.1 Boost the the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to Pamphlet 01&clrd!Datil v Cullbiainie. UNI PriD. PRESS DISPATCHES By tar e Itrjif-i u.d b. st iew report or mr, p-u' Southern Ori:on The Weather Fair weather in promised for tonight and tomorruw. Develo3mjntiof J3L 11 1 I ; i V . H BALLOT WILL SAHi GLAUS 81 fe MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JR3S8j." No. 239. To Vote oil Library Tax, Three Dilfcrcnt Wet and Dry Matters and Four Official:'..' ChurGhelserved Christ mas Exerci Hearts Tin lvti!"i vvIlcIi will he ufcil in the city .I'-.-tii'ii, .l:tr.n:uy 12, will be n lon one. r.'nl t' c return will lo. slow, t us tliute are ti number oi mutters to vote upi-ii. Tin- city council nut Sat urday monthly and vote.1 to suhmit to tlin jcnjile :i '-barter amendment pro viding for a library fc x mid also passed n rcaolntion calling for the election of three ci.ituc'hiien and a niavor for 'a term ijf two yivirs. ' J . : ' ' Upon the bullot there will be three. different provision! relating to tho wet and dry question. One is a straight vote of the m-itter for or, mp.inst prohi bition, the second Is to make the char ter .eonforni to the local option law of the state,1 and the' third is the , one framed by t'onrt Hall to-have -the 'mut ter decided each year ttt the annual election. . All' of these matters upon the ballot will mnke It u lengthy one. The lihmrv tax which is to be voted upon is a measure 'asked by the ladies of the Greater Medford club and is to nrnviilo a maintenance fund for a Car negie library. An ordinance was ; passed by the council providjriR for the numbering of the stref ts. . Several .changes' in the nnmea of streets were discussed, but no action was taken. The matter will fn ahead now until it is conipletcd. The ordinance fixing the' tax levy for tho coming year was passed by the council. The levy is fixed at 17Vj mills as previously stated ih The Tribune. NO NEW INDIAN MUTINY, , ' DECLABES LOBD. MOELEY LONDON", Dec. 2fi. Indian Secretary Lord Hurley li.'ia announced his -plan to reform the administration cf India. He'iwvlo Ti attempt to" minimize' the formidable difficulties owing to unrest and anarchy, but he said there is no fear of anything like an uprising, al though a panic is possible. ; In spite of ' the bombs of terrorists he has deter mined to carry out the promised policy of constitutional reform. The government intends, he explained, rt to increase the membership of both : the judicial and the viceroy's councils by nomination tied election giving the different classes representation; second, to lepeal the prohibition against the leuislativc council diaetiaaing matters of general importance; third, to increase the executive councils oi omunj Madras from two to four members each; fourth, to live the lieutenant governor n executive rouncil of two member!. Appropriate Many Little Jdened - The good Medford each Christinas tttd Lif they fault, for he exercises that nt fiundav hoys and girls of saw Santa C'laus Christmas night it was their owa up at each of the held by the diffcr- of the city nnd stayed long cto ,!,, emh itt6 tot nappy. . it was sn v(,rv buHy that tho entei, nn(J tn b-0 d(lne for the most if tho children them selves, thoughliek called t. e,h place and paiil spects. . The festivttl,he v. E. ehi.r,.h .Toutn, were ll,nstmas eve. . the mourners or n,rcn giving their young people indid tree loaded with presents, hxcellent program was given by lldren.. one of the qciigmrui numr ,t being a mo. wuu uuucu uy llldren. ' The PreU church. JOHNSON WINS CHAMPIONSHIP , OF THE WORLD FROM BURNS' 1M At .the" Presb church on Christ- mas eve an exd.jly fine program whs given by tl day school. Tl fully given b4i well as the duel were thorough I J audience. - There was a ent with lights ing it gift for On account These bags werrr(j rP.0iVed bv little girls dref,Tnnnn(.fle ftnd TiKlians. I The churoh it4llgi, the lavish and artistic U8(istn)H8 greens and flowers, wnlr of beautv. At the Baptist an interesting program was wit v an nudiencc numbering about ir(. nlso was a magnificent trt rotund Santa f'ftus, radiating f aj ood chil dren. The spirit jg wfls em. pnustzed by a nu ri,1JE fOT n,jg. sions by each cia i gift of for the same purj f,0 One Hun dred club. The Meth irtfa. The M. E. chui istmns eve presented a scent ousness nnd good will. An ext Mit program was given by th t the most and fifth, to adopt a device to seenri- .nm.ii.ii- u- htiu- an oficial majoritv in the legislative , in wh.ch severnl cnjtinp around a fireplace resolve some mon- ... ey they had sa evangel but FAEMEHS PLEAD GUILTT OF when a forlorn begjnly nppear- POLLUTINO WATERSHED their rcsolut.odltm;ly for- i.. oc.in the of heart and bers of the Sun nt ion s so delight- members, . OS ets nnd choruses ed by a large wis-tree resplend- tuncnts and hold' joy and girl. On account 'limited capacity of the ehurcn, . Warner, supor- intenaent or Tlirv dennrtment. Held their oxerlnesdav after- noon. The sinril,,ff nmi thnmrht- impressed upon fulness for otli the little tots bring a tiny ba J or dimes, which and tie them ng each child ies and nickeis d been saving, hristmas tree. they gave f 'I n;'ct,l,; Attornev.the money to him.khe beggar crnn.ny ,u.. . . . , tQ hQ ftn Va :r7: ;"ont! When anything id in the TJX riaTtX poiin.wig ... ... " aVK epeet somet irom win-....'".: . Thnfr wll0 W(.re water snpp.. , Thnrsiay evening at The aotcnaani, ---r-. exercises were not ZVZrZrZ&'ZZ have abat- rJ. - - . i i ,.,.;, thnm. miMitr.. v. v.. The present typoid fever epidemic, ih attributed to the pollution of the Mai den creek supplv. There are W cases up to date and 22 deaths. The authori ties have cheeked the epidemic. inment at ihe people ually gnod rnacle on ttnas tree ed. The pw ft;' i Jrj Y ' ' J .- Vl 4 , if . TED WiLLNOT WEST WON IN CASE Has Been Deiuged With a Flood of Telegrams Regarding the Gompers and Mitchell Case WASHINGTON, Dec. 2d. Pr. sMer.t Roosevelt will not interfere with the (Jr-npLna case as long as it is in the conrts, according o authoritativv iufor inatu.u received today. The prei-ideat believes that any action by him is un necpsi;ary( an the defendants have al ready given notice of appeal. Tho pres ident is preparing uu answer to the many requests ho has received thut he take action. Hundreds of tdcgrnms from lubor tenders and others all over flie countrv have- boon received by President Itoose- volt uskiug that he prevent the impris onments of Samuel Gompers, John Mit chell und Prank Morrison under tho de cision of Judge Wright. A good sam ple of the telegrams was one from John H. Walker, Illinois president, of the United Mine Workers of America who protested against the sentence,' saying that while it might be in accordance with the law, the law was an tinjunt one and ought to bo repealed. ' JACK I0HVSON AND TOMMY BURNS . Who Fought Fourteen Bonnds or th e World's Pugilistic Championship. SYDNEY Austrauin, Dec. 2(5. Jack 'Johnson after the sixth round ev:l ni .lohnsnn is today the heawyweight chain Jy disregarded any possible Injury t.i i ion pugilist of tho world the. only himsolf and went after his man, tihivg man win can dispute his hnni'i; a few stiff ones himself. JnniPb .'. JetTries, who has itiiri .tired t Heore the. count was completed tl.o his retireuicnt. For on yesterbi; 1 'gong so.u led, but the police wo .ill noz put Tommy Burns down and out ;n the let tho bnttlc go on. Over T.))fO f.ns 14th rounl after a hard gruelling ,.un saw the fjght, test in wlrcL he was tlie winoer Hi tbi Jnck Join. son was up early e.nd .Urw wa.V- ed but !K:e effects of his bv. g.mi liurns ( mply had no chano? at all. Fitzpatne'., the champion's mn ye., but his gnmeness made him hi lav. deluged with telegrams from .iiki..h for Jolnt.-m ') vi.-ious jnbs for 14 roi nds ,and Englvifl rnakinc ehallenires nd of before ti e merciful knockout hlo.v eaH . I fering dii.es. MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR . . PLANT CHANGES HANDS J. T. Thomaten of the r"inn of the Medford Hah & Poor Compnnv has sold his interest to Tom Moffat. The new company will a shut tic all assets nud'lit ibilities of the old com puny, The com , jinny moved its plant last spring from iiiext to the nutn garage to it present (site, where a new building wns erected Tho Medford Sush & Door (,'ompauy is PIONEER SUGAR KING IS DEAD Glaus Spreckles Passes Assassin Hits President of CARRIE GETS A BID Clans, descending 4ey. The stage was fixed up tit a room with an old fasbionlfirPplace. Two little children ni.jr stock ings, said' their eveorBi and were tucked safely ilia 8anta Clans then came dl hiraney filled the little atorl lighted TO SPEAK DT LONDON I lf chri,tn) trLhild,en L.mi older ones. Ik ;.H eren the older ones, AUKHDKKS", Dec. 28. Came r.ation, jpf 0),j snu CTans nbo arrived here a few days a(ro ba receive ao offer by telegram to lecture at a linden music Vail. The telegram adds: "Conrteont aad ater;iv treatment gncranteed." Carrie kat ftd l P"'-"-orally. pe4ig a tfreement a te term a. ibe Tiait ere di- tribnted to all the chl,nt ,nd the Suaday . hool Those who mtaaed tiinmeat will b aure to be it MarrlV" tl Claries K. Co li-land. ..It. Away at His Home in San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, (al., Dec. 20. Claus Spreckels, sugar king and the pioneer promoter of this city, died nt his residence at 4:30 this morning of pneumonia. He was SO years old. His Hons, Kudolph, the chief figure of the graft prosecution, und John D., the steamship owner, were at his bedside. spreckels w.is born in Tjaostedt, Han vor (Jermanv, in He came to the United States in 384(1 and settled in Charleston, S. C. In 15(1 ho went to San Francisco, where bo kept a store, nnd later a brewery, and in 1863 h established the Bay sugar refinery. He imported his raw material from Ha waii, where he acquired large proper ties and owned in addition a bet farm of 1500 acres at Wattonville, Cal. lift was the inventor of a new sugar refining process and besides his sugar industry be midi tho Oceanic Steam ship company, ofMH&tinff between Ban JPssmeiaeo aad AMtalia.--.trll.jM lagfe fleet of -aa il in f ' mrm ck. ATTEMPT MADE ON FALLIERES not a corporation, but u artnership 'of 'two Paul llnnsen and Tm MVrffnt. Mioth men nrc thnrough mechanics iiml tho work that this company has turmd out speaks for itself. The plant will bo enlarged by additional machinery, new lumber sheds and wilt also enlarge its glue room. Mr. Hansen is now in Port land after new machinery nnd will see about getting more lumber. When the additional machinery is in 'stalled the mill will be in position to turn out twice the output as at pres ent. U.'lii France in Ear-Was Act uated by Political Spite CHINA TO SEND 2,000 STUDENTS TO STUDY HERE rrrBS fiAGTJB,J)et;-Mft foreign xutf rci vd --mm official -tommmmi- Itmtiaa: froa Qui man ttoil naafTor- pwHsfw to rrwiregffthKHm trr tfcf I f-tfem t -rf -e -.tiffgr cm- brtps j !U1and aiM T'iE.ila. PARIS, Dec. 2(1. President Fallicr.i who was attacked yesterday by J"an Mnttis, was present at a council of mm isters today apparently entirely recov Mid from his sliiit injuries. Fallierei iiat-mnted thut th i acquittal of (iregorj f fr shooting :jairr Dreyfus led Mattis to seek notoriely bj assaulting him. President Fallic.es escaped death at tho hands of a youthful assassin yes terday by a hair breadth. The youn Lira fired at the presi deiitVnd tio I 'I'lct passed through the president s tar, inflicting a painful bjt :c- serious wound. The young woudl be nssassio gave the name of Mappis. . The police say he, admitted he was actuated by political D'to'and wanted to kill the president. Falliereg showed great pretenco of nind and betrayed no sign of cieite mpnt. He raid the injury was hardly worthy of mention. Too Late to Classify. WANTED Boon and board by festle man J a strictly private family of you up or middle f4 couple; a born deeirfd; wiil permanent. Addreas R. B. Ilur 1 . v ... d- l'Try, eity, 299 PKKINO, Iec, 2(1. Plans have feeti drnwn up by the Chinese (lovornment for sending some two thousand Chin ese students to America in accordance with the agreement negotiated by Min ister Rock hill this summer. Thi agreetnent Vr,iv''l,f' f"r Rending 100 students annually for four years and fifty nnnnully for the remainding of the term of the Roxer indemnitv of Amer ican schools and colleges, Kighty prr cent of these students nre to tudv manual art and U0 per cent Inw and gi.vernment. The plan provides for a Chineae edu cational cumniision with five assistants in the United States. There is t" be a commission in Poking Which will ds:gnate the school to which students are to be sent. One of its members is to be a member of the American Lega tion here and two othern are to be mem bers of the Oiinof e Hoard of odueatiini. The age of the students to he sent will vary from twelve years to twenty yearn. WRESTLING HONORS TooK Three Falls to Sciioltes' One -Visitor Won Applause by Classy Showing- Out Weighed oUulAR BRUTALLY ASSAULTS AOED COUPLE; MAN DIES NATKZ, Miss., Dec. 21. Kobert F. Red, aged 70, and his wife, aged 10, were brutally assaulted during the night of Thurr,dny by a burglar. Reed died lit the hospital and the woman is not expected to live. Circuit Court News. Oold Hill bank vs. Hold Hill Canal company; demurrer withdrawn and nn fwer filed. ... B. L. ftsbio vs. Koto May&tODd: ac tio to recover mono; Jefsult end judg eat for plaintiff. r. C. Page va. Lawreoee L. O rover; nit tl qoist litle; 4efault and decree. By taking, three falls to tho visitor's one, . H. Wost, on Christmns after noon, won tho wrestlinir muteli with William Scholtes, nnd placed himself in' a ulass to meet tho renowned wrestlers in tho vicinity of Portland and proba bly in the very near future West will uturtnin n local audience with n go with Borne celebrity. Hut it was not without a severe struggle tlmt West put Slioltes to the mut three times, for the plucky little wrestler from Tho Dalles was there with tho goods and West, found it out, ll was a caso of Greek meet Greek, but West had the advantage, inasmuch us he was the heaviest by some 0 or 2fi pound nnd consequently won out. West showed t better form than hi either of the preceding matches ho has engaged in in this city, and was also in better condition. Ho went after his mun from the start, and as fur as it waB possible he wbb tho uggressof. West will put up a great showing ugahist the future men he expects to meet. Broke Many Holds. Scholtes time and again broke the holds that. West obtained, and by his speedy work escaped time and timo again, from holds that .would have put him to tho mat had ho lu-en less speedy. Tho nndie'nee applauded again and again i' '".- intiur tin no Hiioweu sonic OX- uidnallv clever bit" of wnrk." He wmi a iu' Mi'df'orcl us u( clean wrestler,, and Whenever he " waii.ts .tip come back- .'..Nti-.i i ' :!iV.. '.i ' (iyei a "niun'pf Ins iveight 'und his op poiH'n't' will have to be a cruekerjnek o. pul'him diwn. 'His great strength as" rlerted' itself when he bridged time and time again, and in spite of West's weight ami strength escaped having his shonlde rpoints put on the mat. The bout started right from the mo ment the two men met. There was no feeling out no hesitancy they both went after the purse. It took West 10 n.inutctund 41 seconds to win the tlrst tall, and that was only woa after Scholtes had escaped two half Nelsons nnd wns caught in u third about the body. Scholtes Won Second Fall. The second go went to Selndtes in 4 minutes 2.1 2-5 seconds.' Ho jumped in, aught West, put him on his (ytees and began playing with liim trying for posi tion, finally ho got hold of West's toes in Frank (Jotcli 's famous too hold und put West down fairly to the mat. The third fall was taken by West in I" minutes and 21 seconds. This came nftor five minutes' solid effort to break iJown WcholtnK bridge with his neek nnd feet. The strain finally been me too great, and the little man had to give in. The first part of the fourth fall was tnken up by stalling both men striving for the upper position when tho fall came. It. took West !l minutes ami 24. seconds to win the final round. The audience was the largest that has yet attended a wrestling match in the city. The audi tire was representative of all the claf-iiei' of the city. The sports were out in force mid many solid busi ness men and at least one reverend gen tlemau was present. Tho sport was dean, and there is nothing about it. that fchould prevent any person being present. Judge h. ft. Kelly was chosen referee at the matsidn by the audience aad gave perfect satisfaction. It in to be hoped that West gets a chance now with some of the "big" ones from Portland or Seattle. KOREAN WHO KILLED STEVENS TO BE SENTENCED SATURDAY HAS FRANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 2o lit Wan Chang who was last night con-, ftct'ed in the e.eoon4 degree of murder ing American Diplomat Durham White hUt-eos-in this city !ct Mart ?., will b sepfviced Saturday. Stoveo-i wui shot while passing through Hun Fri '-ico oh hie way to Washington fron e rea. He died two days Inter. TSe K ' ana heer 'believed be : inUnd i ' t. :raj tfaei. touutry.