Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 23, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Papek in a Livb Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at
Medford, Oregon.
Om moata, y mail sr carrier. . . .0.!0 On ear, by mail. .
Will G. Steel is preparing to conduct experiments next
year to ascertain whether or not there are deep water fish
in Crater lake. There were no surfac fish until Mr. Steel
stocked the lake with rainbow trout September 1, 1888,
Only thirty-seven trout minnows were alive when the fry
roamed the lake. Nothing was seen of these trout until
Professor Diller surveyed the lake for the government
sonie 12 years later, when he discovered some of the orig
inal stock, grown to over three feet in length, and numerous
descendants. In the last few years, many have been caught
, and the rainbow trout are now quite plentiful and may be
; takeii with the spoon. They do not frequent the deep wa
ter, but loiter in the shallow places near the shore,
j' Another attempt to stock Crater Jake with trout was
,made in loDU, when it was popularly supposed that all ot
the first shipment had perished. A California preacher
took cut-throat trout fry in from the Klamath side..' No
"cut-throats have since been found in the waters of the lake,
and it. is not known whether thev survived.
A third attempt met with failure, on account of the
'deep snows, and the fry, eastern brook trout, were dumped
jinto Union creek, where their descendants have multiplied
to some extent and may be found in the upper Rogue above
.the natural bridge, though not yet plentiful.
Deep water fish have been found in many of the moun
tain lakes. Some years, ago Mr. Steel helped catch some
in Lake Chelan, Washington. These were caught at a
.depth of 1000 feet. They were most repulsive looking,
.two-thirds head and mouth, with a small body. When
brought to the surface their goggle eyes popped out of
their sockets.
' W-'.-l I
Xmas Specials all this Week
Mr. and Mrs. Blessing presenting the most comical
The latest
Richard IU
Three , Nights only, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
admission 10
Good , fTSwf .
.Singing .
Other zJfc-
Specialties pfty fi-' .
Who WO! Wrestle W. H. West Christ .-. Dry in the Medford Opera House.
Christian Scientists have begun the publication of a
daily newspaper in Boston entitled "The Christian "Sci
ence Monitor." It is of neat typographical appearance and
.evidently publishes only "news fit to read," minimizing
scandal ami crime. In this way, perhaps, it will fill the
niche ot the long demanded "ideal" dailv.
Complaint is made by fruit buyers that the Rogue Riv
er pacK is not up to its usual standard this year that
the usual care in packing has not been exercised. This
is due primarily to the fact that many famous orchards
have changed hands during the past year and arenow
managed by men new to the business, by those unfamiliar
with fruit packing and shipping. -
Fruit packing should bo a matter of pride with every
grower, who should exercise the utmost cure to send forth
a perfect pack. The diversity in local packs is due to a
ignorance and the lack of a uniform svstem.: ; '
If the' Rogue River valley is to maintain its name as
a producer of fancy fruit, present methods must be chang
ed. A buyer now insists, on opening the, boxes (and in
specting the fruit 'first. With the Hood River label on he
knows what the pack is;,e label is its guarantee.
Hood River ..possesses a great advantage in havintr
uuitgrowers' association, which com
prises practically all the orchardists of the vallev.' Roue
River has no organization to compare with it. To be sure
we have a fruitgrowers' association, but it buvs WrMit
nuimltinii tli...,.n... i .
, ';""'"' u.r growers on consignment and com-
l,ua,,ve,y ,ew R,,,v .vrs utiluo it in marketing produce.
, A strong central organisation is ne,,led to enforce uni
formity m pack and to market produce from this vallev.
Such an orgamzation has been found uecessarv in everv
fnntYin i l m"1 Ru,'h nn aviation must be
' ' ' ni soono1' Uu 'M'tter. Otherwis,. tlu
OUtnilt of t i wll ...:n i .i . , . . niiiHi.M nu
,,; , .: "- "modcnorate m quality anl the in
""mi"11 oicuannsT, oe lett to the
.AUt ,IT UilAi.;. ... .
. ., l. '.. . :,.
Professor Thouclit Ho KaJ a fi
Find, but There Wn No Cxc:;;tior.
A college proiV;;:;or li ul U'r : I . . !
to dolivcr hu lo'-lure 'on '.yi !i
and Uywii; u i f !.JtiT:ui::e'' 4' x Jt i
town In iMilhovi. the s!:i:i' i;i .' n.
ducod (Jeor'e '.t nut J:i!'? Y';:.
comb I'.Iloy nnmi;K otln.r f:i t't:rhi.?..
The ovontful ev'n!ii :u:w jui'l n
tho lc ttirer pi::cd mion (hf row ufm::
row of cartK'st, cagor fai-ea b:fi.ri u.:
brontUlpHHly n-iiltlng fur UN jivas.i .-ti- n
hnpp.r thon;.!it mriick liira. naj.. -pin,',-
1 1 .the .from, nf tlio pl.ic'.iMa. Ii.'
.1UI: v . , .
"As tills h to be uii-ly n liloiar.v -ture.
If Hi'cirtH I11tii."5 that ::. .-liti-.
of t'.ip ii-i: Ms iirt of .!!; I ' ;
::ri- !! -:'i':t . t a!,l iv tIv i'.i:;. v -i
t'.llio'l atl:l ll'lM.T. Illld l:"':rc I !;; i 'I
r.iv i'l :.ur:-o I v.lali to c-tiMIll II Ci'l
dial i; vl!nti i to any r.uHi'T n r
b-ip.nv! to l" !:i t'.io Imilw p!.-. '
cn;i;o r-rv.::v.l la'.-.o a !.cu .in lii -plalf.ji-
'! v.-;:a t ho Ii iir::::'!."
In t!a frantic rush ia::t cn-ai-d tin
tl'.rre fn nt rows i f s-.-ats wvio upsat
nnd itcunillslicd. fitltr v naa:i fa!n;pd
ami bail to !; inrricd cm. a li.ilf itozcn
derby h ;t w'.'ri.'.y'n.iliiil b. pi:l.i. tlnvi.
llipii re nlvril Ii!-i'-1; pyey. ki'V:tiI :tb-
erH hail their coats ripped up 1:11 bid:.
and the- rcadln? tiu:d was. topplnl
over wlih a crash, When the I'.ast had
settled down Hit that It wa:i possible
to nee ncroMM th" hall once tniire ceo
man nlmie rcnialnpd Roated in the au
ditorium. The rent were on the sJ.iko.
The t'stonislicd loetnrpr gat'.eil for n
moment nt I he dcHcrtcd man hi front
of him. nnd then, the hlllnorouH Hide
of the ntT.ilr nvpealiri" to hlni. h
smiled linlilleiitly down irion ihe soil
tn ry occupant of the auditorium and
"I forgot that this was Indiana. IVr
haps y, u did not liiidcrstainl n:y lavl
tat Ion."
' Ileyv What1 Unit?" demanded the
man. h Mliin'ii I'riiin'iiet to his ar ami
loaning forward with a look ' of
strained iinpiiry on his face.
I tay pcrhips yu did nut under
stand tin liivi'atlon." -repeated Ihe lec
turer, f vr,t. iielns n discourse mi lit.
eraturq. any nnilior who chanced to bo-
present was requested to ronie for
ward nt al'tiilte a seat on the platrorm
with. tlie ch ilrnmn."
Oh. all riitht; I'm coming: IHdn't
hear you the MM time." apologized
the dear man. and he, too, rose to Ills
foot and Mi nted briskly for the platform.-
1. Ipjilin -oit's Magazine.
di d a small town like thut an unburn
factory pbtco In which to practice.
"Vou forget, my friend, that this Is a
college town nnd that we have a foot
ball season lasting nearly two months
every year. "-Chicago itccord-Herald.
' He Did Not Practice. "
The Mlirlstor Then you don't think
I practice what I preach, oh?
The Ileacon No, sir; I don't. You've
been preaching ou the nubject o' reslg.
nation fur twit years, an' ye hlvna re
signed yii.-Tlt-HIIa. !
.. Vi.. r; v...
They All Do.
"And your iimhitlonr; the. talented
girl waa asked.
"Is to become a famous actress,"
uhe ivpiie.1 frankly,. "and Uien advise
all young tills lo avoid tho stage."
Kansas City i'lm 'S.
Why. So She fs!
'Who is the laoM popular young
holy at t biisln-is time';" asked thp
bcair -r wh; v.-.iiiis to be an end man
a? (I i:i:::iri;l 'te!y a'al with' ut a .shiver
lie ato.vovn'. -Miss J.. Toe."-Crown
hlg's M.-g:!Ki!i...
1 love
to thln: of lioyh.o! days.
i I I v.- :s Iree from e trt.
V, if? i a': foeii-.ed hrl ;ht unci there
... W-OI-C JO.V . ... r. ,
Aail -. V.ila-'.'H ev,M'ivlKM-i,
t love to t:-.l:-.!t or t::ono oht days.
K cl.etvs lay Mart -nut yel
I cai!' l ov o't I lie behln'Ts that -
I o:aetliiis Uacil to get. . .
'TIs ever thus tho .happy thought
Thar mflrnory revives
Are-always tinind Bllh sadness when
We look back on our lives.
8o wl.on I think or boyhood days
It lic-lIU in- :-,iii: and yn
I can't foraet the bcklnct that
I sotnetlnis used to Kit.
Somerv:il,i Journal.
In For It.
had sti' li a (piper dream last
mercy of the commission
A. F. Brown, who has been interest
ed in the Mission gri! for iom, mollth,
will leavo in tho near future for Kan-
ana i,uy. Atler Tisitinv Hie h
"Jaue Tyre," a Hew Play.
Rowland & Clifford', newest comod
drama offering. "Jn n in i.
ill tv., ""
to I,. Anes, where he w, ; nLnibV To.' it
. i P'V nd f nmpany have been cordial!-
A nurnbor of the friend, of MIm whore II I,.. . public every
Alice Street, gathered at her home i ',?,' , r W0" wi doubt
W..I Afedfa m -..i.. " :" di'1'l'cato its sueoes, when present
The production is perfect li
..... u.,.,uru aioimsy evening at i here
Iinrtv In I,.,...,. . 1 . !
wl 'i return irom everv
toiiege. a iieiiKntrul tune wni hid
O. V. Jiycrs is ba,-k from a visit to
l.inn eountv.
psnieulnr, and i, nreaentnl b.
a cast of performers far above the av
"rages found in travelinR companies
Mos Oorat',- Turner bead, the east a(
Jaue Kvre.
She- I
night. -
lie-- Yes? What was II?
She-Well. I dreamed you gave me n
heautirul illamcnd broovll for Chris;.
lie (In a vecy weak vclcci -You dlil'.'
Slit Yec. and the finmy part wa
that the sloivs turned out to be sham
ncil, oh. I was so gla.l
He V(g!ilocli,.;, -t;lad?
She -V.'hy. y.-s. Yon Icimv ilream
always go by opposllcs. That ineaui"
that you were really going to get me r,
gcnuliicdiaiiiond brooch fort'hi-lstmas
lie twlth a u-aspl- 1-1 -see-e-c
(Asidei Oh. New York Herald.
Why He Remained.
Cycr-I -started for a drive in the
country yesterday, but my horse balk
ed about three miles out.
Myer-So? What did you do?
Gyer tllred a farmer to bitch bis
automobile to the niilmal and tow lilm
home. New Y'ork Herald.
Poultry Toilet,.
"Now wo wilj make tbl, white hen':
toilet." .-..: ?
-..1 the pet stock dealer laid besld.
a small bathtub a box of cold creaii'
1 boiile of brilllaallne. u io:iple o
br," V'.s. a chuiaoi:, towels and soap.
He ten bed tlm lien in the tub. !
ri blu-tr- bee feathers till they wen
swuvy. Then he toweled fccr. wrap
ivil her up and ,ut her av.iiy i-i i '". ,- - ',
--i' ptuorrow.f he said. '"after she i
cube dry i ll rub b:l!li.intl.:u i.n o:w o
-::e-f- bitches and polish coat t:i
II shi: i i I.::.- satin. I'll i! and p. lis;
a t lowlier .Re and viit:bv
'I 11 r i frtl wit It eld wll
' c;.- i'"il ' li i''h l'.e col' r,
A!' i :-.'.-r. when I'm done wl!h In
')'. 1 as cmo'iili and shiny and lia
::::ct;!:::e a n .w silk b.t cr n
i!r.::n'crcd white evening Khlrt. .
oul;,!iiirjs chickens have thesi'.. ii.jlcts. always iiiucii - mor:
e: ivi(nil" ,ui!os )n'iiu.Hsunt. In -erHU:
i'.' c,:.t t have, w.-ti.tho eg fcatbei-.s
"' t'lt-tl wUh. ali electric Ireu too
.".New i:;-le-u:s Times-Memo
Store Open Evenkisg
Until Christmas I
by o;
Fi-ct Giraffe In Europ?.
Or. .'oliaso::. a., is wei; ::aovu,
fusel i'ir I: :,: -.- ncm:'.M to la-licv
the I.:.;!.oa ear.Js p-akc. a;:il I'ai-isian.-fornseriy
were ji:. t as -;i l.-al as t,
the i Tlstence of th ;:!rarre. :': :i.-Vv :.:ic(
kaeii oi' which has jusr Ivcn :;.i!,,l t
the .Tar.'.lu doa I'!.::itc.-:. Ihe ...irCes
;ciiuen of Ihese;e errnt;::-os wa.
cn lu Paris in the relcu of Loci,
XVI. We learn r:-o::i a 1'rcm h cou
temporary that th,. ' giraiTo was t'rs:
hc:.r.l of iu 17S7. when it ,ie
rcd by a l.' miunil I.e
l alii.ial... who ha 1 joumeyeti' in thi
lauds of the lloitcutois nnd KaiuYs
When the explorer referred to the aa
liuals with the long necks he wan lo.ii;
oil upon lis a 3:ii::cha;:sea anj ;nV
that lie was such iu Hot the politcai
language. It was ouly when some liv
In speclniens arrived lu the l'ren-.Ll
ivmit.l I ...... 1 1 . . .. SI
.Aidiitamn I epu UIIIOI1 iOI
veracity was. iv-e.-e.alhlshe.l. a::d th :
the animals for a long time formed ta
sensation of I'uris. not only anions; the
uiuiuttitie, uut in all scientitic circles.
I.ou ion tflouc.
"The Light That Failed."
i iciiuuy itiveriii.i s.iiialier. now
uuparicu, as ue usii in phrase II. "ti.
the great muster," was uoied almosi
as much lor ins A.d!c wit a-; fo. his
pursiiuony. lie also slutiercd ve,j
badly and helped along hLi bjl.Uiji ui
teruuee with u freiitient ojav ul.tiloii 01
'U'ye see? U'ja sec!" His ulguttrdl.
trults galueil him widespread bnal u:i
popularity au,l tlic biuei- ci.mHj- oi
sundowners, who w-re aluavs. i;,cr
ously rc'llicd r.i'.i-.-iis at h.s a,
Siaartln;: i::der i:-.:.t ::;ruc..l iniiua
pttal.lty, soiue disaiipi, tilted : .vap'i-.-r
outc set n,e :;, o..c o ;:ic
wo.-l shcls and then wrote r.p ,:i u
gate: ' e ve w.dl barm .1 u-.-'n y, -.-wool
slicd. D'ye see? IV1.., :e-y
Of course it cacght the I1I4 niaaV
eye when next be passiM thre.-uh I'.v
tuouioni ht contemplate.: tlte r.-i-
nottm cme-.T and then v.lrh a air,: ::!
grin took tlie stamp of a bPie ;vni;
from his po, knt aad s riob!.d under
lleath: "IT cas oell In.-'iiri-d. ii'ves':
D'ye see?" I.ocdou S':itid,m! .
Martin J. Reddyj
The Jeweler, ?
Next Post Office
them amoug me ettrs
and Little Bears.
u too trrnit
a a a
"I should think
doctor, you would
Sho began, dutifully enough, with
hating 1111111 very bitterly indeed. Hut
man. with characteristic obstinacy,
omitted to reciprocate, nnd this made
her position very dltllcult. Indeed. It
was 110 long time until the best sht
could do for tier cherished principles
wns to hate the Providence which hud
made ninn so wretchedly Indispensable.
After that she bated herself for
Then, greatly to her chagrin, she
discovered that she hated nobody,
wmeu left her no alternative bnt to
live happily ever after. Puck.
It D-dn't 8ult Him.
"Our grocer Is awfully cut up over
an article that uppoarpd In the paper
the other day."
"What's the trouble?"
"He went out In the street a-'
whipped a big enrtmnn who wa.q bea,
lug bis horse."
That was i- s d "
"Yes. but lie wl-hiNl be h oln't done
It when the papier came out the next
day with n sens;: , :. r ; -ip, tjn.t. -John
S:r : '-. , i:r, r r .ls t ,
SMHtl ".-'" -V. I v... ..
Electricity and Migcetism.
As tfi w:;a- Uy :,::.! a,.i,ia'.'ia:.i
an; "In themselves "- that Is to say, us
to their real nature nothing is known.
Tbey are absolute mystet les. baiuiug
the u.uiest resi-ar.-h i.iio t lu-lr inner
most secrets. Hut about their modes
of- action It is possible to .say some
thing ilctililte. For example, electricity
appears to depend for Its nctloti upon
a medium, while magnetism, like grav
ity, acts at a distance and by means of
no visible go-between. Place two mag
nets In vacuo or even place a solid
plate of glass or metal or wood be
tween the magnets and we still and
that their mutual action depends sole
ly on their relative poeiUon and is not
pe.iepnoiy moaineti oy placing any
sulwtance between them unless that
substance happens to be one of the
magnetic metals. New York American.
All One Kind.
"What did father say when you told
him of our engagement?" asked toe
young lady.
"Wcll-er really. Phyllis," began the
Ineligible young man.
"Oh. leave out the strong language."
"Then there's nothing to tell yon."
Probably Not.
"Hns-Miail," maintained the dogma Uc
cl'.bcn. "Is very ancient Baseball
games were probably going on at the
Hi.-m of tlie Hood."
"Do you s'po8 tbey gave rata
checks?" Inquired the facetious ciUsen
with Irritating levity. Exchange.
"Miss Frocks has reached bcr declin
ing years." said Jones.
"Nonsense." replied Brown. "She's
not more than twenty-five."
"out she has declined half a doeen
The "Leading Heavy."
'W.'.at's the matter now?"
"We're playin' circus parade, an1
Willie's a beln' the elephant an' the
Ilor. an' Ihe hlpp'otamus an" the calli
ope- an' It ain't fair!" Life.
The Woman Question.
"I was handed another Inntaiinunt'
of the eternal woman nnestinn thi.
morning." remarked the benedict.
What's the answer?" nuorlod the
young bachelor.
My wife asked ine if her hat was
on straight." replle'd the freight pay
ing party of the matrimonial nart.-
Oetrolt Tribune.
An Impossible Character.
W by do yon iK-rsislenllv uv..l,l
meeting pwiplo? -Are von n ,i-,.
'Not at all," answered Mr. Crank-
on. -I love to think well of twmi..
But I have found so often that I could
have done It better bv not ueiitnir so
well acquainted. "-Washington Star.
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
pretty myth is told of Calllsto and
her son In connection with Ursa Mnlor
and i:rsa .Minor. Juno chnnsred the
beautiful Calllsto into a bear. who.
seeing her son one day, advanced to
embrace him. when he. not knowina-
M- ?-othT InVhe form of a henr iv.
cu to t!:rat h;. spear throuch her
to p. event which Jupiter Biintched !
ti,... l.ii, ., . ,..,, and pliu.t,d
Made Him Cross.
"I made my huiband cross fills aft
ernoon." said Mrs. Caller.
"How was that?" queried Mrs. Ho
mer "He was ou the opposite side of the
street, and I beckoned him to eume
aver." explained the other-Houston
The Question.
"I think you rn.i ,,nlv believe abonr
ha' yen hear.';
"'e lb. I ni.t ti e , ::..stion Is. Wbii L'
i""'"-Clcvelai.d I.tader.