((f 0) TT Tu TT Tu . Th KW Cuimotifanf i i " ;'?rV-v - - - - i fjTT mi A WW1 j ... i . SUITS & OVERCOATS. $15 Values Now $10.00 $26 Values Now $16.55 $18 Valueo Now $12.00 $27.50 Values Now $18.35 $20 Values Now $13.35 $30.00 Values Now $20.00 $25 Values Now $15.00 $35.00 Values Now $23.35 We Keep Your Clothes Pressed Free and Give You a Good Pair of Suspenders Free With each Suit mil . a In Order to Clean up Over 100 Odd Suits, we will sell them while they last at just an even $7.00. 1 A v A (D JXflgffj OTOTOKTBBroRB-QUiyj S AXK IK OKK'KjREn TO GWiPATltONH. Hats $2.00 HatS rti-.T;.;OI- ?.ou mis ..... t . . . . ; $3.00 Hats Uo;. $3.50 Hata ...... U $4.00 Hata A .4a,". . :. '. These hata include the famous "Daniels' Spe cial," Csavenette and other makes. i a -i. ..i ,i , .vl.TO . .$1.90 ..$2.20 12.50 &3.00 Shirts $1.00 values . . $1.25 values . . $1.50 values . $2.00 values . $2.50 values : 85 95 ... . .$1.05 ....$1.40 $1.90 Drees and Negligee Shirts in Cluett and Mon arch brands included. Neckwear 25c Neckties .... 35c Neckties .... 50c Neckties . -. . . ... 75c Neckties ....... $1.00 Neckties $1.50 Neckties ..... . $2.00 Neckties ...20 ...25 ...40 .:.55 ...75 .$1.00 .$1.25 Underwear , 50c values, now . .:. ........ , $1.00 values, now ,. . . . .... $1.25 values, now S $1.50 values, now , I $3.00 values, now . . . . .,. ;.$2.10 ; ' xnciuamg Dotn union ana two-ipieee suits . . . . .45 85 95 ..,.$1.15 ' ...$1.75 $100 IN GOLD HAS BEEN DEPOSITED AT THE jm MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK. TO BE PAID TO ANY PERSON FURNTSITTNG PROOF OF ANY MTSREPRE- i SENTATTON IN VALUES IN T1ITS AD You be the Judge w fr- will pay I y AVorli HI: . ing Men's Extra Specials $3.00 fto, Name Hats, $1.35 100 Pairs Levi Strauss and Boss of the Road I Overalls, 50c 25c and 35c Suspenders, 20c Canvas Gloves 75c per dozen. . 50Work Shirts, 40c. Flannel Shirts, one-fourth off. Two Dozen odd- vests at $1. Boys' Clothing We are going out of the Boys' Clothing Business. Everything for the boys at one-half cost price. wwt frrZr- M AM Pants-Save One-Fourth $2.00 Pants, l$2.50 Pants. , '$3.00 Pants , $3.50 Pants $4.00 Pants . .-.$1.50 ..,.$1.90- ,.,.$2.25 .-.$2.70 ..$3.00 : :$5.00Pauts . $6.00 Pants i-$7.50 Pants . j'-$9.00 Pants . i $10.00 Pants . .$3.-75 ...$4.50 .$5.60 .$6.75 $7.50 Five hundred pairs to select from. t "Work Pante guaranteed not to sbrbik i'" Jjjjf or fade from washing. ' SWEATEE tCOATSS, OS" 'VOOLEN AND COTTON UNDER WEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, IN FACT KlVERYTHING Ji'OB MEN AT YOUR OWN PRICE. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RESERVED j.TT7 T VV"I" THE ORIGINAL SELLING PRICE ONLY WILLBE MARKED ON OUR GOODS. THIS BELL AVLLL BE FOUND EVERY- H IV I VJ tli LV-l V-IIV WHERE. IN OUR MAMMOTH STORE AND THE CUT. PRICES ON THE BILL AJRE THE ONLY OKIES YOU PAY. in Gold if You are not Satisfied Come and see It Costs ! Nothings to Look Abso lutely Nothing Reserved n 10 Bap LARGEST CLOTHING STORE IN MKDFORD OR SOUTHERN OREGON Only 10-llonday December 28, '08, to Saturday, January 9, '09, Inclusive 3 1Z 3C '5,1 ii icr