Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 30, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Social and Personal
' Atlunry 11. L. Jtfumos has returned
from a business tnp to Han Francisco.
A line toy has arrived at the home
of Mr. im-J ).!rs Al. S. Bidden.
Watch the Clrawl Imby given nwny
Saturday night. 245
1. A Jul.l'in oro1 wifo are entertain
ing .T. M&l!n and Jl'lfo of Lebanon, Or.
Try the Clam Boullion at the M. & B.
Candy Kitchen at 5 cents. 206
Mm. J. II. Btitlor is entertaining her
daughter, Mrs. D. 8. Buaaey, and Miss
M. I'ortor of Hnrrisbtirg, Or.
Try the hot ehoeolato at the M. ft B.
Candy Kitchen at 8 cents. 260
Mose Bnrkdull of tho Kxhiblt. build
ing la spending tho holidays at Han
Mrs. Millignn of Ashland has been ad
judged Insane by Judge J. K. Neil and
hat been committed to the insane asy
lnm. After January 1 the Emorick Oafo
will close nt 9 p. m. excepting on the
ater nights. 245
Mrs. T. li. I'uniils and child returned
nn Tuesday iron' r visit to friends at
Binto Ana. They report aa hav
ing had a jiieawnt visit.
For Christmas ticketo will be on talc
23d, 24th and 25th. For Now Year's
December Slat and January at. Beturn
limit January 4, 1909. 248
Thomas Turpi n on Tuesday hnd as
guests C. B. Yeackel and son-in-law,
0. Crocker, of Goldcndale, Wash., with
their wives. They wore shown about
tho city and oxprrcsed themselves in
the highest terms of what they saw,
saying that Mcdford far exceeded any
ef the smaller citlea thoy had visited
1. n the coast, and predicted a brilliant
future from its present strides.
Oreut excitement nil this week at
the Grand. Getting coupons for the
baby Saturday niglitfl. Come early or
yuu rony mlsB It. 245
Try the hot drinks nt the M. & B.
Candy Kitchen for 5 cents, 268
'Johnson's Best Flour, 1.35.
Comb True.
Miss Bessie Bell of Brownsboro has
been engaged to teach school at Klam
ath Falls. Miss Bell is nn accomplished
young lady nnd will undoubtedly prove
a success as a teacher and lend much to
Boeiety. ''
Do yon want to learn photography!
f so, see V. W. Lesmeister. 242
After spending several days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hrissum of this
city, their daughter, Mrs. 8. ft. Clark,
and children of Montague, Cnl., have
returned to their homo.
Attention, A. T. A. M.
There will bo special work in the
second d.gree Wednesday evening, at
which a full attendance is requested.
242 M. I'URDIN, W. M.
Hnturday -will bo tho day
That we'll giva a baby away.
This will happen at the Grand. '
your bailielor friend should get it,
wouldn't it beat the band. 245
Ml'lU'l! V To tli wife of J. C. Mur
phy, December 3, a 'O.pnuud boy. Both
mother and son are doing well.
Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street.
Tho Womiin's Foreign Missionary so
eietv will hold a meeting nt the Metll
i.oikI parMiiiuge on Tliurndliy, December
'31 at 3 o'clock p. in.- All members Of
the society and ladies of the congrega
tion nro cordially incited to nttend.
a ,. '
LOS AN0KLK8, Oil., Dec. at). H.
(1. Kirkpntrick recently elected District
attorney of Stevens county,1 Washing
ton, who is visitor in this cily, was
the victim yesterday of tl situation that
fuinlly resulted in his being landed in
tho City jail and having to give bail.
Attorney Kirkpntrick happened to stroll
along just as two men got into a warm
political dispute. A yonng hum was
about to strike nn jlderly one, when he
decided to interfere. . -
Just then Officer Pulitr., iu plain
BERLIN. Dee. :)(). Herman manu
facturers of souvenir pnxt cards held
a meeting in Berlin ihit weel; to consid
er the slump In the trade.
The concensus of opinion was that
tho subsidence of the post card eraze
in the l'nited States hud detimrli.ed
the industry.
One or two years ni:o cards made in
Germany were shipped to America lit
erally by the million. Orders iu thou
sands are now cause of rejoicing. The
post card fad is dearl.
HONOLULU, Dee. 30. Honolulu to
day commenced n celebration whieli will
extend through three days, ending Fri
day with the inauguration of the first
mayor of the city and the formal in
stallation of a municipal government.
Although Honolulu has been the capi
tal of the "Paradise of the Pacific"
for 80 years, it has never been u city
from a l"al standpoint, being gov
erned by the officials who have general
.pnisdietiou over the entiro island. The
city's first mayor, who will begin bis
term Friday, was elected last month,
the democratic candidate, Joseph J.
rem, being eieeted over the republican
candidate, John C. Inne, by eight votes,
and over the home rule candidate, Wil
liam C. Achi, by about 1500 votes.
OVER 4,000,000 TREES
WASHINGTON, Dee. 29. The for
ests this year supplied 4,000,000 Christ
mas trees, the forestry service esti
mating that one out of every four fami
lies observed the tree custom. Clifford
Pinchot, United States forester, up
holds the Christmns tree custom.
"The number of trees cut this year"
ho said, "is insignificant when com
pared with the consumption for other
purposes for which timber is demanded.
"This clearing of an area equnl to a
good sized farm, should not be the .sub
ject of much worry when it is remem
bered that for lumber alone it is neces
sary to take timber from an area of
more thnn 100,000 acres every day of
the year."
Point, on December 24, by Rev. T. M.
.limes, Kruest D. Paukey and Kffie C.
KADS.10HNSTON In Medford, on
December 24, by Rev. W. E. Goode,
Arthur J. Johnston nnd Elma E. Eads.
ber 25, by Itev. Edward F. Green. Hoy
(1. Walker and Flora M. Pohland.
.1..1t... atimneil Ull UlUl Oluci'd Ml'.
pntriek under arrest, His explanations
were of no avail, CJlil the otricer loon
him awny to jail and booked him for
disturbing the pence. Bail to the amount
ef, $25 was deposited. When Deputy Dis
trict Attorney McCormick found who
the accused inun was he "fixed" the
ease. 1 , . . i
Mm. Geoffrin's Husband.
Mine. Geiiffrln, like most Frenchwo
men, bad the gift of making phrases.
When Itululere bad read Iu her salon
a work upon Hussiu, which alio feared
might Involve lilm In dlitlcultles, una
offered bltn a sum of money to buru
It. Tho author wuxed wrolb at the in
sinuation Implied aud broke out into
an eloquent assertion of bis courage
nnd Independence. She listened pa
tleutly and Iheu In a quiet tone, of
voice aald, "How much more do you
want, M. HulblereV" She married nt
tho age of fourteen M. Geoffrlu, a
wealthy glaas muuufacturcr and lleu
tviia'nt colonel of the national guard.
Ilia duty aa busband aeema to have
been to provide the funda for her so
cial campaigns and to watcb over the
details of tho menage. It la related of
bim tbat some person gave hliu a his
tory to read aud wben be asked for
the successive volumes regularly
palmed off upon htm tbo first, as if It
were new. At last be was beard to
say that be thought the author "re
peated bimsclf u little." A book print
ed In double columns be read straight
across tbe page, remarking that "It
seemed to be very good, but was rath
er abstract." One day a visitor in
quired after tbe silent, white balred
old gentleman who was in tbe habit
of sitting ut tbe bead of tho table.
"Oh, he was my busband," replied
Mme. Geoffrln, "before he died!"
Birds That Make Incubators. '
In tbo Incubator the pale yellow
chicks, tbeir soft down not yet quite
dry in places, fell in their attempts to
rise and walk, like men dead drunk.
"There's another," said the chicken
farmer as an excited little bead came
out of an egg. "Wonderful things,
these Incubators. Would you believe
tbat there's a bird that makes them?
"Yes, sir; a bird, the megapode,
makes Its own incubator every time it
has a nest of eggs. It isn't bothered,
like other birds, with tbe long and
monotonous work of sitting. " ' ; ' -
"Tbe megapode balls from Australia,
the Barrier reef country. Its Incuba
tor is a simple affair, merely a great
mound of leuves. In these leaves it
buries Its eggs, knowing that in that
hot, moist climate the? leaves will fer
ment and in tbeir fermentation give
off Just enough beat to hatcb the
"Who can deny intelligence to this
bird, which makes its own Incubator
to hutch out lis own eggs?' New Or
leans Times-Democrat
UKIAH, Cel., Dec. HO. Misses Klnise
and Jda May Hughes, the two girls
who 'engaged horses from a local liv
eryman nnd remained away two days.
nnd wero finally taken into custody at
Healdsburg, Sonoma county, have been
released. They were not prosecuted, but
wero forced to pny all tho charges which
had been incurred in their pursuit by
the owner of tho two horses which they
were riding. The young women ex
plained that when they engaged the
horses they did not think they would be
committing any wrong by keeping the
steeds as long as they desired them
when they were able nnd willing to pay
the charges hn the SMine.
Last Night at the Grand Theater
The startling announcement was made
the.', on Saturday night a real live moth
erless baby would be given to the one
holding the coupon to correspond with
the number tli'- bnbv is labeled. Tllis-i
has known to have happened nt other
cities but steps have already been taken
to see that no such uncivilised, barbar
ism shall take place in Mcdford. The
Humane society, as well c.s the vr.rious
churches, have notified tho manager,
Mr.' Kdwiudr, that his program must
lie discontinued. .
However, Mr. Edwards is fully de
termined to carry the matter th:-ough.
Grout excitement is expected to prevail
and in all probability the ntlie" will
be compelled to , interfere Saturday
night unless Mr. .Edwards decitics to
discontinue his program of cVango his
mind. 245
"Belling th. Cat."
"Who will bell tbe cat?" is a curi
ous old proverb, famous In parable and
in history. Tbe mice, says tbe para
ble, held a consultation how to secure
themselves from tbe cat. and they -resolved
to hang a bell about tbe cat's
neck to give warning wben she ap
proached, but nfter they had resolved
on doing it tbey were as far- off as
ever, for who would do It? vr"
Both parable and proverb have im
mortalised themselves In history.
When the Scottish nobles met at Stir
Hug iu a body tbey proposed to take
Spence, tho obnoxious favorite of
James II., and bang blm and so get
rid of him.
"All." said Ixird Grey, "that's very
well suld, but who'll bell tbe cat?"
"Thut will I." suld the black Earl
Angus. He undertook the task, accom
plished It aud was called "Archibald
Bell the Cut" until bis dying day.
Glusgow Times. .
A Quetr Census.
"When 1 was last in India," said the
globe trotter, "tbey were taking the
census. The returns were most re
markable, in Ibe Allahabad census
thirty-live citizens described them
selves as 'men who rob with threats
of violence." There were 220 'flatter
ers for gain.' There were twenty-five
'heredllnry thieves.' There were twenty-nine
'bowlers at funerals.' Tbcro
were 1 15 "ear cleaners.' There were
seventy-six 'makers of crowns for
Idols.' There were fourteen 'heredi
tary painters of burses with spots.'
There were nine 'professional false
"it seems remarkable, doesn't it?
Maybe, though, If we, too, told the
strict truth to the census taker our
own census would seem quite as qualut
as that of ludla."
"Now, boys." said a schoolmaster,
"a cabuiau who drove at the rate of
six miles nn hour left Loudon, being
followed three mluutes later by auotb
er driver proceeding at tbe rate of
seven miles nn hour. Where would
tbey meet?'
"At tbe nearest public house!" an
swered a promising scholar. London
Tl'-Blts. '
Dear Reader -
Just remember that this store is work
ing for the best interest of the people
in Southern Oregon.
Honest Merchandise
Sold at Honest Prices
Every Article Guaranteed
It will pay you to watch this space
every day. Things are doing here . 1
Baker-Hutchason Co.
Central Avenue, Just North of the Jackson County Bank
Medfird Time Table
No. lOfOregon ExpreBS 5:24 p.m.
No. 14Portland Express... . 9:49a.m.
No. lSCalifornia Express.. .10:35 a. m.
No. 13 San Francisco Exp... I 3:20p.m.
No.225From Grants Pas 9:15 p.m.
No. 225For Ashland 10:lSp.m.
No. lLeaves Medford I 8:10 a. m.
No. 3Leaves Medford ( 2:50 p. m.
No. 2 Arrives Medford 10:28 a. m.
No. 4 Arrives Medford 5:08 p. si.
No, 2Leavea
No. 4Leaves
Motor Leaves
Motor Leaves
No. lLeaves
No. 3 Leaves
Medford 110:45 a. m.
Medford 6:35 p.m.
Jacksonville. . .
Jacksonville. . .
Jacksonville.. .
Jacksonville. .
2:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
9:00 a. m.
3:30 p. m.
1:30 p.m.
7:30 p. m.
all of this week as on Saturday
evening a Real Live Baby will
be given away to one holding the
lucky number. This baby has
been brought from the baby home
in Portland to be given away at
Grand Theater, Saturday eve.
Northbound I 9:191 4:5
Southbound 10:05 2:50
Eagle Point j 7:20 2:09
Jaekmville fl0:20 6:20
AX KRAXClSfO, Cal., Dec. 30.
A great co-operative mass mooting in
to be hold in thiB city Jnnuary 1 by
tho Rhippora of freight on tho South
ern Pacific and Santa Fo roads to pro-
tost against proposed increase of freight
rates by these roads. Tho shippers are
preparing for a stubborn fight. The
silence of tho roads would indicate that
they intend increasing ratoo,
T rKl'KRSRUnG, Dec. 30. News
papers heto pitbirJi gruesome accounts
of tho o::ec.itton of 17 persons. Thirty
ti n rt'iih scut'-uees have been an
nounced, thereby making a now record.
The Ekaterinoslav correspondent of
"The Hush" gives a horrible descrip
tion of one of the executions.
While tho victim was dangling in
midair t lit? rope broke, letting tho man
fall to the ground. The hangman, how
ever, silenced the awful shrieks by
pressing his foot upon the neck of the
man and keeping it there until life was
exti net.
Grand holiday excursion. Round trip
tieketo $10, good for 16 toys, beggog
cheeked, return allowed any time wita
iu limit. Ashland t San FranoiBQO,
leaving Saturday, December 26,
on regular overteni train at 11:36 a. o.
9hsty er owre excaraioniets will make
the fare $15.
T. K. BOLffON,
Classified Advertisements
WANTED Furnished house, 5 or 6
roomB, by ursirable parties; no chil
dren. Address H, care of Tribune. 247
WANTED Horses tu board by the
month. Fledty af good, clean hay, good
warm barn; terms $6 per month. No
horses taken for leas than one month.
Walter Moore, Phoenix. 250
WANTED I desire family washing to
do. I go tt the kouBe and wash by the
day. Prices reasonable; satisfaction
guaranteed. Mrs. M P. Schaenfele,
Medford, Or. Box 2A, houte No. 1 250
KOR SALE A good small business in
the center of Medford. Address Box
125, Medford, Or. 2B6
POR SALE Two choice corner lots in
Page's addition; a bargain for cash. E.
B. Sawyer, No. 20T 8. C street. 247
POR SALE Houses, lots and land in
Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from onej
acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Pho
nix, Or.
FOR SALE Cheap, one-half block
close in, good residence locality; will
sell two or fonr lots; buy direct; save
agent's commission. AddreBS P. O.
Fox 83. 247
FOR SALE Fire and ten-acre tracta
within and adjoining city limits, at a
bargain on long time. Address P. O.
Box 418, Mcdford, Or. 248
FOR SALE A good small bnsine-s en
Seventh street. Reasons for selling.
Address, P. O. box S12 or call at this
office. tf
FOR SALE Extra dry cordwood, fir
and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine.
F. Osenbrugge, Stndcbaker Bros. Co.
warerooms. Telephone S61. 262