Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 31, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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!' Medford Daily Tribune
i A Live Papbb in a Livk Town.
TKliaViof! pvflrv fivenincr fixeent Sirndav.
Published every evening except Sunday.
Gborqb Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at
Medford, Oregon.
M mtk, hy bU t wrriar. . . .$0.60 Ox j-car, by mtil. .
This is the season of the year that the nievhant turns
to his shelves and takes a strict account of Ins stock, so
that it will be possible for him to start the new year, know
ing just where he stands,' thus being able to 'ake advan
tage of a forward movement in commerce. JTis establish
ment is cleared of old goods that room may be found for
fresher and more attractive lines. And this is exactly
what each individual should do.
( Nineteen hundred and nine, "the youngest child of
Time," is at our very doors. A new year with its triumphs
and defeats, its joys and sorrows, is awaiting us. "What it
has in store for each of us we cannot determine, but we
know that today is with us, and it is a good day
During the year that is slipping away from us tonight
we have started up a world
thoughts. We have been conceited, vain, over-confident,
when we should have shown only humility. e have been
afraid to act, diffident and discouraged. A'e have watched
othersbut have been only spectators ourselves. Now,
why not take stock? "Why
strong and courageous? Why not, to use that time-worn
chrase. turn over a new leaf?
he past year have been, it is never too late to mend.
1 The new year w-Jringing gifts and opportunities t.
all. Let us take the road bravely, leaving our dead stock
with the old year, which tonight will slip away
"To be lost in the crowd of phantom years,
In the house of dreams that stay
All wrapped in their cloaks of grey."
', "The Alankan'
which cmomes to tlio Medford Tlumtur
, Saturday night, Junuftry 2, la ono
the company carries an enormous
' chorus, many principal!! and two coin
ploto scenic, earn to transport their
conory and effootu, not to mention
the' special sleepers and day coaches
for tho sorvico of tho players while
traveling. Apnrt from tho fact Hint
thiB Is a tremendous organization, it is
r nkewlso one of the greatest comic opera
successes of tho stage, as was exempli
iied last season, when, after its run In
New York, it was taken on the rnail,
playing all the larger cities of the woHt,
where It scored probably one of the
greatest successes that has been accord
ed a musical offering for many a day.
John Cort, who owns nnd directs this
opera, as well as many stars and then
ters, has for its second season given
it much of his personnl attention, and
while ho has retained nil the popular
features of last year, he haB added ninny
- highly entertaining novelties that will
be of' interest to all lovers of musicnl
offerings. Tho orehestrer for this en
"gageDicnl Will be a largo ono, us in ad
" t!6u to the regular players of the tho
, iter", thff company enrries Its own in
Musical Attraction at Bijou.
An engagement of eytraonlinnry na
..JtmPiomnwncea tonight at tho Bijou.
Josephiuo Kegal of excepllonnl musicnl
merit will appear for tho balance of
the week. This attraction was strong
ly 'recommended to tho management by
the manager of Pnntn'es theater, Port
land. The very host of music Is intro
duced in tho WBy of musicnl rncks,
chlmoa, wind Instruments, etc, Tho nt
traotlon -has been a headlining feature
in all the big vniidovill.i houses. I here
is not a qucstoion of douiit but what
. the attraction will bo Well received In
Medford at tho Bijou.
owners or "401" ranch
A party of California!) capitalists,
Who purchased the "401" ranch, hnve
Incorporated themselves into n company
td be known as "The 401 Orchard
Land company." The incorporators
arei Byron Oilman, D. A. Pender, .T. 8.
Cannon, C. W. Perkins, P. E. KoBslnr.
M. L. Ualley nnd I. V. PnBsett. The
capitfl stock will bo 280,000. This Is
one of the finest of the many fruit
tracts that aurround Medford. The en
tire acreage totals 721 acres. Dr. Plckel
having addod MO acres to the original
before ho iold It, nud since tho pnr
chase tho company have added another
160 acres. The entire tract, It is said, I
will be let In fruit.
NEW YORK, Dec. SI. Pcrcival S.
Hill will succeed John II. Cobb as presi
dent of the American Cigar company to
morrow. The company is a part of tho
Amorican Tobacco comimny and is cap
itated at 20,000,000. Mr. Hill is now
a director of tho parent corporation,
while Mr. Cobb is a member of tho di
rectorate of both concerns.
Mr. Cobb, who ia to rctiro the first of
the year, hae been president of the
American Cigar company, which Is the
largest elgnr manufacturing concern in
the world, eince its orfgnniaation. His
-n.mnt. t is said, in ro oui'"
runiDii - ' , . ...!.
mueh needed rest from mo nam """Roblcs will not heal in a short time
that he has been doing. Mr. urn, , wou
..,.,1. him. has beou manager of the
Bull Durham company, auothcr Auiori'i anj e wjjj ajfl0 (ul you m
can tobacco company enterprise.
of prejudices and dark
not cheer up? Why not be
Whatever tlte blunders of
MORTON, Mass., Dec. JU. The Mas
Hachusetts Association tif Free Baptist
ehurcliOH will unite with the regular
Baptist denomination, the umalgnmntion
to beconio effective tomorrow.
Tho (piostion of reuniting witli the
denomination of which they at ono time
formed a part was aHHtfnied for a com
mittee of 12 for Investigation. The
committee reported in favor of lunal
gaiiiatiou, stating that "the differences
utill existing may bo left where the
New Testament leaves them to the
tenehiKiigH of tho scriptures under the
guidance of the holy siirit."
AKIION. (., Dec. ,U. The diBeovery
of wluit h vhiitued lo be a paleolithic
Mlnnc near WudHwnrth hns led Professor
(i. Frederick Wright, geologist and
president of tho Htate Archaeological
society, to declare Medina county wa
the home of the paleolithic man. Pro
fessor Wright took the stone with him
to Baltimore and wll return to Wads
worth next spring, he nays, with gov
ernment gcologintu to roiitiuuo Ilia re
PmfesBor Wright and Professor Bron
son of O her) in college ilerlarcd that the
Hading of tho palcolith nt Wadsworth
ia one of the most important discover
ies mnde in America ie fixing the ago
of human life on tic Atncriean couli-
m nt. They said also th:i' tho bent spc
imen of a Knme or Asi'hcr Terrace they
linve ever exauiiued is located at the
Mennonite church, on the Medio road.
west of Wadsworth.
It ia Professor Wright's belief that
r.t one time the site of Wadsworth was
overed with a large glecier which was
i mile high nnd extended to Millers
burg. Tho paleolithic stone found near
Wadsworth is an eliptieal-shiiped flint
stone weighing about a half ur three
inartera of n pound nud is a fine spec
imen of one of the Instruments used by
man during the glacial period.
TOKU), Dec. 31. A new Hun of
steamers between Japan and South
America, with three ships on a regular
schedule, will be put in operation to
morrow by tho Toyo Kiaen company.
Spend Tour Holiday Vacation at
Paao B obi ea
If complete rest nad most perfect
conditions Imaginable for nature cure
are what you noed spend your holidays
at Pnseo Koblcs, California. A week or
two and even a few days will accomplish
moro in a way of restored energy than
n much longer period and more expen
alvo trentincnt elsewhere, because good
old Mother Nature is nurse ami phy
sician. Paao Robtoa ia taking the same rank
fame for wonderfull cures that Carls
bad and Baden do in Kuropo The
hotel ia a marvel of comfort and lux
ury, and the bath limine built bv the
city freo to all, is said to be one of the
best in the world. U in a stubborn
ailment and a hopeleea condition of
physical breakdown that the mineral
water and hot mud baths of Paso
' ","
Ca(1 ou A 8 Koscubaum, local 8. P.
. f j(1(.,.rtntivo booklet, of ia
about ratas 00 ,
f I
in ,.. !...
Tim Sl'iiecfl, (he new derollrt destroyer belonging to the llulted BtuteH
rt'vciiiK' Mt'i'vii-M. wih ri'. cutly pluccd In oommlHuloti and nent on a seoutlnK
L-rut mo aloiiK tliu AllmiM" count. Derelict!, almnduued hulks on tho ocfini
hlKhwayH, ure the tlivml of all seafarlug iiiou. TUuso wrecku are fivU'mt,v
dghU'd in-ill the i ruck of the Atlantic ateaniMhlp line and ure liivarlahlj
ruporttnl aa prtiuj'ily mk ioHsllile. The Hen ecu will curry mi auinle aupply ot
lyuuuittt! to bi'iw up iltiellctH.
Th Costly Brier Pip.
' ''People don't juuiTHtitnU brier pipe
muklng," in Id a dealer. "If they did
they wouldn't coimld r a live or aix
dollar hrkr extra vitaut. Ild you
know, for hiNtunce, tliut a brier pipe
after lta completlcu In put away to
tfeunoii for nine or ten yenr? Kreu -li
brier la the Iwat uiuterlul fur these
plpea. It Isn't, though, brier, and It
dot-fcD't coiiiu from Krnnce. It cutue
from etymoluKlcally NpeuUh: the
WiirJ Vi'iiyere. whb h meaiirt 'fwrx '
I'lclich brier b feiillv Itrill.m fur::.
root, a growth of the Tus. an Al,s.
The plant U tin t-urefully (Ulllvattd .is
lobitccu It si If. 11 the spn.uls r.i.J
leaves are kept well pruned; thus ul'
'he Fnp k'h to the root'H iirurlslintcut.
The rout la cut when fully developed
-tud billed and dried before Hhlpinetit
Afterward (he plHinaker bolla and
drlea It HKaln. And when the pipe Is
finished he storea It away fur further
drying- a iiinttfr of elti;lit ye.-ira or no.
1'ho best brier ptje Is out cut cross
vIhc i f the kralu, and the rrnln Hhai '
iu hlnbeye. Such a pipe hiKta n life I
ihnu fun be handed down from father
o aoii. uf course H'h dear."
Only th Truth.
A virtu. carried to excess may be
come ridiculous. To such action one
may well preach, "Be temperute In all
things," even In virtue. Amelia Oplc,
the Publish authoress, was not content
with any hulf measures, na Ih shown
In a letter from her (pioted In "Quaker
IMcturcH." by Wilfred Whltten. Mrs.
Ople'a course of conduct la to be re
spectod as proceeding from her con
aclentloiia nam re, but fiction readers
may congratulate themselves that hot
opinions are not universal.
Before she became a Quaker she
wrote fiction. After her conversion she
was asked to contribute u story (o a
magazine, tier anawer to Die editor
ran us follows:
"Thou knowest or ought to know that
Bluett I became a Friend I urn not free
to what Is called to make a atory. I
will write a fact for thy perusal or nny
llttlo mutter of hlstorx or truth or n
poem If thou wlsheat, but I must not
lie and aay such nnd audi a thing took
place when It did not. Iost tbou un
demtnud V"
A Famous Story.
Kvery section baa lta fumoua story.
A famous story that la being nMold In
Oren U :il: ill a very li li b'ii:!iir
who got hU atari by doing work for
i he government. Ills bill was $5.0O0,
ami ll had to he submitted tu congress,
'otirresi baa a habit of cutting lis
bills lii two. To make allowance for
this he Jumped bin bill to $10,000. He
-ent the bill to the fovornnr for his
' ; ; vul. The governor, b-n Ini m1::
.c d I li it ct -jr.'-s gcnerully appro
rl : id f lily half na much us was ask
d, jumped It to SAM 9O0. The bill was
ill. :i scut 1 i one of the congressmen
Ufl : i -J friendly t't the contractor. In
Iuui'n d It to s:o.Hi and sent It to an
otb.'r t ni?i.ii couresHmaii for bla up
nro . ill Thi-cecond congressman Jump
id It to $NH,HHJ. t'ongrcss nllnv.rd tin-uh-tle
$o,u..u, ulihough the cum factor
win eiitltlctl lo only $r,otX. TIHs Is
told as a f:u-t In Oregon. The man
who got the !so,ooo cut Ills mart on
It and la IMW n miilioiialre.-Atchison
A "Lady" In Pepys1 Time.
There wtie worse terrors, than the
matinee hut for the man who aat be
hind a lady In the seventeenth cer
,tuiy Uoatu, ns icutlicd by I he Lou
don t'hronl le. At least, we muy au;v
pose so from .Mr. Pepys' experience in
Ian. 'JS. 1 '.til, when he saw "Tl.e
Lst I.r.dy" for the stvend lime. N'h !
I'uya earlier that play led not plea sot
him much. .u;i.i -i.;..i-.s Utuitbc bo
was "troubled lo be seen by four of
our olltev clerks, whl h sat 1 at the half
cron box and 1 In the Is Oil." But
on the second invasion the play did
"please me bpttvr than lforo.
here. I Nlttlnj? Iehh:d In n dark place,
a lady spit baikvtaid upon me bv n
mistake, not nci lug me." However. It
was nil ili;ht. f. r. "after seeing her to
be a very pretty lady, I was not trou
bled at It at all."
In Different Sets.
It Is but si liloin. ne Imagines, that
a go d Joke l-t maVo about an oyster. .J
Kdimind Vales In wever. In his "He- '
collections a: d V.". erlcuces," relates i
one. "1 was v. tktng with Thaekemv !
one evening
Yates, "and.
fnr.'i the club," write I
passing u fish shop In I
New street, he notlcctl two different
tubs cf oystiTs, one marketl '1 shilling
a doii n' and (be oilier Is. ;d. a dnxtTi.'
'"How they v. nt h ue ea-h other!'
wild Thackeray."
C. R. Boyd, accompanied by A. M.
White and nisters, Allio and Ines, from I
Cottage Grove, are visitiug with frieuds ;
tbrouguout tue Tuy.
MME table! . Terrible and hard
To figure! At ftoiuo at ut Ion I on el r
We aee this linn uijou the card:
We read thee wrong. Tile untrained
Due not ace ulwuya wlKh preL-Hlon.
;. truln wo thought to travel by
Again, undaunted, we Itik at
The hieroglyphs, ami. as u rule, a
Hmall double dsiggor e.iuwa tu thui
And when wo take a certain line
Op Tues.. Wednes.. Thurs.. Krl., 8tt
or Monday
We're certain tu detect the elgu:
Heck Junction Here she comes! K'!
A scurry and tho train has IHHtwV
Again we look. We find It vl:
Through hieroglyphic teas we waH
Print ts no cold and so unfeeling:
The train we wait at Neverglade
Js'ow hungrily the aheet we scan,
Urlmy with travel, thirsty, wear.
And then nothing In middur than
Yet, cursed an 1b every Blgn,
The cuHsedest that wo can quote If
This trouoheroua and deadly line
Train SJ: Htops on signal only.
tRuna only on Northwest division.
JTruln (Iohs not stop at Ashtabula
10 extra fare ex. Sunday.
(Train does not atop where time
fConnects with C. and A. at Wheel
TNo diner on till after Krle.
'"Subject to change without our no
tice. ' i
Franklin 1'. Adams In O'tttry Mngi
xlue. How Henry Irving Wanted to Die.
"What have I got out of II?" said
Henry, stroking his chin mid smiling
Bllghtly. "Let me see. Well, a good
cigar, a good glass of wine, good
friends" Hero bo kissed my hand
with courtesy. Always he was so
courteous ulways his actions, like
thia little ono of kissing my hand, were
so beautifully timed. They rumo Just
before the spoken words nud gave
them peculiar value.
"That's uot a bad summing up of It
all," 1 said. "And the end how would
you like that to come?"
"ITow would I like that to come?"
lie repeated my ucatluu lightly, yet
meditatively too. Tbeu be was slleut
for some thirty secouds before be snap
ped bis lingers the action again be
fore tho words.
'Llko that!" Ellen Terry lu Me
Clurc'a Magazine.
"Speaking of the ark," he said, "1
saw a little boy a play with his
Noah's nrk the other day. 1 watched
him put aboard all the people, all the
painted animals, uud tbeu 1 saw him
place carefully in a sheltered 8iot two
tiny splinters of wood.
"'What uro they, luy sou? I naked.
'bciii's microbes said he.
"It had never occurred to me before,
but tueru must of course have been a
pair of microbes lu the nrk." Har
per's Weekly.
The Honest Way.
"Money? Pooh!" excluliued a sue
cessful flunuclcr contemptuously.
There are a hundred ways of tuaklug
"Ah, but only one honest way!" pro
tested bis compaulon.
"What's that?"
"Urn! I thought you wouldn't know."
I.oudou Telegraph.
"T have auch an Indulgent husband
said little Mrs. Doll.
"Yea. so (leorge says," responded
Mrs. Spiteful. "Sometimes Indulges a
little too much, docau't he?" London
Ttt-Hlts. .
That Is a swping argument, re
marked a husband whose wife used a
broom to coavliicu him that he ought
to have been home several hours pre
viously. The weeping at a wedding ts never
an real a that which sometimes
comes afterward. Atchison Globe,
TRr.PT7nT.Tn aw wittava t
nUfAdO, Dee. 11. Republicaa na
tional hcadipiartcro will be opened in
rhicnga tomorrow with Secretary Wil
liam llsyward in charge, and will inaug
urate the policy of u continual cam-
!. Tho t hioao hendipiarters will
o '.p. rale with tntf and county or-
v,U)m,k. .. ii touutrv.
It doesn't pay. Keep your eyes fixed
on our exceptional offerings. Fine tai
loring can only be secured from the
hands of high class tailors. Our expe
rience and methods ure certainly worth
investigation. We employ ' the best
workmen and our clohtes are without
doubt the most carefully selected in the
Th City Tailor
All parties having accounts against
P. B. Jlmasou for ninterial for school
building, school district No. 01, please
send statement to K. II. Watson, clerk,
within ten days of date of this notice.
247 Butte Falls, Or.
sTAicn.Nc )i:ci:miu:r
28, WE Wll.r. I 'LI' -JN" '
FKOM 11:311 A. ii. UNTIL
s p. vr.
a bottle
of Mc Donald
Shoe Oil
Your Feet
Pint Bottles - 20c
Quart -35c
Successor to Smith & M (ny
To the Public
Medford Or., Dec. 22.. I here
by notify the public tbr.t I have sold
my interest in the Medford Sash A
Door Co. and all bills end accounts will
be ttle by the new company.
244 J. f. THOMASES.
Have you overworked your nervous
system and caused tiouble with your
kidneys and bladdcrf Have, you pains
in loins, side, back, groins nnd blad
der! Have you a flabby appearance
of the face, especially under the eyesf
Too frequent a dosiro to pass urine t If
so, Williams' Kidney Pills will cure
you; at druggists, price 60c. Williams
Mfg Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. For sale
ty Medford Pharmacy, near postof-
' ml 'ia 111 '" i-l
Are You From
In The Matter of
"We will continue to show the people how it is done.
Demonstrations daily until January 3. Come and see
the hot food cooking at the -
. Johnsons Fireless Cooker .
Manufactured by Iloscoe A. John son. 1.
the Quality
Allen & Reagan
Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit ,
and Feed
J. E. ENYAIiT, Piosiilciit.
I. A. PMHRV, Vice I'rosidunt.
CAPITAL - $50,000
SURPLUS - - 10,000
Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralRank
in Bus ness Transacted. We
Solicit Your Patronage.
A Map of Jackson
The Tribune nud Southern Oregonian is
having made at great expense a fine, colored,
lithographed map 'of Jackson county.
This map will show all cities, towns and
villages, rivers and waterways, section and
survey lines, railroads and projected rail
roads, wagon l'oads, forest reserve bounda
ries, (lection precincts and other data need
ed by everyone. AW townships shown in
This up-to-date map will be ready for
distribution some time in December. It will
be sold only through The Tribune and
' Southern Oregonian.
This will be your only chance to secure a
good map of Jackson county, as all ntap edi
tions are out of print and plates were des- :
i roved in the San Francisco fi-re, necessitat
ing new plates made at an enormous expense.
Further details later. Ready soon.
StM Depositary.
W. I.
0. R.
p mtttt 1
if Pk y
It is, and nlways has
been our aim to supply
our customers with
goods of the li''i-st.
quality nud lu that end
we are nlwnya adding
qualify to our line. The
addition of ' preferred
stock" makes our l:ie
of rndn Conned ;
Goods most complete.
Our uervice always the
bBt and every accom
giv( ii our customers
.TOIIN S. ORTII, Cnsbier.
W. n. JACKSON, Abb 't CashitT.
Tb? .Tiu-kson County Bank pi.ices at
lir corvi.'o of its expositors and client
best facMitica in banking. The of
fu'"ts are jili'asrd to roniler comjel ami
ailvico op, financ:r.l matters.
Acco'int. fnibje-t to check, aer in-vltr.l.
deposit boxea to rent, $4 per
and wp.
VAWTKR, Preiaent
MNDLEY, Cuhler