Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 29, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    ; Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to Pamphlet
y far the largost and bct news report
The Weather
Fair weather is promised fur tonight
and tomorrow. . '. '
of an; papar in Southern Oregon.
No'. 241.
Hundreds alive under the
; ! r0in8 and may be roasted ,
Battleships Hurried
lief-Funds Being Raised eWorld Over--Horror
Surpasses9 That of the San
Frail Cisco Catastrophe . "
t t -"1
y ,
i ROME, Italy, Dec. 29. In its latest
- f edition, The Tribune of this city esti
4 mates the total number nf dead at 70,-sJ-OOO.
Twenty-five thousund. deaths ia and
- i . around Home, southern Italy, and 12,000
e -jas Messina, the largest seaport city of
1 f Sicily, 'is f lie confirmed report of the
o jearthquake yesterday sent to the Ital
. in government.' This Teport does not
(-. inciuae me mousanas oi people woo
- are supposed to be-in ihe ruins. .These
i dispatches say that the city of Messina,
. A with a population of 150,000, has been
K fj eompletely destroyed. Messina is the
eecond largest city in 8ieily,-- having
4 been established by pirates in the 8th
t WTttury, B. C, and was of much imper
ii J fance. King Emanuel has left for the
scone, ftoiaicrs are also en route, ine
aceiies around Messina beggar descrip
tion. The streets are filled with mud
Suand slime, and scores of people have un-
f,doubted)y been roaBted and smothered
Ghouls at Work.
ff NAPLES, Italy, Dee. 29. Reports
jfrom Messina say that ghouls hnve been
'Ipreying upon the' unfortunate, robbing
jlhem and committing nil sorts of depre
cations, and that-frequent clashes have
"occurred between the troops and citi
zens in which many lives are reported
to have been lost. V '
Latest reports of yesterday's awful
Calamity are to the effect that between
65,000 and 70,000 lives have been lost
ftnd twice as many injured, ii
- The suffering is. heartrending and It
JsJ will take months pi'fata, the real total
& can be got at. The quake was so severe
that fire broke out in the ruins, add-
g additional distress. r
Jt is also feared that the city of Kng-
o, across the straits of Messina, has
een destroyed, but as yet no' commu
nication has come from that querter.
1 Country Districts to Hear From.
These reports, however, do not cover
the country districts, where it is fear
ed, the same conditions as prevail in
the cities will be found. The people
in their mad rush for protection sought
irefnge in school and church buildings
"ipnoly to be covered up by the falling
debris and consumed by fire that broke
out. The monetary loss is inestimable,
,; LONDON. Dee. 20. It is well known
that the king and members of the em
bassador! al staffs can claim immunity
from the ordinary law of the land, but
the people have been somewhat sur
prised to find that to these privileged
people must be added i lie sons and
hi-irs of princes subject to his majes
ty's suzerainty.
The oldest sou of the miihnijnh of
;tKifrhbehnr was haled before the mag
istrate at Wimhono on the nnal charge
'f motor t-p.eding.
;4 The court was per.raadvJ by legal t
piiment that it had no jurisdiction, and
d;rmiBsd the eao.
: ST. PETERSBVRO, Dec. 29. An im-
portant decision has been given by the
prime minister.
In many parts of the empire the gov
ernors, in virtue of the extraordinary
powors invested in them, cIo.ed the
Kaptists cnapis and meering houses,
refusing to authorize, any such assem
bles, oo the ground that they are for
bidden by law.
M. Stolypin has jus) informed them
that Baptist chapcta and meeting
houses must not be molested, the
d law recognir.M their right to religions
worship and all that this tight implies.
not the ow of hi skill nntil thin palace motor ear "
. ... ..... I ii.hiI. maht"
time. It ! reported that
may retire permanently from
to Sicily to Aid Re
as the tidal wave that accompanied the
quake has covered a good portion of the
land.: ' , -4 - v
" Reports from Catania, Sicily, say thai
signs, of vylcauic activity are noticed
today at Mount Aetna, and it is feared
an eruption wll occur at any moment.
Eight Districts Laid Waste.
Kiglit districts in the province of Can
tanzaro, the southern portion of Ca-
Jlabria, were laid waste. and probably, a
dozen towns dcstroyedwith a loss of
life that cannot be estimated at this
time, by a series of three heavy earth
quake shocks today.
Reports from the south say the first
shock came early , in the morning when
the people were asleep and had so
chance to escape from the falling walls.
On 'account of the interruption of
usual channels of communication the
reports have come through wry slowly.
The damage throughout tho whole sec
tion is said to be very heavy. The most
serious loss is said to have been sus
tained at Stefnnaconi, Mezzocasnle, Ma
jerto and Sautanofrio, small towns
where nearly every structure is said to
have-lwi damaged or destroyed. '
Seismograph Records Shock.
WASHINGTON, Dec 29. The offi
cial ' eetemotrra)!) record howed an
(urthquukc beginuiur at 11:31:23 p. iil
Sunday night und lasting over an hour.
Chief Mooro of Iriie weather bureau said
the origin of the tremor seemed to have
been 4800 miles from here, which would
correspond with the distance from here
to Italy, from wbieh ealjje reports of
a terrific quako have been received.
NEW YORK, Dec 29. Benefit per
formances for the benefiffof the earth
quake aufferers have been planned by
theaters throughout the city. The Met
ropolitan Opero company, many of
whose members are from the devas
tated territory in Italy and Sicily, have
volunteered their weekly salaries to
ward the fund. Other benefits are be
ing arranged.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 29. President
Rooseevlt has telegraphed King Eman
oel the condolences of the United States
in Italv's distress.
PARIS, Dec. 29. A marriage took i
place in very peculiar circumstances at I
Auxennes, when Mile. Louise Gauer. I
a handsome woman, aged 20. married I
her would-be murderer, a man named !
Jules Cnmp, aged 24. j
Last August Camp, who was
gaged to be married to Mile. Gauer,
became violently jealous and determin
ed to kill her. He fired several shots,
severely wounding her, then turned the
wenpon against himself, lodging a bul
let in his head, which has not yet been
extracted. Me is about to stand trial
for attempted murder, but the woman,
who has nor. recovered, a?krd him to
marry her first.
It is probable that in the circum
stances the jury will acquit him.
IXDIAXAPOLIS. Ind.. Dee. 29.
Henry Clay Gore appeared at the county
clerk's office yesterday got a license
What is the young lady's namef"jtne senate committee seen fit to call
aked License Clerk Berner. i met gUh."
"Oh. I don't know; it's a funny! But that is all he had to say on the
kind of a name," said Gore. "Just put j gDhjeet. He is reserving his specific in
anvthing down; I don't rare." formation for the president.
But really don't you Knowr can t
you think of your girl s namel que j L. B. Brown in Pleasant Creek
tioned Berner. rlooking after bis mining interest there.
Gore couldn't and was sent back to1 Be ia elated with the prMpaeta for a
find out. i
The nime was Matilda Dart.
nrior to the "K"' night"
L-.KU-...n in the MilillC
I r,.( iVivTH i, J it'i. -i. . . tfjtr
to society at a dance in the east room of the White House which began at.
10 o'clock last evening. Mrs. Roosevelt and . Miss Roosevelt received the
guests in the blue room.
Miss Roosevelt was charmingly gowned and won the hearts of the many
present by her charming unaffected manner. The next two weeks will bo
busy ones for her and her mother.
Mercantile Establishment
and Southern Pacific De
pot Entered
The mercantile establishment of Hern
Fisher ft Company in Phoenix wan en
tered and robbed Monday evening and
a considerable quantity of goods stolen.
A broken latch on the door told the
story of the entrance.
The Southern Pacific depot wns also
entered and a number of cases of goods
broken open. Two slot machines were
also broken open, the robbers evidently
having ft hunch that where there is a
slot machine there is money,
The southern end of the valley is
getting to be rather an exciting place
in which to live. The record of the
past ten days is two suicides, three nib-
beries and a holdup, to say nothing of
cn-jtbe Fancher mystery, which occupied
i attention for some time, but whieh has
not, as yet, been solved.
WASHINGTON', Dec. 2. Captain
i Bill McDonald of tho Texas Rangers.
; who' is officially designated in a war
t department record as being so brave
that he would willingly charge hades
with a single bucket of water, is in the
city to tell President Roosevelt what he
knows and surmises respecting the shoot
ir.g dp of Brownsville.
The niggers are guilty as hell.
Biih," said the captain, "and I could
I have proved it in a few words, suh, had
bountiful -water aopply eith which to
i carry .on Wt iai 4
opening 01 fltP firemen', ball '
till eve-.l ,,li.. nt the. Anele y 0l
thel . Roosevelt . made her forma! bow
Brute Refuses Shelter to
Mrs. SGhofiefd of Ash
land Who Was Lost
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Dec. 29. j BKLLINGH AM, Wash., Dec. 29. The opening day of the at
Mrs. Helen Sehofield and son, Lewis, of '. T. Nelson of this city was doubly i Dmiiels' was a hummer, r'rom the ar
Ashland, had an experience which they j lucky while hunting. He killed the fa-1 rival of the rst clerk nt an early hour
will not soon forget and one' that may , mouR Anaconda bull moose whieh had! until late in the evening the store was
permanently injure the health of Mrs,
Mrs. Mchofield is a sinter of Eldon
Dennis, who lives on the Summers place.
She and her little boy left Ashland last
Thursday for Klamath county to spend
Christmas with her brother. They came
by wagon and reached the DeCarlo
place in the afternoon. Thinking that
they could get to Parker's before night,
they came on, but In the snow missed
the main road and turned off on the j
prairie road. It was dark before they j
realized that they had lost their way, 1
but they kept going, thinking that they '
would come to some place where they i
might stop over night.
Stopped by Log.
They were finally stopped by n log
iieries the road. Mrs, Sehofield got out
of the wagon to find c way around the
tree nnd discovered a cabin near the
road. She went to the door and knock
ed and it was opened by a man. She
asked to be allowed to stay there nil,
night, but the man refused. She was j
nearly overcome with the cold and beg-
ged him to let her ano: me noy come i
in and get warm, but he refused to do
that. She then got down on her knees
n the snow and begged him not to turn!nig,t nfter traveling through the heavy
her away, but the only thing she re
ceived were curses.
Not Even the Barn.
She went back to the wagon and
tried to unhitch the horses. She re
turned to tho cabin, again , and asked
if they couldn't stay, ii? the barn. This
was refused and the woman was told
to get out of there. She then went back
and managed to get the horsei looae.
Putting the Uttle bo oa one of the
omc off to
Vawter and Reames Will
Endeavor to Reach Un-derstanding-Reames
favorable to Compromise
Tho difficulty existing between John
Nuveeu & (Company and the city of
Medfurd will be threshed out by W. 1.
Vawter and A. K. Reames at a meeting,
whieh will probably be held Tuesday
evening. "1 lie two attorneys will go
into the matter at some length, but it
ia unlikely, in Mr. Reames' opinion,
that a satisfactory understanding can
be reached. , '. .
' "Nuveei & Company," said vMr.
Reames, "unless they have changed
tactics a great deal since they were
Notified of the recent action uf the
eity, will not ngree to the terms upon
which 1 shall insist, for I do not believe
in leaving the eity-open to Nuveen'B
"The bonds, by being delivered
Chicago, would' allow an injunction suit
Mr. Vawter, but Nuvoen & Com puny
will have to meet the city's terms.
"Then, no doubt,! am too 'undigni
to tie up the money for months. This
Imnst be prevented. There are several
j matters which I will thresh out with
jfied to come to any mulerstandidng
I with them."
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF jjn( t,p elllrch hilH ;,. l(1,ilv rr.
BASEBALL CLUBS MEETS iwan. And now comea tho, new year.
' ' with its many promises for1 good, and
CHICAGO. Dec. 29. Hub owners!,,,, (i,M,i,t the church will materiully as
from all the cities represented in the nHt 4nP wori(('
A morienn Association of Basebol clubs Tljp cmrc, jH fininht-it in mission
gathered here today for the annual , Mv0i It j(( 4fl fl,)lt wil)ll lt)1 H( long,
meeting. 1 ndianapolis . was formally j T,)0 (,utHi(i(, iH cmwnt Blli, n.u.d
awarded the pennant for 1008. A e,ji,I(( within is daintily tinted,
chairman of the board of directors and T() Kther Van Claieniieek is due tho
vice-president will be elected. ' tl-nnks of the community, for1! he church
It is thought that thetrmible which ad(U ,,., t0 tllP ity ail(i to ,if, vffnrin
for a time threatened to invojve theioro d,IP emrrHi , Tending solely to
American association in a baseball war lhv w.f, 0f liH congregation, he' has
with the minor leagues has now been . ,ir(.onipliBhed much during hjrf pastorate
satisfactorily settled. ' jn jjijg ejty, '
' i
dodged Alaska sportsmen for years, and
discovered a vein of gold on Fairbanks
Word of Nelson 's strike wns received '
here by his brother. While hunting with t
two prospectors on Fairbanks creek, a,
moose trail wan struck. That, the Ana-
conda bull was near was evident by the
tracks. The scouts soon jumped the big
fellow, and he made straight for Nnl-,
son, who was lying ui-der cover. When
the animal wns within l')0 yards of
Nelson, he scented danger and darted
in an opposite direction, lie was too
Jute and had to take the bullet.
While the moose was being quartered
Nelson noticed that the rock, which had
been exposed from beneath a layer of
pious torn loose by the dying animal's
t,lrngglea bore g"ld in large quantities.
The moose weighed 1200 pound and
its antlers spread a trifle over seven
horses, she started to return to De
Carlo's, nearly five miles back. TheyiRnn jOBOi
WPre both so exhausted that they could
hardly cling to th.? horses, ami ine
woman's hands and feet were numb.
;They final! v reached the ranch late at
snow. Mrs. Sehofield r. feet, leg anu
arms were found to b frozen, and the
DeCarloa worked with her ail night. The
next day she was brought to tins city , hospital.
and is now stopping with her brother, j Curia showed a memorandum which
Her feet and arms nre badly swollen vn;, mprcKctitcd the deferent instnl
and she still suffers from ie exposure. ! (nnt paid on his wife. This Mm mother
The DeCarlos knew Ihe man from whom (Pf the girl declared raprasontod money
she sought shelter,' but his name could
not be learned here, or anything about
will iie
Many Leading Men of th
Catholic Church of Ore-'
gon Will Be in Medford
on New Year's Day
.:!.:.:: .;
On next Friday, New Year's day, tho
w Catholic church in "Wont Mediford
will bo (kdlicnted with appropriate cer
emonies. A lurgn number -of leading
figures of the Catholic church lu Ore
gon will be present to assist in tho ded
ication. Among these will hv Archbish
op Christie of Portluud, Monsignor, if
Raurd of Portland, Father Luno, ,f a(.
bany, Father Gallagher, tliu. president
urf Columbia university in Portland;
Father Cant well of Portland and Fath
er Noakar Maeden of Ashland.
The blessing will be held nt 10 o'clock
Friday morning under the direction of
the archbishop. In the evening a re
ception will be held at the parish hotiso
at which Mesdames .Duff, Debley and.
Delin will roeuive. An attractive pro
gram hits been arranged. The public
ih cordially, invited .to attend bo1h"the.
services and the reception.
S It is fitting that the blessing of this
church should take place on New Year's,
day. For many months under the abln.
direction of Father Van Clareitbeck
( irl;iln F.t...U .....I
crowdd with anxious buyers, who kept
t,lf( obliging clerks, Messrs. Bennett,
Mailer, Miles and Handing oa the jump.
Mr. Miles was kept busy Id his usual
obliging way, directing this one and
(hat one to the different department
counters, where their wishes were soon
gratified. There is an abundant stock
frttm which to select, and if his many
c. us tinners do not succeed in getting
w,nt they look for it is their fault,
"Daniels' for Duds" is the plaee to
vjfl;t for purchasers and bargains and
ri)urtcous treatment,
- ,,. , ,
BAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Deo. 29.
Charged in the police court by his IH-year-old
wife with crto liy and failure
to provide, K. Caria, ;i fisherman, testi
fied that he had bought his wife orig
inally from li.-r father, S. Tiniaso Don
icedL for t:i00 in cash and a lot in
He said that his arrest was
the outcome of his failure to pay the
full amount stipulated in the contract
for his wife. "
Mrs Carin. the irirl wife, denied her
brand's story, and said that the mon-
tv was not for her purcnase, out wh
ciish burned her by her parents during
time when her hiishiind wns ill in a
advanced her daughter and son In law
jwhen they were in need. Juds Weller
(threw the case out of tourt.
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