1 v icost the Development of the Rogue River Cquntry by Subscribing Liberally to Pamphlet 'UNITED PRESS The Weather Fair weuiher in promised for tonight nnd tomorrow. niCDATrHPC ' By far. the largest and best news report ; of any paper in soutncrn uregon. MEDFORD," iKEGON, MONDAY, "j ) El EJI B EE ".8, JRs7 No.'240 I- WOULD TAKE DECISION IS CHARGE OF TARGET OF i MINE UNIONS PrcifiG Coal Company Has . lot Done Work Enough to Hold the Coal Mine Near This City JTpon the grounds that the Pacific Con I company has not done the neces sary amount of work on tho coul mine southeast of this city to fulfill tho re quirements of the contract under which thev have been in possession of the 'mine, the Medford t'oul company has had the papers drawn up and are con ' templating sending on, a man to take possession of the property at once. The act of taking possession has been de frayed for tho time being, owing to ne gotiations pending between Colonel J. Y. Mundy of the Cascade Coal com pany nnd tho Pacific Coal company. ijfA?,8oon as these negotiations ure com ypleted the laeific Coal company will f either go to work on the property or I the Medford Coal company will take f possession. I For some time there has been trouble in the ranks of the Pacific Coal com pany, who have the minc'in their pos session at the present time. The com pany obtained control of the mine by making two"' payments one -of, .,$1,0,000 and the other of $15,000. ,A third pay ment was to he made in the future df $2"),000, which would make the total paid for the mine $50,000. In the mean time the company whs to do a certain amount of development work on the mine. This work has not been done, according to members of the Medford Coal company. Tt is probable that the local company will regain possession of the mine with in a few days. They may then torn it over to Colonel Mundy or may decide to work it themselves. SOCIAL DANCE Ladies of Greater Med ford Club Give Third Social Affair Tomorrow evening, December 29, the . ladies of the Greater Medford club give ; their third social dance of the season In the Angle opera house. For some weeks the preparations for this dance have been under way 'and n good time ' is assured. The proceeds of the dance will be f used in bettering the public library, the cause therefore being a most wor f thy one. No doubt a large number of couples will attend. OH! WELL, THERE ABE OTHERS IN THIS CLASS Merlin has many things to be proud of and does not faesitnto to brag on anything in which it excels. Just now she presents to the world a man here who is convinced that the proposed Wetrir line from Merlin down the Bogue river to the coast will kill the town, that a new schoolhouse will never be needed, and that if tho district is put under irrigation nine-tenths of the fnrmers will go broke trying to pay taxes. He can also see dire failure fol lowing every man who is clearing land for the purpose of putting out fruit treats and the utter uselessness of any effort to improve the town. There are other thing concerning which he has original ideas, but these we will keep In reserve until some other district eon tests his right to be considered cham pion. 'ourier. TOMORROW Big Parade Is Scheduled for Saturday in New York to Show Disappro val at Wright's Decision NEW YORK, Dee. 28. Two hundred thousand workingtm n are to parade throughout tho streets of this city on next Saturday in order to illustrate the protest of union labor against the re cent decision of Justice Wright of the supreme court of the District of Colum bia, in which he sentenced Samuel Oom jhtb, John Mitchell and Frank Morri son to serve terms in jail for contempt of court. Preparations are progress ing favorably to make it the most gi gantic parade of its kind New York has ever seen. .Steps are being taken in Chicago to have a like demonstra tion mude, The American Federation of Labor has announced that they will tempo rarily cease publishing the "We Don't Patronize" list in their official organ. Comedy at Bijou. Mr. and Mrs. Blessing arc again ap pearing at tho ttiiou for a short en gagement ending Wednesday night. M packed house greeted their return to the Bijou Inst night. A more enthusi astic and well pleased audience than that of last night is seldom to be seen. The appreciation that the theater going public lias shown for the acting of Mr. and Mrs. Blessing prompted the man agement to secure them for a short return engagement. Tonight's bill is brimming over with tho very best of comedy. It is it laugh throughout. Com edy songs arc one of the features. An exceptionally strong musical number for the last of the week commencing Thurs day. 'In Wyoming,1' H. E. Pierce & Co.'s great play of western ranch life, will be the attraction at the Medford Theat ter tonight. The selection of his drama of the west will meet with wide ap proval in Medford, and tho production itself promises to ho one of the most pretentious that will be seen here dur ing the present season. 'In Wyoming" is a genuine Americnn play, replete with virility and strength. Willard Mack, tho author, has combined his ingredients nf dramatic interest with the proper admixture of comedy, and has succeed ed in evolving a rare play wherein swiftly alternating laughs give place frequently to moments of intense pathos The scenes are laid near Casper, Wyo. The management lias furnished a com plete scenic production, which will be used in its entirety during the engage ment. "Jane Eyre," Dramatized, Coming. "Jane Eyre," a very ingenious dra matic version of Charlotte Bronte's fa mous novel, by Peter C. Piatti, con tains a broad message to all kinds and conditions of people. It is broad in its appeal, and touch s upon one of the great qucptions of the day, viz.: the marriage tie. This it does in a quiet, delicnto manner, without shock to the sensibilities or offense to the most fas tidious. "Jane Eyre" will be the at traction ut the Medford Theater Wed nesday. December 30. Miss Dorothy Turner is the leading woman, portraying the character of Jane Eyre. COSOBOVE MAY TAKE OATH OF OFFICE IN CALIFORNIA PASO ROIH.ES, Cnl., Dec. 2. The condition of Goernor elect Cosgrove is steadily improving. Hp came down stairs today and took hot bath:. His wife says that if Cosgrove is well I'nough, as the indications show he will be, he will be inaugurated here. The governor-elect coincides in this viey. The hotel authorities under Cosgrove 's instructions have refused to reveal any plans for the ceremony. CHICAGO, Dee. 28. rA honeymoon in the clouds is planned by Millionaire C. A. Cocy, a daring aeronaut, who mar ried Carrie Hune Lewis at Kansas City on Saturday. The couple will go to Los Angeles, where Cocy 's balloon awaits to take them back to Chicago. AWT ON GRANTS PASS SUICIDED IN EARTHQUAKE PERSIAN MUST PAY ASHLAND UPHEAVES SHAH LIMIT HOTEL ITALY Men Disguised As Priests Enter Gabinst Chamber and Fire at the Ruler Both Arrested ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 23. It has been authentically reported hero that two men disguised as priests today en tered the cabinet chamber of the royal palace in Teheran during a conference and attempted to assassinate the shah of Persia by shooting. It is reported further that tho bullet pierced the epaulet on the uniform of tho heir ap parent. Both of tho men were nrrcat ed. TEHERAN, Dec. 28. This city is in tho wildest excitement following a re port that an attempt had been mado on the life of tho shah while bo was in conference with his cabinet. He ap peared this afternoon on the streets for a few moments evidently to a)m the fears of the populace that he had been injured. No particulars can be obtained. CLUBHOUSE NEARLY BURNS Gold Ky Structure Damag ed by Flames Caused by Defective Construction The Gold Ray club house, recently rebuilt and refurnished as a residence for Colonel and Mrs. Frank Ray of New York city, narrowly escaped des truction last week, when fire, which caught from the immense fireplace, smoldered for two days in the 12x12 beams that support the structure be fore being discovered. A slight odor of smoke had pervaded tho house, but it aroused but little suspicion, as the origin could not be traced. When dis covered, a space six feet or more in diameter had been burned across and the fire was spreading rapidly. Tho cause was "defective construction. The builders had built the 12x12 beam iu as one side of the firebox, and the only wonder is that the building was not destroyed years ago. An Attractive Home. The clubhouse as now fitted up one of the most attractive places in the country, either for a permanent home or for occasional residence. All that could be desired for comfort and even luxury has been supplied. Tho entire structure has been remodeled, new floors laid and walls redecorated. Lo cated in one of the most charming spots in the land, with a picturesque view that few places in America can sur pass, overlooking the dam, with its tumbling torrents, snow-capped Mt. Pitt looming across the placid waters of the lake on the one side and the Rogue winding like a silver ribbon through its narrow verdure-clad valley towards the sea on the other, with the waterfall constantly murmuring its thousand-voiced music, Colonel Ray has a home that might well be the envy of artist r millionaire. House of 1000 Candles. The clubhouse might well bo called the house of a thousand candles sev eral thousand of them and the randies those of the modern world incandes cent lights. Every uso that it is possi ble to put electricity to it utilised. Wa ter is pumped, ice is made, cold storage equipped, heat and light furnished and looking done by the aid of modern lectric devices. The icnpacity of the power slant is being doubled. Tn surplus power will be ttfted to put water upon the hills and I Levy As High As Charter Will Permit-Due to the Loss of Revenue From Saloons-Tax Doubled Xot alone, it seems, is Ashland in having, to meet a heavy tax levy the coining year, for from Grants Pass, on the north, comes a wail siinilnr to that from toe. city on the south. The Pass is up against it, too, and lays the blame on the fact that the revenue from sa loons has been lost, causing the council to niako the tax levy for the next year as heavy as tho charter will allow. Cirants Pass must pay the limit. Tho Oregon Observer of Grants Pass tolls tlm storv tlnislv: "Last Mav, when the local option Sacramento, whore, it. is said, he hns question was before the people, amongst Mends, lie came from the. north on other arguments against prohibition that 1 ,r"'" ls 8Xv morning. When Grants weio advanced hero in GrantB Pass it ! Pb"8 w,i" reached bin ticket ran out was stated that, tho closing of the an- Bnd ho wn" ordered to buy a now tick loonS would reduce the revenue of tho.'1 by inductor. This ho did, buy city by $11000, and that as no appreciu- j inK " ticket through to Sacramento, ble reduction could bo mado in civiclwll,'n Ashland was reached ho left tho expondituro, it woudl bo necessary for train "nd telephoned to the Ashland the city' to balance this loss of revenue i clii.-f of police, saying that he wished by increased taxes. This argument could to " 1,'"tt- Tl" chief w(,nt t0 tl10 dc")t not be refuted, nnd wag made good at a" talked to tho man. He acted very tho citv council ineotlnir hi, I. Tlnir.Hnv ! qucorly nnd suid that ho was being fob evening, when the city tax levy was raised to the limit allowed by the char- ter 8 mills on the dollar. The worst feature of the lucnl opt inn transaction is that while tho saloon revenue has been lost, the consumption of spiritons liuuors within tho enrnnriition In., in. crensed, with no belief it, but only evil . of the hotel, and there, with bis own re to the general citizenship. jvolver, blew out his brains. Six Mills Last Tear. , I The mint report nrougni ninny oi me Last year the city tax levy was six bystanders to the "side of the uufortu mills. ' A property assessed at 1000 nnto man nt once, but death had been therefore, paid tho city" a tax nf $11. Hy j instantaneous. The chief of police took the action of the county court in add - ng oO per cent to tho assessment, theionor. sumo property is now assessed at $l.r00; :ind by the action of the city council in adding two mills to the levy for city purposes , this property will now have to pay $12 for civie taxes. This is just double, and will not be nt all a pleas ant prospect to most city property own ers. Hut with the passing of the local iption law increase In taxes was inev ttable, and we are bound to assume tlint tho city council is not making any higher levy than the municipal needs call for. County Increase Also. Of course city property must also ny the school tax, and county nnd state tax. The school tax Inst yenr was more than one-third higher than the city tax but ought not to show any important increase this year, as the school district has lost no revenue. Last year the ounty and state tax was double that ,f the eitv, and some increase may be anticipated, as the county lost about ;ion(j of saloon revenue. Moreover, in creaned assessment invariably invites increased taxes. Moreover, there is a substantial increase in the state levy. On the whole, Grants Pass property owners appear to be up against consid erably increased taxes. Hut they must take it cheerfully. Every Intelligent citizen perfectly understood on tho 2d of last .lime that tlm city would have to renort to higher taxes in order to make up fur the $H'i00 of license revenue that was voted out on .Tune 1. BRITISH STEAMER SINKS WITH ALL ON BOARD NEWCASTLE, Australia, Dec. 2S. The Hritish steamer Advance and the barque Ivirna collided near hero to day. The Advance went down with all aboard, except the fint officer. valleys in the vicinity. Orchards are to be planted and the terrace below the clubhouse mado a veritable bnwer of roses and garden of fragrant flowers. Colonel and Mr. Ray, who recently arrived from the ens', will make flnld Ray their summer residence. Mr. and Mrs. Gage, father and mother of Mrs. Rny, will make It their permanent homo. Milts Boyd, daughter of Mm. Ray, will return east with her mother in the spring, after a fisit with her to California. Italian With $2009 on His Person Blows Out His Brains in Depot Hotel in Ashland Imagining tlint -lie was pursued by enemies intent upon his life, nil Italian on Sunday nftornoon Hew out his brains in the toilet of tho Depot hotel in Ashland. Death was instantaneous. Upon his person was found nenrly $2000 in gold and currency and palters giv ir.f; his name as l' O. Kiuaeppi Fazio and showing that his residence was re- eeutly in Anaeonda, Mont. Coroner Kel logg has charge of the body and will make an examination Monday after noon. Fazio was evidently on his way to lowed. The chief thought tlint ho was crazy, hut gave him the chancn to get ! out of town, as he had a ticket througn to Hncrnmcnto. Blows Out His Brains. : Immediately upon leaving the chief 'of nolice Fazio walked into the toilet (charge nf the man and notified me cor- In Fazio's socks and in a money belt he had nearly rJOOd in currency. The belt was full of gold uud the socks full of paper money. The chief of police is endeavoring to get into communication with friends of the dead man in Hacramento. The Anaconda police have iiIbo been conimu nicuted with. HUSBAND LOVED ANOTHER; ATTEMPTED TO KILL HERSELF HAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 2K. Crazed by her husband 's confession that he loved another woman, Mrs. Mary Planna of Oakland yesterday jumped from a ferry hum. ner conoi tion is serious. Leaving a son A years old, the woman sprang into the water and then decided she wanted to live. She managed to keep her head above water until a boat reached her. She was married in Hawaii six years ago und lived happy until her husband eon fessfd his affinity. DOWLING IS EXAMINED BY FEDERAL GRAND JURY CHICAOO, Dec. 2$. Henry C Dowl ing, tho department manager of the Nelson Morris company, members of ilm meat tnut, is undergoing an inves tigation by the federal grand jury con cerning the firm's :i unts, whirl, were s i.ed by agents of Hie district attor-p-v's off., e last week. ENTEETAINED FRIENDS WITH LEAP-YEAR DANCE Misses Lucille nn.l Star Marshall en tertained some 1.". couples of the young er set ut a leap-year dance on Hatur lav eveniniz at their home, tho Onklawn orchards. A most enjoyable timo was hnd. the leap-year idea being ruliy carried out. Dainty refreshments wore rved, the party breaking up nt a lato hour. Lewis' homemade oaudies, 20 per mt off during holidays. 26B A V.. Kcainos has n turned from I'ort- Isnd and will lake op the adjudication of the bond interest for the city with W. 1. Vawtcr. L. A. Rose of Phoenix was a recent Jiodford visitor. Thousands Are Rendered Homeless-Havoc Terrific in Rome -Prisoners Es cape From Jails ROME, Italy, Dee. 28. All Italy has sufl'ered from a tremendous earthquuke which has worked terrific havoc throughout the land. Rome is a severe sufferer. Thousands of people are homo less and many prisoners have escaped, as the jail were wrecked by tho shock. The Iosh of life is thought to bo heavy, but as means of communication luivo been destroyed, but little infor mation can bo gathered. The shock was a very heavy one and some of the finest buildings iu Homo are iu ruins. No fire has leeii reported. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Knyart and F. E. Ton Velio spent Sunday at Cold Ray, the guests of Colonel and Mrs. Frank Ray.' BIG TRAVEL Holiday Trade Good Everywhere-Progressive Con vention for Gilliam PORTLAND, Or., Dee. 2K. The great est holiday trad ever enjoyed by Port land and the other cities and towns of Oregon closed on tho uvening of De cember '.'4. It was est i muled that thorn were excelling 011,0(10 actual alinppcm iu the stores and upon llio streets of Wtland at. 4 o'clock Christmas eve. The entire downtown district wna a muss of moving vehicles and the aisles if tho larger retail houses were almost impassable. I'he year lltotl will be the travel year for the Pacific northwest. The most advantageous rates are in this direction. All of the great railroads of the coun try nre going to liend their efforts to ward presenting the resources of this portion of the United Htates through- nit the east ('anada mid Kurope. TIh- Portland rose show mid the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific expoaition , will be twu important features and riiilroad men in all tho large centers of population pre dict an enoriiiiuitt travel. The enterprising people of (iillirnu ilillty will hold a big progressive imi- veution under tin' auspices of the tiil- liam t'ounty Improvement association. It is the intention of the people of this county to begin one of the miihi. aclive advertising campaigns ever carried on by any Oregon county. Don't forget that it. in the duty of every reader of this paper to write to Kiitn friend at a dnta and tell him of the advantages of Oregon both as to climate and product inn. Itenieinber that the people of the older titltt.es, whero the wentlier is cold, am hovering around tin- firo and have lots of time to read got busy. President Jacob Oould Schurimiu of Cornell university and chairman of tho first Philippine comuiisnion, one of America's noted educators, is making a tour of the couutry, lining entertained by the cooimercial and educational or ganizations. Ho wan u guest of tho Portland Commercial club at luncheon UnUmdny and was given a dinner at tho University club Bnturduy ovening. The Roseburg Commercial club, after u vear of most intense acctivity, will dedicate their new club rooms on Tuc- lav. January 12. Thoro will bo repre sentatives present from various sections of the state. TO NORTHWEST