Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 28, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Ha Wonttn of Hungary.
The women of Hungary regard
mall waist as tbc greatest possible
beauty, and they will endure anything
in order to put on an appearance of be
ing small waisted. Tight lacing 1b car
ried on to an extraordinary extent, and
the waist is compressed by force until
one would think that tbe owner could
hardly breathe. Yet in this confined
state the women will plunge Into the
wildest of Hungarian dances, known
as the czardas, and prance frantically
like ballet dancers until at the end
they- sink, gasping, exhausted and well
nlgb suffocated, on a sofa. As they
grow older most of these slim beauties
become enormously stout, and' tben
they are regarded as quite old. The
Hungarians, though they resemble the
Turks In many ways, have not the
Turkish admiration for fat women or
the English admiration for elderly
made up belles. Hungary Is a land of
mim young women, and when tbey
lose their figure tbey lose their attrac
tiveness and their power. Modem' So
lety. '
1 1 11
Times Is Changed."
Tea, slree, Bill; times Is changed
since yon an' me was doln' our court
In'," said Adonlram Clover, with note
of radneaa m fats 'voice, to old Andy
Clow, who had come over to "set a
apeil." 1 YC. ?w-;ii-;i - ' ''.
"When we was doln' our courtln',
-Andy, a gal thought she was beln'
treated right harnsom If a feller bought
her 10 cents' wnth o' pep'mlnts once In
awhile, an' If be tuk her to any doln's
In town she didn't expect him to go
down into his Jeans to the tune of a
dollar or two for Ice cream an' soda
water an' candy at fo'ty cents a
paound. My son 81 tuk bis ducksy
daddle to the band concert In town
ylstlday, nn' there wa'n't a quarter
left of a dollar bill he struck me fer
time be got home. Beats all the way
young folks throw the money away
nowadays. I tell ye times Is changed
mightily since we was boys, an' the
Lnwd only knows what the end will lie
with a feller layin' out 75 cents on a
gul In one dny!" St. Louis ltepubllc.
Humor at Funerals.
In "Other Days" William Winter,
the famous dramatic critic, tells how
Ue and Joseph Jefferson were atnontf
the pallbearers nt Mct'ullougb's fu-m-riil.
"As our melnn-'huly train was
b-.:l;eil in a Philadelphia street," says
Mr Winter, "lie glanced along the Hue
and Bravely remarked, 'I never knew Hint there were so many walk
ixiii' Kentleiaeu in my profession.' "
A::;th.r tinrtint anecdote which be
te'.ls v.Hh reference to n melancholy
i;ccisluii Is this one on the burial of
John Rrougbnm: "'
"l.dwln lioolh and I assisted to bear
bis '.i:i. 1 reuieiuber that the iv.'o
gn'.vwll.tgers nfler thoy bad lowered
his co'.Vi'.i a llltle way Into the grove
were constrained, with many muttered
exclamations of 'Alse her!' and 'ItaUe
hcrl' to lift It :t again in order
to enlarge the cr.vlty. Booth and I.
like H.-.mlet and Horatio, were stand
ins: under a neighboring tree observing
these proceeding, and nothing was
ever I'.ktie woefully comic or more l:a
raorously rueful .than, Hnmlct's smile
as be looked at mo wl!h those deep,
rat lam holy eyes and with that little,
furtive grimace. uit:rtnurlng as he did
so, 'It's the last recall."
Be it resolved, -by- the city couacil
of the city of Medford, Oregon, the
tayor approving, that there be and is
hen-by ordered a general election in
said cUy .to be held on Tuesday, Janu
ary 12,' liioft, for the clectiun of.
A mayor for the term 'of two years.
A conncilmuu from the First ward for
tie tfrpi of two years. "
A councilman from the Second ward
for the term of two years.
A councilman from tbo Third ward
for tbe term of two years. "
Aud such other measures as shall be
lawfully submitted at said election. -
The following polling places, judges
ai:i clerks aro hereby designated for
th severnl respective wards-
First ward Foiling place,. Commer
cial club, room 3; judge W. H. French;
The Innocent Young Thing.
The manufacturer of n moving pic
ture machine was explaining to a
group of aeiiunlntnnecK bow he had ob
tained n series of pictures showing a
celebrated massacre that had once
taken place at a western army post
In the days when Indian warfare was
a horrible reality instead of an exhibit
on a Broadway stage.
"The commander of the post," he
said, "had a detachment of soldiers
and another of Indians re-enact the
scene for us, dressed exactly as In the
old days, so oar macbines conld secure
every detail the onslaught of tbe In
dians, tbe defense by the white sol
diers, tbclr massacre and tho destruc
tion of the fort."
"It may be very Interesting," said
the kindly citizen, "but I sbould not
care to see It In even a picture."
Tbe sweet young thing listened with
wide eyes.
"And did tbey really kill the white
soldiers for yon?" she asked, breath
less. New York Press.
Two Arctio Enemies.
Since the beginning of time there
probably has been enmity between the
K-lnr bear and the walrus. Except for
the walrus, bruin's reign over the arc
tic, regions has been almost unchal
lenged since the race of mammoths
passed. All tbe hardy flesh eaters that
inhabit the bleak, unfertile northland
are his natural prey. But most' of all
he depends upon the seals and sea
Hons for his food. There Is only one
animal that Is powerful enough to
defend Itself and offspring against tbe
polar bear's attack, the huge and cum
- brous walrus, but' Its movements are
so slowr aud awkward wben out of
the wdter that often it Is Impossible
fi r the bulky animal to retard, the
swift attack and retreat of Its smaller
opponent Frank Stick In St. Nlch
x olae. ' i ' ' 1. "i ' ' 1 ;- ;,
Three of Them Knew., , i
According to the Philadelphia .'Rec
ord, a boy of eight said to his mother
"Well, there were only three boys
In school today wbo could answer one
question that the teacher asked OS."
"And I hope my boy was one of the
three," said the proud mother.
"Yon bet I was," answered the young
hopeful, "and Sam Harris and Harry
Stone were tho other two." ' : vH
"I am very glad you proved yourself
so good a scholar, my son; it' makes
your mother proud of you. What ques
tion did the teacher ask, Johnny?"
" "Who broke that glass in the back
window? "
Trouble Making.
Trouble u;:;l:iug Is uu older Industry
tbun the manufacture of steel. Cain,
the trouble uaker. got Into action be
fore Tubal Cain, tbe Ironworker, and
Eve got Ai'.ani Into hot water long be
fore tbe bollcruiaUers' union began
business. . . -
There arc three brands of trouble
Imaginary, burrowed and real. Imag
inary trouble consists of milroad ac
cidents, earthquakes, fires, suicides, dis
eases such ns tbc patent medicine man
makes, the poorhouse, death and tbe
grave carefully mixed aud taken after
a late dinner or a drop In tho stock
Borrowed trouble Is tbe kind we get
from our relatives. Its principal in
gredients are visits, borrowed money.
birthday presents, advice and expec
tations. Hut the real article is pro
duced as follows; Put the sandals of
endurance on your feet, take your life
In your bauds aud follow by turns the
how to be happy philosopher, the
preacher of physical culture and the
apostle of diet. Puck.
His Hunt For Home.
On one occasion De Pacbinann, tbe
famous pianist, with his nervous and
irritable temperament, was summoned
to appear before Queen .Alexandra at
Buckingham palace. 1 He Immediately
adopted anarchism as his political
faith aud obstinately refused to go.
Ills friends labored with him for hours
and at last persuaded him not to com
mit an impertinence which would nev
er be forgiven by tbe English people.
Finally be was dispatched In a cab.
The night wore on to morning, and
the frantic wife of the pianist and his
friends could learn nothing of what
bad become of him. At laBt a forlorn
looking cab drove up to tbe house,
and Do Pacbinann dismounted. On
leaving tbe palace he bad forgotten
where be lived and could only tell the
cabmuu that It was in a square wltb
a church In It. So all nlgbt long be
had been engaged in making a round
of tbe Innumerable squares of London.
judge and clerk, Chas. W. Davis; judge
aud dork, A. C. Hubbard.
Second ward Polling place, Hotel
Nosh sample room; judge, Joliu S. Orth;
judge and clerk, John Suuimerville;
judge and clerk, Wm. Ulrleh.
Third ward Polling place, City Hall;
judge, Q, I.. Sehermerhnrn;' judge and
clerk, Scott Davis; judge and clerk, H.
A. Thioroff. '.
The foregoing resolution was passed
by the city council December 2(lth, 1908
by the following vote, to-wit: Wortmnn
uyo, Merrick aye, Eifert aye, Trow
bridge aye, Olwell absent, jlafer ab
sent. ; '.'.'. ', -'
- - J. F. REDDY, Mayor.
, . Recorder.
His Measure.
"A few friends." relates Mr. James
Molr in the Draughts World, "were
chatting with Wyllle, the checker
champion, In a club after one of bis
days of exhibition play In Glasgow
when a youth, slightly under the Influ
ence of John Barleycorn, threatened
to monopolize the conversation, blow
ing his own horn and giving out In no
uncertain language that he considered
himself the equal of Wyllle. Tbe old
man took no notice of blm for a time,
but, occupying tho usual five minutes
In considering the move, quietly asked
the youth to remove his hat (not more
than a six and a half-size), then sub
stituted his own which was a- large
one and went well down over the
young braggart's nose and, casting
bis eye around the company, -said
scornfully, 'That's his measure!' The
company enjoyed tbe retort so much
that the youth was glad to mske .
hurried exit" ,
A Real Romance.
Sometimes there' are lnstuuces In
life like those In tbe. story books: An
Atchison girl engaged herself to a
carpenter, thinking be was poor, and
discovered on the eve of her-wedding
day that he bad tlDO In the bank. Ho
bad dot told ber, wishing her to love
him for himself alone. Atchison
Globe. .- '"'-," !
A Big Bathtub.
The tides run out swiftly In the baj
of Fundy.
A summer urchin, witnessing tbe
phenomenon for tbe first time, yelled
hrtl :: '."Mamma.- looke qntckl'tgome
one has polled the ping oat of the
ocean.!".. V-i '' "' '"'
11 -! "
I ' ' The Roller. "
"A rolling stone gather 00
remarked the proverb dispenser. "
"And, like tbe human high roll
rejoined the thoughtful thinker, "It also
gravitates d own hUL" Chicago News.
In tbe march of life doot heed tft
order "right about" when you know
you are about right Holmes.
The Servant and the Factory Woman.
Much as I loathe the factory system.
It scores in some respects above scul
leries. In factories, at any rate, wo
men meet with their kind nnd have in
tercourse with many varieties of hu
man nature. But; chaiucd up in scul
leries and kitchens, wltb tether just
long enough to reach the stocking to
be mended nnd no longer, their lives
are bare and starved as the picked
bones that they pot In the pots. I.on
don Woman Worker.
Cost of Big Game 8hooting.'
Iiftbe German jKissesalons In Africa
a permit to shoot costs tHiO. Special
permission Is required to kill more
tbau two giraffes, four rhinoceroses
nnd six zebras. In tbe case uf ele
phant shouting the authorities innr
be given-one tusk from each animal
killed. - The huuterr receives a small
payment if be shoots a Hon, pantber.
wild lioar or hyena. A permit to kill
gazelles, antelopes and monkeys costs
only $10.
A Cfusl Dig.
Dolly No, derir. 1 can't go any place
with Molly. I bate her, the cat! Polly
- But, darling, you used to be chummy
wltb her. What did she do? DoUy
She told me a lot of the nasty things
you said about me. dear. Cleveland
Higher Power.
Hardly any power is so exalted that
It does not bend the kneea to a higher
one. Where there' ecu there's ckuo-
I -rally cnirlna. Richmond TtnMsV
More Light for Less Money
Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using
32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses .110
Watts pei" hour and would use in 1000 hrs.
110 Kilowatts which at 10 cts, a Kilowatt $i i
32 Candle Power Tungsten JLamp uses
40 Watts perhour and would use in .iooo
hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo-
watt 4
Net Saving in ;iooo hours in favor of the
Tungsten Lamp $ 7
Rogue River Electric Co.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355.
Opposite the Big Electric Sign.
Hot Air
Won't Raise
The Wind
Furniture Drops !
' ,"
. Great bargains before we move. Watch bur win-.
? dows for specials. An elegant line of )
Fine Display of Rockers
Hedford Furniture Co.
Newtown Pippin
You .can raise the wind better by buying Med-
ford property, at present prices and sit down at
your, own fireside until the advance comes next
There's always "something doing" in Medford,
and indications are that the coming year will see
more building, more street and sidewalk improve
ment and a greater advance in values in Medford
than ever before.
Fall in line, and don't let the procession run
over you. V '
A Map of Jackson
The Tribune and Southern Oregonian is
having made at great expense a fine, colored,
lithographed map of Jackson county.
ThiB map will show all cities, towns and
villages, rivers and waterways, section 'and
. survey lines, railroads and projected rail
roads, wagon roads, f orest'xeserve bounda
ries, election precinct arid other data need
ed by everyone. All- townships shown in
colore. , "
. . This up-to-date map will be ready fer
distribution some time in December. It will
be ' sold only through Th ' Tribune and
Southtrn Oregonian. .
This will be your only chance to secure a
good map of Jackson county, as all Map edi
tions are out of print and plates were des
troyed in the San Francisco fire, necessitat
ing new platee made at an enormous expense.
Further details later. Rxmdy soon.
i !
Spitzenburg Trees
: : : SIZE DESIRED : : :
Agent Yakima Valley Nursery.
vzoroKD. oruMOir M.
8tt Depositary.
Tlio Jnckfton County ''Bnak planes nt
tbe oerVico tf its depositors nnd cllcnte)
the best facilities in banking. Tbe of
ficcs are pleased to render counsel a mil
advice on finauei&l matters. ; i
Accounts, subje-t to check, aor in
Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 perl
year ana up. '
W. I. VAWTBR. President
O. B. LINDLEY, Catkin . I
is always a plninurnhlo sensation, no
matter what tho occasion. . TlinrorV?,
to InBuro the feeling where' jewelry is
concerned, wou should make your selec
tion from the stock of Mnrtiu J. Uwldv.
Our goods havif the clmrin of effective
ness, the valuo of artistia czeellenco nnd
the highest standard of workmunxliip.
... ......
' Jewelry and Watches
require and ffirjuette demands that
proper ronpnet be paid to your drew
whoa culliug or attending any function
n that duy. Therefore perfect fitting
clothes must he worn. To procure such
garment! you njimt employ a tailor thor
oughly vemed in tbo requirements of
style and fashion. Have your ward
robe made by,, and you will
be conscious of what it is to be perfect
ly dreftsod. '
J. A. Kreuzer
i Importer and Dealer
d nfter tmnnrr
- pnid at tho tv