THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBTTN K MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1908, A BILL. 1 ... ft Proposed by initiative petition- to amend senior. 3 of chapter TVf of aii' ci rued in the off ice; of the secretary of Pluto Fi'hrur.rr 7, 11.05 being chapter tvi or the laws of.tfao slate of Oregon lor tne year liMCJ, and entitled: "An act to repeal, an net entitled 'And net to repeal tin act entitled " A art to ineorpumto the town c-f Wed- ford, in .Jucktuin county, Oregon, mi lim.'jng poworn arid defining t duties of it officer," and to rrnn! n act entitled 'An act to ince.'poratc the town of Mdford, in J.-.ekon county, Oregon, approved February 24. IHHS. filed in the office of the sccrHary o: ntntn Februnrv 21, lHHf, and all ftme id merits thereof and to in corporal the city of Med ford, in Jack sun county Oregon, and to define its power and dut;ci.' epproved February 8, 1H01; and to incorporate tho city of Med ford Tfickson county, Oregon, define He pow ere and duties, and to repeal all acts and parts of arte in conflict herewith.' The people of the state of Oregon do ordain as follows: The people of the city of Medford do ordain as follows: Rertion 3. That section 25, chapter TV, of an act filed in the office of the eeretary of state February 7, 1005, be ing chapter 92 of the laws of tie state of Oregon for the year JtK5 and enti tied: "An act to repeal an act entitled 'An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to incorporate the town of Medford In Jackson county, Oregon and limit' ing its powers and defining the duties of ito officers," and to repeal an act entitled 'And act to incorporate the town of Medford, m Jackson county, Oregon, approved February 24, 1885, filed in the office of the secret nrv of state February 21, 1889, and all amend ments thereof, and to incorpornto the city of Medford, in Jackson county , Oregon, nnd to define its powers ntv duliea," Approved Februnrv 6 111(11 and to incorporate the city of Medford, In Jackson comity, Oregon, define it h powers a?nl duties, and to repeal all acts nnd parts of nets in conflict here with." He and the same hereby is amend so n h to read m fnliuwn: Meet ion 25. The eitv council tthall nave power and authority, within the limits of the city of Medford, to onuct nil ordinances and adept nil rcguln lions, not inconsistent, with thn consti tution and laws of fho state of-Oregon, as nil nl T be needful or requisite to main tain and eatablisli the peace, good or der, health, clcanlinens prosperity and general welfare of the city. 1. To assess, levy, and collect poll road taxno within hi id limits, and with in the limits of any road district of which s:iid city may be a prrt, and to levy tuxes for city jmrposes upon nil proerty made tnxable by the laws of the state of Oregon.; also to levy such special benefit assessment upon real estate for street, newer, and other im provements as they may deem just nnd equitable. ' 2. To borrow money, incur indebt edness, isnue warrants nnd negotiable bonds in the tun n nor nnd to the extent in this net provided, nnd not otherwise. 3. To open, vnente, alter, grade and improve streets nnd alloys rurvey lots, blocks, streets and nlleyn and establish their boundaries, and name nnd number streetH nnd alleys. 4. To divide the eity info vermis and change the same at will; provided, a change in tho wards of the city shall not be made ofteuer than once in two years. !i. To regulate slaughter bonnes, and provide for their exclusion from the eity, or any part thereof; and to pro hibit the dopnsit ' or ncoumulntion of filth, garbage, or refuse of any kind in any part of the city, fl. To establinh. hovpitals within or without the city, adopt rpinrautine reg ulal ions, remove or quarantine persons afflicted with contagious or infectious diHoncT, and to adopt and enforce such regulations as may be necessary or prop er to prevent the introduction or sprend of such diseases. 7. To declare, , by ordinance what shall constitute a nuisance., regulate, prohibit or abate the same, and to make the expenses of abating the same a Hen upon the property where the nuisance existed. S. To establish fire limits, nnd pro vide what kind of buildings can be erected within sue It limits, and to oV termine what repairs may be made to buildings therein, nud to condemn nnd remove therefrom, dangerous or miKafi buildings, and to: prevent the erection of new or the ropair of old buildings. therein, and to .condemn and remove therefrom dangerous 'or unsafe, build ings, nnd to prevent the erection of new or the repair of 'old buildings without having first obtained A permit from the council. ' !. To provide for the establishment, eouinnient nnil-ntninteiir.Hee of a fire department or fire company. 10. To provide water for the tise of the inhabitants of the city, nnd to that end to own, buy sell, lease or centra for property within or -without th ritv; to btiv, fell or contract for wati to be furnished by third persons to the city or to the inhabilants thereof; pro vided. that no purclinse, sale, or lease of any such property shall be made with out the consent '" b:ist two-thirds of the council. ' 11. To provide electric or other lights for said city nnd its inhabitants, and to thut end to own, buy, sell, lease nr contract for property, or contract ; with third persons to furnb-h the same to said citv or its inhabitants, and to regulate end control the wime and tbeLjtv mny hocome entitled, incnluding use thereof; provided, that no purchase, sale, or lease of miv such property shall be made without the consent of at least (() two-thirds of the council, 12. To construct and maintain sew ers drains, gutters, and rhen necessary to continue, construct and maintain the an mo outside said eify, and to. control nud regiilute the use thereof. 1.1. For tho purposes hciein enumer ated, to condemn real estate and rights cf way, in the inauner provided by law. 14. To regulate and control the storage of gunpowder and other explo sive nnd combustible materials, the use of oil or gas fur lighting or heating purposes, and to regulate, control or abate the use pf flues and chimneys or other apparatus which may be danger ous in causing fires; and to regulate tbc manner of building partitions and party walls, and to regulate or prohibit the sale or use of firecrackers, bombs, rock ets, etc. 15. To regulate and prohibit the run ning at large of domestic animals, and the discharge or use of firearms. Id. To regulate the rate of spoep of all tram cars, locomotives, vehicles and horses. 17. To prevent and restrain riot, noise, disorderly eonduet and disorder ly assemblages, and to prohibit the car rying of concealed weapons. " 18. To regulate or prohibit the pas sage of any steam, traction, or other engine or motor upon the street, or any bicycle, tricycle or tandem upon the sidewalks. '' 19. To license, tax, regulate, or pro hibit barrooms, drinking shops, billiard rooms, bowling alleys, dance nouses, and all places where spiritous malt or vin ous liquors are sold or kept for sale, subject to any and all general laws of the state of Oregon heretofore enacted or which hereafter shall be enacted by tho legislature or by the people of the i stato of Oregon; provided, that no li-1 ense for the sale of spiritous, malt or vinous liquors shall be granted for any ess umount than eight hundred dol lars (ipHOO) per annum, payable semi annually in advance. 20. To prohibit any person from sidi ng or giving awny malt, spiritous or vinous liquor to any person under the ago of twenty-one years, and to prevent tho owner or keeper of any place where such liquors are soiu or Kept ror saie from permitting any person under the ge of twenty-one years to come into r remain in any such place. 21. To prohibit the soiling or giving f any intoxicating liquor to any drunk- person, or any person in the habit of becoming intoxicated, and to define who such person, and to desiguato who re such persons. To restrain and prohibit bawdy houses and houses of ill fame, nud to punish the keepers and inmates thereof. H. To define and prohibit gaming or gambling, to suppress houses or places where gambling is carried on or per mitted, and to punish persons keeping such bouses or places, and persons, for gambling; nnd to license regulate, or prohibit nickel-in-t he-slot. "machines, or nv other schemes of chance, and to ninish person operating or using the same. 24. To define vagrancy, and to pro- ide for the punishment, support, re straint and employment of vagrants and paupers. 1 provide for the closing of sn oous, ami all places wnere intoxicating quors are sold or kept for sale, on Snndavs. ' 20. To license, tax, and regulate auc meers, peddlers, street vendors, hrok- rs, pawnbrokers, and dealers in s'mv md huncl goods. 27, To license and tax mercantile ,nd business houses hotels, livery sta bles, barber shops, eating houses, com- rcial travelers, and the selling or nods bv sample, and all other branches if business which in the judgment of he council should be licensed. 28. To control and regulate the man t of constructing and repairing side- nlks, curbings, awnings, and advertis- g signs, compel the owners of adja cent property to construct, or repair th? same, and make such work, construction or rennir : i-hinire upon such property, nud provide for the collection thereof. 20, To regulate, control or prohibit the erection of electric light, telegraph telephone, or other poles or wires upon or over tho streets or nllyfl, or public parks or buildings of said city, and the laying of water or other pipes and sewers. . . HO. To remove all obstructions from Itho highways, streets, alleys, sidewalks. nnd sewers, and to provide for the cou nt met ion, grading, filling, repairing nnd cleaning up of such streets and nlleys. cross walks, sidewalks and sewers, and make the cost thereof n claim ngainst adjacent property in such proportion as nhulf be just. .11. To .control the construction, loca tion nud operation of street cor liniM, and fix tho rate of fares thereon. 32. To provide for holding city elec tions, and proserin the qualifications of voters. XI. To provide an advisory board of .equalization, to sit in conjunction with the county hoard of equalization when considering the city assessment. :i4. To purchase, take, hold, nnd sell real estate when sold for nny assess ment for municipal purposes, either general or special. To license, tax. and regulate tuo- atrical exhibitions and other shows or public amusements. :t. To regulate nna proimm mr driving of live stock through any part of the city andto proven t cruelty to an nulls. 37. To provide for the collection and lisbursemeut of money to which the ...II rnnil tux. within tho nwit cliftru-t ,f thi-h hmI ritv mav hp ft part, and 8pnroprinte moneys for the payment of lawful claims against- the city; pro vided, that any member of the council who shall vote to authorize the crea tion of any indebtedness aga:nst the city, which indebted ne, in addition to that already existing, shall amount to a sum in excess of the legal limit of in debtedness of said city, shall be per sonally liable fur such increase. .18. To provide for the erection, con trol and repair of such buildings as mny be necessary for eity purposes. w. lo provide punishment, by fine, niprisouinent. and hard labor, for" the violation of any cify ordinance, but no fine shall exceed $100, and no term of imprisonment or hard labor exewd fifty ilays; am, where a fine and costs ure imposed, the person adjudged to pay tne same may be imprisoned one day for each $2 fine and costs, or kept at hard labor one day for each $2 of said fine and costs, if he fail or refuse to pav the same. 40. To regulate the practice and oth er proceedings of the recorder's court. 41. To control and regulate the light ing and heating of all halls or other buildings where public meetings or gath erings are held or permitted, and pro vide and enforce regulations in regard to the means of ingress aud egress to such halls or other buildings, and to close or abate such buildings when they are deemed unsafe. 42. No franchise or contract shall be granted by the city or city council for a longer period than twenty years. Section 2. All acts and parts of acts and all ordinances or charter provisions n conflict herewith arc hereby repeal ed. Following is the form in which the 'oregoing measure will appear upon the ballot: ! Proposed by Initiative Petition. Charter amendment making the local ption law of the state of Oregon apply to the city of Medford, and fixing the minimum license at $800 per annum. Voto Yes or No. 402 YES 403 NO. I : V, HARMONY Itf YOUR. . NEW HOME , Color blending of!1 Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our expert decorative specialist will Tisit your city toon. Without obli gating you he will diicun the fur nishings for your new home. Writ, for swlieolars , !' J; G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Caapets : PORTLAND. ORtOON SingU Rocmj htmuhtd TasUfkfy TREES FOR SALE I have on hnnd and for sale the fol lowing nursery stock. 10,000 BARTLETT PEARS 2,000 COM1CK PEAKS 4,000 D'ANJOU PEAB8 2,000 WINTER N ELLIS A limited number of Idaho, Flemish Beauty, 8idtel, Clapp'a Favorite, Win ter Bartlott Penis. ' i ?. CHERRIES Lnmbert. Uoyal Ann. Bing. '. PEACH STOCK Idutr, Elberta, Ear ly and Late Crawford. Salway, Fester, Early Charlotte. A 'full line of APPVB TBEB8 ef all leading varieties. 1 .... , L. B. WARNEB, Oakdale Avwnue.. , , Medford Or., Pee. 22.,'lflilS. I here by notify 'the public 1h::t I hnve sold my interest in the Xl.-dford Snub, i Door-Ce. and all bills end accounts will be S'ttled by the new compj'.nv. ! ' Respect fully, -U . J. T. TUOM ASKX.'. . Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds is sew at band and too much care cannot be uied to protect the children. A child t more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever whea he has a cold. The quicker you car. his cold the leu the rMk. Camberlaias Cough Remedy is she Sole reliance of many mothers.' aad few ef those who have tried it are willing to nee any other. Mrs. F. F. tarehei ef Ripley, W. Va., aaysr "1 have never used say other than Cham berlais Cough Remedy for my chil dren and it has always givea good sat isfaction." This remedy ceataina no epiw or other narcoM. aid may be given as confidently to a child ss to an adult. For sal by Haskiss' drag iter. m City Business Directory Let tlie MISSION FDENITTOE WOBKS make that piece 4 riiture. Any design, any color, any 3nisfa dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and fl streets. W. M. Oolvlg. O. It. Baames. COL VIO ft BEAMBS Lawyers. :-j . 1 -. - -Offiee:Uedford Bank Bldg. . i Groand ilooit - h Ceok Steves and as a gee. Phone 91 MOBOOKJ7 WOLF New and Seeend-Hsusd Furniture Bads' oM stand, 18-80 F St. South Medford, Or. KABNBS BOO MOO BwUHB Newly bain and newly tutshrked ( All modern eonrvenieaees. D. 6. Karnes, Prop." 80 S. O St., Medford, Or. FISH MABKET Fresh fish roeeived daily. Oys ters in season. Cor. Seventh and E Sts, Medford MEDFOBS TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry aU kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 218 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DB. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, eall on DB. E. J. BONNBB Bye Specialist Office in Bagle Pharmacy 1 Main 833. ' Seventh and Main ; THE HOTEL E MB BICE ' Raams from 60 tents to 41.S0 per day. All saodern conveniences, i We solicit your patronage. T ALLEY AUTO OO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel: Motor ears stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3163 LOVE WILL FIND A WAT to place an engagement ring on the finger of his lady lore, and if it be pur- j 1 chased here she is sure to appreciate it I nil the more. We bave a magnificent i ussortuient of rings set with diamonds, L rubie sapphires and emeralds in all the latest designs nnd settings, ns well j as everything that is beautiful in gifts nt Christmas. ' Martin J. Reddy, I The Jeweler, ' Next Post Office iHiayil a - - : ' 11 1 aasatl , THE B. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest evp of eoffee on the Pacific CoaBt. H. H. Lorimer 1 Prop. ABTHTJB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. SM W. Seventh St., Ifedford, Or, ANLO PBNWBLL The Plumber. I solicit a share of yonr busiasas, pteigiag satisfvetieu. , THE ZLBOniO ADD FEEVOH IH OlrBAMIlta AMD PBB68 " f WOBKB : , W. B. Laae A Ban; Plops. ' " ' Opposite Bote! Moore, Medford Oregon WASSHAU ft BBOWN wish to announce to their nations that they are located in their new quarters in the Young A BaH building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaeeos. DB. FRANK BOBEBTS Dentist ' OtYice hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GBHiL Always open for business. Neat nnd clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert A Brown For 'good" bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to f THE MSDFOBS LOAN OFFICE i C Street. i ; KBWOU FIMUflTUBE OO. Undertaker t Say Phone 303 Night Ph.nee O. W. Ooaklin 36 , - J- H. Butler 148 DB. B. T. CONBOT 1 Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. J. E. BNTART, President, 'a. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. THE MEDFORD ME D F O B S , CAPITAL - ; -SUfcPLITS Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Business Transacted, r We "j Solicit YourlPatronage. MEDFORD SASH , ' PH02JE 2291,' -. - l?.iZi''WFItm' k VaI""i Do", jith Borel PUte, earned in .ioek cieao Office Fixturee and all kinds of Flan ing Mill Work, laelniing Turned Work .j Vi. ; and Fejiey Grills. V - F 8TBEET, BETWBEK SIXTH AND 6 EVENTH STREETS. Ask year dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana Cigar. HABT CIOAB CO., 3Hrs. Urcne Jitatructor of lano, Tlsnt 5attjoi ? ' v I Stutlo .1 JUntua, 5lo,b Or.. Str.d SAVOY THEATER Nerth d'Anjon Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated sengs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATEB, W. 7UH 87. Continuous - performance every evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of progsam Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. ' 1 WM. H. AITKBH . Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water j i . Heating. f ' ' Phene 28. - 810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. I i EDEN VALLBT KDB8BBT I N.i S. Bennett, Medford, Ox. t (bow trees that sell, sell trees that grew anad fruit true to label ' VEBNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All " orders promptly filled. ? Boom 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford,, Or. . O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: B. K. T. Depot. P. O. Box 841. ' Phone S93. . Medford, Or. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Stnddo at Residence. Bast Medford. Phone 225 S. B. SEELT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms Z-Bay. Office hour: 10-12, 3-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Oe. Bk. bldf JAOX FBEDBNETJEO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. J. M. HBBNE, D. D. S. Dentist Specialist in operative dentistry Painless extraction of teeth. JOHN 8. OBTH, Cashier. " W. B. JACK80N, Ass't Cashier. NATIONAL BANK OB.. - $60,000 - ; - 10,000 i i $ DOOR COMPANY. Digtrlbntors, Portland. Or. fKantpton "3saacs WatclMB, Clocks, jewelry BaWtUIUNO A SPBCIALIT. "Not hew mack I can do, bat hew weH I eaa e it, is mj raette. C. N. BUTLER With Martin J. Reddy, Central aT.., a.rth ef Jackson Ooooty Bank.