Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 24, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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at '-
Social and Personal
Miss Bertha JlcPhemoo la buck from
a trip to Portland.
M. Perry of Bly ' a Med ford via
itor Wednesday.
J. II. Nye of A'iscomiu in a-Medtprd
visitor. . . . :: ,i '.
Hurry llcler liun left for Merlin,
vhero lie plan tQ nay. . ,. "
Mrs. A. E. Rcnme.i is apeuding the
holidays in llillsburo.
Miss draco Henry is upending Christ'
mas in Aslilniul with her parents.
Mrs. Hugh Elliott recently visited
friends in Medford. '
.IV Cbrintmns tieketti will be on sale
C3d, 24tb and 20th. 'or New Year'i
December 31st und January. at. . ltoturn
limit January 4, mm. 2-13
F. W. Walters, nfler 25 yeurs' oxpo
rienco on thy operatic stage, will toko
a few adult pupils in voice culture.
Room 1, over Hijoa theater. 238
Don't be hard up. You can be inde
pendent within a four yonrs. This is
no fako schenm. I will tell you all
about if you will address A, li., care
Tribune. . ' ' - . ,'239
Try the hot chocolate for five' cents
.at tho M. It U. Cundy Kitchen. r.
Try the cliicken bouliion ut five o ata
at tho H. 4 B. Candy Kitchen. .242'
I'liono 2171 for mcascugnr. Ottick da
tively of your Xmas parcels und mes
sages. ... 2:i8
Dr. W. H.'Stokoa of Dallna, Tex., has
arrived in Medford and .may loeute here
l.ewm' Home niuiln ennuioa, 0 per
ci nt off .during holidays. 200
'Johaaon'a Hesf Flour, -fl'.!t5. r
GJinb True, -i -'-J.,..--,-' .. ..
Classified ,"Ad ver.isemeDls
VANTJi!T Horses tv 4onrd bv the
f -i . month. Plonty of goon, cloan hay, good
V warm burn; tmns $(J per month. No
. , horooR tukon for leas thnn ono mouth
Wnltor Mooro, Phoenix.' - 250
VA.TKD I'ortluod iinvyirtv for eoim-
try etoro or Mtock offuoi?&. W. M
, Jnoltflon .roiinty Bunk
. French, room 7,
bldg.,". : ..
WANTED--I d cm ire famliy wnshitigto
do. i go to tho kouso and wash by the
day. Prices reasonable; 'BittisfaeWfni
gimrnntecd. Mrs. M I. SclinenTcfiV.
Mcdford, Or. liox 2A, boufo"No. 1 gsoif'. :nrfiW Wo" Doorntod,
WANTED You nro ambitious and pos
sess at least nn averngo amount of toe
and porsovornnco. Theroforo, wo want
you and will poy you, 75 a wontjh tfi
-thlting only four orders a doy. Vou
can earn a bij income. Wo furnish
all supplies freo. Wrlto today .to Man
l 1 , aor, P. O. Bnx41150, . Nerf , yrl
; . ' i iiijjU $g
it &CSK1J To buy il'.Wd hardwire
1 .Btoro or stock. W. M. Kronch, room
1 7!jInckon County Hunk bldg. gfl...
J : .
HI AS Cents
!ake Dollars
They Are Going Fast
Every One Seems Happy
and -In tccorcj With 'the
Holiday Joy StOGks of
Xmas Goods Demolished
If fid It! Van Winkle dropped into
Mcdford tnriity, luiviny jiiKt uvoIutk d
from hiH Hk'op of 20 yearn, Ik wmild
not hit vc had to k which nimitli it
is, mid no doubt ho cnidd hnvf iM'sm d
that (,'hriHlmas day wan near. l-'or
everywhere prevailn iHe ChriMtinfls spirit
and it in ho etfvft tliat one runiiol Im 1 1
imt notii-9 it.' Vounji and old flre.f'i
ii.ff liht liearted and vv aro thurouli
ly in accord with the joy of the ray.
- The weather'iaan na,vn that it will Ite
elojidy with poRHiblc Hhowr-rH titinor
row und in tumio Mu'ctiiiuH ft wlihi fall
of i!iiow tuutKlit,' -lint- what it rhriwl
man Without beapH of snow and cold
weather? Tho happy- ynl tidi is nevi-j
a " rijfil ". 'hriidiiinH in the muiny trntith
UindH. ' '
The ChriHtmuH Hhoppin came to a
clow' today in one c(n:t rimh. I'U( Ia!o
tdiopp(TH were mit in force todwy and
tho fitoroit of the city wero crowded.
and the dcrkfl and tduip iirltj had their
ha lid it full li midline I he crowd.). I tut
no doubt the ahopkui pcry will enjoy
('TiriHtnms more Juiowiiik that their till-i
are full nnd Hint tli ituun they pur
chUHOd fof i'lirinlniaH nnd "took a
flinnAo on" lire uiohI of t hem 'dinpon I
ftWr?v'lV J hrrHtmitii buniuens linn hcei
imrrniallv-dicin'v thm year.
A verit-
v;-'v .'piano
, .i- buypi's.
FOK 8iE.
FOK SALE Houses and 4aml in
Phoouiy, or in tra;! suit fhrne
- bcto tii (140 ncros. ' Malt Colhouni'Hni
nix, Or. - ' 5.,t
foil BALK t'ivo and ten acre tracts
within and adjolni.ig city limits, at a
bargain on long time. Address I. O.
Box 418, Mcdford, Or. 2H
FOll 8AI,K A good small busine's in
Wovonth street. Heasona for soiling.
Addross, P. O. box S12 or call at this
KOU HALM -Hxtru dry cordwood, fir
, and pine, tier wood, onk, fir auil iiua.
jl'. Osonlirnggp, Htudel)ker Bros.- Ccf.
warerooms. To1oiIiod' 3(11. Villi" '.
fOU HAI.K One pin no for sale at a
bargain, been lined about three monthx:
Krull piano at n bargain if;.snld nt
once. See II. M. Coss at his residence,
, corner West loth nnd K sts. - 14
VHi ui n i.i i " .' ' "
'.lur. rour iioniesiennH' on om
section) a million feet pine, good fruit
llinu; most of it tillable when cleared
iv. jii. f reni'U, room 7, Jecksou Count v
Rink hldg. - atrc.
LOST. . " '
liwni 1 inuy a gold watch and nug
get chnin; lost somewhere be.twoeu
Mooro hotel und eornor of II and
tiighth streets, binder loavo at this
office and receive reward.
One thing has attracted the attention
of the shoppi-m, and that is the cm-.
tlmt has been exercised by encli of lli;
stores to dorornlo tlirir oliices of bimi-
'A'j.6lHeeiiig. with the spirit of tin.
times. And tliirt work has been done i.l
the most artistic and pleanin iiiiinner.
In tlu? grocerv storen ere to be founl
mils ediblei: or rat In
found there the Unit i
the week, for lliey are most of then
scattered in Mcdford hollies by this
time and to this fact the jov of
:-hri:itiniiH will be grwiter thnn ever IVr
whnl Is a Christinas without turke.;
nnd pumpkin pie nnd cranberries nn I
injure pie and celery and plum pudiliii
and all the rest of those things.'
! To, snrnll boysi.-ipd girls of (lie cit v
who hau boi'ti riil good (for the pit
two weeks) ore looking forward to tlh'
morning nnd well fillnl stockings. Mod
ford is fortunate in having no poverty,
as is found in iJie large cities, und e
eryone will have ll share of the glorioo I
ChriHtuin:,ioyH f
tn parues nuvmg ncrounrs agallls
r. J). Ilrousnn for uiatcrlat fori schon
huilding. school district No.. Jil, please
semi statement to K. II. Watson, clerk
vitliin ten days of date of this notice.
217. Hutte Vall,-Or.
Cbrtitniaa.' Rates,
llltound trip tickets will bo sold nt
fare and one-third for tho Christmas
and New Year 'a holidays to points
wnoro tho one way faro does not ex
coed 10.
Notlca. . ...
The freight bouse of lite Sunt hern t'a
eific will be closed nil dny December
25. -A. S. ItOPKNllAlLM,
23S Agent.
To the Public. . ;
Modfonl Or.,' flee. "L' liins. I hcre
by notify tho public lli.-t I have wild
my interest in the Mcdford Snsli &-
Ilnor Co. ami all bills nnd accounts wi
be i) tiled by the new cotnpitiiv.
24 .1. T. TIIO.MASK.V.
Soniothfiig Now nt Bijou.
..New artists appenr before the Ilijnu
root l, 1 t,.n i tfli I . 'I'lii' celebrated Tni
violas', jugglers' aad hoop rollers, lot
from the large I'rorlor Kieth ciri'iiit, are
without eipinl in their line. The enter
tiriuuleut ie most noid iu:d I'lilortninino..
The hoop rolling act is most interesting
and sensational. The moving picture:!,
and HOiiriHw'ill.'ibiorlimiged in toniulitV
Sholtos vs. Wost.
.'.Toiinirrow lil'ternoon the people id!
Medford will have n ehiinro to see two
tlrst-cliuta. .wrest lers in ection, ns tlial
is the dot" selected for th'o-AVosrMholto.i
bout which takes place at the Mcdfoni
Then'tur nt :t;':til o'.dto'k. Wes; is loo
well known . in Medfonl 'to need oily
introduction, ami sports arc will
ing'to v.ager a ctoiplo' of "llptimos"
tlmt I tin llinu that wins from him will
nt least know lie liu. been in a wres
tliiig'lnutcll. Sidlolt.-s comes here tvilh
the very finest reroioioeodntioiis. Ip
the llrst place, tie wrestled "Strangle!
Smith" to a draw, and that 's gome
.t'vo dur
ing this
vi.H the
AVo, cojild not . hid a siutalde store to rent in Medfovd
and here .we' are with $15,000 worth of America's leading
makes of Pianos in our hands. No wonder yve are adopt
ing such drastic measures, for these beauties-' must' lie
moved, into homes at once and we know that the extra
ordinary inducements we are offering every, buyer will
soon place every I'ian'o in a home. Don't wait.' (Jome at
once and be one of the man'v luckv purchasers who are
shrewd enough to take- advantage of- this- uifpreeedented
opportunity Jo save from $154 to $249 on i Piant:. AVliy
pay $."00 for aii insi riuuent when you can luy the
same jiiaiio for $192 and $215? We can' positively state
that never again will yousec such a tremendous sacrifice
on the very Cream of American Pianos. r"
Don't worry about terms of payment let us do the wor
rying what, we want now are 'homes to place thcnfaii so
that wu'li piano, will he a standing testimony to the sterling
chit facte!' "of our way' of doing business. '
We are proud of the fact that anionrjr the manv thou
sands of filers Piano House patrons, there is not one dis
satisfied customer. Tlicr5 can he no dissatisfaction under
the famous Rilerg numey-back guarantee , Wc spare no
pains to make every name on our books represent a "Sat
isfied J:!uyer." . .:. v. ; .
Conie at once to select your -piano out of the very finest
collection of pianos, ever displayed in Afedford or any
olhcr plai-c ami at prices lower than has ever been offer
ed in the history of the piano trade.
This great sale is being conducted at. Mr. Singler's Music
Store, West Seventh street, Med ford,, where tho big sigiis
are up. . .. .,
Special SaleB Manager
I irci'inltcr -S,
H.inn .ini' h:is s;ii. t hat t lic;- tin v of
the wt'i.trni .lav ure niiiiiln'ntl. Tins
tuny In- i me of Uh mmiv Ho riitlf'tf.TcrHt
i rn Willi I ho sltnotilij. rsjlKK'Tiit-
i-il rh:ir:iit'i-4 Imrsf plav niul nnnst'iisc;
1'iit' it' Um nvi.lit,v with whirh "In Wy
iMHiny' litis bri ii lcitciMHl ill I'iirh yf
the cities it Jkim .'Hieare.! In u he uc-fcptr-l
at any it is snt'c lit
say - Mi-..kiV11 of the eimine4 yiict
wcsl.-ni play will not soun.l for a lonj;
time yet. The press of the nearby eities
say there is a spirit of uat nnitiu'Ms aliont
Ihiv yuv 'i'jjt tjie :mppiirtiiiK entnpanv
is'iti:'1b( tlic. Heeiiery ix'Hutifui.
i'lii Ki:jeiiiYs
some; then he in athletic inst riietop .for
The Mullen Athletic clnl. nixt reports 'AKK
from that city miy he is a Kn,;. tatrite in --. - :-r -
there ami an artist in the nivsleries of Do tin's KkhiuVvlJ fenvi Dono Orc;vt
i ' I'oulile .Nelson
' Seirtsoi.'
The prices for thin match "iiv, Tjv
nnd Jfl nrt extremely low for u limit
of tliirt caliber, am! the Met) font Theater
will doubt lot b: crowded when the
referee calU time. " .
"In Wyoming."
'In Wyiynin." Wlllnrd MacliS," tir
rinji pljsy of western life, will be o.n
tew nt the .MiMtoni nutter .Mon-my.
SonMco fur Potfle ho Work
in Modford.
Most tVi'riJ, jM.iple JrT nvery day
ill M- w-trtitm,'di 'ntaiiatjirartoftitiob
bend $ constantly over a desk riding
on ,jo' inu wlinmis r ears doinij latter
inns 1 uifework; lift in, reii ing .or pull
tryinn the barlf ftiJ a iinminVI
w other ways. All lliesc Htrain;
wear. ve,-.kon ami injure the kid
until ihey fall" behind in their
f filtering the "iohtoHs from the
IJood. : loan's Kidney F'ill.i euro sick '
kidnuys, put new strength in bad backs.
Meilfonl cures prove it.
Thnmntt .1.' Willinma, Oakdnle street,)
Medford, Or., mys: "I suffered for a!
long tiino from kidney nud bladder '
trouble. , The pninn thnMib my back j
Were;o jtisveril ut"tiinOB that t could j
hardly entire fhcrtij. My kidneys wort-j
dijordcrod and 1 bad to arise many j
times dnrii.-Alm night to pans tho so-j
erotions. 1 was subject to hgcadaches .
and was very dizzy, especially when 1
stooped. 1 did not ot relief nnd be- V
came discournged. Dean 'a Kidney Tills !
fuially came to my attention, and I (
procured n boi, at Hasluhs druc store. :
They soon banished tho trouble and l!'
have not hud i return since. L cannot i
peak too highly in praiso of Dean's '
Kidtiov Pills." 41 1
Kor sale by alt dealers. Trice 50 cents.
Poster Milbnrn pnffalo N. V.. sale '
agvijia for the Vnited Wtr.tcs.
Keinctnber the name Poan's aud
take no ether.
Santa Claus Says - -
"What? tomorrow!" '
"Time has certainly been 'swiftly
gliding by lately and I've got to
get those-reindeer harnessed if I ex
pect to crawl down all the chimneys
that must br crawled down between
now and tomorrow at sunup."
"Xo matter how hard one hustles
just before Christmas, there's a lot
of things forgotten that you have to
do at the last minute." H
"It would never do to have eyen
one person disappointed on the one
happiest day of all the year so ifS
- good-bye now and me for tjie
sleigh and the merry jingling bells.
Good-bye and I wish you a merry,
merry Christinas."
Santa is right (he's always right)
there are always many things to do
at the last minute.
And this store, filled with happy
Holiday spirit and enthusiasm, is the
pleasantest kind of a place in which to do them.
"Last ininute" shopping needn't be dreaded, if you come here for we've reai1
ranged'the stocks of pretty and useful gifts, every clerk is ready to really help to
make your, selecting easy
and prices have been cut and slashed beyond precedent. So hurry you'll
. fij.ixl it here" for a tiny price.
Store Open Late This Evening
Christmas Sale Specials Below
Former prices $20.00 to
.$(i0.00. ' Sale price
$14.50 to $41.25
Former prices $!).00 to
3.".00. Sale price
$5.29 to $23.00
Former prices ,f4.50 to
.$13.00. Sale price
$2.98 to $9.89
Former prices $10.00 to
$."0.00. Sale price
$5,00 to $25.00
Former prices $3.00 to
$10.00. Sale prices
$1.50 to $5.00
Former' prices $2.00 to
$20. Sale prices
$1.50 to $1G.00
Former prices $5.00 to
$20.00. Sale prices
$3.89 to $13.75
Former prices oc to $.1.00.
Sale prices
4? to $4.00
Former prices 2oc to $3.00
Sale prices
20 to $2.40
Former prices 25c to $3.50
Sale priees
20 to $2.80
Former prices $1 to $8.00.
Sale prices
80 to $0.40
Former prices fi.V to $3.00
Sale prices
50? to $2.40
Former prices 25c to $1.50
Sale prices
17- to $1.15
Former $4.00 and $5.00
$3.20 and $4.00
$1.50 values $1.25
$2.00 values $1.75
Former prices 10c to $5.00
Sale prices
8? to $4.00
Former prices 40c to $2.00
a yard. Sale prices
25C to $1.G0
Bags, sp'l 20? to $11.98
P.elts, sp'l, 20t to $2.40
Neckwear, special 17?
to $1.20
Back Combs 25? to $5.00
Baker-Hutchason Co.
Central Avenue Just North of the Jackson County Bank
Store closed all day Christmas
Office miinnor wanted for IVnvrr
ami Omalia. Littoral salary. $i),0 re-iiiin-.l,
$l';0 rash. Address A. B-. caro
Trilmrie. , 4 , T5
('lam Chowtler
. Roast Beef
ltnast Turkey, with Cianberry Sauce
-Vricasee Cliieken
Mashefl otatoes Celery
Kiee 1'iidiling
add a pit.irescue effect to your home
anil fine quality, well fitting and styl
ish clothing gives an elegant offect to
your pcirwiual appearance. Make your
8 f au Xmao present of a now suit of
clothing, overcoat or fancy veot coat
and dros well in honor of tho day by
ordering now at
J. A. Kreuzer
Gmnd holiday excursion.. Hound trip
I ii'ltetn 10, good for 15 daya, baggage
checked, return allowed any time with
Iji limit. Ashland to San Krancico, :
li'living Sulnrdny, Deccmbirr 28, 100S,
on regular overland train at 11:33 a. m.
Sixty or inoro ci! will make
the faro tin. '
Hussey s Hussey's
For Toys, Dolls, Games, Fancy China, FancyGlassware.