I bliAit rttUS R7Rnnn ,UIUj Revenue Which Oregon Must Furnish for 1909 Expenses-Increase Large PALKM, Or., Dec. 23. Tho total amount of revenue to be niiitpii for state pgrom-N for 1009 will be approximate ly $1,075,000, of which about $400 000 will h (lfrivfrd from indirect Bourren, having $1 ,275,000 to be apportioned among the several counties. This amount in $125,000 greater than the levy last year and $250,000 frreater than the levy two yam ago. The increase this year la due In part to the holding np of the .University of Oregon appropriation bill last year, by reason of which the levy for 1908 was at the rate of $47,000 per year, as provided by laws then in exist ence, Since the appropriation bill has gone into effect carrying an appropri ation dating back to January 1, 1907, it will be necessary in making the 1909 levy to include a Univnrtiity of Oregon deficit of about $155,000. . The 1809 levy will include $100,000 for the pur chase of the Oregon City locks, Should the legislature repeal the locks appro priation bill, this $100,000 will be in the treasury subject to appropriation for other purposes. One instalment of $100,000 has already been levied, The levy will not be made until early in January, 1909, but the total amount here indicated, $1,275 000, is close enough to the actual amount that, will be levied so that county courts may act upon H in computing their shares of state taxes. Already a number of coun ties huvo bon anxiously inquiring what the state lovy will be, Under existing laws, tho apportionment among the counties will be made nt a fixed ratio which has been in force a number of years, Jackson county staads ninth in the state in valuation. Iler ratio of the $l,27fi,000 Is .0314. HARBIMAN BUTFERINQ FROM BILIOUS ATTACK NEW YOItK, Dec, 2.i. K. H. Ilarri man fs nt his Fifth avenue home recov ering from h bilious attack. His phy sician, Ir. William G. Lyno mh to night hat bo wutt not serioiiBly ill at nil, merely a touch of hiliiiiiHneim no rinn ger at all, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank FetKi-h to Grants Puna Tim ber company, land in section 20, towiiHhip :tl, range .1 W lOfio A. M, Swee.ey to fylwnnl Robert son, 120 acres in section 8, towtiflhip 35, range 1 W 50 (.'. 'u ii n i ngluitu to ,1 . K, Knst - . lick ot at., lots .H, f aud 5, block It, Railroad addition to Ashland 1 V. X, Musty to H. Glldner, 100 acres in section .'0, township ,'Ct range 2 W 1100 Sheriff W. A. Jones to J.. F. Ball, S Vj of block 70, Pool & Glippcl addition to Jackson ville 1 8. J. Fitzsimmons to James A, Both well, 27 acres in section 33, township 37, range 1 W . . . 1 1(. 11. Hibhs to ('. K. Jones, 120 acrea in section 32, township 35, rnnge 2 W 3000 United Htates to Frank Fetech, 160 nerod iu section 20, town ship 34, rnnge 3 W patent Edward Hobertson to llnrry Hunks, 120 acres in section 8 township 35, rango 1 W 800 V. V. Crocker to J. H. Hnrrell, property in Ashland HonieKtead addition 7S00 Grunt Miller to Sumner A. Par ker, W Vi of N W M section 10, township 3S, range 2 F . . . 10 J. A. ltothwcll to Lewis Mitdilcr, 14.19 acres In section 33, town ship 37, range 1 W 1 J. A. Hothwell to George !,. Ynst, 11! acres in section 33, town whip 37. rango 1 W 1 ('. K. Jones to Mary J. Jones 120 aoroa in section 22, town ship 3., range 2 W 100 3 7 ' A Sail own ess Triuuaormcii tu Dusky Benutv i A dark ikia become i tajicmaniiw when delicately soft, -mdt ;ti with the radiant flow rrliiih iu.ii cjiraheal(hv.srtieka, K". ine keeps theikin rcftutd tniu!ii. ke ept pores free fruinrht;i;ii w.t.ie ajtiliiunuUtet the liny cjtlUnc rotttnbute the color winch chirnn m blinntcaiHihsunrttcililte. kohcrt ins u renam protection ;.iiirtt un, aimbuin and freoklei il pplteI h fore evtKxurt tu nut ot wuM Smul) hAesn impcuri.iiMf hrri. of ,auie ovcrxkin iii-inf, tanning 3 ..cl.-j-f,l. MEDFORD DAILY IN STOKES' STORE. CIRCLE lathers every nlaht, A Bay twenty odd or mora, fjL Around the big, Invltln' stove am. In Btokes' grocery store. Kail kecs an' eracicor barrels uike The place uv fine stte4 An' here the circle pnda Its time In most luxur'us ease. Here's Where tle farmtn's carried on; Here's where the hay Is raised; Here's where the cords uv wood are cut An' where the stock Is grazed; Here's where the monstrous clams are dug Instead uv 'Ion- the shore. Qreat deeds are done around the store In Blokes' grocery store. i Tha women folks around the town 'Low ef thews great affairs Would only hfppen close to home They'd all te millionaires. But while they're luggln' up the cosl f Or wood from out uv door f These warriors are flghiliT still In Btokes' grocery store. The nlKhts they come, the nights they go, Spring, summer, winter, full, . An' still they meet there regular, The setters, one an' all. I'll tell you more uv what they do An' rake them fellers o'er, But I must go an take my seat In Btokes' grocery store. Joe Cone In New York Herald. ' Personal Observation. "Boys," wild the sweet young teach er as she smiled ifTHclonsly upon ber Sunday school clans, 'lt seems to me that this let on teaches that what one ben Ins another continues or completes. All work does not devolve upon any one person. Can yon Illustrate with an Incident from your own observa tion r 1 , ' r ' " "I've known father to be on a tear all night," timidly informed little Bob by, "and then mother would continue to rip him up the back all next morn ing." New York Herald. , ,, j . r A Point Spoiled. . "Why," shouted the orator, pointing to the national ensign, "why, X ask yon, does that flag bang there? ' I re peat, what Is the reason that that flag is displayed upon these walls r - As au answer seemed to be expected, the Janitor rose uneasily and explain ed, "The fact Is, they wouldn't let me drive noils anywhere else for fear of cracking llie plaster." New York Her aid. How to Cut a 8wath. "I uuvu plenty of money, but some how 1 en n't cut much of a swath among uiy fellow men." "Iluve you tried employing a reck less chauffeur?" Kunsas City Times. Perishable Goods. Madge Why do you delay buying the book 8 you nro going to give us presents until the dny before, Christ mas? Marjorle T.attt yenr 1 bought a lot of tho beat Rolling novch a little while iM'ioreimmi, nnu wneu it came time to scud them out nearly all of them had been forgotten. I'uck. Twisted. Mrs. Doyle I sat In the rotunda of the automobile. Mrs. Doyle Don't you mean the ton ncau? Mrs. noyle Well, really, we went so fast that 1 was all mixed up and am not certain Jtwt where I did sit. Min neapolis Journal. Yes and No. Aunt Mary I hope, Emily, that you and Charles will never become cold and distant. Emily We may get cold, auntie, but 1 um sure there Is no danger In our becorulug distant. We intend to live always hi a flat. Fuck.' ' ' Differing Conditions, t Thnt military hert and the society belle he was tlitiu lng with represented the reverae of conditions." "How?" - " "One faced the1 powder, while the other imwdenMl tho face." HaltlHin AmerUnn. Coarsely Defined. "What Is the dlMtliigulshlug unMty of the problem piny?" "It makes you think. The ilrst half keeps you wondering what the tpies tluii In, nnd the aecond half keeps you gucKHlug uliat's the answer." I'll tn burg rost. Didn't Keep Time. Klla-lle Was no ear for nni-le no Idea of time. Stella - What do you menu? Klla-We wete when we could hear the music very plainly, um! yw he kissed ine to heat the hand - New York Press. Consolation. Mrs. NfUtM hi lultlc uf thivt months) - Tom sin-4 to t4 soinowtmt dllTertMH ulnrc our tiinrrl:inv Mm. ouvmI nil. ilon't let (tiiit wor ry ,voi! A year from now lir'II In TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDSDAY DECEMgEg 2190$. More Light for Less Money , . . ... Sixty-three per cent of electric current 8aved by using J- ; TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 132 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 1 Watts per hour and would use in iooo hrs.' 1 10 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt" $i I 32 Candle Power, Tungsten .'Lamp uses I 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. : Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 206 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. AT ...! tku Ike fice Stat Cepotltary, vear OAF IT AL AND 8TJBPLTJ8 w jjjp I26,000 0. J. E. ENYA'KT, Preaidont. , J. A. PERKY, Vice-Preeidcnt. KESfOUb onooir Ma THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK fc- L'J.- M B D r O E D, O l , .' " ' ... . CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes' For Bent. A General Bank in Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Furniture Drops ! Great bargains before we move. Watch our win dows for specials. An elegant line of Rockers for Christmas Medford Furniture Co. READ THE THE 8EBVIOB OF DBP08TITOBS AND CLIENTS - . I The Jackaon Connty Bank placu atl nervice t ita dpoaitora and client beat fac!.lit:ei in banking. The - a are pleawd to render counael and advice on financial mattera. Accounta, aubje -t te check, aer in vited. Safe depoait bozea to rent, $4 perl and no. j yWTBE, Prerid.nt B. LINDLEY, Ceeaier JOHN 8. OBTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSQNj.AsaH,Caaaieif Music During Dinner OPEN UNTIL 1:30 A. M The Louvre TRIBUNE You can raise the. wind better by buying Med ford property at present prices and sit down at your own fireside until the advance comes next spring. There's always "something doing" in Medford, and indications' are that the coming year will see more building, more street and sidewalk improve ment and a greater advance in values in Medford than ever before. Fall in line and don't let the procession run over you. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY ! EXHIBIT BUILDING i ' 7 I HAVE Newtown Pipoi -AND- Spitzenburg Trees !.. '!') rr; THUEE AND FOUR-FOOT SIZES. 1 ALL OTHER VARIETIES IN ANY : : : SIZE DESIRED .: : : L. E. HOOVER MEDFORD, OREGON. Agent Yakima Valley Nursery. NOTICE The Hotel formerly known as the Taylor House in Jacksonville, Or., has changed management and will henceforth be known as the . . ABBOTT HOUSE under the management of C. D. & M. E. ABBOTT. The house has been remodeled and made modern and up-to-date in every respect and rates are as reasonable as consistnt with first-class service. ORT0N us. Hot Air Won't Raise The Wind i i M'i i ON HAND NITW TEAK'S DAT FORMALITIES require and etiquette demanda that proper respect be paid to your dress when calling or attending any function on that day. Therefore perfect fitting clothes must be worn. - To procure anch garments you must employ a tailor thor oughly versed in tho requirements of style and fashion.-Have- .your' irord robe made by Krutzer, and you "will be conscious' of what it is-to be perfectly- dressed.' ' ; POUTIAND , OREGON 1 . ' moceru cojtfokt Moderate Prices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN -PORTLAND The Tourist Headquarters , ot (jolumbia v alley EXGAOE ROOMS EAHLT FOR THR ALASKA- "YUKOJf EXPOSITION a. s. NonToy, luin n rtlfferont.-St. Lou In Post.!tintt'h