Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 29, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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A New Year's
"Tlmt I will jiai rush for my yrori rics and so
lire uui ( jj and also avoid the end of the month's
worry." .
It is the satisfactory way. It is the cheapest way.
p So i fill s
, l '
Behold the native of the Old Dominion upon whom the committee" on
privileges of the bouse of lords receutly conferred the title of lord Fairfax
of Cameron, in the Scottish peerage. Before the laying on of the title he
was Mr. Albert Klrby Fairfax. The committee had the family Bible and
(ttaer documentary evidence to prove the descent. The decision of the com
fcdttoe does not give the beneficiary a seat In the house of lords. '
Wedding Bells
in Jacksonville
Standing boueatha groat arch of
green foliage within a tastefully and
well decorated room, surrounded by
friends and relatives, Walter Tracy
Kontner took to wife,' Emma H. Kin
ney, "a charm i ng and popular young
.woman of Jacksonville, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kinnoy.
The wedding was observed at the
home of the bride's parents in Jack
sonville and was undoubtedly the pret
tiest of the season!" Rt. Rev. Charles
Scadding, bishop of Oregon, officiated,
using the beautiful ceremony of the
Episcopal church. The groom was sup
ported by 'Mr. Sam Richardson, while
the bridesmaid was Miss .Reas Kentner,
sister of the groom. MicJ Frances Kin
ney rendered the wedding march. '
A short reception was held after the
ceremony, when a dainty' wedding sup
per was served. During the evening
the guests were entertained by Miss
Frances Kinney and Maude Newbury.
' The happy' couple have a host of
friends in Jackson county who join in
wishing them a life of happiness. Mr.
Kentner is one of the most popular
business men of this city. He has long
been identified with the Model Cloth
ing company. While Mrs. Kentner has
long held an enviable place ' in the
V hearts 0f Medford and Jacksonville's
younger set. They will bo at home
to their friends after February 1 on
Eleventh street. . - '
The guests who were present were
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kinney, Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Kentner, Mr. and Mrs. P.
K. Deuel, Mr. and Mrs. A. D Schmidt,
Mr. and Mrs. William Ulrich, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. J. Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth Kin
ney, Mr. E. B. Haney, Mrs. Will Kent
Tier, Misses Bess and Ida Kentner, Mr.
Sam Richardson and Mr. Herbert Kont
ner. MarriaRO Licenses.
Ernest D. Pankey and Effie C. Grimes
Walter T. Kentner and Emma M.
Arthur J. .Tolmston and Elma E. Ends.
Roy G. Walkor and Flora M. Poh
BERLIN, Dec. 29. The German gov
ernwnt resents statements attributed
to the American profs indicating tli'it
Germany has been unduly friendly to
President Castro. Tho foreign ministry
snvs it has been merely obeying inter
national etiquette. Castro, as president
cf Venezuela, sent a telegram of hom
age to Emperor William and left a card
for Foreign Minister von Pchoen. where
upon both sent representatives to thank
him and ask about his health. These
are the only official acts taking cog
nisance of Castro's prrBcnce.
The German government has no in
tention of making to him any political
or commercial proposition.
v The nsvy department flatly denies
the report that a German squadron will
. go to American waters is the spring.
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 29. Governor
Hoch on December 22 pardoned John
Collins, now serving a Hfo sentence iu
the Kansas state penitentiary for the
murder of his father, J. JB. Collins,
well-to-do real estate and insurance
man of this city, in May, 189S. Collins
was made free Christmas day.
Young Collins was a student at Kan
sas university at the time of his father's
death. He was convicted on the testi
mony of three negroes, all of it being
circumstantial in character, '. ' ',.
At the trial the state set np the pica
that Collins was in love with Miss Fran
ces ' Babcock of Lawrence, Kan., and
planned the killing of his father that he
might obtain the life insurance which
the senior Collins carried upon his life.
One of the negroes upon whose testi
mony Collins was convicted has since
writton a book asserting that the testi
mony of the three negroes at the trial
was a part of a plan by enemies of
young Collins to ruin him by fixing the
responsibility for his father's death up
on him. The elder Collins was found
dead in bed one morning after a visit to
his son at Lawrence.
The shooting match given by Jay Tcr
rill was a success in every way.'
H. H. Helms and wife spent Christ
mas in Medford with Mrs, Anderson,
Mrs. Helms' mother.
Willie Bceson went down to Medford
Saturday on business. Mr, Beeson says
orders for trees are coming his way as
fast as he can handle them.
Mrs. Woldon Hartley, who was injur
ed in a runaway accident several weeks
ago in North Talent, was able to ride
over to her mother's on Griffin creek
to spend Christmas.
C. W. Wolters of Talent is contem
plating the building of a bank with all
modern fixtures including fire proof
vault or sate.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Turnbaugh and
family spent Christmas day with rela
tives in North Talent.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibbs of NortTi Tal
ent attended the Christmas exercises
and tree at Phoenix Thursday evening,
John Hclmic and bia mother, Mrs.
Nancv Helmic, took Christmas dinner
with'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sturdivant.
I see where a Phoeuix correspondent
has called Tnlent Little Sis. Well, Lit
tie Sis, you are large for your age.
Talent's Christmas trade was never
so large as it has been this year at
i "nristmas time. There has been all our
nicrchants could handle, and each one
has had to employ extra help on ac
count of tho Christmas trade. .
The new residence of Mr. and Mrs.
S. Stancliff of North Talent was the
scene of a very happy Christmas day,
as relatives gathered to partake of a
most bounteous Christmas dinner given
bv -Mr. and Mrs. Stancliff and to wish
them many returns of tbiB joyous fwstal
season in their new home.
All nnrties havinir aceoonta against
P. B. Bronson for material for school
building, school district No. 91, please
mA .toioment to E. TL Watson, clerk.
within ten days of date of this notice.
' K. H. WA1DUB,
247 Batte Falls, Or
The Great Demonstration Sale
Goes Merrily On
Is EVER again will you find such slaughter of
prices as at this great sale.
JUST THINK We are selling highest class
Pianos at ?193, $217, $248 and ?317. This
means that you can now buy pianos, at prices be
low what factories sell in carload lots.
GUARANTEE is absolute The Eilers guaran
tee is celebrated all over America. There is no pos
sible way for an Eilers' customer to be disappoint-,
TERMS To suit your own convenience. As we
have said before, we were unable to rent a suitable
building in Medford and we must find homes for
this $15,000 piano stock at once.
Sale at Singler's Store
197 West Seventh St., Medford.
General Office: Portland, Or.
Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Waablng
' ton, California and Nevada.
'' " ' :- ; "t :
CHICAGO, Dec, 29.-Mme.Isa
sd, a medium, whose "chief control"
s the wraith of an Indian maid, "Lit
tle White Star," has diccovered that
even spirits cannot be depended on to
assist their frionds in emergencies.
She gave seances, in which Charles
McLano and his wife wero members
of the circles: McLane is a wealthy I
ana e u., mr.
i.ane so mucn ... wn. '""!
was aroused. She engaged a detective
and confronted them in rooms in a
downtown hotel. Mrs. McLane, in tell
ing her story in court, whore she is su
ing ior uivuri-c, biu. i
"When I stopped Mr. McLane and,
charged him with his misconduct, he
asked me what I was going t do about
it. Mrs. Cleveland admitted they din
wrong, but told me I must understand
it was not wrong in the knowledge of
spirit land; that the spirits did not
obey the same restrictions earthbound
subjects do.
"Mr. McLane and I patched the mat
ter up, and he agreed to be good, but
he continued to be with Mrs. Cleve
land, and I am told they visited other
hotels at other times. A letter she wrote
to him called him hor 'affinity,' and
she .said she would wait for him through
out eternity. He did not deny nis gum,
but seemed hj-pnotized. "
ROANOKE, Va., Dec. 20. D. W. Wil
liams, a business man ot nova coum?,
has the distinction of having married
his mother-in-law. His bride occupies
the dual relation, of grandmother and
stepmother to his two children, a
bright little hoy nnd girl. Despite the
time worn mother -in lnw joke, the bride-
mv. ha is verv happy.
u-:n;m. fircl married Mis Mary
.,r hut after several years the younj;
ife died. He courted hw motner-in-iK.
ho was a widow, and they applied to
tho clerk of the courts, wno isu.u ..
marriage license. Later he concluded
t was illegal to issue a
man to marry his mother in law ana
revoked- it.
The couple, not to he outdone, elope'!
to Tennessee, where they were recently
Will the party who found watch and
fob in the toilet of the Owl billiard par
lors please return same to Mr, Brown,
the proprietor and receive reward. 243
Thomas Riler of Wcllen was a recent
visitor to this city. when. h met many
Wholesale Pacific Northwest
13th and Northrup Sts., Portland
Exporters to South America,
Hawaii and the Orient
853 Market Street, San Francisco
' Whereas, The question of the grant-
, in. nf lionn. nu fn anlrtnna tiam Ka.nma
Clove-jaa...ue in fte impondillg mnni(.ipai
,campaign, and
Whereas, It Is desirous that this ques-
tl0U De eliminated irora tne issues in-
volved in electing a mayor and coun-
oilmen for the coming term: Now, there
fore, be it
Resolved, By the city council of the
itw nf that tha itiaainn nf
owi al u
I in the city of Medford during the year
j1909 b and the Bam! i, herebT ,ubmit
tod to the voters of said city for their
electi ttn4 thit ,aid be
,hmiffoJ , vji.
- "j i a -i
at the municipal election to be held on
January 12 1909, the following mat-
For Prohibition
Against Prohibition.
And be it further Resolved. That in
the event that the majority of the votes
cast on said question at said election
be cast "for prohibition," the sale of
liquor shall not be licensed by the city
council during the year 1909, but in
the. event that the majority of the votes
cast on said question be cast "against
prohibition," the sale of liquor in Med
ford shall be licensed as provided by
the ordinances of said city.
Ths foregoing resolution was adopt
ed by the city council of the city of
Medford, Oregon, December 21ot, 1908,
by the following votes, to-wit: Merrick
aye, Trowbridgo aye, Wortman ayo Ei
fert ayo, nafer absent and Olwelf ab
sent. Approved December 21st, 1008.
J. F. EEDDT, Mayor.
239 City Recorder.
For Sale, "
At a bargain, upright psrlor organ;
in perfect condition; will make cuitable
Christmas present. -For particulars ad
dress " !!," Tribudo tfffico. M2
Grand holiday excursion. Round trip
tickets .18, good for 15 days, baggagv
checked, return allowed any time with
in limit. Ashland to Ran Francisco,
leaving Saturday, Docembnr 20, 1908,
on regular overland train at 11:35 a, m.
Sixty or more excursionists will make
I the fare 15.
HOc Scrubbing Brushes for-. . .
20c Whisk Brooms for . .:. . ... .
loe package Macaroni for
40c sacks of Oat Flakes for
60c Toilet Soaps, per dozen
$3.50 per dozen cans Jelly for. ,
13c cans Condensed Milk for. ,
$1.00 dozen bars Tar Soap
You will be able to save several dollars and sever
al "worry wrinkles" each month by buying of us.
Miller &
Are You From
In The Matter of
We will continue to show the people how ft is done.:
Demonstrations daily until January 3. - Come and see
the hot food cooking at the ,r t '
. Johnson.s Fireless Cooker .v .
Manufactured by Rbacoe A. Johnson. )
SALEM i8 the most popular beer in Northern
California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl
edged to be the equal of the very best eastern
product. All beers are good, but some beers are
liked better than others. The proof for this as
sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish
to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it
Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. .
Allen & Reagan
Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit
and Feed
, ..20 save 10c
...15 save 5c
, . . 10 save 5c
. . .35 save 5c
,...40 save 20c
.$3.00 save 50c
. . . 10? save 5c
. . .75e save 25c
It is, and ol way s baa
bct'Q our aim to supply
our customers with
goods of tho highest
quality and to that end
.ve nr: always adding
ju.'ility to our line. Tho
tdf'.ition of "preferred
atoek" inakeft our lino
of !.: Kr:,,le t'or.nci
Goods moat complete.
Our service always tho
btt and every arcom
givn our euHtomcre. (