-it MBDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OR EC? OX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 3900. sr 1 . v ! m f 4 'V ft? v.v ' vwC:r-1 . HEiiEfcRT li. EAWLINSON As Dave Dalby "In Wyoming" Decem ber 28 at the Mod ford. Social and Personal The llnzclrigg on-hctitrn played tin Thursday evening in Anhlnnd. Six f el ecu went up. Mrs. B. Tj. Merry of Dayton is Hpentl ing the holidays in this city with rela tives. Mr. And Mrs. II. 11. Ney of Ror-H Point spent hrintmnit in Medford. Mr. and Mn. A. U. Ellison of (J runts Pans spent (..'liriHtmiiH in Med ford. Mips Flormiee Chirk, who has bten 'residing in Mt'dford for some time spout Christums with lior father in TiUont.. Mr. and Mm. II. O. Hart, spent 'Christmas in 'Medford, coming . over from llamburf(, Calif., for that pnrpoHO. County clerk and Mrs. oleum 11 ,pm,t Cl.ritmi. in IWix. with Mr. ' 1 und Mrs. Arthur Furry Stuart Porter, who has boon employ ed nt tho WuBhbiirii orchard has re turned to his homo at Yoncalta to spend the holidays with his home folk. Don't be hard up. You can be Inde pendent within a few years. This is no fake scheme. 1 will tell you all about if you will address A. B., care Tribune. - 230 W. Heeson of Talent wns n recent Medford visitor, F. K. Tou Velio, who recently pur chas d tho Wiseman place, near Cent ral Point him taken possession of his property. Mr. Wiseman and fatuity will remove to Williams, Oregon. Mr. TouVeile will soon commence planting n large acreage to trees. For Christmas ticketo will be on snl l!3d, 24th and 25th. For Now Year's December 31st and January st. Return limit .lamiHry 4, 1000. 243 Herman Terrill of Beogle and Miss Anna Hcckatlmrn, of Bntte Falls, were married Monday nt Jacksonville, Jndg ,' li. Neil performing the ceremony. Will the party who found watch and fob in the toilet of the Owl billiard par lors please return same to Mr. Brown, the proprietor and receive reward. 243 0, W. White of Klamath Falls was a recent visitor in. Medford. Ho stop ed over while on his way to Portland. Dr. W. It. Stokes of Dallas, Tex., hat arrived in Medford and may locate here. (1. W. Neff an attorney of Chicago who derided to op;n a law oflice in Medford, arrived Thumlay from the east. His office arc fitted up in the new building erected by Young & Hall. Lewis' homemade candies, 20 per rnt off during hobdnys. 2tfl Mihs Ailevn Butler won the baby contest at King & Long's. Dorethy Hutch:isin stood second in the list. The company to n-ife mushrooms is the latent Medford v attire. Wes Green Thomas Bartholomew and D. Lock hart are the parties interested. see DANIELS FOR DUDS MitiH Murphy i siK'iuliittr 1 ho h ilavH in i)ti)i i'Uv with I it irtits.M r. in ml Mrs. (', Murphy. Minn Murphy I is rcHifiitj,1 in T!;e J 3 : 1 1 f'nif. Jiii'J V.rfi. W. T. Vfin Nrov n)nnt ChriHtiiuiH in M(lt'ir;J wr.li m; jiimI Mm; I. li. If unfit-. Elbert 1IijM:ii I in . J"Iu! -d to 'tv.ikv an adrirPFH in MVIfnri in t! -f i!"tr fn ture. His Hon wan for a nit in be r of months a Me tfcr.l reaMt'iit. Mrs.'HtirMti- iVrrv sj.ei.t 1 'li K:igk Joiut with nlr::ivi'. Mr. and Mih. J. T. M nf Wriia cIm'o, Win., tin visitini; iti tin f'juih i True FINDS OLD NEWSPAPERS BURIED IN BOTTLE KANSAS CITY, Mo., Drririber. i Thomas Iinniui, einplovfil by tie ptirk i board, wan break it. n-k at Ssv'iith street and f.irund avenue when lie fcudii a large stone rnoris'-d in the et titer. In digging th iii'irtr-r from the cavity Iiunan found a b'dil'. con taining three newspapers and n letter on which the writing wt:n illegible. One of the riewftpapem was the Lex ington, Mo., "Leader", another wa the Ht. Louis ".toiimnl of fmunu rce " and the third was the Kimiwiib City ".Ion mill. ' ' The St, Louis paper an nounced the iioiuinatioa of (J runt mid Wilson in Philadelphia, The tiiory of tin convention rends: "PIIILAIMMJ'IMA, June U. 10:40 p. ui. The scenes of the convention today were wild beyond dem-ription. The nomination of Grunt produced such en thusiasm that the. demons! rations erased only with exhaust-on. The city is wild with excitement; processtoim ninn-heing and everyone seems well pleaded. Mass meeting are deing held ii( various t points in tin- city.- 1 ho one fit I 11 ion League building lias at leat:t 100,0(10 people. All parties laving account ngitinst H. Bronson for material for school building, school d;stric No. 01, please send statement to K. If. Watson, olcrk, within tea davs of date of tl'is notice. . . , . K. II, WATSON, 47 Butte Falls, Or. rOISONED WITH WfNE HE. DRANK. AT. ALTER YOl'NGSTOV N", (. Dec. Poison d ,k he drank the coiamunicrition wine t the niter of the Italian Cathie hurch here the liev. Louis Lops 'no; ummn prum many m.o-u,,,.. i , o Nei'lllIU lllLIIllll iU u-in.mo-ii.il iiiii, i" i liowed to havo been mndo by disgruntled members of his eeugegru'.ion. ""(Vrecy was observed about the at tempted poisoning until lately, when tliroiiKli n visit to tho priort by Hi.liop 'I'ii.lw.w it wna tonrnrd t int, atrvchn 116 had been placed in the alter wine which' Pother Lops 'drank before ad ministering communion to his flock. The priest is still in n dangerous con dition, but U is thought that he will recover... Only a short time ago n shot wns fire through a window which buried itself in the wall close to his head. MANY NOTED SCHOLARS GATHER IN BALTIMORE "BALTlMOIti:, Md.. Dee. 20. While tho scientists of the whole western world are gathered in Santiago, CChill for a discussion of scientific matters of Interest to all America n less foprcsen tative but Inrger body of learned men will soon assemble in Baltimore for the anuunl session of - the American Association for the advancement of science. Not less than a thonsand ef the most seholnred men of the conn try will be in the Monumental City when the congress is formally opened live days henso, and many are already here. Tho faculty of John Hopkins Cniversity will act as 'host und a pro gram of ninny interesting features has been prepared. Out- of the most notable events in connection with the coming meeting will be the Darwin centennial session, commemorating the hundredth nnniver sary of the birth of Charles Darwin. The famous naturalist who developed thet hcory of evolution and changed ' the mental course of tho entire worm oft i.itught, was born on February 12,' ISOtt, and while the centennial celebra tion will be n bit pretnrture. it will be none the less ruthuwastic because of that. Snine of the leading scientific men of j the Cnited States will participat Ihe program, which will take the form, of nddrestes showing the progress made i by the evolutionary theory since the! davit of Darwin. HOW THE GOVERNMENT HELPED OREGON FORESTS WASH IXGTOX, Dec., f .Oregon hui a natural interest in that part of the report of the Secretary of Agricul ture which is devoted to permanent tin ;irorenii uts on the government ' na tional forests. Such work as the con struction of miles of roads and trail, ndephuiie lines, drift and pasture fences, ranch houses and barns, has opened up and improve many square miles iif territory in the thirteenth nation al forests in the state, and for these and similar purposes $."i5 l!l.;i;t was i-pcnt during the last fiscal year. 1'our hundred thirty-seven miles of It nil and 24 miles of rood were built 7s miles of telephono lines were strung, and the orest ranges wero improved by the construction of HO miles of pasture fence. During the year L'3 houses to be uped for rangers' quarters, and 11 barns aid - corrals, for rangers' horses were built. Four bridges were constructed and various miscellaneous improvements were made. Ju speaking of the per manent work on all the national for- ':-:tfl, the secretary of agriculture has the following to say in his a main I re port. "The agricultural appropriation net ;f I!0S included an item of if.'jilO.OOO, which was made availablo for per manent improvement work on the nat ional forests. Tho object of this work is to help open the forests to more use and provide means for their better and more economical protection through the supply of means of com munication uud transportation, well located field quarters, fire lines fences to assist in the handling of i;tock, and watering places. These .im provements art essentially investments f capital, which add greatly to the value und usefulness of the forests. The work completed during the year included 3,000 miles of trails, ;l,'J00 miles of tulophoue lines, 0n miles of vragon roads, 40 miles of pasture and lptft fences. In addition to the sum provided by tha epeuinl-iinprovement fuud over $100,000 from the general fund of tho service-wits turned from current expenses to defray the cost of tu:s work, but much of the work plann ed and urgently needed could not be curried out because ttiero was nothing with which to pay for it. The Detailed Estimates. Dr tailed estimates covering a total i-f $2,000,000 for permanent improve ments, which it was d"sired to complete in IMOit.wcre submitted to the congress. They showed for tho cutiro amount ex actly .whr.t it was proposed to .under- tnka on enc,, nationR fort.8. ,! w,,t coot. Tho amount provided by the ap propiation was $600,000. For 1009 estimates will again be submitted for permanent improvements, the cost of which aggregate $047,081. These es timates aro tho result of specific and fully itemized plans, which nre on file in the forese service. They are in no sonse n request for a lump sum, the spending of which remains to be plan ed in detail after appropriation is made. It is of urgent importance that this work should be provided for. Though tin construction of perma nent improvements entails the need of provision for their maintninancc the added efficiency of the forests as rources secutred through theso improve ments richly repays the cost. With the national forests as with any other re sources, their returns depend ' on the extent to which develnpement takes place through judicious outlays of cap ital. If the land is not to remain a wilderness it murt hs made serviceable to the needs of civilized man by eotr structive expenditures. TANNER SAYS ONE SHOULD BRUSH THEIB COWS' TEETH LONG HKAC1I, Dec. 20. Dr. H. S. Tanner, 40dny faster and ndvoca e of a vegetable, fruit and cereal diet, thinks cows' teeth are' being neglected. He thivks the teeh of a cow should be brush ed nt leas onco a day and an ordinance may be represented to the city council requiring that each cow owner go forth each morning with n bucket of tooth wash nnd scour the ivories of the ani mal. Dr. T:inner gives scic t:tific reasons, ows ' tooth are neglected. He says rov.r. cr.nnot brush their own Troth and no cue will do it for them. But the tar tar which gathers on their teeth h.Tcds germs. Theso gorms nre communicated to the milk they give and thus to hu man beings. Keep the scows teeth clean and live to a ripe old age fi.isDr . Tanner's mot- in. , Miss Mable Mickey arrived Thnrs- 'da from Salem to spend the holidays AD INSIDE NOTICE OF FLECTION. Be iti" resolved, by tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, the mayor approving, that there be and is hereby ordered a general election iu mud c'ty to be held on Tuesday, Janu ary i: 10'tO, for the election of A mayor for tho term of two years. A toiiucilman from the First ward for ti e tt ret of two years. A councilman from the Second ward for the term of two years. A councilman from the Third ward for the term of two years. And Kuch other measures as shall be lawfully submitted at said election. Tho following polling places, judges and clerks are hereby designated for the several respective wards: First ward Polling place, Commer cial club, room 3; judge W. II. French; judge and clerk, ( has. W. Davis; judge and clerk, A. C. Hubbard. Second ward Polling place, Hotel Nash sample room; judge, John S. Orth; judge and clerk, John Summerville; judge and clerk, Win. Ulrieh. Third ward Polling place; City Hall; judge, G. L. Schermerhorn; judge and clerk, Scott Davis; judge and clerk, II. A. Thieroff. The foregoing resolution was passed by the city council December 2ith, 1H0S by the following vote, to-wit: Wormian ayo, Merrick aye, Eifert aye, Trow bridge aye, 01 well absent, Itafer ab sent. Approved: J. P. REDDY, Mayor. Attest: ' BEN J. M. COLLINS, Recorder. THE LOUVRE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27. Consomme with Spaghetti, 10 Cream of Celery, Croutons Souffle, 10 Ovsters, nnv stvle . Fish ' 1 la k ed II aii bu t an G ra tin, 25 Broiled Salmon, .Sauce Royal, 25 Filet of Solo, Sauce Torturi, 25 Norway Mackerel, Maitre de Hotel, 23 Entrees. Fricasee of Chicken, Pellet Pois 50 I'lanked Tenderloin Steak Sauce ' ! 'Myabeer, Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland Pineapple Fritters ou Hum, 15 Roast Prime Beef au Jus, 30 Domestic Goose, Baked Apple, 50 Youug Turkey, Cheotnut Dressing, 50 Vegetables to Order Potatoes in Cream, 10 Green Peas, 10 Sugar Com, 10 Corn on Cob, 20 , String Beans, 10 Browned Sweet Potatoes, 15 Hot Asparagus, 30 Celery, 15 II ad Lettuce, 15 English Plum Pudding, Hard and Brandy Sauce, 10 Apple Pic, 10 Pumpkin, 10 ' Ice Cream Cake Three dolls were won Christmas 'eve at various Medford tit. ores. King & Long's prize doll went to little Irene Butler, who received most votes as the most popular bab . The standing of the ballot was as follows: Irene Butler 1835, Dorothy Hutchason 170d Eliza beth Welch 1332 and Carolino Andrews 1055. Mrs. Maud Hockenyos won the doll at tho Eaglo pharmacy and Mrs. Charles Wolgamot th? dell at the Spot. She guosod within nine hours of the .toll's agir which was officially given as 2 yearo, 7 months, 21 days, 14 hours, 59 minuU'S nnd 47 seconds. Mrs. Of fenbaehor of the ApplegatJ was uext nearest guessrr. Sunday Services at the Christian Taber nacle. At 10 a. m. the great Bible school will assemble for its interesting ses sion. C. H. pierce is the superintend ent. Every member of the school and every member of the church should be on baud the last Sunday in the year. Sermon nt 11 o'clock. Subject "The Gladsome Christ inns Message. The pastor desires to meet every member of the church nt this service. Y. V, S. C. E. at 0:30 p. m. Mubs Scliuler leads tne meeting. A very in teresting meeting ia assured. Sermon at 7:30 p. rn. Subject, ' Christ Through the Centuries." Don't fail to hear this address. Great meet ings. Great chorus. 'ordial invita tion to ail. ' They 're all coming." You come. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. "The World Going After Christ " will he the subject next Sabbath at 11 a. m. In this discourse the pastor will show how thinker:', social science, literature, art, music and commerce, are all going after Christ. A specinl invitation ex ten. lei t students of present-day ques tions. At night tin theme will be "That. Decisive Battle nt Damascus." Sabbath school nt 10 a. m. Epworth league nt fl:30 p. m. All are invited. Come wirh vour friends. Compare the Quality Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed NOTICE The Hotel formerly known as the Taylor House in Jacksonville, Or., has changed management and will henceforth be known as the ABBOTT HOUSE under the management of C. D. & M. E. ABBOTT. The house has been remodeled and made moderr. and up-to-date in every respect and rates are is reasonable as consistnt with first-class, service. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PA0ITIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. 38Ortgon Express 5:24 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express.... 9:49a. n. Southbound No. California ExpresB.. .10:35 a. ra. No. 13San Francisco Exp.. . 8:20 p.m. No. 825Prom Grants Pasi.... 9:15 p.m. No. 225For Ashland 10:15p. m. PAOEFIO & EASTERN RAILWAY No. IjLeavcs Medford 8:10 a. m. No. 3Leavea Medford j 2:50 p. in. No. 2Arrivos Modford 10:28 a. m. No. 4jArrives Modford . 6:08 p. in. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leaves Medford..., No. 4Leaves Medford..., MotorLeares Medford MotorjLcaves Medford No. IjLeares Jacksonville, No. 3ILeaves Jacksonville MotorLea,Te Jacksonville., .j 1 Motor jLeavea Jacksonville, .j 7 MAIL CLOSES A.M.P. M. Northbound I 9:191 4:54 Southbound 10:05 250 Eagle Point j 7:20 2:00 Jacksonville 10:80 5:20 Sallovnen Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dirk tkia kMoomea burmating when delicately toft, ndenpmd with the radian flow which indi ate a healthy, active ifcin. Robert tnc keeps the ilun refined in qualiiv, keepaporefreefromcioppir4 wiate and BtimuUtes the tiny captlUnettn contribute the color wbicli ctunnt id hlondeand bcunette alike. Robert tnc ia certain protection aaiuM u run buna and freckles if applet W fore ctporurt to tun m tio Spreads like an imperceptible shen of eauieoverskin surface, lortntni: hield iti mutating and prr-it?rv,ti a ft 7 m i delicate, lut truu brant WMtttff roust Aw a KTNO-rlJKRY In Jacksonville yi iVct'inber 21. by Rpt. G. A. Gray John Kiru' rinfl TVarl Currv ..10:45a.m. . . 5:35 p.m. . .j 2:00 p.m. . .j 9:00 p.m. . . 9:00 a.m. 3:30 p. m. :30 p.m. :80 p. m. ' It is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end., we aro always adding quality to our lino. The addition of "preferred otock" makes our lio.e of high grade Canned Goods moat complete. Our service always the bst and every sccom gtven our customers. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED HorBes tv board by the month. Plenty of good, clean hay, good warm barn; terms $6 per mouth. No horses taken for leSB than one month. Walter Moore, Phoenix. 250 WANTED Portland proporty for coun try Btore or stock of goods. W. M. French, room 7, Jackson County Bank bldg. 2Cfl WANTED I deBire family washing to do. I go to the house and wash by the day. Prices reasonnblo; satisfaction guaranteed? Mrs. M F. Schaonfele, Modford, Or. Box 2A, Tioute No. 1 250 WANTED You are ambitious and pos sess at least an average amount of tac and perseverance. Therefore, we want you and will pey you $75 a month for taking only fonr orders a doy. Yon can earn a big income. We furnish all supplies free. Write today to Man ager, P. O. Box 1150, New York City. 240 WANTED To buy 2509 hardware store or stock. W. M. French, room 7, Jackson County Bank bldg. 266 FOB SALE. FOR SALE Houses, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one I acre to vv acres, juait uiunoun, i'noe- nix, ur. FOR SALE Five and ten-acra tracts within and adjoining city limits, at u bargain on long time. Address P. O. Box 413, Medford, Or. 248 FOR SALE A good small business on Seventh street. Reasons tor selling. Address, P. O. box 51 or call at this ofi'ice. tf FOR SALE Extra dry cordwood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Osenbmgge, Studobaker Bros. Co. wr.rerooms. Telephone 361. 262 FOR SALE One piano for sale at a bargain, been used about three months; Kroll piano at a bargain if sold at once. See H. M. Coss nt his residence, cornor West 10th and K sts. 244 . FOR SALE Four homesteads on one section; 6 million feet pine, good fruit land; most of it tUlahlo when cleared. W. M. French, room 7, Jackson County Rank bldg. 2G6