THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1908. Selling "Carlyla." Ilore Is Whistler's story ut bow be did liln famous picture of iJarlylo to llii- Glu .".bow coriHirallou: I receh-ed llieiu, well, you know, charmingly, of course, and one who spoke for tho rest uskcel me If I did not think 1 was putting u large price on tlio picture 1.000 ttulneasand I mild, 'Yea, perhaps. If you will bave It no!" And lie said tbat It Deemed to tbe council excessive. "Why, the figure Was not even life size." And I agreed. "Hut, you kuow," I said, "few men are llfo size." And thut was ill). It was an offlclnl occasion, and I respected It. Then they asked mo to think over tbe mat ter until the next day, nnd they would come attain. And they oninc. And they sold, "Have you thought of the thou sand millions and what we said about It, Mr. Whistler?" And I mi I.I. "Why, gentlemen, why well, you know, bow could I think of anything; hut the pleasure of seeing you nKaln?" And naturally, being gentlemen, they understood, and they gave me a check for the thousand guineas. The 8outhern Art of Conversation. The north may think It knows some thing of conversation, hut the north, as compared with tbe south, may be said Dover to have enjoyed a conversation. About tlie village courthouse, within the hospitable doors of some central store, In the ulliee of the local dally or weekly paper or, almve ail, in tlio lei surely and genial Intercourse uround the llreslilo or on the inviting porch in summer of friend Willi friends there will bo beard a conversation which In wit, In the charm and force of Its llluHtralions and in the direct ness and freedom of Its criticism Is not surpassed In American life today. It Is the product of leisure, of a world without haste, without ruthless preoccuputlons, without IboBe resources of expression ond interest which he long to the crowded and overweighted existence of the commercial clly. It Is, moreover, part of the tradition of tho cavalier. It Is part of tbe genius of climate and soli and social habit. E. O. Murphy In "The Present South." Sour Milk Cow. p Tho won) a ii was new to the country, and her hunt took grout ptiiim to ei plalu to her whatever she didn't nil doratand about tbe farm. He had little regard for the truth, this fariuer; he delighted to lent her gullibility to the utmost. The cowH (teemed to Interest her more than any other domestic animal. Ono of the cows had lost her toll somehow, and this fact led, tbe woman to ask why It was. ' "That's the sour milk cow," the farm er explained, with a straight face. "Wo always cat the tall off one cow In the herd so as to get sour milk fresh every day." ' Tho woman looked her doubt. "It's perfectly true,',' tho farmer In slHted. "You see, when the cow's tall In K"iio tho sun shlneH continually on the cow's udder, and the constant heat sours the milk." Hut the woman still doubted. New York Hun. Few Burled Alive. "It migtit he Incidentally mentioned for the relief of anxious souls," says lr. Woods Hutchinson In the Arner lean MiikiizIiic, ."Unit the risk of any individual passing Into a franco and remaining In It long enough to be burled kIIvo Is , exceedingly slight. There Is no authentic Instance uf this JinvuiK ever occurred. I took occasion to ImcHilKntc this iiucsilon some yean) ago and communicated with a number of lending undertakers, and Ih'ey nil tiuanluiously denounced It as one of the myths of the times. One of I hem, at the time president of the National Funeral Directors' association, In formed mo that he had carefully' In UHtlgiiliil every llislance of 'burial nllie' reported In Hie newspapers' for lU'teeu years past and found every one of I hem to he, In his own liimjuflge. 'a pure fake.' " Lees and tlie Alps. In the i i it. is' l...k ,.f ,-ne of the Swiss iMt.'i.iiti ob.MTiti:: traveler has Inscribed the following lines: Me:v,e l..:iil!i; Vuiiii tourist;., 1 ec. Wear tieu.,.S Miih h , n,l .,t the ku.v. l iven: I. ;ler t.v hall J 1 1 t te wVCl- t,. , ,,;t At le.,st . only th i.i Hil.iivny ter io t;;. Mil. ill.. .If oin.hi to re. ' It. lie -.en the 1 'I III i.aainiaia j miuwng loMunif. of m.1,1,. ,.f ii t.orist u iio co," ttlt. Alps can tnllv tipi'te. aalo the limit r uf I tint, a't, i," Nuts as F ioJ. One very mvat .t.l , a at i :-e -li, h : null tsM-ss t ier i . ,t f,.,is is their t'.l'-'.lttle H.,,l,,m .-oin a.iitltetadon. , When Lev nuts you aiuavs knuii- what yon nr.. gel till;;, til'.. Mlrse M. i iHMldlt III the shell ar,. (KO al.s, ,liit,, v i . lean. -Hood Health. ' ' - - ' Light and Hope. ci.t. that tlai i, cloud which Kicn In lianirs .mi tin itktu, wc illsccru I u rays or light and hope and arailually conic to sec In stilTeniii; and temntii- i Hun prutifs mul IllSUUUKMlls f ,, Mllblllllest's uf ls,l,m, ,i Inve.- -(Mmliiihig. At His Ejipenis. She -Jin k tnbl Ml.- Mint Unit llusnltnl wiia built eiulri'lj- at IiIh e.use. is I It pMMlble? Ue-Will. Jn.k's unele cut lit in ufl with ii hiiudrol tiuiiim nun leu uie ri'm or ni inuney to build I lie btispltal. flow uiany tblnk to atone fur tbe U the bar doo b tlw irnrl ttier fntenfl tn dn auil an uniy vtrtiums Ih WtfpMCtrM-Mnt(. be . BOWSER GETS AN IDEA Plans to Enlarge Wings of Os triches So They Can Fly, FOR USE IN TIME OF WAR. H Thinks Thty Could Be Trained to Drop Bombs on Enemy's Ships and Armies Old Philosopher Interviews a the Druggist. (Copyright, l&uK, by T. C. McC'luro. HAT Mr. Bowser ha d some tld lis; on bis ml ml to lotber him Mrs. Bowser hhw the mo ment he entered the house the other evening, hut, like 11 politic wo man, she didn't begin nuking a lot of quentinns and adding to the Hituatlou She went ahead during thedlnner hour and chatted on a dozen different sub jects, and after the nicul was finished nho reaped her reward. No wife can ever tell whether a huhuud Is men tnlly cussing over the arrival of an other soft corn or Is perturbed over a ten thousimd business de:il, and It Is best to give things a chance to wurk themselves out. When he had smoked half n dintr nnd walked the length of the hitting room a scorn of times he hnlted before her and fciitri: "Mrs. Bowser, has there been any thing In my actions during the last twenty years to lead you to believe Mint I was a visionary nmnV" "N-no. imi visionary," she slowly re plied. "Some folks might call vou er- rnih Just a bit erratic." "But gen Ins Is always erratic, isn't It?" , "I have heard so. If we knew the private life of Shakespeare we would probably Hud that ho bought new milk eows iumI hogs and chickens. Just ns you ha vi. There, must also have been . MUiTot: -r.n: os.'itic.i in: li fly?" s when l:o ached lo start a chick, farm or o Into the business of Ml-ln-,' catnip for the druK stores." Mr. Dowser felt the hit nnd colored up. but lam on to himself and pres ently said: y.y ii i .il .1 1 ion may have res u licit In' i tw irlilhiK nilstakes that can pass ove r. 1 am wlliln to be culled erratic, but don't wish lo be known as vlslon iii'.'.'. You may possibly have read of I ho .Wrl .-'its' aeroplane or living ma- .....j.yo "Ycn. possibly." "Anil In your opinion what does It amount to?" "Well. It tiles. It files, and then pels ut of order.' Then it Hlc-s and Bets ii' of. order some wore." "H i: il solves the problem of flying." ' Oh. that was to be expected. Yes. the hcrofilnne has shown that man e.ui ri c Indhe air and sn'll aroiiml when tlUlons are Jiist risht. It is predict ed that such ina. hlnes will play a part In tfif next war, and if the wind will !'"!,',' ki.c;i qnlet ilurlnit the next war :'icv ::uy tin so. A salllnc ship has a ;:. .d : :'lp on the water, nutl yet when i'c wl'al Ii lilon'lntr sideways she Irlfts oil' in. re or less. An aeroplane Mai en Brt whatever oil the air. A, I.! wind taiist i, iw her fnr.unt of her - ! fM. T carry thri-o or four tisseii--..r or inlwllcs of war she '. ' It so lame that no machinery could I' ivo I't r atffilost a lirec:'!'. In trnrcrs- ii : .1 ui-lal'ee of nr:y nillcs she naiy " I v,l;i a do-.,.. i tll:r..fe: i air cur- r-n: . 'II I low ii:,- at a dilTt rent voice li a:..' ' I wiiirltinr h,r lo a iliiVcre:.! As a fad It will have a pi'e . ia hi-tory." Praise For Hii Wife. "'- " - !'. v : !' 'W ser -P!e.-s vou!" j . 1 1 ! Ml1, l: .ll::er 11'! If a Tt I'Cf-l '. MimIi witli Icr. "V"i have i lie i. : 1 1 ; ,-r out .1 1 --1 as I hai e. ,p:il!H'!!t i.a: You are :l"M winiin In the Vnlled I'. .lolni. but ou have hit it a tlie bed!" .1 at line to tlie same , a .. . .. . c: ,' i . , t' :- -: ., si m,,. ,,,, '! ,., ".In-: i mi;'!.', nut! .lull tl-n't knuiv -:!:.'. I feui I., titnl VtHl :l. ni ... If yoll .'lily (nitre 1 Iimiu pl.-iiinud ..ut fiitne ': ..' u Ittiin utir Ll up." hew . a, ojr. ,i,e ill: i!: ,l nn.l f t lut.e "Well. 111! II plutiut'il "Mi-v ltim-.i i. i.irtls ilv In all surts of .iiili,.r. ilun't they?" "V.'s unless It be llmt ll blirrkiilie Is bl.nvlii " or tuiirse. T'le bliiKer Hie bird the sti'uiu'.T It,, cun II v. ebV" "Niltilr.illi " "Hill Ibis uslil.-h why nin't he fly" "lte. uiii. mi tire dldii'i (ire lil m wimp stiulii; i'IiuukIi. lie simply us.'S tlifiii It. a.vsisi him In ruiiulng." "Km siipikw the iwtrl.h could fly? SuiMHoe h.. cult lil tt fruiu New Yoc In ctil.-T-Tltli,.tit a riwt? Kinnw un.'il I . .urhl lu ul-r like aagr- Ilk. kixiata brlu" Eveiybody begins to look forward to tlie greatest Holiday of the year and wonder where would be the best place to buy seasonable Goods that woiidl bring joy to the hearts of their friends. Wry wonder, when there is to be found such an extensive as sortment of beautiful jres- ents At Haskins Drug' Store HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our expert decorative specialist will visit your city toon. Without obli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for your new home. Write lor pwriculirt ; J. G. Mack & Co. ' Furniture and Caopets PORTLAND. OREGON - Single Rcomj Furnhfttd Talttfulfy TREES FOR SALE I have en liunil nmljfnr sale the fo! lowing nursery stuck Hi.nOO HARTLETT TWAHS ! i.uou. comic:: peaks 4, IVANUOl! PEAKS L'.HOi) W I. NT Kit N ELLIS i limit.'. 1 iiiuiilti r t.f I.bilio, Flemish Ilfiiuty, Sickel, CIupp's Favorite, Win ler liartlett Pear. ClIKItltlKS Lambert, Koval Anne. 'Hilig. PEAC1I STOCK Muir. Klbertu. Ear ly itn.l Late S.-ilivay, l-'-ishii. Kurlv I 'liarl.'Ue. ! A 'full line uf APPLE TltEES of all j lundinj,' varieties. ! L. B. WAHNER. OuV.bile venttr. Notice Tlie f r i i 1 1 1 (muse uf (In SimiIImth ific v.ill !. rinsed nil !:iv IWmiber A. S. liOSKNl'.AlM. :w AK. nt. To tho Public. Mf-lford Or., Dv. -2-2., tOOS. I hero bv notify tin imblir tli::t I hovo o!tl my in 1 11 re it in t lit1 M ml t'oni S:th & Pour Co. mitl all billi nnd aooouuts will b n- ttbnl by the new company. Keappi-tfullv. 144 J. i. TUOMASKN. , For aalo. At brk-i.i, Hi rigtil parUr otgu; l perfect .'endi'oui will raAkt vmtable rkriftm&i. yiwnl. For )iarti1trs I dnss " ti, ' Vribun f fl . 142 lily Business Directory Let tlie MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that pioce J trnitiire. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or pnlinhed. Shop on cor. of 6th ami il streets. W. M. Colvig. C. Ii. Reames. COLVIG & REAMES Lawyers. Office:Medfnrd Bank Bldg. Ground floorj Cook Stev-s and ranges. Phono !1 MORDORFF & WOLF New and Second Ilwud Furniture Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St. South Medford, Or. EABNES BfOOMINO HOUSE Newly built mi. I newly ftiruishct) All niotlern I'liiirenieneeii. D. O. KurneH, lrop. 20 S. G St., Metlfora, Or. FISH MARKET Kri'Bh fish reeeired daily. Dyi,. tern in seitHtin. Cor. SeveDth und E StB, Me.lfuitl MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extructs, Baiting Powder and Spices. Wc carry all kinds ut dinner ware and fancy dishes. 218 W. 8evontb St. Medford, Or DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacrament". Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNEB Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pliarmee,! Main 233. Seventh and Mail THIS HOTEL EMEBICK Booms from 50 cents to $1.50 pc day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of tho Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care pf. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3163 LOVE WILL FIND! A WAY . pl.'ice mi enuiiut'mciit ring un 4tht' finger of bis Indy love, ntul if it briiu' irlms.'d liure she is sure I.i upprivi.-ito it !;:ll tile inure. We ltiive jt iiui(;iiil'ii'''ut ' assurl int'iit .r' rincs sf iitli -liiimuiuls. i iitti.'S. s:ipp!iires and ..ciiicraKls in all ; I lie latest .Irsins .ml settings, us ivell as evrrvtliin..,' tli-i! is bcautii'ul in gifts '.'it Christmas. Martin J. Reddy, The .Jeweler, Next Post Office A PrwA Complazlas t nnuiie-mi aroArced by KobutlM, wtOi, dalighriul prauarala . dftHrafW iranaal. Nlikca tha tUa wnnUrarrr aortt barathaa cnwklad aiiiiaiaaiici eaaawd Vt orr-4lrTMSBi raJiacas tha akai W tnlargTd porea, ckoaaa Itaaas. ra- docea tnrbunmatiao sad raraaih sal aitm. radiant glow duet whaiaanms pjoattiab reent of akin glaads bbm! rdranhtfiaai wt at capuiana wnatk f toad ika kin and nrp ply ka kaalthfiil caloc Mi sw Drmtjtjl Jkr m frm aaa a 0BEBTINB THE R. R. V. LUNCH ROOM Finest cup uf ceffee on the Pacific Coust. II. II. Lortmer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. H10 Svuth St., Medford, Or. ANLO PENWELL The Plumber. 1 solicit .i share of yiur business, pledging satisfaction. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS V. K. Laiie Sun, X'rops. Opposite Hurel Moure, Meilfuni Oregiin WASCHAU & BROWN wish to announce to their patrons thut they are loeated in their new quarters in the Young & Hnll building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaecos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. ( THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert & Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, PiBtols, Mnsical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFI8B C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phonos C. W. Conklin 3 J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. J. OONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. ,T. E. ENYART, President. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. THE MEDFORD MEDTORD, OR.. CAPITAL - $60,000 SURPLUS - . 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A Ge"neralEank in Bus ness Transacted. We : ' Solicit Your;Patronage. ' ME'DJTORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap Office Futures and all kinds of Plan ing Mil Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. V STREF.T. BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTU STHEETS. your dealer for MANUEL LOPEZ Clear Havana I'igm. BARTCIOAR CO., Distributors, 1-ortland. Or. ytlrs. 3rinL Ifamp ton Ifsaacs Instructor of "piano, "ttsit 5?tctl)o6 StuJU at J.tlUct. Jlcrllj Oraast Strttt SAVOY THEATER North d 'A njou Street. L.j.t Bt motion pictures and illus trated Bonus. Entire change o' program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Adininsion 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Cnntinuous performance every evi-iiing of niobion pictures nnd iJ lustruted ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing. Stemn nnd Hut Water ll..:iti:i. . ( piipiif 'j'j. 210 W. Seventh St., Meilfor.l, Or. EDKN VALLEY NURSERY .V. s. r.'iiuei;.. .Mf.ll'ertl, Or.' flntw lr.r. sell, sell trees tltfil r..iv ..iin.i t'ruit triit' to btbel VERNE T. CANON Billposter mid distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 .Ineksnn Co. Brink Bldg. Medford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees tbat grow. Office: 11. R. V. Depot. P. 0. Boi 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Itay. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FfiEDENBTJRG Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. Dentist Specialist in operative dentistry Painless -itraction of teeth. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Watches. Clocks, Jewelry BWAlRtNO A SPECIALTY. "Nat how mask I eaa d, but kw wall I can ia it," ia my aattr. B. N. BUTLER r Jattmm Oaaaacy ftaait. ii 1