient priests to strengthen
the cause of tyrants, who usurped the rights of the multi
tude. It was the subject of many a discourse against the
granting of the magna charter and the wresting from King
John of popular rights. Jt was a favorite text for the roy
alist clergy when the people of England were driving the
Stuart to the block for senseless extortions. Tory clergy
men used it constantly in the war of the American revolu
tion as an argument why the colonies should submit to
the exactions of the mad tyrant placed upon Britain's
throne. During the civil war it was freely quoted by south
ern preachers in support of slavery. In sho'-t, there has
never been an usurpation of people's rights or infringe
ment of liberty that could not be justified by this quota
" Render unto Caesar that which i Cafittar'H."
This text of tyranny used as an argument why non-res
ident farmers should dictate what the people of Medford
should or should not do, is absurd and grotesque, but it is
probably as strong as any argument can be in favor of
a law which deprives a man, a community or i- city of the
right to govern itself.
the Quality
I is, and ulways has
been our aim to supply
our customers with
gosda of the hiliMt
quality and to that end
we are always adding
qua. ty to our lino. The
'addition of "preferred
stock" makes our line
of lijjiii rade Canned
Goods most complete.
Our service always the
b1 st and every accom
:;i n o:ir customers.
Allen & Reagan
Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit
and Feed
J. E. ENYART, President.
J. A. PERRY, Vice-President.
JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
M E D F O El
CAPITAL -7 - $50,000
SURPLUS - - 10,000
Safety Boxes For Rem. A GeneralBank
in Bus ness Traasacted. We
Solicit Your Patronage.
prelaw mm im iilwwmmmum
Mattie stalhwurth of Kane's Creek
who 1ms been trending in Med font for
Homo time, hzt returno', home.
Attention, Eebekahs. I. Herder of Phoenix was a Medford
The installation of officers in Olive 1 visitor on ew Veer's day and made
Krhrkah Indue will be held on next this offiee a call. He reports his end
fut'Hiliiv evening. f the valley boomtnrj.
II. F. Staneliff of Phot-nix was a re
:nt Medford visitor.
There was a goodly attendance at
te fireman's hall Thursday evening,
lie boys will new jjet their rubber
tiits, which they have wanted so lon.
The Horticultural society will meet
it t unlay afternoon.
Prices Blown to Atoms
We are Going to Clean up the Following List at Prices Never Beioie Heard oi
we ad vertise Honest, straightforward business methods are all we emp ty Such n'thods
any clothing store in southern Oregon.
You know our reputation We do as
have given us the largest business of
One lot. Shirts, golf and stiff fronts, 50c, 75e and
$1.00 values 49
One lot .Shirts, stiff fronts, $1.25 and $1.50 val-
i ues 79
One lot Oolf Shirts, $1.25 values 79
One lot (lolf Shirts, $1.50 values $1.05
One lot Black Sateens, 75c and 85c values . . .85
One lot Black Sateens, $1.00 values 79
Ono lot Black Shirts, $1.25 values 83
One lot. Black Sateens, $1.50 values 9S
Blue Flannels, $1.50 values $1.15
lilne Flannels, $2.00 values $1-33
Blue Flannels, $2.25 and $2.50 values $1.85
Blue Flannels, $3.00 values $2.20
nine Flannels, $4.00, lumberman's. shirt . .S2.85
Blue Flannel, $4.50 extra fine lumberman's
shirt S3.20
Canvas Glovjs, pair . . . 5
Sweater Coats and FancyVests one-third off
Pants .1 about one-third off
House Coatjs ', one-third ff
, We are also
nel Shirts.
selves. We d
Alwayg in Earnest
giving big rts in fine French Flan-
few broke: lots in Underwear at
ridiculously lcjw prices. Gme in and 3ee for your-
as we say, .
The Best Clothing Store in Southern Oregon