V. t v f . a MBDFOBD DAILY TRIRITNEMEDFOBD, OREGON1. TIHTftSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1908. ENGAGEMENT fXTBAO RDIWARY...; THE MEDFORD THEATER; One Performance Saturday, January 2nd. A Splendid Cast of Artistic Principals Headed by Edward Martindale as TOTEM POLE PETE also LAURA LIEB . Prima Doma Soprano Mr. JOHN CORT Presenting the Great Comic Opera Success T H E A L A SKA N 60 SINGERS 60 in the Ensembles $20,000 worth of Furs Company Carries its Own Orchestra I ' v V w g - .. - - ' ' K ' "' " - X j Medford is the Only City in Oregon in which this Company Playes Outside of Portland In order to secure this at traction Manager Haz&lrigg was obliged to give $600 GUARANTEE A SPECIALTRA1N BAGGAGE CARS aMdTWO SLEEPER Prices Seats Now On Sale at Haskins' Drug Store. 50c I.OO TRYii m BAR0PI1 Many Delegates Gather in Shanghai to Attend International Congress SHANGHAI, Dor. .Tl. lliiniiishofl tlolpgntcH from miiny nntitins ro Ijfro .today to tiikc jmrt in tlio intornationnl conference nt which the powers nro to fix upon the ilctailt for tlio c'HKiiiion t,( the cultivation of opima within Iheir territories in onlnr to nff.ist Chinii in tlie aupproMsion of the nwo of opium among the Chinese people. The C'hineso delegates are prncticnl, English spcakiiif men, one of (hem be ing an ex-consul general nt Sing: pore, one a doctor educated abroad, and on(1 a railway director well qualified tio undertake preparatory work. It is ex pected that the Chineae government will hereafter be represented by nn offi cial of high rang, proportionate, to the importance of this national question. Missionary doctors continue to report n large increase in the salw of anti opium remedioH, which, containing mor phia, produce results worse than opium smoking. It is evidently desirable that effective measures miould be taken by the Chinese government to prevent the illicit importation and sale of morphia, nnd especially i it desirable thai Japan, following the example of other r.atinnn, should prohibit th? export of morphia to China. Prohibition drives man nnd woman to the use of cocaine, morphine, opium nnd other drngfl, according to Dr. Ham ilton E. Wright, one of the three t'nitr d States commi'-iior.en to the interna tional opium congress. Dr. Wright declar s he hnr. found the drug habit to be advanced further in those states hnving strict anti-liquor laws, while in the "wet" states the reverse is the case. Anxious to Try Law. Dr. Wriyht said thitt. contrary to the general bdief. the Chinere urers of the drug nnd the opium-eaters both are anxious to see the law enforced ns to its snie, while the Chinese pipers" nre strong advocates of total abstinence from the drug for th rising generation. His information as to the white users of opium is not as definite on account of the greater difficulty in locating them. Dr. Wright dedans there has been a steady increase in importation of opium into the United States, since, lS";t, though thero was a larger Chinese pop ulation then than now and the laws against its importation were not so se vere. The importation of the crude product iti the past five years has increased lt(i(M)tiii)0 pounds, he says. The Chinese physicians, ho declares, are lenders in the effort to find a cure for the opium habit. They are now us ing a cure discovered not long ago in Shanghai, and they elfilin for it success. The new cure is being tented officially in New York. Dr. Wright's studies have developed that 50 per cent of the Chinese in the United States InibiturJIy use the drug, Iti) per cent occasionally, nearly 20 per cent on rare occasions nnd a few refrain from its use. Seventy-fivo per cent of the opium brought into the United States is made into morphine and !0 per cent of that drug if sold illicitly, ac cording to Dr. Wright. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Mell Houghton is visiting the family ot It. H. Harris in Mnlford. ,r, H. Miller has gone to Medford in answer to a wire announcing the serious illness of his mother, who is living in Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss "Miller, who has been teaching the Sams Valley school, and Morris Miller, who lia: been atteuding Medford high school, are spending the Christmas holidays with their parents ut Unttc Falls. ' The Christmas trade of IIu:te Falls was very satisfactory to our merchants. If our roads were in a better condi tion much more travel would be over them between the Palls nnd Mtdford. As it is we nre shut in and off from many conveniences. Our people nre anxious ly awaiting the ndvrt of the railroad, when they can go nnd come wit hnut such a great expense and loss of time. Our Medford friends who interfered with the railroad project, can now see what their dog in the manr policy has done. Several parties hereabouts have been subpenaed as witnesses in the homestead contests now on, and they will now have full opportunity to make good their tale told to the injury of deserving home steaders. It is about time a slop was put to these malicious reports, for no men have been more self-sacrificing or faithful than these homestead itet tiers. Lewis J. Mend of Obenchain is down in the valley and will bring Judge lVntz back with him to attend to busi lies. T. C. Hall of Ilrownsboro is in Med ford after store supplies. The health of our community has been vi-ry goil during the winter. M. L. Kriekson, the newly appointed forest surt'rvior for ( rater lake divi sion, returned to the city on Wednes day after an extendel ouinination trip. LOVE WILL FIND A WAY to plneo nn engagement ring on the finger of his lady love, and if it bo pur chased hero she is sure to appreciate it all the more. We havo a mngnificcnt assortment of rings set with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emoralds in all the, latest designs nnd settings, as woll as everything that is beautiful in gifts at Christmas. Martin J. Reddy, The Jeweler, Next Post Office PROGRAM AT THE LOUVRE ON NEW YEAR'S EVE Tho following is tlin program for nw Yrar's cvo nt the Louvre, pnm encinj lit !):.'!(! i. m.: . Mrm-h '. ." King Iinrlinin" . (inrnttc "First lirt Throbs" i, M,.,l,-v -:."Hit of 1909" . Waltz "Court of Love" i. Selection. "Tho Time, Place one! talie (lirl" Ilarn rlanro "Cy and Sue" Overture "The Alaskan" Waltzes "Silvery Brook" Tone poem ..." Apple lilossomB" Selection ..."The Merry Willow" Spanish serenaile . . ."La Paloma" March "Gunfire" I.'! For Sale. At a bargain, upright pirlor organ; in perfect condition; will make cuitable Christmas present. For particulars o3 dress "If," Tribune, office. 242 ALL GREEN FOODS WILL J!E ir.'JlDBTTED IN FUTURE 'A ViiliWH'N. Pre. 31. After to .lav. no foods greened with copper salts will be allowed entry to the.l'nitcd States, according to a decision of the t;o eminent board cl.'.'ged with the duty of enforcing the purn food act. It hits' bit Iceided by the board that the aetH prohibit the im.ilat ion of fo.1s t rented with copper Kilts. 0E.tWO I ' IE l Jim 1 :- i Curtain 8:45 p. tn Hot Air Won't Raise The Wind More Light for Less MoneyTj OPYR1h)tW Vnu can raise the wind better by buying Med ford property at present prices and sit down at your own fireside until the advance comes, next spring. - - There's always "something doing" in Medford, and indications, are that the coming year will see more building, more street and sidewalk improve ment and a greater advance in values in Medford than ever before. .b all m line and don t let the procession run over you. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY EXIHBIT BUILDING SATISFACTION is nlways a pleamirnble unnnfition, no matter what tho oceaHinn. Tluwefnr?, to innure tho feeling where jewelry in concerned, won nhouhl make your scI.t tion from tho "tuck of Martin J. ite'My. Our fjoodn havo tho charm of effeclivn noHB, the value of artintle cxecllenee nnd tho highest Rtnnilanl of work mrinhi. MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and Watches NEW YEAR'S DAY FORMALITIES rt-quiro and etiquette demnndu that proper respect bo pnid to your dresn when palling or attending any function on that day. Therefore perfect fitting clothes muHt ho worn. To procure iiK-h garments you munt employ a tailor thnr ; iughly vomed in tho requireinentd of . ntylo and fnshion. Havo your ward rolio ntndo by Kreuzer & Co. and you will be eonseioiiA of whut it in to hf perfectly drcsned. J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers and Tailors PALM BU1LDINO, MEDFOKD, OE. Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour nnd would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power. Tungsten ILamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt A Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the . Tungsten Lamp " ...:. $.7 Rogue River ElectffcDr Successors to Condor Water & Power Co, -Office, 20(5 "West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign.. ' ' ! MEDFORD SASH & DOOE COMPANY if.) PHONE 2291. , ' ; " , Window I'ramen, Oak Voncercd Doors, with Bevel Plato, oarrled In stock cheap. Office Fiitnros and all kind, of Plan ing Mill Work, including Turned Work nnd Fancy Orilii. V BTKEKT. BETWEKW 8JXTH AND B EVENTH BTHKETS. Auk your douler for MANUEL LOPEZ !lcnr Havana Cigar. HART CIQAB CO., Dlntrlbntoni, Portland. Ot. jars. Hrme Ufamptoit Usaacs "Instructor of "Platto. tlt 5tt4tbo6 SluJIO at 5.lce. Motlb Ora.gt Slr.t ' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry KKPA1RINO A 8PKCIAT.TT. "Not how much I can do, but how well I can do it," is my mottr. B. N. BUTLER With Martin J. Roddy, Central ave., north of Jackson County Bunk. Jm. 4.'vr-.-- m : I - f IB 1 l;.ir,i-y : 3'.". . : ' : 1 i T;'W- 1 rXii iu 0