Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 30, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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s A HILL. ,fV
I'mpoHird '"by ini I iat i ve je(i..iuji to
itiiu'iiil Bi fiion i.';5 of chapter IV ;m
net filed in the offiro of thu Bocrctmy
of Hlutn Kcliniiir.v 7 lioiiiy rlinpUT
UU!i of tlio Juwh of tdo binlo of Onon
lor Hi ytar 19'5, :uil cut Hied: i,
"An nit to fijit'iil nn not onti:!i-l
'And net to rojHtil (in net i-n titled "An
net to incorporate the town of JV T ! -fonl,
iu Juclitiou county, ftrrgon, and
limi'. iitft powun ii ml l fining t':e
tluiii'M of itK officern," mxi to rflponl an
act tMitillcl 'An act to inwju rate t'i
town o? Mnlfonl, in J:trktui county,
Oregon, Approval February 21, 1SS.1,'
filed in tlio-office of thj nocrcinry of
Htntc I'Vbruory 21, lflfcfl, and nil ameid
tncnlH tlmroof and to incorporate tho
city of Mi-dfonl, In .Tacksuu county
f)n'Kti, ami to ili-f iif it powrrs nnd
dut'rit,' r.pprovcd Fcbnmry 0, 1101 j and
to incorpnrnlo Uia city of Mnlfonl, in
Iim'Khoii county, Oregon, define its pow
ers and duties, and to repeal all acta
and parts of m-tt: in conflict herewith.'
The people of tli'j statu of Oregon
do ordain a foil own:
The people of the city of Medford do
ordnin na follows:
Section 1, That section 2-1, chapter
IV, of an act filod in tho office of the
secretary of state February-7, 1105, bo
Uft chaptrr 2112 of the lairs of tfcfl state
of Oregon for the year 1 10.1 find enti
tled: v i
"An act to repeal an act entitled
'An act to repeal an act entitled "Au
act to incorporate tho town nf MWlford,
in Jackflon .county, Oregon nod limit
ing it ft powere and defining the duties
of itn officers," nnd to repeal an net
entitled 'And act to incorporate the
town of Mod ford, in Jackson county,
Oregon, approved February 21, 5885,
filed in the office of the' secretary of
Btato February 21, 1889, and all amend
ments thereof, nnd to ineorpornto the
city of Medford, in Jackson- county,
Oregon, nnd t.o define its powers nnd
dutieu," approved February fl ;"1001 ;
nnd to incorporate tho city of Medford,
in Jackson county, Oregou, define its
powers nnd duties, and to repeal all acts
and pnrts of acts in conflict here
with." lie nnd the same hereby- I' amended
so as to rend as follows: v-.
Section 25. Tho city council shall
liavo power nnd ( authority, within" the
limits of tho city of Medfnrd. to' enact
all ordinances and adept nil regula
tions, not inconsistent with the consti
tution and Jaws of tho state of Oregon,
ns shall bo needful or requisite to main
tain and establish the pence, good or
der, health,, cleanliness prosperity nnd
general welfare of tho city, . , ,
' 1. To assess, . levy, and collect poll
Toad taxes within raid limits, and with
in tho limits of any road district of
which said city may be a pert, and to
levy taxes for city purposes upon all
property mau taxable by the laws of
the state of Oregon; nlsx to levy such1
special benefit assessment upon real;
estate for street, sewer, and other im-
provements ns they may deem jnsbnnd
equitable. 'v '
2. To borrow money, incur indebt-1
edness, issue warrants nud negotiable
bonds in the manner and to tho extent!
in this act provided, nnd not otherwise.
3. To open, vacate, alter,. grade nnd
improve streets nnd nlteys survey lots,
blocks, streetn and alleyn "and establish
their bouudnries, nnd nnme uud number
streets and alleys. ,
4. To divide the city into wards and
thango the same nt will, provided, r
change in the wards of the city shall
not be made oftener than once in two
yenrs. 1
5. To regulate slaughter houses, nnd
provide for their exclusion from the
city, or nuy part thereof, nnd to" pro
hibit the deposit or accumulation of
filth, garbage, or refuse of any kind in
any part f the city,
6. To cstnblish hospitals within or
without tho city, adopt quarantine reg
ulations, remove or quarantine persons,
afflicted with contagious or infectious
disease)'., nnd to adopt and enforce such
regulations ns may be neoessnry or prop
er to prevent tho introduction or spread
of such diseases. '
7. To declare, by ordinance what
shall constitute n nuisnnce, regulate.
prohibit or nbate the same, nnd to make
the expenses of abating the same ft lien
upon the property where the nuisance
8. To establish fire limit, and pro-
Tide what kind of buildings can be
erected within such limits, ami to do
ermine what repairs may be made to
bm!dings therein, and to condemn and
remove therefrom dangerous or unsafe
buildings and to prevent the erection
of new or the, repair of, old buildings,
therein, nnd to condemn nnd emove
therefrom dangerous or unsnfe build
ings, and' to prevent the erertion of new
r the repair "of old buildings without
having first obtained a jrmit from the
fl. To provide for tho establishment,
equipment and maintenance of n fire
4rpnrtn,ent or fim company. .
10 To provide -wateffor the use of
tfio of the cly. to that
end o own, huy sell, leash or contract
for propejtv within of withou. th.
iv t bnv, sell or ron-wfc for wat
to 'b" 'Whed by thint penwu t,rt
mv or to the inhabitants thereof; rro
Tided, that no purchase, .s or lease
t nnv such property shall be made with,
at the consent of t teart two-thirds
f the council.
11 To provide elect rie or other lifihts
for mM city d it. inhabitant., and
to that end to own. buy. -U.
r contract for propertr. or contract
wUh third pt.on. to tnrniA the m
U SAJd city or iu inhabitant., and to
relate and control the .am. and the
thereof; provided, that nc JJJ
tn'o-thlrilB uf tbe council. .. . .
K. 'I'o construct I'kd maintain Bow
ers tJntinB, gutteru, nml when uocoHsiiry
to I'oiitinoo. coimtriict oti(l inuinlitin tin
hhiiio onthi'lo k:u1 city, 'and to control
:iimI ri'ji'iluto tlio uto tliereof.
J-'or tb Mir(o::cH lii("in (Miumer
att'rl, to fondcoin real OHtato und rilita
i.f wuy, in the manner jirovideA hy law.
M. To rojjalato and control tho
Mtorn'O of (rnnowrlor a" other oxplo
Htvo and roiulmstiMi1 matcriiilH, tho iihc
of oil or gnu for lighting or beating
MirpoHoR, und to regulate, control or
ahato the una of flnea and chimneys or
other appurattiB which may bo danger
(ma in canning firon; and to regulate, tho
manner of building partitioim and party
walls, and to regulato or prohibit tho
aalo or uso of firerrackerH, bombs, rock
ets, etc.
1!5. To regalato nnd prohibit the run
ning at large of domestic nnitnnls, and
the discharge or uso of firearms.
HI. To regulato tho rate of speep of
nil train cars, locomotives, vehicles nnd
i 17. To prevent nnd restrain riot,
noise, disorderly conduct and disorder
ly assemblages, and to prohibit the car
rying of concealed weapons.
IS. To regulato or prohibit the pns
Bago of any steam, traction, or other
engine or motor upon the streets, or any
bicycle; tricycle or tandem upon the
11). To license, tax, regulato, or pro
hibit barrooms, drinking shops, billiard
rooms, bowling alleys, dance houses, and
all places whero spiritcus malt or vin
ous liquors are sold or kept for sale,
nubject to any and nil general laws of
the slate of Oregon heretofore enacted
or which hereafter shnll bo enacted by
tho legislature or by the .peoplo of the
state of Oregou; provided, that no li
cense for tho sale of spiritous, malt or
vinous liquors shall bo granted for any
less amount than eight hundred dol
lars ($800) per annum, payable semi
annually in advance. ! ' lf ' (.
"0. To prohibit any person from sell
ing or giving away malt,, spiritous or
vinous liquor to any person under the
ago of twenty-one years, and to provent
tho owner or kcoper of nny place where
such liquors aro sold or kept for sale
from permitting any person under the
age of 'twenty-one years to come into
or remain in any such pluco. , -
21. To prohibit the soiling or giving
of nny intoxicating liquor to any drunk
en person, or nny person in tho habit of
becoming intoxicated, and to define who
Is Buch person, nnd to designate who
are Buch persons. r
22. To restrain and prohibit bawdy
houses and houses of ill famo, and to
punish rho keopers and inmates thereof.
2.1. To define nnd prohibit gaming
or gambling, to suppress houses or places
Mherc gambling is earneu on or per
mitted, and to punish persons keeping
such houses or places, and persons, for
gambling; nnd to license regulato, or
urohibit nickel in the-slot" machines, or
any other schemes of chance, and to
punish person operating or using the
14. To define vagrancy, nnd to pro
vide for tho punishment, snpport, re
straint nnd employment of vngrnnts and
paupers". ' . - J
V H'o provulo for the closing of sa
loons, and all places whero intoxicating
liquors are sold or kept fori sale, on
Sundays. !
ti. , Ta license, tax. and regulate auc
tioneer,, peddlers, street vendors, brok
ers, pawnbrokers, and dealers in soe-
onH-liniHl goons. , " .
27 e To llcenso and tax mercantile
and business houses hotels, livery sta
bles, barber shops, eating houses, com-
.reinl travelers, and the selling 01
goods by sample, and all other branches
of business which in the judgment of
tho council should be licensed.
28. ; To control nnd regulate the man
r of constructing and repairing si do-
walks, curbing, awnings, nnd advertis
er siirns. compel the owner, of nrtui-
cent property to construot or r,pair th;
same, nnd make such work, construction
or repair a charge upon such propert,
and provide for the collection thereof.
!. To roijuiate, control or promuiv
the erection of electric light, telegraph
telephone, or other poles or wire, upon
or over tho streets or sdlyi, or public
parks or buildings of said city, and
tho laying of water or other pipes and
sewers. '
30:':, To remove all obstruction from
the highways, streets, aney, biuuwiui.ii.
and eewem. and to provide for the con
struction, itrndine, tilling, repairing and
cleaning up of such street, ana alleys.i
cross' walks, sidewalks and sewors, ana
innkk the cost thereof a clnim sgninjt
adjacent property in such proportion
ns stall be ,.i ""t.
Sl, To eonlrol the construction, locv
tion 'njid operation of streot car lines
and fix the rates of faros tnereon.
.12, To provide for, holding eity elec-;
Hons, and prescribe th, qualifications
of voters. ' '
Mt To provide an -dviso y board of j
ejualiration. to sit in conjunction with
rt- ,.v b .rd of equalisation when
v rinff tl-e .'.ty ,Fsessw.lnt. j
t To i" ' , t- , ho'd, and sel
re-ii .sm'o sold for any iJiseess-
men! for municipal mrjicsrs, J eitbr
general or special. ..
3.'. To license, tax. and regulate me
strioal exhibitions nd ethCT shew, or
public amustMnentt . , , .
SO. To regulate and prohimt me
driving ox live stock through any part
of the eity and to prevent ernelty to an
37. To orovide for th, collection and
disbursement of money to walfh tha
city bit become entitled, Inealndlag
poll road tax, within th, road district
W which uM erty may ba a part, and
ta awcajsriat momxf to Xhm pa,naa
of lawful claims against the city; pro
vided, that any member of the council
who shall' voto to authorize the crea
tion of any indebtedness against the
ity, which indebtedness, in addition to
that already existing, shall nniouut to
a slim in excess of the legal limit of in-
ebtedness of said city, shall bo per
sonally liable fur such increase.
.'IS. To provide for the erection, con
trol and repair of such buildings ns
may be necessary for city purposes.
ill. To provide punishment, by fine,
imprisonment, and hard labor, for tho
violation of nay eity ordinance, but no
fine shall exceed $100, and no term of
inprisoniiient or hard labor exceed fifty
lays; and. where a fine and costs are
imposed, tho person adjudged to pay
the same may be imprisoned one day
for ouch $2 fine and costs, or kept at
hard Inbor one day for each $2 of said
fine and cost, if he fail or refuse to pay
the same.
40. To regulate the practice and oth
er proceedings of the recorder's court.
41. To control nnd regulate the light
ing and heating of all halls or other
buildings where public meetings or gath-
rings are held or permitted, nnd pro
vide and enforce regulations in regard
to the means of ingress and egress to
such halls or other buildings, and to
close or abate such buildings when they
re deemed unsafe.
12. Xo franchise or contract shall be.
granted by the city or city council for
a longer period than twenty years.
Section 2. All acts nnd parts of acts
and all ordinnnces or charter provisions
in conflict herewith nre hereby repeal
Following is the form in which the
foregoing measure will appear upon the j
Proposed by Initiative Petition.
Charter amendment making the local
option lnw of the state of Oregon apply
to the city of Medford, and fixing the
minimum license- nt 800 per annHin.
Vote Yes or No. i
402 YES
403 I NO.
Ihe Best of Backs Ate Bad When T.'"T
Ache, ondMedford People Kl-.i It.
Abnd back is always bad.
Bab at night when bedtime coi.n s,
Just ns. bad in tho morning.
Kver try Donn's Kidney Pills
Know tho cure backache cure every
Itidnoy ill T
If you don't, some Medford people do
Head a case of it:
Mrs. William Charley, Cor. Fourth
G St., Medford, Or., say: ,
"I never ,had. tho slightest trouble
with my. kidneys until some time ago
when I injured my back.' After that
1 noticed thnt my kidneys were dis
ordered. ' Tho kidney secretions: were
too frequent and gave -me much annoyance.-
Vy back waB bo weak that
1 was unnble to stoop, and could not
sleep, I learned of Dean's Kidney
Pills, and. procured a box at Raskin's
Prug Store In lees than two weeks
1 was greatly improved I eontirssed
and am felling fine I have recomended
Bonn's Kidney Pills to a great many
peoplo since they cured me."
For snle by all dealers. Price so cents.
Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
solo agent, for the United States..
Remember tho name IJoan', ana
take no "other.
Spend Your Holiday Vacation at
Paso Bobles
If complete rest i and most perfect
conditions imaginable "for nature cure
are what you need spend your holidays
at Paseo Robles, California. A week or
twoand even a few days will accomplish
moro in a wav of restored energy than
a much longer period and more ,cxpen-
siva. treatment elsewhere, .because good
old Mother, Nature , is nurse and phy
sician. ' i , ''j - '. (
Paso Bobles i, taking the same rank
fame for wonderfull cures jthat Carls
bad and Baden do1 in ' Europe The
hotel is a marvel of comfort and lux
ury, and the bath (house bnilt by -the
city free to all, is said to be one of the
best in the world. . It .is a stubborn
ailment and a1 hopelees . condition of
physical breakdown thnt the mineral
water and hot mud baths of Paso
Bobles will'not heal in a short time '
Call on A. S. Bosenbaum, local 8. P.
ngenr for descriptive booklets of Paso
Robles,' and he wijl aleo tell you all
about rates
I,OS AA'AKI.ES. t'al.. Pec. 30. While
fighting a 1 re in the baseiuent"o( 'the
Oecidcntal liotel. 410 Soulh Hill street.
this nfternj'on.- Captain I..- . Sley or
F.nginc Co a pa uy No. 4 fell nt n hoi,
wn nlfnnvl rtVOfCOie llV jmoV P DO-
fof, be cuyd be rescued bv. Lieutenant
Li a ot., H ose company ,x e. n a
dragged from his perilous position Cp
tain Kloy was unconscious, but sM
revided at the emergency nospnai.
The fire damaged the hotel and sur
rounding building, to the, extent of
tSO.OOO. About 100 guests were m
stricken by th, flamea. They tre
transferred wifely to the Proaa-'av I
tel after ,om, confusion cans ' .
report that a ,ick woman d bee. i it
in a eeond ,tory too"-.
T waa afterward 1 ar. ' "l i !"
sick woman was th. r- b
moved from the htvl.
Let tin)
make that piece 4 "irniture. Any
design, auy color, any finish
dull, waxed or poliBhed. Shop on
cor. of 8th and ii Btreets.
W. M. Colvlg. O. L. Boames.
Of fice:. Medford Bank Bldg.
Ground floor.
Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91
New and Second-Hand Furniture
Eads' old stund, 18-20 F St. South
Medford, Or.
Newly built and newly furnished
AU modern conveniences.
D. G. Karnes, Prop.
20 8. G St., ; Medford, Or.
Freeh fish roceived daily. . Oys
ters in season.
Cor. Seventh and E 8ts, Medford
HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof
fees, Extracts, Baking Powder
and Spices. We carry all kinds of
dinner ware and fancy dishes.
218 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or.
The only exclusive Optician be
tween Portland and Sacramento.
Office on Seventh Street.
When others fail, call on
Eye Specialist
Office in Eagle Pharmacy
Main 233. Seventh and Main
Room, from 50 cent, to $1.50 per
day. All modern conveniences.
- W, solicit your patronage.
VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened
their new garage and repair shop
back of th, Moore hotel. Motor
cars stored and taken care of. All
work guaranteed. Phone No. 3163
to place an engagement ring - on the f
fingor of hi, lady love, and if it be pur-
chased here she is sure to appreciate it 1
all the more. We have a magnificent
assortment of rings set with diamonds,
rubies, - sapphire, and emerald, in all
th, latest design, and settings, as well
ns everything that U beautiful in gift.
at Christmas. . -1
Marlinr J.-Reddy,
; The Jeweler;; '
Next Post Office
The following is th, program for
Now Year', eve at the Louvre, com
wqneing at 9:30 p. ta::
; lj March -"King Radium"
' 2v Gavotte . ..-."First Heart Throbs"
; Si Mcdlev "Hit of 190S"1
, 4, .Waltie,1 "Court of Love"
Oi t efiecuon. 1BD lime, i ikn sou
i tahe Girl"
. Barn dance "Cy and Sue"
7 Overture ..."The Alaskan"
8. Waltxee "8ilvery Brook"
X "'ne poem ..."Apple Blossoms "
'i. 8 "ection ..."The Merry Widow"
11. 8 liah serenade ..."La Paloma"
12. M.rsh "Gnnf'ro"
Biismess Directory
Finest cup of coffee on
the Pacific CoaBt.
H. H. Lorimer Prop.
Contracting Electrical Engineer.
210 W. Seventh St., Mwlford, Or.
The Plumber.
I solicit a share of your busineBs,
pledging satisfaction.
W. E. Lane 4: Son, Props.
Opposite Hotel Moore.
Medford Oregon
wish to announce to their patrons
that they are located in their new
quarters in the Young & Hall
Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos.
Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4.
Miles Building, Seventh Street,
Medford, Oregon.
Always open for business. Neat
and clean. Up-to-date. Popular
12 So. C St. Lambert Sc Brown
For good bargains in Watches
and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In
struments, go to
C Street.
'' Undertaker,
Day Phone 353
Night Phones C. W. Conklin 38
J. H. Butler 148
Successor to Dr. Jones.
Office in the Stewart Building.
J. E. ENYART, President.
J. A. PERRY, Vice-President.
r MEDFOBD,.. OB. t , j
CAPITAL - - $50,000
SURPLUS , . 10,000
Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank
in Business Transacted. We
Solicit-Your;Patronage.' .-
Z' PHONE 2291. .r J tl '
Window rrainea, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bcval Platasarrud'u ateek aheap.
Office Fixtures and all kind, of Plaa ing Mill Work, including Turned Work
. v. ood Fancy Grills.
, Aali your dealer for . . ;
, Clear Havana Vigar. .
HHBT 0I8AB CO., Distributor,, Portland, Or.
"3nsh-uctor cf "JfWmo
Stuile at Tltitetnu. Worth 6rant Shut
North d'Anjon Street.
LatCBt motion pictures and illus
trated songs. Entire change of
program Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Admission 10 cents.
Continuous performance every
evening of motion pictures and il
lustrated ballads. Entire change
of program Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Admission 10 cents.
Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water
Phone 22.
210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or.
N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or.
Grow trees that sell, sell , trees
that grow unad fruit true to label
Billposter and distributor. ' All
, orders promptly filled.
Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg.
Medford, Or.
0. F. COOK
Sells trees that grow.
Office: R. R. V. Depot.
P. O. Box 841. Phone 503.
Medford, Or.
Voice Culture and Art of Singing
Studio at Residence. .
East Medford. Phone 225
S. B. SEELY, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Modern equipped operating room,
X-Kay. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p.
m. Office iu Jackson Co. Bk. bldg
Garbage hauled. Medford.
J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.
Specialist in. operative dentistry
Painless -xtraction of teeth.
; JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. - V
i W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
Watxhes,' Clocks,- Jewelry
"lUt h awak I eaa do, bat aw wall t
" mf moat.
Qjtfc Mm 3. mr, MMI ., aHirrt
f Ackm eanrtf Bsavfc