THE AfEDFORD DAILY TRIBtTNL', fEPFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1908. r f ii Social and Personal Wlter Moore spent Thursday iu Meii tori. Mrs. O. T. West of Ashland was a Medford visitor Wednesday. Herbert Smitli of (limits Puss was a recent Medford viiitor. 4. H. T. Findley returned Thursday from a few days (pent in Portland. M, P. Horn of tlio Christian church , will occupy a house at Tenth and 0 treets in the near future. After January 1 the Emerick Cafe will close at 9 p. m. excepting on the ater nights. 845 3 O. N. Wilson has purchased the home I of W. M. Tongue in Northwest Mi-d-1 ford. Mr. Tongue wiil move to ABh S land and engage in buginess. The con t sidoration was $2100. ' Try the Clam Boullion at tho M. B. Candy Kitchen at S cents. 206 0, W. Sawyer and J. D. Smith of South Dakota receive'! a carload of household goods on Wednesday. Try the hot chocolate at the V. ft B. Candy Kitchen at 8 centa. 206 Miss Vera Olinstuud will spend a few davs with friends lit Ashlnnd. Watch the Qruud buby given uwny Saturday night. 245 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy are the proud possessors of a healthy ten-pound bov, which arrived in time to see the old year out and the new in. It. A .f, pre wife are ontertiiin iag J. MitCii and vife of Lebanon, Or. Miss Emma Wulf of Jacksonville Is visiting friends at Klr.inuth Falls. W. L. Halley win in Talent Wiilne day on business. ' . For Christmas ticketn will be on sale 23d, 24th und 2!ith. For New Year's December 31st and January st. Return limit January 4, 1909. 243 Marshal Iru Love was In this eity Wednesday with business pertuining to hit office. Great excitement all this week nt tho Grand. Gettiug coupons for the baby Saturday nightil. Come e..rly or you may hubs it. 245 E. J. Trowbridge, who hits been in Portland on business, returned Wednes day. Try the hot drinks at the M. ft B Candy Kiifhen for 6 cents. 260 'Johnson j Be" Flour, $1.35, . . Comb ft Txue.. t-:. -i. in. J. E. En.tyrt is visiting tho fuin ' fly of J. L. Ham'n-loralov lit Gold Hill. Xo you want to fe'A-V1 photogrnphyt ir to, see F. W. LpwnolstMr. 242 Thomas ,T. Htnnley J'l Mho lutcst nc quisition to the force of iNiidu electric wiremon employed by Filkreriild, the electrician. (Lionel F. I.. Tou Veile hni"luriic(l from a bliort tTULi" Portland Putnnm isTineW frotnl" uui e visit In Portland. J. E. l-.nvi.rt. who lm been ill Port land Qd busiiiesu, hns returned lonie, v .Jamea Trimblo of Grunts I'iiJhh wns Modforil visitor WednnsduA Mr. if'rlmbla expressed surprise at Moiyfuril 's r growth, lie roturneii noiinii i nn r ( ' morning. J V L. Orr will .spend N Year's . t hia fatlier-innw, Monro ' u4 family at ,Wlmor. L hJ., T. Hoen and wit vlfyf of '..! j,j,vlJjpaflP1edford Thiirsdny ml'' ""turn "''" California lo v t itb A' Westcrlun.l of the West visit stern Mh.rds company, Mrs. M. Hand of North Dakota, who baa boen spending tho holidays in litis eity with her brother, J. 1). Iluctuimoi and familv, left Wednesday for 8nn Francisco, where sho will visit with! her daughter, Miss Dr. Minnie Ilnml. " Dr. and Mrs. T. G. (larlnw left Wed nosdny ou an extended trip. They will visit Salem, Portlaud mid other cities. Upon their return the doctor will occu py roc-ms iu the now Deuel & Kentner . building. Tho Now Thought society held a moot). lug at the residence of Mrs. l.itiigley on North F street on Wednesday evening Mrs. Thomas acted us chairman, ltegu- lar meetings heroafter will bo held on Monday evening nt the Biime place. Thero was a goodly attendance mid much benefit was derived from the ,. many discussions. a.tMi.,v win ).. in., ,inv That we'll give a lmby uwny. "'Chls Hill happen at tho Grand. it vour bnchelur friend shollld get It i wouldn't it beat tho band. 845 If , Marrlaeo License, ' Jay J. Kellerinan and Noma Lewis. 1VAOOATION OF CUBA , - - wtt.t. ntirrw pnMfWOW HAVANA, Dec. 31 Evacuation of Cuba by the American troops will begin tomorrow when 4"0 marines will suil on the cruiser Prairie. On tho transport Sumner on Saturday the Twenty-eighth infantry will sail i for Newport News and thence proceed i tJTFort Snelling, Minn Tho Prairie ! will leave tuba aguin on January i - it. Ilia eetuiiimler of the murines. Tho greater portion of the troops will nail Irom r"r""r.v -' in tho transports Meade, Runnier and McClellan. This date will see the re- - moval of tho headquarters of tho army of pacification, the Fifth, Eleventh and Seventeenth Infantry, the Eleventh cav alry and Batteries A nnd B of the See- ond eld artillery. These troops will proceed to Washington to take part iu the Inaugural parade March 4. The Eleventh cavalry will go lo Fort Ogle thorpe, Ga., tho Eleventh infantry to Fort D. A. Itussell, Wyo the Fifth in fantry to Plattsburg barracks, New yrk, the Eeventeentii infantry to Fort McPheraon, Oa., and Batteries A and1 - B, Second flold artillery, to Fort l. A. .,'." Bussell, Wyoming. The laat troops to leave will be the, Twenty-seventh infantry, Companies F; and G of the cngineora and nil remain I ing officers and detachments, nnd civil ian emploves it may be necessary to, leave in Cuba after the withdrawal of the provisional government. They will sail on tho transport Sum ner on April 1. The Twenty-seventh Infantry will proceed to Fort Shcridan.j Illinois, and Companies F and G of tliv ' ana-lneen to Washington barracks, at "Slipper Allum Tta." The aldcwmk stand, u soup box, wus Uttered Willi rolls of brown baric, to bacco twists nud withered switches tied v.lth twlno. Tho proprietor, a browu und xlulveled old colored wo man, sat on nuutber box. A passing w-Jir.:i!' Il:i;rei"ed l u-jlc the old ;iunt7 the iiieiiiiiug of ber wines. "Doso, t'ljiu cii twlsses is for uiolfti, uu' tie red otlk leil'U U good for t-uU, an' de Rllp:iei' ulliiin t-hlpt Is a curs for ole luu Ids." "You ought lo inn lio u furl n ne out of that. -ty. How dca It v;r:U'i" ''..t.'.i. t,..'i. ihlle, dnM in e.i. ,v nn u .:- ,u cllhi iu' u tt'ii;' You iiv. el.- .:iit'. ladlen li must Iu i.liirnl lean in-' .mo luoUn. uu' Flipper ullui.i ten ..i Vll f;;t. V. lien I'.ey t.elii f ll it--' teta (hlppoi l.--li. mi' eoiiio .eniiiii., ..i. . tome nlci:.: i:n' t.ii;e u 'mii-iiMo'- -i 'i i unless tley t.ikes ili-fuklu' ii ,ei late -liuh. Iiulil" New Yoi-U I i t. Who Soid Gunpowder? "1 don't uinil you to get scared in tills Ktury" l.t-nli the liiildliemled lu:ll'. "lint I hope vi.u'vo all got good noi-vej." Tin- ll.teiiiM'H eue,erly drow together. "Well." K-,.iill t lie l::llT;lliil "peoiili lose tlieii- lives Huinethiicu in tho strnu gest wiii-H. I know un Irlsliiuuu pom fellow-who ii lew mouth ngo nut doi.-i on v!i:it be supposed w:is a of ll.i -k sand lo buve a sinoKe. After fliilshln-i the II nil pipe lie kuis ked tie live iisliea Into the keg. There lii peue.l to lie ti ei-owd of workuieu stuudlug by ut I lie lime, nud" "Muuy killed)" exeluliued a breath less listener. "Many whnt?" "Killed blown up?" "Why? Nothing explosive about biuck amid, Is there '"Loudon Hemps. His Conceit. The Abbe I'rndt, a rushlight of Na poleon's time, was a most cone'eitcd man. The Duke of Wellington met him In Paris at a dinner given iu honor of himself. The abbe made a long ora tion, chiefly on tiiu statu of political affairs, und concluded with the words, "Wo owe tho solvation of Europo to one mull ulone." "Iteforo lie guvu me time to blush." suld llle duke, "ho put his hand on his heart and continued. To niel' " An Oath of 8ilnoe. Iu certain dIstrlt-U of WuHtern Aus Iralln there ui'c wuiiiun who lake u:i out tl to lein l In silent lifter the dentil ol Ihelr Ihim'i inds. In some ruses lliey lll re::i:il:i mute for two years nfler the fu: ere I and very often tho i,t'.: Is kept nl-o by the mother ami lit tli Itl-hiw of the deeeiiHed. -Purls Hi-vin Midleiile. Th Poets. "l'ol-l.i 111'.' Iiol'u 11 lit not lll.-ide." "But they uln't born tn-eil," opli.eil a ruriil plillosopln-r. "Their fnth.i com.'iiieiitly hnfter go iiheiul nud i-d illcule 'em. Jest wis If they was gobii to liu iriinil fee tunnel hlng," Louisville Coiirlei'-Joiinnil. Defined. "Pit. whnt U a knocker'" "A kui-cker. my boy, Is u riiiii who Usui: He tin's Mull with unntlu-r mull who I" il -liiic soiiieihlng better than he i ini'il do II himself."-Detroit t'l--.".' Press When meu lire friends there U no need i f llistlee. Alhtotlo. GOVERNMENT WILL PAY RAILROADS EVERY MONTH WASHINGTON, Dee. 31. After to day the government will liiako month ly payments to railroads of bills rcn ileured for the t raiispoi'tation of the mails. The iinioiint .involved uiinuiilly is :f.s,ll(ll,uilll. At pr -et sett lenient s are iiitote ipitil'terly. The Koek Isliind ini tiated and pushed the movement which brought about the charge. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTEII Furnished house, .r or l rooms, by desirable parties; uo chit dren. Address 11, care of Tribune. "It WANTED Horses to board by the month. Pleilty of good, clean hay, good warm barn; terniB $0 per mouth. No horseB tnkeu for loss than one month. Walter Mooro, Phoenix. 250 WANTED I desire family washing to do. 1 go to the bouse nud wash by the day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. M F. Schaenfele, Medford, Or. Box 2A, houte No. 1 S.IO roTTUAXB. W ANTKll Girl for general housework. Must be good cook; three in family; wages Apply D. It. Wood, Hotel Nash. 2.1(1 FOIi SALE A good small business in the center of Medford. Address Box 125, Medford, Or. 2(10 FOH SALE Two choice corner lots in Page's addition; a bargain for cash. E. It. Sawyer, No. 2(17 S. (' street. 247 FOR SALE Houses, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one aero to 040 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoo nix, Or. FOR SALK Cheap, one half block close iu, good residence locality; will sell two or four lots; buy direct; save agent's commission. Address I'. O. Box 83. 247 FOR SALK A giii.nii.e selling mil chine nud a horse cheap. For pniticu lars ilupiiie nt the Iron Foundry on H street, or address M. M. Maine. Med ford. Or. 24! fTlH SALE Five and ten acre tracts within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain on long time. Address P. O. Box 418, Modf.mMIr li4H FOR SALE A good small busine-s on Seventh street. Reasons for colling. Address, P. (J. box 512 or call at this office. tf FOR SALE Extra dry cordwood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Oaonbruggo, Studcbaker Bros. Co. . .-. Talsnhene sol. ar.ii WISHING EVERYBODY a Very HAPPY ami PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR It will be this store's constant endeavor in 1909 I to give its patrons a little more of value at a little less price than has been done by any store in Oregon in the past. We invite your patronage. Store Closed all day New Year's MEriFOB-D'S EXCLUSIVE LADIES' SHOP Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue, Just North of the Jackson County Bank THREE MORS BOD IE 3 RECOVERED FROM MINE HWlTrllHACK, W. Vn., Dec. 31. TliriMi iiioro IkwIh'h lutvo I)imq rnroventl from the Lick flranrii cual miiio, in wlii.-li it ih Hiii.l over 100 mcii uro on tmiitii'i. Th lid fur itO (lim1 bod ion luivu ln'CIl ri'COViT.'ll, an.l it IK PXpOt'tCf the roniiiiinlrr nf I lio i!oai wili hs bmuiit to tlic Hiirfiico during I hit wtk. Tlio Hfoiii'H HiirroiindiiiK the mini ant har rowing, ami littlo i(iiiil''irl in to 1 de rivcil fiiitn tliomt in I'liuro of tho work nf n-st'iic, Mi'ii, woinrii und children clini; tu ench other in tli'1"' Kmit ''8' tr.'MH, and watch ciioily for n familiar faco only to lio diHiijipointcd when their loved ono does not :ii. ar. Tho hitf uirticH are Ht.ill at work, lint on nc count of the reat r:nount f debris Mtid pim, their proreHs ih alow. MARRIED. K K N T N K li K K N N R 1 .1 nek mm ille, PeciMiilter -S, by Ilishop Charle Si-adding, Kniiiia M. Keniiey and Walter llracey Kentner. . f .r. : r. Mips;' AN AMERICAN GIRL AND AN IRISH EARL When tlio O'rdeii Mlll tvtiirned from nlmtml amt weitf to thulr Newport niiiiuuer i-esfdence they had as their KUent a .voting Irish ear I who n roputtMl to tie the tlaino or MIsm Heatrlee .Mills. Thin titled Kfiitleiimu roHponds to the ai me Iteriuird Arlliur Wll lam rutilrk Hastings KorbfS nnd Ih the Hxhth Karl ut tii iiuinl mid owns an estate of '.'l.&H) tuTitt, nameU Castle Forbes, Id liont'id, liv'.tuul. FORMER JACKSON COUNTY RESIDENT IS SUED II. W. Miller, fiinncr jintirr nf tho uini'i in thin city, nnd la tor hi the liotid IniHiiifHM nt Myrtlo erMk, aftrr wards an imnatc of M.'Ni'il 'n Island for fraud ulriit land trnimat'tions in .in.'KHi'ii i-niMii v, nas g in appenrnl run - spiouoiisly bi-furn tin' pnlilic eve in IIiib fttnte, having In't-n miii-1 in the Multtni 'mar ruuuti- rmiiU l.v llie Mount ..., ,, , Ircwint- eomp:itiv tor f 104.02, alleired " ' " to he due for l.eer purchased from that eoiieern. Miller iu -l.-fense slates that the plaintiffs have uo It k1 right to col It'rt the loll upon the (-rounds that they sold him the lievera white doinK bnsi ness in n ilry preei-.o'. Miller of late has I n enriKt-tl in the dnii business ne:r Kstaeadn, nnd front all appearances has been prescribing pl( nty of "beer" to his several -ati-uts. The ease will be fought to a fiubh, and it i more than likely that Miller will be forced to come through, his di tense leing con sidcml verv weak. Hosebnru News. Probst. Kstnte .loneph NVil.on, Jr.. order made discharging aiUninUlm. . GET AND GOTO THE -GRAND theater- all of this week as on Saturday evening a Real Live Baby will be given away to one holding the lucky number. This baby has been brought from the baby home in Portland to be given away at Grand Theater, Saturday eve. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dungny came in from Williams Crcrk to upend Chrint inns with .tho latter'a mother. Mm. Anna Hroad. Mrs. Ot'ort1 Iavis and daughter Ha ri'l, came out from T'ort land to spend the holidays with Ueore !,. On via of the flank of Jacksonville, i i ne 1 Mra (.lri,,, ,,.Liu ,lf Mlf.r,l was ihe ouiwl of Mi Agw t llroad one day tliis week. I M'"" -"onlelin Hent-r, who is spend I iiiir the Itolnlnvs at home, will return . ... . , . t i u to Ashland the tlrst of the week to con- timl(1 htr ,,, , Ihe Ashland com mereinl college. OONOREOATION GIVES PASTOR A IA0O0 PURSE K AST OKANOK. N. J., Dec. 31. A purse of .WOO will li given to the Rev. Dr. J sines M. Ludlow, pastor of the Munn avenue Presbyterian church here, on the occaaiou of his relense from that charge today. The gift will be made by member of the congregation and will not be tnkeu from the funds of the church. Dr. l.ndlow has resigned from tho pastorate with the proviso that ha be made pastor emeritus for lire "without tnlarr, authority or duty." BUSY Medford TlmeTable SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. 16Oregnii Express 0:24 m. No. 14Portlnnd Express 9:41. m ml I Southbound I No. 15Californ:a Kxpress.. .10:3fi n. m. i Nn. IS Snn Kpnnpidi-A Pin I Q-Pn .. ... No. 225From Grants (Pass... .( 9:lf p. in. j No. 28flPor AsMand 10:1S p. in. PACIFIC EASTERN RAILWAY No. ilLeavea Medford .1 8;in n m. No. 3Loaves Modford 2:50 p. in. No. 2AmvoB Medford 10:2a. m. No. 4Arrive Medford I 6:08 p,m. HOQUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Loavos Medford 10":45am. no. ieavcs Medfonf 6:35 p.m. MotorLoRvea Medford. .... 2:00 p. nt. MotorLeaves Medford: 9i00 No. lLoavcs Jacksonville. . . 9:00a.m. No. 3Leavea Jacksonville.. . S:30p. in. Motor HeaTc:i Jacksonville.. . 1:30 p. m. Moorlieave Jacksonville. . 7:30 p.m. . MAIL CLOSES A.M.P.M. Northbound I 9:191 4:54 2:50 2:00 Southbound 10:05 Eagle Point 720 JacksonvilVe ,10:20 5:20 NOTICE OP ELECTION. Be it resolved, by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, the mayor approving, that thero be and is hereby ordered a general election iic said eity to be held on Tuesday, .Tanit aiy l-J, 1SI0S, for the election of mayor for tho term of two years, A councilman from t lie First ward for tl e tt rin of two years. A couucilman from tho Secrvad ward for the term of two years. A conncilmnn from the Thfnl ward for the term of two years. And such other measurea as shall be lawruiiy suomuterl at sairl election. I ae returning polling -places, judge and clerks are hereby designated fir the several respective wards: First wurd rolling place, I'omimr eial club, room 3; judg V. 11. Freuch; judge and clerk, Chaa, SV. Davia; judge aud clerk, A. C Hubbard. Second ward Polling place. Hotel Nash sainplo room; judge, John 8. Orth; judge and clerk, John Summcjvillo; judge and clerk, Ym. I'lrich. Thiril ward Polling placet, City Hall: judge, O. 1. Schermerhum, judge and clerk, Scott Davis; judge nnd clerk, II. A. Thieroff. The foregoing resolution was passe! by the city council December 2Cth, 1908 by the following vote, to-wit: Wortman aye, Merrick aye, Kifert aye, Trow bridge aye, Olwell absent, Hafer ab sent. Approved: J. F. RKDDY, Mayor. Attest: BENJ. M. COLLINS, . . Recorder. Furniture Drops ! Great bargains before we move. Watch our win - dows for specials. An elegant line of Fine Display of Rockers Medford Furniture Co. L J' I HAVE ON HAND ,J : Newtown Pippin - Spitzenburg Trees THllER AND FOUR-FOOT SIZES. A M. OTHER VARIETIES TN ANY : :. : SFZE DESIRED : : : L. E. HOOVER J jM ED FORD, OREGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nursery. Some now ideas .in '' slin os with solid toiiinuo, that, never break down. Tan and Blacks at HIGH-TOPS AT BOYS' HEAVY W'OllYx SlIOKS A SPECIALTY Some jrnod things right Jiow in dress gouds for spring. Have your spring suit made early in the season. See The Window Display VAN DYKE'S 10UVRE WILL WATCH jVEW YEAR IH TONIGHT Tin Louvrr "af x' toittit rntr t:un ts many frirnds with ji (rogr:tni i thr J I n ?. Irin Mnlinvlra. Tin vm, crrt will hojin at !:. uiul roiHtitiio un til noxt ypfir. Tho ni.mrtinir:it ut the I.mvro wish it'ntwt that tin lul)lio ift invitisl tu siinnly rin' to their "watch" jmrlv. Yu t,ve order nut It inj; to ont iinltw v.m ilesiro it. Hut ootne nnl enjoy the evening. AND - MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES Shoos to stand liaid knocks solos and uppers counters $3, 3.50, $4 and $5 $8.00 PER PAIR AGAIN. Grand hutidny ixc lira ion. Konnd trip tickets good for 15 ilaya, boggag liecked, return uliowrd n:f time with ft limit. A slil. id d to San Francisco, ..fving Saturday, Peoemlr 26, 190S, on regular oerlaoi tniin nt 11:35 a. m. Sixty or moro xrarsioni: ts will make the fartf I5. T. K. BOI.TON, . KMIL PUIL, I I if r Washington, D. O. "-" - J