rcz: .WH&:JsAMHfc THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1908. ection EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF, PRESENTS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. ; NEW AND FANCIFUL TOYS OF ALL' KINDS, BOOKS, CARDS AND ' . r :., - CHRISTMAS .CANDIES. ..!;;.. :,...'.-.', ... , m. . J7 t t x"i "i '. nftJL" 1 M ; it . ! - . . -. i, 1 .. . A wondrous display of Dolfs, Drums, Toy and Air" Guns, Steam Engines, Trains and Tracks, Go-Carts, Wagons, Mechanical Toys of startling originality. Christ mas Cards, Calendars, the latest Books Post Cards and Post Card Albums,; Kodaks, Leather Goods, Xmas Tree Decorations, Candles, Tinsel and King & Long's , Celebrated Christmas Candies in fancy bdxes. Now IS the time to buy. j ' a ...,.,,. t"Zni X!"m,Z"ZStZl'.Z ', '' ".:vr,?'.4- v. SANTA ' CLAUS' M edford Book Store - ri' ''i I i i!:- ' ;:.:. SEE OUR stock BEFORE1 ..buying...,;;.,, t -It fi' SLiJSt . ."l SAID HE OUTLIVED HIS ! j ' I USEFULNESS AND DIED 'T 0 1 vSOENB FIOM At the Medford Opera House Month) 'IN WYOMING" , December 28. SO LAVISH WITH MONEY''-' ' -SANITY. IS QUESTIONED ; MOUNT HOLLY, N.t J., Deo.': 8 . Anyone withmoney-who -wanted-.to -vjrive il way.kll aO'inet-.nd.'juor. th8t reason was locked ap can appre ciate the feellngB of Wilhelm Anderson, ' who" was arrested' here:."' Wilhelm is"a native of Denmark 32 years old, and he doesn't. look' as though' wealth had troubled him much ; He was going about Mount Holly with a wad of green and yellow backs, finding a peculiar delight in ; distributing them. " Those who got the ten spots seemed just as keenly delighted. . "" Later" in the evening" Wilhelm-be . lieved he was ill. He called upon a local physician.ireceived a prescription ' .or some medicine and offered the medical man $10 for his services. An dorson left for a drug store to have the prescription, compounded. Immediately the physician notified the druggist to make the mixture very weak, so that it would be harmless in case the patient j rook the contents of the bottle at one ; snip. ' ; '. t j The druggist came in for as much consideration as anyone Anderson had j met, for be, too, was handed a $10 bill for his mediciae, and this was followed with an offer of 50 cents for a soda. I The police were put upon the stranger's i trail. When taken to the jail he had I 23.83 left in his pockets. A commis trion will inquire into his sanity. DREAM BRINGS HIM A FORTUNE IN OAS r PITTSBURG, Pa., Dec. 23. A week ago Frank Klausnitzer was without a cent. "' - ' :- ' His income now is about $54 a day . and when he develops the oil and gas wells he found by reason of a dream he will increase his Income. For the oil and gas are there, experts say, in limitless quantities. KlausnlUor lives with his wife- and j three children in ft shack near . the . Shields farm In Bntlcr county. He man atrA tn eke out a scant livinff until the night of his dream. ! Having firm faith in his vision, Klaus nitzor came to Pittsburg to interest cap ital. Ho found a man who advanced ( the money for the drilling operations. in oil well was struck. A gas well was also struck. Another was Inter en cnunteiTd. and these were found just where Klausnitzer was told in his dream they would be. The gas wells pro producing 100.000 cubic feet a day. ' TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD.' xj ,fjt.A. .X .4 . - Mrs, Qeorge McClain of North Talent went down to Medford on Friday morn- C. W. Woiters of Talent says he knows how it goes t.o have a bank rob bery from actual experience. - E. O. Bease and- wife came down from Ashland last 'Wednesday morning to visit home folks a few days. Charley McClain, late of Phoenix, who was about to purchase a home here, was not satisfied with the size of the lots when the deeds were to , be made they being too small. "Mr. Mc Clain" has not found a place to his lik ing yet. Considerable excitement was' experi enced in North Talent last Friday morn ing when a flue burned out at the resi dence of John Helmic, At first his neighbors thought the ' bonne was on lire. t , , , . , , . . . James McDonald' was a pleasant call er at the home of Mr. nd Mm. C, rnr James says he is getting ready to put in a larger amount of garden in the spring than he has any previous year. He is an expert gardener and he has tne ngnt Kind of land. Mrs. L. A. Drake and little daughter Bessie visited in Talent Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Helms. Saturday was a busy day for the merchants. Several of the miners from Applegate. section came. -in-.after sup plies, as well as the millmen, and farmers;-wha make Saturday their trading ., .,....,.... Our literary society is one of the best of amusements. Last Thursday eve- umg was one or the best saeetingg held so far. It concluded with the trial of Jay Terrill for bribery, which was well carried out. P. E. Fnrrv and avml Phoenix and North T.ian attend the first business meeting of the won reiiows. as it was to be one of the most Important meetines of the year. Tour Talent corrennonHenf Jn. . know who wrote Phoenix Phacts, nor am 1 sure that I know what the word "pbact" signifies. And as for a "To do" well, I confess I am lost. How ever, if snmeone in Phoenijc got their nmriition up. the T.i'ent correspondent lias done qnite as much gnsd as he did narm. SALEM, Or., Dec. 23. Claiming, he hud lost his last dollar in a Portland land deal and was unable to find work, Tom Sullivan, 63, leaped from Ijhe bridge over the Willamette here J00 feet to the water. The coat on wh(rh he pinned a pathetic note, was found near' the bridge., today, ' which said ;he had outlived" his usefulness. He for. merly lived in Tacoma . ; HAEEY DALY SENTENCED 1 ? i TO HANG FOB MURDER . i ;" PORTLAND,. Or." Dec 23. Harry Da- 1y,' who' killed- Harry Kenny on 4he , night o( November 16,. was yesterday sentenced to hang by Judge Ganten- ibejn,,.' D'7 "ea"Ke'nny( his former employer in a saloon when tho latter refased to give him his job as bar lender. When asked if he had anything to say he replied he was innocent, but wonld rather die than spend the rest of his life imprisoned. UNREST IN INDIA WAS ' CAUSED BY UNDUE SCARE LONDON, Dec. 22. Here is a ou iousJ example of 'tho:pneasy conditions prevailing in'--India: j A Madras man the other day receiv ed a suspicious looking parcel. He did not like the shape, and in fear of bombs ,sent it to the police. They reported ; in due course that they had examined the parcel and found it to consist of two- metal cylinders filled with brown , powder. j - Some of this powder was placed on ; an anvil and struck with a hammer without any dangerous result. A por tion was then placed in the fire, but no i explosion followed. On chemical exam ination by an expert the powder was , found to be coffee. ' -' I : SUPERSTITION KEEPS MINERS FROM WORK Everybody begins to look forward to the greatest ( .3.1. .7au. II., Holiday of i the year and wonder h - , ; where would be ' the best place to buy seasonable . ... Goods that. woudl bring joy to the hearts of theiij friends. Wry wonder, when there is to be found -such an, extensive as sortment of beautiful presents BUTTE, Mont., Dee. 23. Until the bodies of six Finniah miners who lost their lives in the fire In the East Side .coal mine of the Northwestern Improve . ment companay at Red Lodge have been removed the Finlanders,- who comprise 50 per cent of the working foree at the Northwestern mines, refused to re Bume work, declaring they would not be showing the proper amount of respect ( to the dead were they to begin work I now. The superstitious fears of the foreigners are believed to be at the bottom of their refusal to resume work As thero is slight chance of the bodies ever being rocoverod, the mine owners, bolieving that the remainB of the six have long since beon entirely consumed, the company is in a quandary. I Probate. Estate James F. Mankins; final re port filed and administrator disrliare ed. Estate Elzina Oill;gan; final report filed nn.l order made discharging administrator. v At Haskins Drug Store THE HOTEL NASH Christmas Dinner Table d'Hoto. " ' Olympla Oyster Cock'uif ' Consomme de Volatile St. Xavier Salted Nuts Plume Celery Broiled Sea Bass, Margate Shredded Lettuce Pommes an Gratia Suckling Pig with Baked Apple Asparagus Points, nollandaise Maraschino Punch Roast Young Turkey, Chestnut Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Potatoes Souffle Garden Peas Candied Jams ' Salado a la Nash Delmonico Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Plum Pudding, Hard and Brandy Sauco Roquefort :beeso Bent's Biscuit Cnfc Noir 1.00 Dccdnlxir 25 5 p. m. YOU CAN S A V E ' On your .railroad fare. .' - "V s II . The law of the common sarrier compels equal rates en all railroad lines i mm save ; la Time. . Traveling Ex . penses and TtXlgta by (- " Inststlng on the shortest route, fastest tnsns and beat service, simply see , that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN ' PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line - and Union Pacific T 4 f " y ---, , . 4 i s h , j Every facility for the safety and accommoda tion of the passenger is provided. No ohange of ears is n.oesaary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Dlreot oonnee other points east and tioas arc made for all oth er points east aad sooth A. & ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMTJKRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. ..U n .:- . .. I j I t ' i' Buy Him. " A box of ...-.. ..... i ' XMAS CIGARS .. i . " I.. . VI. I ' ' as good as the best . Better than the best And made in Medford by. ,. ." Rogue River Cigar Factory Medford Time Table SOCTTHE&N fAOIFIO RAILWAY. Northbound No. 16Oregon Express..... No. 14Portland Express.... South bound No. t5California Express... No.' iaSan Francisco Exp... No. 2 From Grants Pass... . No. 22SFor Ashland B:Mp.Bi. 9:411a.m. 10:35 a.m. 8:20 p. m. 9: If p.m. 10:16 p.m. PAOD7I0 EASTEMr RAILWAY No. 1 Leaves Medford 8:10 a. No. Sleaves Modford 8:60 p. m. No. 2Arrives Medford 10:M a. m. No. 4Arrives Medford 6:08 p. m. EOOUB RJVEB VALLEY railway No. IjLeaves MM ford No. 4 (Leaves Medford MotorLeavos Medford MotOT(Leavos Modford No. IjLeaves Jacksonville. . No. 3Loavoe Jacksonville. . MotorlLeaves Jacksonville.. MotorjLcaves Jacksoovlllo. Marrlago Licenses. Julin King and Pearl Curry. Herman C. Turrill and Anna nick 10:45 6:35 2:80 8:00 11:00 3:30 1:30 7:80 p.m. p. m. p. m. a. tn. p.m. p. m. p.m. MAIL CLOSES IA.M.IP.M. I Northbound 0:l!l4;fl4 'Houtlibound 4 10:0."J 210 h'MKlo Point 7:Ei)j 2:00 Jaoksonyillo 1 10: 20 S:20