OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1908. SPECIAL - CHRISTMAS , BAR mm ONE DAY ONLY: One-Third Off ON HOUSE COATS AND 1 SMOKING JACKETS Thursday, Dec. 24 THE HEADQUARTERS FOE. HANDSOME GIFTS FOR MEN Social and Personal , E. D. Davie of Fargo, N. D., has ar rived with his family to make Mud ford i. their future borne. ' For Christmas tickets will be on Bale 23d, 24th and 25th. For New Year'i . December 31st and January at. Betura k limit January 4, 1909. 243 i . J. W. Orovor of J$ugle Point Wtti I a recent Medford vliibbr. j' F. W. Walteia, aftcr'25 years' expe- rience on the operatic stage, will take a few adult pupili in voice culture. . Boom 1, over Bijou theater. ' ' 238 a A. Carlton of Wellen was a Med- ford, visitor recently. ' . Anyone desiring some fancy pears will do well to see A. H. Miller, Com ' mescial club. 238 Mr. and Mra. C. T. Parker will spend the holidays in Gold Hill with rela ' tives. Don 't be hard np. Ton can be inde-1 pendent within a few years. This Is no f ako scheme. I will tell you all about if you will address A. B., care Tribune. 239 . Rev. E. P. Jones, who has been in Medford for some days, has returned to his' home in CorvalHs. Try the hot chocolate for five cents at the M. t B. Candy Kitchen, JH Try the chicken bouillon 'at five enits at the M. 4 B. Candy Kitchen. ' 242 (1. H. Johnson has left for'Oalifornia to spend the-winter. Phone 2471 for aaossenger. Quick de- Jivery of your Xmas parcels and met. sages ' , 23S 8. ,M. Nenlon of Table Kock was a resent Medford visitor. fi ' Lewis' home-made candies, 20 per r ernt off during holidays. ... 206 'r Mrs. 0. 1). Reed of , Ashland will bh'uU the holidays in this city with' her '"sons. "' " '" ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' Get in your orders early and avoid the rush at the M. k B. Candy kitch en! ... . . i ) i ; I. 234 Aft Weeks is spending tho holidays in Medford. i : ' - ' Hot popcorn and roasted p"anuta at the M. ft. B. Candy Kitchen. .234 .Considerable mystery surrounds the whereabouts of Roy Vastel of Eagle Point., who. left his home a month n " and hns not been heard of since, 'Johnson's Best Flour, 11.33. '!' Ccmb ft True. J. C Brown recently paid a visit to Eagle Point. Miller ft Ew bank's cash grocery will i be open after supper every night be " fore Xmas. 23 J. C. Erickson has left for a shori visit north. School Superintendent Wells of Jack aonville was a Medford caller Tuesday afternoon. II. H. Dudley of Seattle, Wash., was in Jacksonville Tuesday on business. an issue in the impending municipal campaign, and Whereas, It is desirous that this ques tion bo eliminated from the issues in volved in electing a mayor and conn cilmen for the coming term: Now, there fore, bo it Resolved, By the city eouneil of the city of Medford, that the question of allowing saloons to exist under license in the city of Medford during the year 1909 be and the same is hereby submit ted to the rotors of said city for their election, and that said question be so submitted by placing upon the ballot at the municipal election to be held on January 12 1909,- the following mat tea, to-wit: For Prohibition Against Prohibition. And be it further Resolved, That in the event that the majority of the votes cast on said question at said election be cast "for prohibition," the sale of XMAS CLOTHES liquor Bhall not be licensed by the city council during the year 1909, but in the event that the majority of the votes cast on said question be east "against prohibition," the sale of liquor in Med ford shall be licensed as provided by the ordinances of said eity. The foregoing resolution was adopt ed by the city council of the eity of Medford, Oregon, December 21st, 1908, by the following votes, to-wit: Merrick aye, Trowbridge aye, Wortman aye Ei- fort aye, Hafer absent and Olwell" ab sent. , .' "' -t Approved December 81st,' 1908.-'' J. F. REDDY,' Mayor. Attest: . BENJi M. COLLIN8, 239 .City Recorder. HEATH HENS GET LARGE XMAS GIFT FROM STATE BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 23. The heath lien, or pinnated grouao, and other rare birds rapidly uturing extinction through tho ravages of "gamo hogs," forest , fires and storms will receive as a Christmas gift from the sinte of Matem- . ehusetts a tiOO-acro plot of land on Marthn's Vineyard, where they may live and raise tbeir young in peace. HKSOI.IITION. Whereas, The. question of the grant ing lieemes to "iilooiw ha become Nethiig more appropriate for him than ' as i ...OVERCOAT CRAVENBTTK SUIT OF OLOTHBS ' FANCY WAISTCOAT M A D B ,T FIT EIFERT THE CITY TAILOR 19 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE Medford Theater WYOMING ONE NIGHT, MONDAY, DBO. 28 A Oast of Brilliant Excel- "Seldom baa such a typ . ieally westers comedy been created." Milwaukee Sen tinel. '. " 'In Wyoming' is gen uine western comedy with out the usual gun play.M Minneapolis Journal. ; '' ANOTHER " ARIZONA" Absolutely Void of Gun Play . Intensely Exciting!' Prices 25, 50, 75, $1.00 THE LOUVRE CHRISTMAS DINNER Hunter a la' Kirk Patrick '. ..V Crisp Cetery Greta Olives Baited Nuta Consomme Boyal Ahbut Sono Venblanc Pammes Pari&iene Parsley Salmi a Obeim ' Asparsgug Tipa Frozen Egg Ng Young Turkey, Christmas Dressing Cranberry Sauee Corn on Cob Special Baked Potatoes - . Russian1 Salad Neapolitan Tee Cream Assorted Cakes ' Christmas Plum Pudding Hard and Brandy Bancs Cheese and Bent's Wafer Crackers Demi Tasse Gift Suggestions You'll Find The Prices Lower We are Open of Evenings DPI!' Rpfldpf e ave tousan(l8 and thousands of dollars' worth of IrGSl AUQUCI useful Xmas goods for ladies, misses and children. You can not only find what you want easily, but the prices are very small. Ladies Suits " ' . Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Waists Ladies' Silk Petticoats . Ladies' Raincoats , Ladies' Costumes Bath Robes Fine Furs Fine Hand Bags Nice Umbrellas Handkerchiefs' for all Fancy Gift Boxes Children's Coats Ladies' Coats BABY Gifts Hoods, Bootes, Caps, Toques, Sweaters, Leggins, Sacques, Shawls, etc. Suit Cases and Satchels Wool Shawls Fancy Linens Fancy Aprons Waist Patterns Fancy Neckwear . Pillow Tops, Etc. ' Opera Coats Gift Gloves Store Clooed All Day Christmas MEDFORD' 3 EX O L US I V E LAD I E S S H O P Baker-Hutchason Co. Central Avenue Just Worth of the Jackson County Bank mm isllil Watches, Clocks, Jewelry REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ' ' Not how Rises I ea a do, but how well I can do it." is my mottr. B. N. BUTLER With Martin ff. Baddy. Central ave., north of Jackson County Bank. NOTICE TO COUPON HOLDERS Add up your checks and hand them in TO-MORROW to the Eagle Pharmacy Good Business. ' (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.) ' John"D. AVchbold is said to be a good business man, but it is astonishing bow little be know, of his own business, according to his own admissions on the stand. ' ' TREES FOR SAE I bare oa hand and tut aale the fol lowing nursery stock 10,000 BABTLETT PEARS 2,000. OOMICB PEABS 4,000 . D'ANJOU PEARS 2,000 WINTER NELLIS A limited number of Idaho, Flemish Beaaty, Siekel, Clapp's Favorite, Win ter Bartlett Pears. . ' CHERRIES Lambert, Hoyal Anne, Bing. PEACH STOCK Mulr, Elberta, Ear ly and Late Crawford, Salway, Foster, Early Charlotte. A foil line of APPLE TREES of all leading Tarieties.- . L. B. WAT.NEB, Oakdrtle Avenue. Hiis sey's -:- Hussey's -:- Hussey's For Toys, Dolls, Games, Fancy China, FancyGlassware. THE PLACE FOR XMAS GOODS 4 i;