' BoosUj of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By fat the largest and best nowa report of auy paper In Southern Oregon. TheWeather Cloudy tonight u ml tomorrow; colder; northeasterly winds. TH1KD YEAR. MRU FOND, ORIXJOX. FKJ1. Y, .JANUARY 1, 190!). No. 244. Hied! Daily CrilbMime - & NEW CHURCH BLESSED BY PRESIDENT AND ARCHBISHOP Impressive Ceremonies Held at Catholic Church in West MedfordArGh bishop Speaks y M. Ka( hi With improsaive cermniiy th Catholic eh u rdi in thin citv v.'iis on pii day morning dedicated, Archbish.ji Christie of fieinting, i.ssisted by signor Luard of Portland and Van Clnrenheok of this city, Althovi: the weather was not I'm most favorabll a largo crowd of local people nlti-ndJ nil- t-i ivrn jiiiu nr. new room crowded. The regular dedication services the Cut hoi it' eh nrAh were used. 'I music was exceptionally f i no nnd eve thing lent pleasure to the services. The archbishop spoke nt some lon-fl: in regard to the Catholic work in 111 city and expressed his pleasure at tl progress that has been shown. Howe lie expressed his dissatisfaction iu gard to the treatment that was nceoj ed Father Van Clarcnhoek, stating tht lie would no longer nilow his priests reside in a 'Mien coop. ' Ho then uhIqI that aid bo extended the church so tilt the priest could take up his reside' in the parish house. I "Father Van's' Sacrifice. J In thus speaking the archbishop lyl reference to the sacrifice that "Fntlir Van," as the Catholic priest in elm of the local work, is culled in that I foot ion that finds its expression in I mimttives, in giving up the parish Ho for two years that In? might take r nntal and apply it on tne new emits in order to have it completed, and 15 mg in the meantime ir a little sh; that he had erected in the rear of church. Father Van says that he very comfortable in his little quart but Archbishop Christ io stated in remarks that lie could not turn arou in tho place. He took care to stiit that Father Van was not complain! but as a priest has only a home should not be required to live in such1 aback. Regarding the Hospital In regard to the hosp'tnl that is plan Hrd for this city by the Sisters?, tb archbishop stated thai the business mm of this citv hud neve paid what t h tj E DEVIL" WIRS.ROOSEVELT DUKE WEARS BE MANY MAYOR'S TOGA Brilliant New Year's Re ception Held at White House-Many Notables Attend January 1. N'cigh- miiiied by hia fain- fr invited :"i 'end kent. mien 'Vf!t, HII1T WA.sllIXiiToX bor Km., ily ami :i " ' ,U1J. aim there wasn i. one ot the tliousands who p.u.i their f-pects am! wil-it .iw. i... . ..it - u nappy cw ieur" v.lio diln t ny it was the most successful "at bonn-' given by the Kooscvclts ricve th-y moved into the White House with ihetr belongings sev en yearn to eunie Jan iSeptember. Many diutingu islu-.t tolks, including what is recognized as the ''Four Hun dred" iu tiic-w parts the diplomatic corps v,-ere aracng tut specially invited guests, ::s were also i.M those fortu nate, enough to live in the celoci; social anad official circles f the manlv host aid charming liimteas. The townspeople were there in overwhelming number:;. All :c( tc m:ike ,h-i iccasion a num- orabl one, from the distinguished rep resentatives of crowned heals, in vari colored uniform h -a with gi.ld braid. and with courtly bow and a near touch of the finder tijis In greeting, to the quietly clad "plain people," with well wisti's ami hund clasp like u vise. Pumped Many Hands. The genial hoit, enured to greut phy sical strain, firmly sLood his ground throughout the trying ordeal of over three hours, and generously pump linn- lied each and every guest without fear r fa'vor and regardless of race, color. pre inns condition iii servitude or sect. The fixing aJ.led much lit the sac 's nf the ccnt music by tho taurine band, floral Jivrat'Ui:s mi prims uf nq.ical luxnrijuu-e. On Hie str-A.- ..f II o'clock, fu-.ir mgleni fnmi :c l.'i;d '-tapped from their M-alet I'lii-d I" Hows tatio'iod in the main e:it miici? had and sounded the. all "The I 'resident. ' j-s they vejcn-d h fotit ((f the str.ir-ai 1 le:'iing 1o the amily apiirtiiici)t on the eioid fhuir. Iu a iiuinu lit Xci lil Mr lioosevt It and is wife st;:rt'l the M"rert of the rfair- ase to t'je ttrnirs -jf "The Si:;r ypan- ghd UaiH:er,'T -id'1 m:!e their way tc had subscribed towards the new bc1mo the south side of tin- bine room, follow and that until this old account waded by the vice jireniiVnt and Mrs. Fair straightened up that hs would not nil b;:iiks ami ;lie members f th; cub low a hospital to be erected -in Me-l-liM-i. The I:n!is iU their position ford, but woud place it. in some othef;t the right and 1'j. m -d a part of the citv instead. t receiving line tr (tit"- tli:ni an hear. The archbinhop thou delivered his so mon. Reception xomgiu. j,.s niiuiPtai was real swell. 'J A re.-eotion will he le-itiere.i iiiq arcnt,., .,.ni, ( ti.,;i, , l:t ..,,.,.. t.x,.u ,,rl ShoA- of Ui!iform.s. r The pn'M-iitiitM) ef I o-eign ambassa I !ois ami niiuiptai was real swell. They ''ft.tcreil bv Him -'tu it . hiraiti'". I'Xi-ht bishop and visiting falhers at the par;VrU. ,.,.s,,n,,(i . rhem. arid sh.wlv bh house this evening to which all are.i.' t,HJr w;u . i,)sl aiM UiiiXi. invited. An attract v.; pr-iram ha b. en arranged and it is hoped that many will attend. The archbirdiop will re main in Medford nnti' Saturday after- lie MARRIED. itii thir wiv-lire?-.. Kach ie court ce:' Tin "t t V KKM;KIM EH At the homo of the gmom's father 'n this city. Thurs day evening, December 24, Mr. Ernest D. Fnukey and Miss Kf'ie firimes were united in marriage. Kev. T. M. .Tones performing the ceremony. Both the par f'.s art- well and favorably known here. &.r. Pan key being ono of this valley's .est ball pitchers, while Miss Grimes -Mvas a most charming aad popular young l;idv. Only a few of the immediate rel atives of tho couple were present to wit noss tho interesting ceremony, which was followed by a nio tempting wed ding dinner. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnnkev will r,--idp in Central Point. Herald. KELLKKMAX LEWIS Mr. J. ,T. Kellertnan f Ashland and Miss Noma. Irene irfwis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lewis of this city, were quietly married at 9 o'clock yesterday morning at the Lewis home by Kev. T. M. Jones. Only the relatives and a few friends of the bride witnessed the cere .,.m.v immediately fellnwing which the happv couple took the train for Seattle, where the groom's patents rryde and where they expect to mak their home. Mr Kellennan has been engaged in the automobile Karate business in Ashland for ome timp. t'"1 r.H-ontly sold his bn iness and decide! to locate in Seatle. The bride is well known here and has many friend". wl" wi" unit' ll) W'qbing i --if n-l hf-T hocl:irJ a happv and prosperous life.-Horald. .1 iiid members of their -T it was attired In eti'jing his rank. 1 i in h iilian am fllip.'to M;ivrr ile. au he "has for ii..'ie were many i ni:i:ion of the i 1i t'olb.wed. t h'- president 's by ileath, was ai'c was taken con Jl'Tiistortf. ntative of the ho was aceorn an American. ri ot" her nativ ".. Having ar- count camy at f ambassadors. ii ii minister, in ;r'h. a did his wing the richly party of Prince b'; distinguished f the prim-e : nea that had ; , This town, and u-ignifi''aace the ii-iij'pointed Chi- 1 for the first --H'lor. Il:tt auehi's. bd fc eral v.-.irs. iatiges iu tli. her govern no HartMi von irt .' friend, ri ally mir-sed. Count von ! tho person:'! rniaa emper. .lied by tl:. has not s e lo-for1 fr 1 but. re. -en foot r.t' tli befuie tie 1 of ratil-i .: lleCOSi'r. ill! I i gned ainbari' ) TiiH' Slinc Vi hi srir- 'Hie full tt paly was of Iiedr before be. 0 t -a ' it Lied almost il l u drel of Dr. Wu. .i - iiesfininiter w'io :pp timi in several yrn. SOffiM Anpear. iowing tl i '""trig diplomatic orn.i-inn euill - IU!lie.e ail'l the ociate , court other nv fornSr membei I'niEll States tster-i The w tivoK'atne nex: seasoj had left An ther plea diute J after Writes and Offers Heard Position-WillSell Barnum a Right-of-way for $1000 Jeff Bombard (ie.nge L. Duke, familiarly known to Mid ford people as " laio Devil Duke," ex-official nuniberer of Medford Iioum's. sign pnh-ter, alv rlising agent, etc.. ere, etc., has been c'u-ted mav(t'r of Hotchkiss, a town in t elerado. h: a letter upon official stationery, the dare dev.il boy mayor writes as follows: ".lust a few lines to wish you a merry Xmns ami a happy X w War. Tel! Doc Roddy that h? hasn't got any thing on mc, as you will notice by the enclosed clipping. I am Mayor of this burg. And the Judge web, being city at to-ney of M"dford may be quite an honor, but nothing compared with be ing a mayor. Xow I am even with the fudge. Mulligan, in Grand Junction. "Karl B:cke and Mulligan run the town of Orand Junction. Mrs. Mulligan e; the Society que. u there. "Tom Richardson nun at Denver the other day. Denver wants hi in to come and be their bow-tor chief. Am think ing of offering Toni a portfolio in my local cabinet. "My town hero w.-ut dry at iho last 'lection, but I have given several blird pigs permits to op. Tut1. I intend to number 'he town sunn. If anyone wants rH'er'cc.. 1 will tell tlem to lef. r to Medford. "Tell .1. ff Hoard -I,-.! he cm have a .l-di a: siiiiojiMci.d'-n. of -tie, if hi U'Ollt.: It. ' Hotchkiss Statistics. "Here nre yonie f'icr ft r the Med ford Commercial club about llotehki.'n. Cole.: " Population lit.'.O. " Niggers Hi. Do-rs l.ouii,nMO,()oii,i)ii(i,MiiO. "Chief industry -Real esinte "harks catching eastern suckers. " Railroads Jerkw .t,. ,,f p. & R. a. arrives and dpart:t i.nee in so eriea. "Please request De li'-ihiy to send copy of his anti-optitn amendment; aNo a few pointers on how t,t run a town. T'll Ha r ii ti in I will (' ,f him a I'J'ilroa! l'i-rine!se i-..m here to Sow llidlow.f'or tioiis.tii' dollar. " Wishing everyone i'i M.-dt'oid a pv Xew Year, . ":. I,. lU'KK. Mayor.' WARSHIPS AID IN CHECKING MESSINA EIRE navy and other milit.i'y organizations, all wearing the regulation full dress. At l'J:l."i the pr sion of well wish is took mi a limn :, rubor color. It was made up of 1 lie vt ilian officers and organizations apiifiiriug in the fol lowing order: i-i' jirv iif the .Smith ; , ivil service eo:n- .-.oiinorei mmiv' 1 1 ; 1 1 e'lin iti i -s; i in , i-miii I)wt;;ct of Columbia. es ..f '.part.ii.-oi-. -n- Itegents and s. iniaii int it ill io i i ; i o 1 1 , i nt -r' 'i mi, Ithini;:n e lilissioliers ot III. istant se.-ietai licitor general, n-c ral. assistant tr.avtiror of the rian of congress. of bureaus, presid istitnti.oi for d : f tlie Cincinnati. o-itanl attorneys gen iosi ntasleH general. I'liiSd States, libia pub';. printer. In-mK ent of the Columbia if j.;rd dmiib. Soco-tv A.ier club of 117. ns. war of DMIMT: - of the supremo I , itf th" hvl'iary. the cabiee and .o...l.,rj -iinl miti t nnd r. pre.ent.i thoigh tho holiday j fe in the city. i ( imI itch canr imme-' i T4 of the army and Associated Vetera w: Military I id-r Loyal Leu ion. tiraiel Army, Medal of Umi pr Legion, Veteran L.giou. I'nion Veteran.' union. Sncictv Annv of Santiago. Sp:,'ih War Veter ans, Armv and -Nnvv I mon, .Minute Men. Sons of the Atm ircan Revolution md the Olde-t Tnhabit.-nts association. The Simple Life. Then came the simple life. The long terpentine line of "ptiin people " that had been pulsating with impatience nut of doors fr two lo-nrs. fr.m the head r sting on the front pornco in sight and Bring of tin: gaiety, to the rear many "(pjnren away, moved forward at 1 p. m. w h n the big door w.s thrown open. The jjnv uniforms and fine gowns were absent, but the flow-ts and plants and music wor there and more important Jian alb-Veighbor Ho 'revolt. The great band, whfh had been dis ursing "las.-ic.-il air.f. burt forth in blare of "See. the Colopiering Hero Come," ns the column fairly lea pert in Slowlv nt first, t.nt faster moved the throng, and moro y-yuttn became th band, skipping from on lively air to another on tim it wa "Listen to Mv Tale of Woe" uud at another the City to Stop the Flames Pestilence Is Spreading Rapidly Islands Disappear CATAMA, .laiia. L Tho warships )ff the coast of Messina bctran lom. barding the burning sections of the ily thin morniiiL' as the only n.-ssihlo means of fighting the flumeswhich are spr auiug constantly -n spit.' of r.ll ef- ions in cheek them. The latest refiiL'ees unv that, there iu but little hope of rebuilding the city. J'estitution reigns throughout the city and hundreds are in tinmineut. duniinr of starvation. Pestilence is Hiireadinir rnn- idly and adding fresh horror. King Goes to Reggio. MKSSIXA, Jan. 1. Kiug Kniaiiuol went, to the. city of Reggio todnv, but the (ineen remained in thm city, no th horrors of the city i. cross the .itraits ire toil great for h.-r to stand. She is gradually Hearing a nervous collapse. but disregards all requests on the part it the king that she return home. With probably 4(1. imo dead in the ruins, the work being done in Messina iimoiints to little or nothing. The tiro is uicrea.ang mid swt einnir over the ity. The stench is almost, nnbenrnble ami pestilence is almost certain to follow. Islands Have Disappeared. RUM. K, Jan. 1, According to advices from Vita the Li pan! jf lands near tho coast nf" ( icily have disappeared ami S.i tint inhabitants irnvo perished. Th gove::::i!f i:t has detailed a torpe do boat to invest igate. The inlands are of . Icauic origin and w -re in the line with l e heaviest earth- piahe shocks. 'There'll pe a IL.t Time in tin' Old Town Tonight.' "Step lively there, slip lively there, and see the elephant pack his trunk," came the melody, but cot the wordH, ns the baud broke into the familiar " May nr of Tol; in. " Kven Xejghbnr Rnosev elt could not repress a smile for all tin good peoplo of every rank and f mm almost every clime ha I been wishing him a successful hunt on t lie A f rican trip which is to follow his retirement f roll) public life. Column Moves Quickly. More rapidly moved the column, Xow a quick step from Miv band. Then a double quick from the callers. Tli" neat ly uniformed help, placed at diuYr nt parts of the loom to l.eep the course clour, tool; n hand mi l by an ititiiuuit ing gesture lo-re or a :iq. there, livened up the faltering oiu-j. U; her gentleman !y attendant observe I that there were no pachags carried tie- ranks ami saw to it that t ho rule against a rnllor greeting his host wiih one hand behind i:is ba.-k or t-ouwa I in liis oereo.-it j ki t was not vndalt n. It was a cosmopolite i gathering, from fiist to lasi, arol uil l -s -o att-r tin d ! pf.en ra ine of t he reyn I J rap tings, the t'roel; mats and lit" handsome gowns for in the "people's cilnmn' Were old age and youth. 11 Willi boys'' ami sim pering mniiN, ina'nl' ii ladies and wash orwomen. the gent d 1:. borer a well as the fellow ho loo' .d as if he ;i. not known profitable toil f)hr vejus; Sh- White .-md the !,-. the freshly Scoured a-t well as oi if who had lo g lectod their toilet. Th'-y hurried along, the embodiment of S)ialiespe:iie's Seven Ag.-s. with all intermediate grade thru he could have conceived of ami othe-s tint dreamed nf in his philosophy. Through it stood Neighbor Roosevelt , with no cider or appl's to dispense, bat laving a cheery salutation for all, a pnf on the shoulder for an acquaintance lo-ie and there in t he line and with nobody missing a hearty grasp of that white gloved hand, showing evidences of Soil, but no indi cation of a tremor .ir weakness in the oriorgy behind it. Thus came to a clone the last New V'-ar's reception of a Mvcn years administration. E FOUND PALMER MAY 11 T LuS AM'KLKS. Ca .. Jan. 1. Fifty tiousaMi! dollars is I)"- amount Jack Wr.-n of Melbourne a fight promoter. i willing to gie JtrTr' -s outright if he will agree to meet Jack Johnson, the negro, in Melbourne next, November, according to a cablegram made public todav, Clause lor $800 License Inoperative-Inserted to Fool Voters and Secure Passage ol Measure Tho charter amendment proposed by prohibitionists to amend Medford 'a city charter, so as to mako it comply wil'a the general local option law, contains a joker cunningly im-ertod to secure votes for it from those who favor high license. Vnder tl.o impressiou that they arc voting to increase the mini iiiuiii license to ifKOO jar annum, many are supposed to vote for the amend ment. As a matter of fad, if tho amend meut to the charter carries, the high li cense provision .will b.) operative, be cause the high license provision will be taken away from Jdedford. Upon the official ballot the initia tive petition proposed by tho prohibi tionists reads as follows: " Proposal by. initiative petition. Charter amondineiit making the local option law of the stale of Oregon apply to tho city of Medford ami fixing the minimum license nt. $$00 per annum. Voto yes or no. ' ' The clause in Medford 't charter which now gives the city ciuucil power to license, tax regulate or prohibit bar rooms, etc., where spi'itous, malt or vinous liquors are k"pf, for mile, " ro gardless of general or state laws," and which is local self government. mid hence the true local option, is changed under the proposed amendment tu rend as follows: ' ' ' To license, tax, r 'gulale, or pro hibit barrooms, drinking shops, billiard rooms, bowling alleys, d.iuec houses, and all places where spirieus, malt or via oiis liquors are sold or !: pi fur sale, sub jeel to any and all grroial laws of the state of Oregon heretofore enacted or which hereafter shall h enacted by the legislature or by the people of the slate of Iregoii j provided, I hut no license for the sale of spiritous. malt or vinous liquors shall be granted for any less amount thnu eight, hundred dollars ($N00) per annum, pa able seiui iiunu ill! vy in advance, ' ' Jt therefore follow- that the clause containing tho ifSOO Incuse will be in operative when tli .j charter complies with the general loci" I option law, and that it was ostcnsih'v inserted to de ceive voters and secu.-n support for the amendment, taking away the power of licensing from the city. As the public voted for tho local opii-in law supporiug it to be a true local eplion bill instead of it t-ouiitv prohibition measure, so it i hoped to secure ntes for tin- amend ment emasculating i ho city charter. WINE AND WOMEN ADD ANOTHER TO LIST OF VICTIMS BUY ASHLAND COAL MINE Dr. Reddy Obtains Option on Property and Sub mits Proposition to Chi cago Capitalist SKATTLK. Wa-i... Jan. I. - Prion j bright lights mid win - dilineis- to jail) i he ht-i v of 'he 'I of llerm.-n Pa 1 ley, former e.i-hi- r of the Cenrgo P. I Levee T Ilea I lictl I Colli). ,1'iy, who was ill' i ,.- led I., r. ;.!:; , !,:.-' 1 nit I, e..--'. .ling mmo. c ciom'-s I and will be taken back to ( 'hicagi. Dr. J. l Retldy nf litis city has se cured an npiion on th Ashland coal mine and has submi't -i the proposition to llonore Palmer, the Chicago capilal ist, and it may be that lie will take hold of the property. D. 1! Jackson is as sociated with Dr. Reddy iu tho deal. I lie Ashland Tiding u its last issue published a story to tho effect that Palmer has already h-.nded the property, this, however, not berng the case, an option havuing bee.i taken and the proposit ton forwarded tu Palmer. Medford Coal Deal. Mr. Murphy of Chicago, with whom 'nlmicl J, P. Mniiday it- associated, is xpci-tcd to arrive tu this city on Mou lay. It is thought that at that, time au understanding will be reached with the Pacific Coal company whereby tho Med I old ( on! company a property will be taken over by the ( amende Coal com pany and development started. The Ashland Tale. The article appearing in the Tiding follows: "A .leal was consummated on Tues day by the Ashland Coal company which amy menu a grout deal for the development of the coal prospects in this end of the Rogue River valley iu particular. The conip.t:iy gave a work ing bond on tho properly to Mayor J. V, Roddy and D. II. Jackson of Med ford, who it is understood Arc the representa tives iu the matter of llotmro Palmer, the Chicago millionaire, who is making extenshe i n est men I k iu the Rogue River valley, his most recent In ml pur chase being t be big Ity bee ranch on Rogue liver iu whien h- invested some 40,000. "According to th" best information obtainable, Palmer h; ? been attracted by the recent favorable reports of the coal prospects in this sect inn ami par ticularly by the pros If. of the Ash land company at its property just south east of thin city, :nd is desirous of taking hold and d- loping t he coal mining industry, lie is not associated With the parties that, have been bond ing and locating coal prospects all the way from Aslilaml to Rogue river iu the past few ii i not lis, it l: stitl ed. Will Examine Coal. T'uder the terms ol the bond taken upon t ho A shin ml piop.-rt y, nu expert examination is to be made at an early lirte, ami if sntiHt'aelorv as it is rea sonably certain it w.'l be, il in said. development work is ( be taken up not, later t ha i. Pebi nary ' ' a ml pushed. Then time is given iinli: May 1 to take lip the stock issued by the Ashh'tid Coal eocmpanv nt the pric of 'Z7u' per share at which ii is i-soed. Tin- outstanding stn.-k to I lie ah ili p. It tun. The b, a-- ol laud belop- .iii i f any t!, id- ROBBER FATALLY WOUNDED IN ATTEMPTING A HOLDUP SI'UKAM-;. Wash.. J-,ii. I .- Tl lore Adams of Aum-oiida, Mont., was prob ably fatally wounded tin- morning while living to hold up a -li ei ,-i.r. e was shot, iu the head bv ',. -r. Smith, a civil engineer, who was i.:seiiyir on the car. Smith re.-nlod fo his gun when the robber entered tl ;'r. In the shoot ing Smith received a scvnlp wound. Adams' companion esenped. A panic among the women- passengers followed. Will Make Report on Water. Petor Appb-gate has I ',n engaged by the water cmiimiltee . the city council to prepare and submit a report to that body on the most f.-asilde plan for se curing an adequate supply of water for the town, together w.:ii the cost of the plant. .Nf r. Appleg-te was here last Thursday conferring wlh the commit teo and expects to ha i hi; report ready within a few days. Mr, Applegato is a civil engineer of wide experience ami, le ing a former old time resident of this town, lias a com presensive understanding of the general conditions and needs of the town, which will be of great benefit to him in get t.i.g at the true facts aid conditions. II oral d. uifh th .vas nl of land The thbi see -he ..re nal eninpanv " working J-ae eeim d on tv, ii hundred acres joining from J. J. M urphv. eoal d' veloplll. lt prnfpeets of cfbni. furthered as they an at senl time by 'Ie- Illinois company represented by Colonel Mmidv and bv th" f.os An'o-bs ,.,,uceni. to.j. tti.r with the interest now tuNen bv Pabnoi', are certainly longing Hp. WILL INSTALL NEW OFFICERS OF THE O. A R. TUESDAY There will be a publi installation of the officers of Chester A. Arthur post. 11. A. Ii., ami of th-- Women's Relief C.i.'ps in connect itm o'th (he post on Tuesday evening. J;)-;:.iry lilo'i. nt Angle opera house, commencing at 7 p. in. sharp and to which alt old soldiers and their iinmediat" families an r- dially invited, whether members of the post or any other; alto members of the Relief Corps and their immediate fnmi Iks: we also extend to any ex confed erate soldiers and thei- wiv.-n a cordial invitation to t io and meet with us. assuring them a genuine welcome. After installation there will Io a short pro gram, consist ing of vera! and tnst ru inental music, recitations end selections on the drum by an nil veteran, after which supper will be nerved. Como and let tin renew old acquaintances, which haTe been ' sealed crt many a battle field. Remember the. rtercisea will com mence at 7 p. ra. sharp.